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NAME: Agnia Qurota Ayun

STUDENT NUMBER: 1212040004

A. Choose one of the following Applications
12. Lillypad.a

B. Your chosen application

The application is…

C. Information from its official website concerning the application you choose
Describe (150-200 words)
-other informations's function is to develop English skills because there we can learn English
accompanied by AI, whether it's learning pronunciation, reading books or listening to AI
reading English. The features are repetitive reading, AI co-reading, self-reading and AI
listening. The second feature is writing phrases with AI, learning pronunciation, learning
vocabulary and learning to spell. Other information Lilly provides many books, blogs,
podcasts and we can also send our own writing. Then, on the website there is also
information to download in the app store if you want to use it on a cellphone. On the
website there are also reviews from users that this website or application is very helpful
for them in learning English, some even use it every day because it feels very useful. This
AI also helps them become fluent in English. This AI also tells visitors how to use it through
the steps that will appear when we just open it. There are also videos that we can play, in
order to find out more information.

D. Your experience to use the application

Describe (150-200 words)
-your goal to use the application
-the steps you are taking to use the application
-difficulties to use application

After reading user reviews, I am also interested in learning English there. When I tried the
app for the first time, I played a welcome video that gave instructions to click certain icons
to start learning or other things. The difficulty in using the app was set up in Indonesian
but it worked out in the end because I followed the instructions plus tried to figure it out
on my own by clicking on anything that was similar in words to the instructions. After that,
I tried to use the existing features. For the book reading feature, I think it's quite good
because there we can hear Lilly say the sentences in the book, then we can follow them
while being corrected by Lilly. Lilly is the name for the AI that accompanies our learning.
The last, when I’m using the phrase learning feature, I can write any phrase in Indonesian,
then it is translated by Lilly, and finally, I pronounce the phrase while being corrected by

E. Based on your experience to use the application, evaluate/ assess the application

Describe (150-200 words)

- the strength of the application
- the weaknesses / limitations of the application

The advantages of this application are many because I can learn English more easily with
the features that have been provided. Lilly will also correct our pronunciation if it is not
quite right. In this application, there is also a game that is quite fun because we are
instructed to guess a word consisting of 5 letters in a sentence that is not complete.
However, the downside is, When I feel like I'm pronouncing English words correctly, Lilly
keeps saying that I'm pronouncing them wrong, so the downside of this AI is its accuracy.
Then, AI is also not perfect because if the teacher corrects us, at least, they can explain in
more detail. However, Lilly just repeated the same words without telling her where she
was wrong, only giving examples of the correct words. Finally, the drawback is the game,
there is only one game and even then it can only be played every 6 hours. So, long enough
to wait to play it again.

F. Product or benefit from the application

It can be the text
It can be image
It can be video (provide the link for the video file)

1. I’ve already know some idioms

2. how to pronounce some phrases
G.To LMS E-knows, Submit your work before 11
November 2022 at 22.00 WIB

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