Lecture3 2 DirectionF Print4p

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Math 2403: lecture 4 Direction Fields

 Existence and uniqueness theorems are very useful (and
make mathematicians happy), but we need more .
 An exact, explicit solution would be ideal!
 However, what do we mean by “exact” (e.g., polynomials,
exponentials, trigonometric functions…)?
 Also, this rarely works out!
 What else can we do?
 Graphical methods. [today]
 Numerical methods.
B. Abou El Majd
PhD, Applied Mathematics

Direction Fields Example 1 : Direction Fields


Example 1 : Direction Fields Example 1 : Direction Fields

Example 1 : Direction Fields Example 2

Consider the differential equation


Example 2 : Direction Field Example 2 : Direction Field

Example 2 : Direction Field Example 2 : Direction Field


Example 2 : Conclusions Method of isoclines

Example 3 : One Isocline Example 3 : Two Isoclines


Example 3 : Three Isoclines Example 4

 From a sketch of the direction field, what can one say
about the behavior as x approaches infinity of a solution
to the following?

 Solution: See plot on following page!

Example 4 : Direction Field Example 4 : Direction Field

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