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Body Composition

Muscular strength

Muscular endurance


Cardio respiratory endurance

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Cardiovascular exercises like walking, stretching and breathing
Exercise in the mornings

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Experience fast exhaustion

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It affects my mood. And if my mood is lifted positively then I can say the rest
Of my day will be productive. It also helps by the way I interact with the people
Around me and also how I react and respond to stress and problems.

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1. I'm just too tired after school 1. I'll just do more exercise in the morning
To do any exercise Rather than in the evening

2. I'm too tires during the week and I need the weekend to catch up on my
rest and home work
2. I think it's best for me and my body to rest on
That two days.

3. I don't get enough exercise because I have never learn the skills for any
sport 3. By focusing more on cardiovascular
Then I think eventually my endurance will be hi
gher and longer.

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Flexibility Muscular strength
Muscular endurance Cardio respiratory endurance
Muscular strength Body composition
Muscular strength
Body composition
Cardio respiratory endurance Body composition

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