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Pollution caused by the improper disposal of garbage

A very small amount of human garbage is recycled, most is dumped in landfills, garbage dumps,
gullies, waterways, oceans, by the roadside, or is incinerated.

Improper disposal of garbage is a threat to the environment:

1. Toxic chemicals in the garbage can leach out and contaminate the soil, aquatic environments
water sources.
2. Greenhouse gases, e.g. methane and carbon dioxide, can be released into the atmosphere
they contribute to the greenhouse effect
3. Hydrogen sulfide gas can be released into the air. This gas is extremely toxic, and even low
concentrations irritate the eyes and respiratory system.
4. Plastics can enter waterways and oceans where they are harmful to aquatic organisms.
5. Bacteria from untreated sewage can enter groundwater and cause disease, e.g. cholera.
6. Garbage attracts rodents, which can spread disease.
7. Garbage creates an eyesore, which impacts negatively on tourism, especially eco-tourism.
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Government, and public administration- POLITICIAN

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