Binomial Expansion

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Vv. BINOMIAL EXPANSION © _PASCAL'S TRIANGLE (BLAISE PASCAL, 1160-1617) Pascal’s Triangle is an array of numbers, in the shape of an isosceles triangle, having a 1 at the top and also at the ends of each line. All the other numbers are made by adding the pair of numbers closest to them in the line above. > (x ty) © Properties of Pascal's Triangle @ Each row begins and ends with a 1. @ The numbers of the nth row of this array can be obtained by adding the two numbers appearing directly above it. © The numbers found in each row represent the coefficients of the expansion. F BINOMIAL THEOREM: EXPANSION OF (x + © General term of the expansion © +” term in the expansion: © ethene ei @ Termwith y' : * HO © Coefficient of any term: for (x+y)" © (Gainer mytion nc, Where: 5 = exponentof either xor y | Coefficient of next term, C: ce (coeff. of previous term) (exp.of x of the previous term) (exp. of y of the previous term+1) Important Properties of Binomial expansion: Consider the expansion of (x + y) : (x+y)? =x9 +5x4y +10x3y? + 10x2y3 + 5xy4 +> In each expansion, there are N+1 terms. The first and last terms are x" and y" , respectively. The sum of exponents in every term is n. The coefficient of any term is nC, , where r is the exponent of either x or y. The exponent of x decreases by 1, term by term from n to 0; the exponent of y increases by 1, term by term from 0 to n. The coefficients of the terms equidistant from ends are equal. < y Bae r term of the expansion Solution: Given = n=11 r=4- fourth term r-1=3 n-r+1=8 From: r” term=nC,_,(x)"""(y)" Substitute: 4” term=11C, (a?)’ (-b*)” 4” term =—165a"’b® Thus, the fourth term of the expansion is -165a'*b® Solution: Gin 15 keS n-k=10 From: term with y* =nd, (x)"* (y)' term with y* =15C, (x) (y)® term with y® = 3,003x'yé Thus, the term with y® is 3,003x"y5. Solution: Let: 1 = the term in the expansion involving a® From rth term formula: f" term=nC, xy" 4 Where: x=a? 41 rs; n=12 Substitute the values of x, y, and n to equation © and collect factors involving a. These are the factors which, if simplified, will give a’: co] r= 126, ,(a?)"” ( Hl Collect Factors involving a and equate to a’: (a2)"(a-t"") = a? (a) (a) =a? at? og? 27-3r=3 r=8 Hence, the term involving a® is the 8" term. Finally, solve the 8" term: \e-1 8th term =12C, ,(a*)?*"' (3) a 8th term =12C, (a) (=|: Thus, the term containing a’ is the term 792a°. PLWataaeldecul Solving the constant term r= the term in the expansion free from x From the formula for rth term: r” term=nC,_a°' bo! oe Where: n=9 a=x’ peas x Substitute the values of a, b, and n to equation @ and collect factors involving x. These are the factors which, if simplified, will give x°: et 1" rth term=9C, .x""y"! =9C,.,(x?) (3) Collect factors involving x and equate to X° : 4 wey" =x x tr Joc") * x? y2tsr e x? 21-3r=0 + t=7 Thus, the required term is the 7” term. Solving for the 7” term: 271" =9C,_,(x?) (3) “w(t = 84 the constant term(term free from x) @ SUM OF EXPONENTS IN THE EXPANSION @ SUM OF COEFFICIENTS Substitute 1 to every variable in each term and subtract the constantk” . Where, k is a constant Ria eee a @ Find the sum of exponents in the expansion (x +y). Solution: 8 =6(5+4) §=30 i ® Find the sum of exponents in the expansion of (x? +3y)”. Solution: 5 = 2020+ 1249 _ G9 SMT Sum of Coefficients ® Find the sum of coefficients of (2x + y)”. ¢ oe (2x+y)"=[(2)(1)+1]"=59040 @ Find the sum of coefficients of ay ey : Solution: flex Ue ay) (2) =

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