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BSEE 38 LITERARY CRITICIM structural components of a work of

▪ The formalist literary theorists placed
▪ Formalism is a branch of literary theory and importance on how language operates
criticism which deals with the structures of within a text irrespective of authorship
text. and content.
▪ It means that external agents outside of the
text are not taken into consideration. All the
things about culture, politics, and the
author’s intent or societal influences are ▪ Most important aspect of a work of
excluded from formalism. art is its form, the way it is made and
▪ The focus in formalism is only on the text its purely visual aspects rather than
and the contents within the text such as its narrative content or its
grammar, syntax, signs, literary tropes, etc. relationship to the visible world.
It also brings attention to structural ▪ Proclaimed the unity of form and
tendencies within a text or across texts such content by emphasizing that in a
as genre and categories. literary work the former cannot
▪ Formalism is based on an analysis of a text properly be understood when
rather than a discussion on issues more separated from the latter and vice
distant to the text. versa.
▪ Formalism rose to prominence in the early ▪ Researching, reading, and writing
twentieth century. works of literary criticism will help
▪ Formalist critics use individual parts of the you to make better sense of the
text, the characters, the settings, the tone, work, form judgments about
the point of view, the diction, and all other literature, study ideas from different
elements of the text to give meaning to the points of view, and determine on an
text in a more literal way. individual level whether a literary
work is worth reading.
Formalism Literary Theory: Characteristics
▪ The key characteristic of formalist
criticism is an emphasis on form over ▪ Makes a Science of Literary Criticism
the subject matter. ▪ Viable Method enables a Professional
▪ The goal of formalism was to create a ▪ Discipline
scientific way of reading and ▪ Developing "Close-Reading" skills means we
interpreting literature based on read it word by word and we believe that this
word has a relationship with one another.
linguistic components and literary
▪ Basis for other language-centered theories
▪ Great for analyzing poetry
▪ Formalism outlined a distinction
▪ Well-known approach
between literary language and the ▪ Readily applied informally.
language of everyday interaction.
▪ Similarly, formalists attempted to ▪ Not compatible with all types of text
establish that literature is detached ▪ Ignore the aspects of Historical Aspects,
from material history and social Psychological, Gender Aspects, Moral Aspects.
context. ▪ Similarity of conclusion because it is only after
▪ The formalists believed it was equally or the form.
more important to focus on the

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