Argumentative Essay

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1. Brainstorming

A. Technology makes activities more efficient.

B. Technology is also starting to be recognized as a tool for learning

C. Use of technology so that the chances of learning activities stopping are smaller.

D. Many new perspectives that were previously difficult to reach have become easy
through technology.

E. Technology can be a very broad source of knowledge.

F. Using technology can join large communities

G. Technology is just a tool so humans must use it wisely.

H. The use of technology must have education first

I. There are many things that must be known before using technology properly

J. Technology can also be an intermediary to develop our potential through the

information provided

K. Technology provide many free books

L. Easy to find information through technology

2. Outline

I. Introduction

A. Hook : The impact felt by the whole world due to the pandemic was the sudden
cessation of all activities that should be done outside the home was stopped.

B. Background : Thus, learning that was previously carried out offline has turned online
so that education can continue.

C. Thesis statement : Then, what tools are used during online learning? Of course

II. Topic
A. First Point

1. Technology makes activities more efficient.

2. Technology is also starting to be recognized as a tool for learning
3. Use of technology so that the chances of learning activities stopping are smaller.
4. Many new perspectives that were previously difficult to reach have become easy
through technology.

B. Second Point

1. Technology can be a very broad source of knowledge.

2. Using technology can join large communities
3. Technology is just a tool so humans must use it wisely.

C. Counter Argument

1. The use of technology must have education first

2. There are many things that must be known before using technology properly

D. Third Point

1. Technology can also be an intermediary to develop our potential through the

information provided
2. Technology provide many free books
3. Easy to find information through technology


A. Summary/synthesis : In conclusion, I strongly agree with the continuity of using

technology as a medium, tool, and intermediary for learning.

B. Importance of topic : In addition, besides making it easy, efficient and providing

many resources,

C. Strong closing statement : technology also has a big positive impact on the world of
education for many people.

3. Essay
Continuation Use of Digital Technology in Education

The impact felt by the whole world due to the pandemic was the sudden cessation
of all activities that should be done outside the home was stopped. Thus, learning that
was previously carried out offline has turned online so that education can continue. Then,
what tools are used during online learning? Of course technology.

Last November, I'm trying to give two questions via google form to my
classmates. As a result, online learning saves more money, energy, and time. From these
results, I can conclude that technology makes activities more efficient.

During the second phase of the pandemic, technology was still used for hybrid
learning, where online and offline learning were combined. So the role of technology
during a pandemic is very important because it replaces offline classes. Besides that,
technology is also starting to be recognized as a tool for learning, not just as a medium.

After the pandemic ended, technology was still used as a learning tool and media.
As a tool, we can see that there are many school assignments that need to use technology
to fulfill them. As a medium when teachers or lecturers cannot attend offline classes,
online classes are held. These evidences makes me agree with the use of technology so
that the chances of learning activities stopping are smaller.

Besides that, there are many things that can only be learned using technology
alone, such as learning materials from abroad. This is what makes technology make the
world of education more rapidly growing. Many new perspectives that were previously
difficult to reach have become easy through technology.

Before I was more into technology, I had a hard time figuring out what I didn't
know. Even though the internet is right in front of my eyes, I haven't thought about using
it in the learning process, until the pandemic hit, then I got new knowledge that
technology can be a very broad source of knowledge.

My experience in using technology to support learning is quite a lot. One of them

is the environment, by using technology I can join large communities of professional
people in the field that I am interested in, namely drawing. There, I get a lot of references
and information about design and art. I feel very happy when I know this.
Furthermore, even though there are those who state that technology also has a bad
effect on health. In the end, it all depends on each individual. Technology cannot be
blamed in this case because, in essence, technology is just a tool so humans must use it

Then, there are also those who say that technology actually makes students lazy
to learn and there are so many things that make students turn away from learning to other
things. This argument is also very easy to fight because the use of technology must have
education first and again if the teachers don't direct what to do, of course, students will
have difficulties like I did in the past who didn't know how to use the internet to be useful
in the learning process.

Adding to the argument above, the teacher's role is very important in the use of
this technology. Maybe it's not the students who are lazy to study, but the teachers who
don't direct. Even though technology provides many things, it does not mean that students
immediately understand what to do because there are many things that must be known
before using technology properly. For example, what applications are most suitable for
learning certain subjects, what websites provide what students need in learning certain
subjects, and much more.

In addition, technology can also be an intermediary to develop our potential

through the information provided. For example, competitions, scholarships, seminars,
webinars, and other things that we can participate in through technology.

Moreover, there are also many free books that are in PDF format so they are very
easy for students to access. This is one of the advantages that I really feel when technology
becomes a much-needed tool after the pandemic is over.

Lastly, because technology has become a part of life for many people in the world.
This makes what we want to learn scattered on the internet so that we only need to click
on existing links to get the information we want. Even the algorithm system implemented
in Instagram reels, tiktok homepage, and others makes it easier for us to get information
without looking for it.

In conclusion, I strongly agree with the continuity of using technology as a

medium, tool, and intermediary for learning. In addition, besides making it easy, efficient
and providing many resources, technology also has a big positive impact on the world of
education for many people.

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