Radio Wave Propagation - HANDOUT

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Zp - TRANSMISSION MEDIA, ANTENNA SYSTEMS AND DESIGN fe Communications 4 ECE 405 / 405. Engr. Oliver R. Mariano ‘Eng Benjamin L Santa Maria Je. ‘TRANSMISION MEDIA, ANTENNA SYSTEMS AND DESIGN 8. RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION Inkrodvetion fo Rocio Waves ‘Atmosphere Effects On Radio Waves Optical Propertes Of Rasio Waves Terestil Propagation Of acto Waves ‘Madar of Rago Wave Propagation RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION INTRODUCTION 10 RF PROPAGATION ads pecs ile Lawn EF Gtaio Prqmecy opm. 1 a when disor wires comrsintio eon TEM were fo Ponape though the Ear semper ugh spe carry Infrmation ovr long tan withow the te of mele wise oe Wised communications are limited by lrg spans of water, aged ‘econ, anh desea or eben communi With see (eemponers 200" mee "above che "Earth aed when ‘Smmunation eure mbit a wih cll pons Radin Wa ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Somctines rfered to as Freespace prpugnion (aldowgh the Kare ‘oaphere in bot « yc) only ite sen that als wae ‘iceman we ke lat propagate how fee space in ih ie ‘rch a vlnty ofS? metre por son but or stan atin ae mice, infrared ndtv at ELECTROMAG Ramio Wave PropesTies “ecm eter tht hes scape int me pace satin spn ight ad wos RADIO WAVE PROPE! RADIO FREQUENCY BANDS TIC WAVES TIES. ‘The raueni ling between 300 Bert (EH) and 90.00.0000 bert seed IO Fag CTS ie HP ‘pest vied ine ard ech band being 10 Sine igen reaecy ‘Sin eon immediatly bee TROT RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES FIELD StRENGTH/IDNTENSITY Plane wet fa fan equeny.e Fone RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES POLARIZATION aieiiennar as Sift far a A RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES PoLanizarion RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES LINzAR POLARIZATION Tadated wave toca plane rfc eri the edition (oe Corsa Stas tobe HORMONTAILAY er RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES CIRCULAR AND ELLIPTICAL POLARIZATION Frecast Sens na th the mave moves aoe wavelength RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES 3p PoLARtzeR in oe iS RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES LEPI-HANDED OR RIGHT-HANDED POLARIZATION RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES POLARIZATION 41 Hie magnitude Peuaton Rapio Wav SUMMARY OF POLARIZATION (FOR A2os PROPERTI KSO# RADIO WAVE Prop! POLARIZATION 4/8 Hin mal = RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES SUMMARY OF POLARIZATION (Fon E 4H) U) \) UY J ‘ / | v UY tr 35 RE Rei ‘meme mit cn a “ar *I the fi on id rein phaser tof phase 18 (coats ifthe Bnd H alae of ferent neta) | Blo“ ae iter tod Hr 1 RapIo WAVE PROPERTIES POLARIZATION SD-viEW (FoR B= 11) Ms =in magnitude peor I the fond H ld rein phan 0° oto phase y 180° Grr = th phan irene of kd a fi i 9 or 27 ‘ptcal= Ifthe poe deren Bld ond H eld wo, 0 80" 210° RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES RAYS AND WAVEFRONTS: ‘aya nde wetode wing ‘hematin in th em apesad Waren oats (Oar efits rod ie eee RAY nage denen nee ‘sand ae wed wo show the Tile ddan cli rove hee of enean pace of EM “Any sal action fhe pee perpen tthe ition the mere tervnandnelod a WAVEFRONT, _Aenery on wavefront in phase, Ural unto the wart are ‘equa steno fom teen, : RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES ‘SPHERICAL WAVEFRONTS SPHERICAL WAVEYRONTS oe rc up) wth he pee oh ‘Tho wave geet fo a jal cece et ap separ (ame) evra. 7 tie Radiated Power compensa yh Patna the utero wares por unit ar dares, RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES RADIO WAVE PROPER1 ‘SPHERICAL WAVEFRONTS ERP, EIRP aN Dinzcriviry Gal {Som he seca iin smell ee Sopeeel greta mara. store wee propegnnn appear le eee plane or at righ angle etn of Fl sey the wave RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES INVERSE SQUARE LAW OF RADIATION he ttl ayer dtr So arect te were ‘gern wth be ear Pen iavere pepe io inp Staexcrw/lyrexstry aN Power DENSITY Magnet es are ina fa roc y atmagnet sch arscondactr yor sash pel | RapIO WAVE PROPERTIES ‘shen crrent flowing hough {rough agen src im pce (oor por ust tne er wae W=—L, | ;Mamatie Pal stent Bnd | Camperetrae permet) TEEETET) vas per meter mars) 4 mance tom wr or nt (een) 2, 0F Pune SPACE produced ya irene in aa: pla Lecenennpemerenpr seme Eleven coca” Pe eal (Gn s10" Hi ce 28 310° Hm) lecteur a re ace ‘Gia to" Fim or to x10 Fa) FREE-SPACE PROPAGATION 'SUDDUARY OF ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPAGATION Noeoere eabrel by ee pace and re any tae testo nar dn th nul reing oe wase a Ate tathe ners ogee a oer nse ner large uf the dts fromthe 1 waves represent the flo of enereyin th retin ot Fir StaenanwINrensity AND PoweR DENSITY Exam: 1. A poerof 10 esa api oa raat, What {he er deny aa pan 10k ea? Bowes dna 2 wae teary een tthe oe enn an he le ed ‘renga the same tao 10 1 Bietne Rana Power = var ee RADIO WAVE PROPERTIES f RADIO WAVE PROPERTIE: {LD STRENGTH/INTENSITY AND POWER DENSITY EXAMPLE: 2 Atmawmitr an ait oer of 0 seme ean 1 Fees ceca 2 ow mach ower (in watt) each the int ofthe tens? ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS ON RADIO WAVE WAVE ATTENUATION AND SPACE ATTENUATION WAVE ATTENUATION eth ton in Seemed ene fshe dated pert ‘craig he or enya he Pruuespack vosses. "sen ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS ON RADIO WAVE ‘Ansonprion tytn tho bese om ‘Sr wor rnin sey ai rer. Shomer omer aa Vee Asp of RP wove a ignifant ‘hme 0 water apr peso BEG and xen pak 6 Cite SEE — 28mmhr’ Light Rain TS asvmihr Drae ‘terption uniform terion sare wth ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS ON RADIO WAVE [DIFFUSED ScaTTERING Meaty ‘te ia BT in) Sutrintd i the a oe elt ‘eam ie SCATTERED, or DIFFUSED, ‘no many tam tat ae Water deuplto and dt parte OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE Revracnion Tom cor etna or celia aus / = Sm When we per hrogh the otro oer fi timing rnd the pond te spe ot tone ah ‘lor ter th they aloe OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE REFRACTION | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE INDEX OF REFRACTION ‘Sos Law and Reactive Index acts During the 100th Dt mm, oot i ‘thet bed rere ht the arr ‘ Ter ited ube ual be i eracve Inder Values or Selecta ela ‘Arar passing fom es dene medi to moma “Ath ety of te modi eres, iene etn mcr ond the ‘Sip ofthe we dee | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE | SNELL’s Law oF Rerraction Sect Law descr th lationship Sree sneer re hen n> myth angle efation ie eae fet tom teal of niece hen my my, te onal fraction lege al hone gif nde When my qth the ih pase Mra wit erin OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE "TorAL INTERNAL REFLECTION TOALMTEALRELEETON ign 2 In geerl ome of he ih inden at shintrur wil be reed and ome ‘Tiber a indent ey iin te md ptareetate las n> age {Beret anges pester thon te {sedet ane ‘Aad thence ae need Sova ited oes Ssh Ue retrcted ama 6 98 ‘fled TOTAL INFERNAL” | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE Gnmmical ANGLE OF REFRACTION [Reecton athe Coie! Angle Tesi angle phenomenoa ake pace = ‘hen the ang efacton ange ‘menos 9 depres and Slaw = n= 4 * si) PLZ oo cc [a] Safeiots tndet eae Ut eceed the eritcal angieof reflection yon pe Ses Le accra erneenee ‘ee the me bck nt the higher tone mea Bn thin ome ‘ram Moc = 13 0 hy = 10008 OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE [SNELL'S Law OF REFRACTION Petersen tte nerte tht pert et OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE, OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE DENSITY GRADIENT IN REFRACTION ConrRisuTORs IN THE REFRACTION oF Lia DENSITY GRADIENT nthe ral asin a ‘Witebord Soll 880088 wae ay ete erate neat {try semen onary Dut maton saan] ‘nto depending sen pt Soa inovrd that beam of igh would bond Bent drecton af crpeoet act a. in iether at nas Wavfrone 2 eet ‘Seth bet oe deere poparonal the as = ‘ee ininatioa More danse Se aan ne More dee Hen ear ieee eee teen the np ices ad the angle a ‘rotors a kf gla ted hat te ance of ened tht hs sty ren a tig ac were oe ee bt igh rein o Mhe rye raven near the top rc faster than the ray near ‘tans hana pec bending ratios the Bottom, and consequently, he warrant dowmacard \waebrord Set ‘refretie Inder Te reste ane ot a ‘isos ‘etraction the ager the reisetve snes for a ‘hin ending or change of drcsion sala tnard the | sheen ‘medium tht hase lve ele of ropeation OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE, OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE (ContRmuToRs IN THE REFRACTION OF LiGHT RerLection EELECTION oft (and other forms amornenscven {1 rdlato) oot when the wnror riedrich Johann Kal Becke (15. ‘Serre vrs o other andar ‘dation and une alee wwe ‘the msdent waves ssn. ul ach iced mae wl be ect ack hn same tage he {Baton wave. Th oncp termed ae SenenS or -aeaw emai: Ss ara nataciag vest ee eae een Bre onale a tmcdence nal tthe ‘Augustin leas Fresnel Q7H6:182D Ro petath ret pes rbae sie fect Fea lteter Bree physi, on mound ene Semen repre @ ‘eens ar porns 180 dere ot ‘iat ight whch ar sil nd wie 0 eal, ome incident pour rman Sipe bam teil relator Aiphchoune inthe ld opi, Penal (chs) he ra medium sting Seed mpi, tin ‘trent the rete of tetra ond heating oe wd om @ ee, MqStar*_ trntperon eon, | ‘acs wil ot it some dares OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE REFLECTION ON A SMOOTH PLANE SURFACE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE [REFLECTION ON A SMOOTH OR ROUGH SURFACE =| 7 aaa baseman 92 ‘The amount of energy reflected by P Seaedtor one b ‘es penta ape ta dearest = = Sevier secre ae — ‘Wc rare moore b ae ” {tendon ight vs anya of = ‘Seema’ m ered spely — ent hing scackanon. Fpriceste cron estore. the incident Non e eas pha @, ses, cts raed i) ‘hak hp nd he eo ‘Reo wt ener ‘ture tard on ame hick em ont a > ‘Seether end By inet ea a tet eed —_ ee OPpricaL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE RevLEcTION Coxrricient ‘When a eee rected fm curved Mee mr es ea ected at a ‘rae i fe tnt nana 1] <= S| aaa at Cheer ert Oe renee] (PE dt Sitti cong oe ee yy eee] [Pe inca itooeces see chau S ao ae ‘For a perfoct conductor, P= 1 & T= 0, &: aan on . Aobeconcatsted reine inconerns | Set remmee—[_Abseted Por 99= 1] | — > seat Z— Foran imperfect conductor, Mand T are mre Question: funstonn athe I ioeeaperatteeseceiinds SB caren nit se eres ‘ie ng =o ames » Penh tt a en rnd fll oe eb — Conca Surfoe OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE [REFLECTION ON A SEML-ROUGH SURFACE Sem ah ce wl nt tally seta the aap of he els reve bat tere treet ‘2a Path Length Dierece (LD bene th ected vy Be Sovetaa sy 2) Sure i onidered SOOTHE (Seer Smaller Phase Difernce Ap =Qa!3) ode) ‘But when you we the sample ae an tina of {he wal poplin Se ihe j-feaiee Soi | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE unuzcro ova noun SURFACE Sic the acetal pase Semele the or rer ‘riders? rane ey ie {Wel Low (2) mons oat surf | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE Diarra oF SURFACE RREGULARITY ON A SEML ROUGH SURFACE Standard Deton form: ‘air he carafe ame “atom he me, he ‘hee the depth of ireguarty ‘the omcaher the sree i | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE || nbruscnos ow Sran-xovci SURFACE OF & MBS-THPE ANTENNA ‘Thera matinee of sro depend on ‘rer ghana renee Moorenth ond he Ani ef ese | ‘fect he Sper fe ‘Thiceteron a appdata Sr ml ‘rhe esto need i ‘aes 4 mas ae ha ‘halite wena pete aang ‘Smeef it and and odin ‘A 10GHe 0. warns ‘Hts eel on ae in OpricaL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE ConremsutoRS 1N THE REFLECTION OF LiGHT aoe: ugoms (1638-68) - He was brant Dutch Chai ‘mathematician past and toner nin ed dang he (© Waradareyetem on board sip ws 4 0.0 rnssinon ape Soeeeaeaeth atc eat {tue press tmard thereof een ta requ of 2 Sammon ae, (ate ww art me he REFLECTION ON A SEBI-ROUGH SURFACE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO. “i oa uygns, a particulary itd eis best aoa Bie secon Screen ese wave cook MEE =e) cnce RY sot Wat andthe pend cock 2 ASCE soc eni em WERE = 9» 02275 or EY tomes ‘Sassen som = sage of dest (angde of. E Spec ti tn one Scr om : TERRI oe ences casa ad ‘Scion andthe plrston oe eed os ‘pata rampant aban ie thors not explained he ews ofreratiom ircin, ERTIES OF RADIO WAVE DIFFRACTION is modulation or eis bution of oery with a eaernt ‘then pes ner tec en sua Tampare jet ContnisvTORS IN THE REFLECTION OF Ligier {ord John Wiliam Seat Hayligh 1842:1018) Hewat a ri plist snd mathematcan who ‘ork in many dips ncding ‘remngnt py oper, ad sound wave theory. ‘ae ertri he df ila oe he ini ot {eclaten oti ned tial ntrament. aylighe peeps bt koma i {ho ert gran, wih erm en «Nobel 1 OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE, | OprTicaL PROP eth phanomenin tha ll aio waves to roach) mound arr ‘There the wang fh signal te more ‘ila ti ites oar dasa ‘suo ranaparene sect Severn he dca oe fndaments ‘periments thn bp ana aaton Eh rere ie conde yan we Francesco Grima Preach cite is ret wok onthe teory of sound cued ‘itive resonance end acoustic remain or of {he pani ssp Anthe eary undertaking wa mathematica ‘latin or the ik ceatring tape th hy ibe speeance Te RayicighSextiering Law ‘ole rom thi choy and sane team mar i the eyo weve propspton, Raleigh sere enmied e pean of nel ‘Tose exerineta nae onetion ihe erect very onal st (QPERTURED, {Ta dbwoortraad tnt whem ht pase ee Saline npn OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE DIFFRACTION THROUGH A SLIT —— | DIFFRACTION THROUGH A SLIT (ISTENSETY DISTRIBUTION) ah ight eae ar compared of re ‘ough rey from tin othe wants ob ‘nthe et nid. a passing tea apertare RaEN'at a hw ace rts gh no ag ‘tas wuld wer pate 0 spent mere Wha it idth or ch, When li wih >>, Mtrocion enone’ a wove ee lores eo ‘The physical ss ofthe ait determines hot the lit interact ith height. e OPTICAL PROPERTIE | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE Iertionciratoons nee Wame| | lL! | Soran cannercenar ‘Thich bounded on both ‘Sue & sxompand ty he esa ier der maninom arn tpt @ nena mn) a ‘stn vr ditfation an, Nowe hat the ‘receding oaenrd sy fom th entra ‘eae avn ud aprtreno os the an eye ‘mmetey Garena goomety. am the cae ‘he wh ofthe entra rig potion, ad the iret ea pan NCI meni en cea oe Ser Of ifctin RINGS be weary man ‘hematin ema he wih ‘ovrte reduced othe ui pin ih ec, | | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE Lint SPACING CALCULATION FROM DIFFRACTION GRATING DIFFRACTION THROUGH PERIODIC GRATING ‘ALINE OR AMPLITUDE GRATING compost ftelhrarsrey thm ope sige a Aeterna upended ‘sh Sly an op vee ‘Bes Woieed i GRATING PERIOD GRATING SPACING. nd thre aia ‘Eerie ome i pee i z (sint@)=ma7a) iaiacon eigenen roa ethnsar dar omer par er | Wen he pacing) eee ie ona ight pausing hough the roting ie frond ordinate the sesh fhe incident ht bom sd he Perdiaiyf te ine grating “lin swan ihe LINE SPACING CALCULATION FROM DIFFRACTION GRATING DIFFRACTION WITH INTERFERENCE | | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE psec panera eintrcoment of direction band o peta (sone se 329th itactn waves aries ‘ems and arable tne ache ‘Srough contrctive interference Kong te ditto nee the pacing (@ etme inital ag on te ating A £ can be determined using the grating | je eek eae) | md = d+ sin @ | ‘The size of the diffraction angle (8) where mis an integral number of diffraction | Decrees a ee incr ner ‘Ocelot walls» dtaner btwn te {ureeand the wall ql wom ot mcr of half ‘Serengeti ofthe sour the waves ‘litre inantephansandwesce widevally, | ‘ihre the ampli of oncilion 2 For example aelatons aed onthe ewig, ia sence OD ste ano been tt ed enh ede ‘eto larg dfn mais) ot it andr reget the ae conan fin rating sping. mel OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE Hoyorns' Priscu DIFFRACTION OF RADIO WAVES OVER TERRAINS Stet The ending aed Fring Sig och yea ec ‘Thin change mates ose eve oder fable roy ‘Te wsvoon the et eth allem be Se uae tencertn Anh tc ‘Eetced bya ute receiver i allan ure emater hw eho at SS a tah i ete Sygate aa SE ee i i OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE nec ege HUYGENS PRINCIPL SPACE DIFFRACTION OF RADIO WAVES OVER AND THROUGH CLUTTER fr ay booed ‘euro wcondary ‘Shor waa whch, spread out inthe forward Breton ote odo Meh The ne creat th lage er to site he mend icin frie mm rh ‘nee and through es ond lng. | | | OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE, (Cowremutors 1x THE DIFFRACTION OF LiciT Lord Jo Willan erate Relegh 8- Ini i pyn shyla and snd war tbeny. The ‘elation oa aitactn ied otal {struc Maple wet es oie papers, at is pepe a ow ‘poodles designed pracy parallel OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE (ConrRinUTORS IN THE DirFRACTION OF Licitt ‘toatactued the Past Coreg pecans (as) sng nal ose Sat ie ‘ii wth iach eer i ‘ame (ary Ds) were meted noe ‘phrsal ater a1 sare aelng {Meouph assets Tar iiation STR” parm rm th malo wt at Timo ope ret, Jacque BabinetA78L1872 - He wana Prone pyre mathemaden: and asrnree bori ‘ps Aon Baits ssomplhits ar he 17 andar fhe Angee unr meson ht ‘ing he onda ies want de [rine whch ttn that se anton pers ‘he proucod byt complementary seen, OpricaL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE Cowrrimurors IN Tux DirFRACTION OF Licht ‘Si William Heney Bragg (182-1952) -He ‘ok noe the eat adr Te tes atancnente ar ‘ology ering ih his son Wiliam Lawrence Ir, he dela 9 meth eomberting (ict eva yas Brgy and bie ton wae alsa we fae ‘Sathana! restntipebweea 2 tern Forti acirement Wil Henry ‘rang and Willan Lawreoe Brag were ‘Sarde the Nobel Prine Pa 1918. OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE INTERFERENCE eeanncrtnvien ror mre ta itunes In piles, ntrtorence ea phenomenon a == = =~ Sieoaenyae ee — a ‘eave roemmeyotrorensy es en be thaeeved with tp a eave, ‘ample, trod strand re aincaing wove of the same phase wit! ‘infre Constriee Interference (Ci ote with diferent pel fame prtaly arty Denractice ‘nterference) OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE F RADIO WAVE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF RADIO WAVE INTERFERENCE ON RADIO WAVES CONTRIBUTORS IN THE INTERFERENCE OF LiGHT Sanmuel Telanshy (107-197 - Bonin Newestle ‘pon Tyne, England us Sam! Toray, Teeny ‘ired sigan anna of be restr ead ‘Ereliped the Interne Contrast Merron ‘lq that bear hs name. Other esac, tater of Teta nl eal pct {esaveipue mearspin andthe ty ste {hit although he ma prey sncened wth (he ar men dering Wo War unney wa ned attain the pin a egg ‘isthe inape coplanar i Ta act, ‘Thomas Young (177-1820 - Me wav an English )piynician and'a phystest who wae responsible for ‘ey print a nd cnr nots ‘Theory Of Interference. Youne wav an rerpnabe {Erportaating hw he copra thee peeve etd along with Herman aoe vee Yount MelmbalteTrichromaie Theory |AL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE ‘Tus Eantu's ATwosPHERIC COMPOSITION ‘arts atmanphre ie 79% lcs 21% ‘sean ther ns, Carbo nde sittin, pyc ad stron bo ved daring he ‘Smt Revatuon orton dose an ome termine Hapgns, a priate sini, eat en for ht seiner ant hewn ey ‘A ia thorie net expan the laws of reir, ection, Ineo end ese and Huygens went make mo ‘mmm niyo in in tars conning tx plonemane of Sable : G ‘action (irtringence| sn polarization of ht ‘Augustin an Frosnol 796-1827) Fea a mintentncetary rene phe. mist Prof arabe! nm of thc are al ond wie etchouse- tn the Self pi: renal erie ome 2 ‘lin recto fraction nrc erin, Sle ‘planet's climate deed bya manta Shc grcenbonse gases. Ears aera ‘Stance fom th un andthe eomposiion sempersture moll be oughly SC ‘The Harn Atmoopere inary hin ayer rw being underly nro eine ‘aint, and the plinth recta rm 4 oem terse ‘Minte hunger and melange, teanpareat ubaee ‘TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE ‘TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE CuMaTe CHANGE ‘Tue EARTH'S ATMOSPHERIC LAYERS Ate So es neu 2 2. | * ners cepbe 2 Many ts tho seatosphere ‘rarely thin exorphere Thin the wpe TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE (Tuk EARTH'S ATMOSPHERIC LAYERS BASED ON TEMPERATURE tc of te Barthel parce ‘opine ‘he soperporton of te sroseaphere High sro te thermarpere, verge) thelaer of he manson ‘TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE ‘Lavens oF THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE INFLUENCING RADIO WAVES ‘of te Barth atmonphere tha Hanh toa it ofabout 37 {he South Pole and 113 milo (18 Ys a ther sens ‘TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE Lavens: EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE INFLUENCING RADIO WAVES. ‘eewsen the trpoer (1 im). ‘le tonapere 0b) ‘Siac and ther ie water ‘as eat it ioe rl ‘sus eee deny 3 an ‘iso eae a ew 20 ms Em) Shen repr be hs rduaton health har Semin fur dis fatty props to reat dates around te Barth. Tie ‘TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE ‘MODES OF PROPAGATION Seb propeaned renting on “este, however sme are ‘See incor eens nee oer putea pe GROUND WAVE PROPAGATION ‘SURFACE WAVE (8 KHZ 3. MHz) BY DIFFRACTION & DENSITY GRADIENT ‘An Earth guided EM waves ha eee Dane stich gradually decreases with ‘rect ot emer ard GROUND WAVE PROPAGATION [POLARIZATION OF SURFACE WAVE. ‘Aaa eric wave pane ovr the ct Pld ‘the art ara, ‘Toren he amount finde sae etre Bld the Hard and therebesatan ° ‘coor within a hort anc rom, GROUND WAVE PROPAGATION ‘SUmPAce Wave FREQUENCIES (3KH7-8MH2) AND TRANSMIT POWER = Sed | the Barth ond om rae » ‘The Nas etromals high iu capa of ramon igh Frequencen wil thi shererwavleng ae ‘nema tad ba re are yt art pat Ista se wo the traning we Its praca! [tng dre treanncunn arcs ane eps lee Pregwencia x eas ware reg tare 2 7 Jong wavelength makes te Herth appear ery smal ad ston ccireecea ama" GROUND WAVE PROPAGATION [RELATIVE CONDUCTIVITY OF EARTH'S SURFACE ac he wate one Te TBevaracesondocty te Sa Ein ai scar ran btiert sumer OD GROUND WAVE PROPAGATION SUMMARY OF SURFACE WAVE PROPAGATION Gin nh mi se ee fei recy ace by cane oer condition Hower ru rity hah Litton on VLE, LP & ME roies ‘rac mater | SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION | LInE-or-siciT PROPAGATION LOS - (80 MH uP) ‘Space Waves, lo known a rect ae I Tyme oi Bes, sorte ‘der fr thi xo, the to, fet (105) path between he, ‘Thay ae iid in te propantion {pecartureo he Ear seerahept epee SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION FADING DUE-TO ATTENUATION, ABSORPTION AXD INTERFERENCE, ‘he ll intensity tthe sine pend othe Sn ewe he ‘inna etonaation and ‘rorption or vntering Sat Ae pace wares eller ite ‘ound teu, they severe revamp o FADING. Thai ‘nan pace mame actualy ow two ad dlerent eng ed goed refed a) othe cing ite a deere a [vein phe nnd ese ‘Spe oroctt pase wont or aig Sed sccenee SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION ‘TROPOSPHERIC REFRACTION AND SCATTERING "romp tring Tower ual ll water phenomena ‘Saracen esd Sora s Cate eet Horoer, he many changes in ‘renter phemomens ee ‘Stag. Ara rea sre ‘rae ain ‘ime Retraction o Scattering ‘lt wanes nth abere wavelength, SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION Seace wave Space wave 70 i? ic heath aha 1. oratrummter antenna 225 nctrs above the round, —— Peereet SSS oes nerevadsdecruc seat 1 @ . ma ce ° Sexe beadast TY sen ‘Eines ad cr hanng oor enteanar cs shove SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION =a SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION RADIOWORIZON DISTANCE. panyonomzox stance RADIO HORIZON oistaNcR ess tamale egg So the curvature f the Karth presente s | Saeiiotier detpeaings | dé 2 1 cal eae | «a e Coed eng ese fin | Sete tieceetamacton 0A Wirverbave hoe Hearing tat raf he Seance be ets eso, ho much poplar toned iy he TV Eeakae ieee plan Snel ade na i000 Terwltciea toartrostieapea ee Sates ee eee fileinn oe bob en ee X= ise ats Radus | [K = Re SP Trae Es Raa x PACE WAVE PROPAGATION ANOMALOUS PROPAGATION (ANAPROP) SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION SUPER-REFRACTION = PPP may aoe anmenon sealed SUPER. ‘Superricion cae the aio Super ration ener dag, ond the oo heen ma snd dame tha ges SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION SURFACE DUCTING DUE 10 GRADIENT TEMPERATURE INVERSIONS ‘pent erending he nal nee Cn bane Foe The sudden change in density when 8 a Scere a Suirercees. 2 met SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION radi wave enters he ware ‘Stender bw SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION gg Peet imprinter un dant SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION FRESNEL ZONE ‘simi he ect tf paws le temo ces rom tee Prone ine af sgh (PLoS) SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION ‘SUMMARY OF SPACE. WAVE PROPAGATION «Rattray br pcan and SKY WAVE PROPAGATION ToNOSPHERIC PROPAGATION (300 KHz - 30 MHz) intra me dant ton ee jg Beethro ‘econdon are SKY WAVE PROPAGATION The nw are med ty npmonee ain ter ate Sky WAV PROPAGATION Rope dre min SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SKY WAVE PROPAGATION (EE ELECTION) fom the nota ‘et cre poly had chine SKY WAVE PROPAGATION FORMATION oF THE IONOSPHERE. ‘heron of eory by he re trong ‘i ah Toned Layer Ie Formed. ‘The RATE AT WHICH IONIZATION Toon OGCUMS ens Range (km) 2 ensty af atone the atmosphere and umes“ invnsty of te learn wae, / ‘rhc varie witht sty the on Vo enor sreves of diferent frequencien evra dee armed iret amaupber th ast trey tey ‘rolee nied ager st the =" ‘Tetuien Coren S + Higher run UV ware pee ‘eed pes gre SKY WAVE PROPAGATION Lavins oF Sig tough ean + reat he Dige pens ‘cme of rok RECOMIRNATION ‘The E LAYER limit fom abot 5190 This ger aa known he [RENNELLY HEAVISIDELATER, because + Titer the ss to eft signa seh 20 mgabrt: or heres, ‘valuable freeman in nase ‘SKY WAVE PROPAGATION LAYERS OF THE IONOSPHERE “Ath Edwin Keely (161-1951 190, He ‘anced that Cagheime Maron spton ‘ete fri tls rote rom ‘Ragen wae eed far ater Un pedis hy ‘homer thay. We and th Oliver Heaviside ndpendety, and a ‘Spprnimtely the vame tinea 100 sone! he Prob exatnceofs yer tuned ei nthe tmopbere hat rete aio waves The Reno igen Lager (no eld the ogni ae ‘te seve agers lth oepberAlbough Sheet. ‘revencth i wen pemrte he oars Tanger aver efor of mtn «propery which ‘Ste Gn ttre armed te cera te propueatsar aynd the brn Se Speen p el eos eiskaedscealonteacetior LAYERS OF THE 1ONOSPHERE ie: Dating he ait ath ager SSparatesmt tw ayer the Fant F2 Ieper. | SKY WAVE PROPAGATION eign fim) + The niatin lel in he aor (pitshich end ste widely during the Ata he pron othe ‘imopber ives tothe una the Sere of cnzaton mana + Sino the tmoepher i rarefid Go ‘enity ooo onyen contend tose ites eemtinatn cr owl ‘er mms Terre, fay constant + The Player ar sponsible High SKY WAVE PROPAGATION ‘he higher oid ler ha higher ‘tao doi ‘Thekigher he lnletion deny the {restr ithe refraction REFRACTION IN THE IONOSPHERE GP the deny tization of he ier | te frguony othe redo ware (9) thea ftesenn a ch {ie ree eters the ager ‘VARIATIONS inthe nanepere (i) Time oy and gle (© Seocm ofthe pur msbere oF Satie Sudden ocepereDastarbans (9) loner rm SKY WAVE PROPAGATION REFRACTION DUE 70 IONIZATION DENSITY ach onined apr ha a cata gion tainly DENSE TONIZATION, {helo th main re ‘es radi wae stare opin of Incense vl heuer prt Sewer comme obeten tas DDENSED cnr portion othe ae, Rivers sect eesmms tle ona te dent fontaine ‘th ve eters nto the eps pst ‘nication the vty othe eer {arf he wae Sorensen td the ines beat AWAY fm te arch SKY WAVE PROPAGATION [REFRACTION DUB TO FREQUENCY telly par ond il feed adi waver rman a fegencies Elgher ta the rica freoney| fae igri testo Peg towe efron f@ ayer ith a higher evel (gun. ty mile red back io worth ly Tewawtsmpaniye Site cen degre ef aniston Radi mae of foquno lower than {he ertieal requemey wl = onewpherc rounding ciel ck tsar tes wnat © temmennrenent Fe ‘edhe determine BIBL | thecal nunc SKY WAVE PROPAGATION [REFRACTION DUE.T0 ANGLE OF INCIDENCE Urged nth nh he ‘The angle at which wave A strkee the ayer eo nearly verte ar the we eae age, et ssc bat poner es tats han versal ave But Wace Crs he ocapere he ie he ayer nd i rece ack Seesmic ath Th tne ede wee Bi {tule cage ha atthe weve llbe Saresatequanc Aap eee Sat ated bt wl a ta Earth Ieee the antean tae an ener ‘han te eal angle wil porate Shemp pert ny ‘SKY WAVE PROPAGATION ‘SKIP DISTANCE AND SKIP 20NE ‘he 2 Aogaerte wave ae helper a the ia mole (hat equoey and ev thar Although the 5. Mozart: ‘reve rake oe) se he Tihophee ater ane i ‘Anthea lower fom the {ert However setae the nents ware ‘euced, andthe wae eth SKY WAVE PROPAGATION G7) Tee sktr pasraNce athe disance ome tramemiter the pat here ‘nye fit tran oBar ‘Te sino the sip tance depend on Pe tene abe wane geo mccoy and 5 the ges font presen ‘Tee SKIP ZONE an ss finer ‘Te sino the i sone pend om Mento ofthe ern ee hep dans, 5 We he eound wate vera {eat ough othe ship tan ‘Rot caaugh that soe hence ce therein ip woe ‘SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SKIP DISTANCE AND SKIP ZONE ‘he RE eer rata y aaa talit ‘ith dance. Toner therfore tags nse + Teaey eee te reine etna an er ate ‘reanh vig er, tiny ak, reach to reeling ote over pth ean tore anon ayer, by maple Ips teten the nape ad [sory am eombination ‘hes ate | SKY WAVE PROPAGATION | __ Maxnvat sane rrequENcy rants oe ‘Tae ihe th requ of aio sree te wer here erty Teele ager There Sage ftcdcnn nn tie of ay. ther ina mas een freuen tows te MAkinUaE USABLE FREQUENCY awn, ‘Thine he scald SECANT LAW OF SEY WAVE PROPAGATION, and Nery fein mating pena ‘Siclton br a peabe MUP. Sly ‘peaking it srvomes sat arh end Iitrecine nser SKY WAVE PROPAGATION LOWEST USABLE FREQUENCY ‘oe wet operating egaeny that a ‘ese for oommanitsns een Pinsent LOWEST USAMLE FREQUENCY LUP) + Aathefequeny ofa aio mar it ‘eered te rts oon + eee ne ny noe + Aca tequeney ewer stern oe SKY WAVE PROPAGATION (OPTIMUM WORKING FREQUENCY ‘Pe mat praca operating feucncy ‘meta yous iy on ith abe ‘cama pens esonilbe FREQUENCY. The OWF brouhly ‘ual pocntage varios nd ay be, ‘ither omer oreo ee ta 8 SKY WAVE PROPAGATION REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VARIATIONS IN THE IONOSPHERE Beebe Existence Of The tvult in VARIATIONS IN THE soa 1-year snmp ol md 27 (2 Tho which are ere {ater cnet peice Sonia sti ree SKY WAVE PROPAGATION DAILY VARIATIONS iy veto Le neers, =aece ees eit dma ofthe Fer ered eh ad ly See SKY WAVE PROPAGATION Sky WAV ‘SEASONAL VARIATIONS PROPAGATION eae ee SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SEASONAL VARIATIONS ~ SOLAR ZENITH ANO SKY WAVE PROPAGATION ie te mg om PROPAGATION SKY WAVE PROPAGATION ‘SEASONAL VARIATIONS - SOLSTICE & EQUINOXES SKY WAVE a " = erm Thai inhi LH pe teen lise FeSrioN en dy and : a ee : DIURNAL Te ee SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SKY WAVE PROPAGATION ‘SEASONAL VARIATIONS - SOLSTICE & EQUINOXES ‘SEASONAL VARTATIONS - SOLSTICE & EQUINOXES Seponter 2 SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SEASONAL VARIATIONS - SOLSTICE & EQUINOXES SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SEASONAL VARIATIONS — SOLSTICE & EQUINOXES SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SEASONAL VARIATIONS - SOLSTICE & EQuINOxES SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SEASONAL VARIATIONS - SOLSTICE & EQUINOXES' ‘SKY WAVE PROPAGATION Asia SKY WAVE PROPAGATION Cor es ‘SKY WAVE PROPAGATION 2-DAY SUNSPOT CYCLE ‘Te number of sunspots in exitonce ‘Eso dw cnn abo Tocca ‘During perodsof maximum sunapot Bec of thi bepton nthe Dlg ‘SKY WAVE PROPAGATION Srowapic E res fra thighs eth al lige Busey what uses thi phenomenon it prod, haste nd the rts ‘SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SroRapic E Soa ry Hon tw acer ‘ome fen Ricertaicclmcoceraes ‘hl te ete eqn a he ‘tthe ane ime tall enon SKY WAVE PROPAGATION SUDDEN 1ONOSPHERIC DISTURBANCE (StD) ‘un hee revealed s igi salar eruption "The mot tring of heap ese (G10). The dtanee ne Leng on oarmal frequencies are Ince toto tn cers ae /AVE PROPAGATION a hr ar hard a 2h ing smalation of he Sn 1, 1907 arm cin Wide drfeal of eonenal ese ceten fromthe Sa = PROPAGATION ie 00% tascam happen ever anes day SKY WAVE PROPAGATION \ * Ccminpon iret sumed eh SPECIAL Moves oF TERRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE | TRoPosPiERic PROPAGATION (TROPOSCATTER) When rio wave passing rough Seatioaealret change ino deta beget ori This phemmenn ne he ‘Sopa Me tal ved signal oan ‘uml the snr aed Fi rin nai of repaint Sed the normal nea iat, ] j exmtnd SPECIAL Mones oF TeRRESTRIAL PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVE || METEOR-rRAIL PROPAGATION c Rarer a {screnang egos. Th the fle (Giza sor gromenon othe mer Fite games hana he upper ‘ashe band Meteor seater can bard anymore pected si aes RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION (QUIZ 5 FORMULAS 1 An Bart tation rsviogtanomiion fm pce eterch ata cm 2 quency of Th eit at ‘Sane 0 nn fe trate wap! na Siena ving gai of Calaat the POWE ‘DENSITY sae SEAT WorK 5 | 2 An FA bondent ation ba antenna sted 0 ‘Shits abe average tera How FA AWAY ld he aga {erecied by neato ith am antenna > == abe the ‘eon 4 Ma radar ystem on bard sip #5 raion Oe ree mad terre hoa ‘Sequence wht wu be te SURE ACE (CRTEGORY moth oro aan oan srt with li api maven in? Super jour anew Ss SEAT Work 5 < 4 Its TV trondat tation hasan average ppalaton deny of swt 90 ersten! around beater hw HIG ‘ould it ante aw the ound to pro verge Ha) | scene eeeceatyee cee eas * ener sake neat ence oe 1 tthe cite foquene 0s, what the OPTIMAL e ‘SEAT WoRK 5 ANTENNAS AND WAVEGUIDES ANTRNNA FUNDAMENTALS COMING - e au lit OTHER SIMULATORS Wen races: ‘nena’ © pune snedhnanamannaone tema ml © btn sneduaanoueinati ese © esl essa edsouu addons hn © ‘esi snouts se © esimnladunapanimtins ha td snLeduvbuitmnrinaaeennSimaer © hnesuledaaaeninoeberesimatontentinat ml © ‘hin unLasofabitasaeeshaiatemos hl ! L I

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