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I was feeling a little bit okay today which is a good sign. Before going to school my mama suggest that I must not
bring my laptop with me since I`m still recovering in my asthma. I also woke up early like 3 in the morning. At exactly
6:00 in the morning we go directly to the school. I arrive in school 6:14 go straight to the office log in 6:15 in the logbook
which is required to login in the morning. After that I go straight to the room and wait for my mentor to come. My
cooperating teacher was late so I handle the class since it was the advisory class. Since I observe my mentor last week
with her daily routine I need to apply once I was the one handle the class. So, I start by classroom management such as
asking the students to arrange they’re chairs and pick some trash under there seat. Then start with a prayer which is the
assign student today. After that the new sharing which is my mentor routine that I need to apply. So, the student shares
a news which is all about inflation rate which goes up in 6.1% for this month. So, I need to expound the news sharing by
talking about what is inflation. And the same time my mentor arrives. So, my mentor takes and handle the class and also
saying thank you to me. Each classroom has different news to report and mentor each news she always knows which
amaze me. And that day challenge me to always read some news before going to sleep every night. When the last ring
bell which is 12:40 meaning it is the end of school day. So, I usually do is to always ask my mentor permission to take
leave to eat my lunch. As usual we eat together today and also my co intern ask if I was okay. After we eat our lunch, we
go back. When I arrive in the room my mentor tells me to stay in the library for now, they have meeting together with
the grade 9 faculties and the principal. So, I said OK ma`am. So, I stayed in the library until 3:15 in the afternoon. I logout
in the office in the log book and wait to the others and go home afterwards.

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