My Name Is John Gil 20

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My name is John Gil

My job is to fly

I am employed as a commercial pilot

I decided to be a pilot early in my life

As soon as I finished high school I started my pilot course

I fly everyday

I feel very good speaking English

I understand ATC communication very well

I live in Pto. Rico

But my home base is Miami

Caribbean wings is based in Miami


Who are you?

Who is she?

What is your name?

What are their names?

What is this?

What is that?

What are these?

Whose tie is this?

Whose chart is this?

Whose glasses are those?

How are you?

How is your brother?

How are you parents?

Where are from?

Where are they from?

When is the test?

What time is the flight?

Where is your license?

Where are the forms?

How many passengers are there in the lobby?

How is the weather?

What time is it?

Do I need a pilot license?

Do they work here?

Do you need me?

Do you have an airline ticket?

Do you have an appointment?

Do you have time?

Do you have money?

Do you like that?

How do you feel?

How does the radio sound?

What do you want?

What does he want?

What do they want?

What does she want?

Which airplane do you like?

Which airplane do you prefer?

Which pilot is going today?

Where do you work?

Where do you live?

Where did you learn to fly?

Where did he spend the money?

Who’s coming?

Who is a pilot?

Who is the owner of this airplane?

Do you want water?

Is she coming?

Is she coming with us?

When do you fly?

When do you rest?

Where do you rest?

Why are you resting?

Who called?

Who is it?

Who answered the call?

Who needs money?

Who wants a ride?

Who works on weekends?

Who lives here?

What goes here?

What happened to the radio?

What comes next?

What airport is closed?

What caused the problem?

What do you like?

My name is John. I am a private pilot.

I fly to different places around the country.

I am an engineer.

I fly mostly for business

I have to supervise other people’s jobs.

I feel confident when speaking English

I understand ATC communications very well

I own and fly a Cessna 182

The Cessna 182 is a single-engine airplane

My airplane has four seats, so I can take three passengers with me when I fly

The 182 has a two-hundred and thirty horse power continental engine

The Cessna 182 is a single-engine airplane

The Cessna 182 has a two-blade constant speed propeller

So the 182 has a twin blade propeller

My airplane flies at about a hundred and forty knots and has a range of about 600 nautical

I fly mostly for business (Español e Ingles)

Who are you? (Ingles)

Who is she?

Who are you?

What is your name?

What are their names?

What is this?

What is that?

What are these?

Whose tie is this?

Whose chart is this?

Whose glasses are those?

How are you?

How is your brother?

How are you parents?

Where are from?

Where are they from?

When is the test?

What time is the flight?

Where is your license?

Where are the forms?

How many passengers are there in the lobby?

How is the weather?

What time is it?

How is the weather?

What time is it?

Do I need a pilot license?

Do they work here?

Do you need me?

Do you have an airline ticket?

Do you have an appointment?

Do you have time?

Do you have money?

Do you like that?

How do you feel?

How does the radio sound?

What does he want?

What do they want?

What does she want?

Which airplane do you prefer?

Which pilot is going today?

Where do you work?

Where does he fly?

Where did you leave?

Where did you learn to fly?

Where did he spend the money?

Who is coming?

Who is the pilot?

Who is the owner of this airplane?

Do you want water?

Does he want to fly?

Is she coming?

Is she coming with us?

When do you fly?

When do you rest?

Where do you rest?

Why are you resting?

Who called?
Who is it?

Who answered the call?

Who needs money?

Who wants a ride?

Who likes Mary?

Who works on weekends?

Who lives here?

My name is John

My name is John

I am a private pilot

I fly mostly for business

My job is to fly

I am employed as a commercial pilot

I fly everyday

I am an engineer.

I fly to different places around the country.

I have to supervise other people’s jobs.

I feel very good speaking English

I feel confident when speaking English

I live in Pto. Rico

The weather was good today

I understand ATC communication very well

I own and fly a Cessna 182

The Cessna 182 is a single-engine airplane

My airplane has four seats

So I can three passengers with me when I fly

The Cessna 182 has a two hundred and thirty horse power continental engine

The 182 has a two hundred and thirty horse power continental engine

The Cessna 182 is a single engine airplane

The Cessna 182 has a two blade constant speed propeller

So the 182 has a twin blade propeller

I would take my check ride sometime next month

I am married and I have two children

I live in San Juan, Puerto Rico but my home base in Miami

Caribbean wings is based in Miami

I decided to be a pilot early in my life

As soon as I finished high school I started my pilot course

I fly mostly for business

My airplane flies at about one/a hundred and forty knots and has a range of about six
hundred nautical miles


What is your complete name?

My name is Ana Gold

What pilot rating and certification do you hold?

What kind of pilot are you?

I am a commercial pilot and a flight instructor

What type of aircraft are you qualified to fly?

What kind of airplane can you fly?

I fly an Airbus 320 and a Cessna 402

Who is your present employer?

For which company do you work?

For which company do you fly?

I currently fly for Caribbean wings

Where is your company center of operations?

In which city is your company based?

Miami is the airport where the company has their center of operation

Where exactly do you receive training?

Where do you attend simulator training?

I go to simulator training in San Juan Puerto Rico every year

How important do you think English language is for your professional life?

Do you think that English language is important for your professional life?

Yes of course. English is very important for my professional life in aviation

Do you use English when you fly internationally?

What language do you use when you fly to Europe?

When I fly to Europe, I use English all time


What is your complete name?

What pilot rating and certification do you hold?

What kind of pilot are you?

What type of aircraft are you qualified to fly?

What kind of plane can you fly?

Who is your present employer?

For which company do you work?

For which company do you fly?

Where is your company center of operations?

In which city is your company based?

Where exactly do you receive training?

Where do you attend simulator training?

How important do you think English is for your professional life?

Do you think that English language is important for your professional life?

Do you use English when you fly internationally?

What language do you use when you fly to Europe?


¿De qué país vienes?

What country do you come from?

I come from the United States

What country do you come from?

I come from Panama

¿Naciste en Panama?

Were you born in Panama?

No, I was born in Los Angeles, California

Were you born in Panama?

Yes, I was born in Panama

¿Qué edad tienes?

How old are you?

I am thirty-eight years old

How old are you?

I am forty-five years old

¿Tienes cuarenta y cinco años?

Are you forty-five years old?

No, I´m not. I´m thirty-eight years old

Are you forty-five years old?

Yes, I am.

¿Qué haces para vivir?

What do you do for a living?

I’m an ATC controller and also an aircraft mechanic

What do you do for a living?

I’m a pilot and I’m also a teacher.

¿Que tipo de trabajo haces?

What kind of job do you do?

I´m a businesswoman and own a bookstore

What kind of job do you do?

I’m a businessman and I have a bookstore

Yo también soy un hombre de negocios y tengo una librería

Me too, I’m also a businessman and I have a bookstore

Really that’s great!

Me too, I’m also businessman and I have a bookstore

Really that’s unbelievable!

¿Donde tienes tu librería?

Where do you have your bookstore?

My bookstore is in Tampa, Florida.

Where do you have your bookstore?

I have it in New York City

Muy bien, ¿Eres un Piloto?

Very good, are you a pilot?

Yes, I am a private pilot and an ATC controller

Very good, are you a pilot?

Yes, I am a private pilot

¿Cuánto tiempo has estado volando?

How long have you been flying?

I have been flying for ten years.

How long have you been flying?

I have been flying for twenty years now

¿Que tipo de avión vuelas?

What kind of airplane do you fly?

I fly a Cessna 182

What kind of airplane do you fly?

I fly a Cessna 182

¿Cómo luce el Cessna 182? ¿Puedes describir tu avión?

What does the Cessna 182 look like? Can you describe your airplane?

Yes, it’s a single-engine built by Cessna. It’s a very reliable airplane.

What does the Cessna 182 look like? Can you describe your airplane?

Yes, it’s a single-engine all metal airplane. It has four seats.

It has a continental engine of two hundred and thirty horse power.


This is an English proficiency test

What kind of airplane do you fly?

Where do you live?

How many children do you have?

Do you have any daughter?

Do you have a son?

What’s your son’s name?

How old is he?

How was the traffic on your way here?

Are you married or single?

Tell me more about your life as a pilot

Are you a commercial pilot?

Are you instrument rated?

Is English important for your professional life?


What goes here?

Los magnetos van aquí

The magnetos goes here (2)

What part do you need?

Necesito un neumatico

I need a tyre (2)

What happened to the radio?

El radio no está trabajando

The radio is not working (2)

What comes next?

El resumen de vuelo es lo próximo

The flight briefing comes next (2)

What part needs replacement?

La bateria necesita reemplazo

The battery needs replacement (2)

What airport is closed?

Este aeropuerto está cerrado

This airport is closed (2)

What caused the problem?

La bateria causó el problema

The battery caused the problem (2)

What do you like?

Quiero café o me gusta el café

I like coffee (2)

How are you?

No mal ¿y tú?

Not bad and you? (2)

How is it going?

Magnifico y como te va a ti?

Terrific! What about you? (2)

How are you doing?

Muy bien gracias ¿y tú?

Very well thank you and you? (2)

How is everything?

Maravilloso ¿como estas tu?

Wonderful! How are you? (2)

Good morning, how is everybody?

Buenos días, nosotros estamos bien

Good morning, we are fine (2)

Good afternoon, How are you guys?

Buenas tardes, estamos bien.

Good afternoon, we are fine (2)

What’s going on?

Nada nuevo, todo está bien

Nothing new, everything’s okay (2)

Bueno verte que la pases bien

Nice seeing you. Have a good one


Who called?

Teresa called

Who is it?

It is Tom

Who answered the call?

She answered the call

Who needs money?

I need money

Who wants a ride?

She wants a ride

Who likes Mary?

I like Mary

Who works on weekends?

I work on weekends

Who lives here?

I live here

What goes here?

The magnetos goes here

What part do you need?

I need a tyre

What happened to the radio?

The radio is not working

What comes next?

The flight briefing comes next

What the part needs replacement?

The landing light needs replacement

What airport is closed?

This airport is closed

What caused the problem?

The battery caused the problem

What do you like?

I like coffee

How are you?

Not bad, and you?

How is it going?

Terrific! What about you? How are you doing?

Very well thank you, and you?

How is everything?

Wonderful! How are you?

Good morning! How is everybody?

Good morning! We are fine

Good afternoon! How are you guys?

Good afternoon! We are fine. What about you?

What’s going on?

Nothing new everything’s okey

It was nice talking to you

Nice seeing you. Have a good one!

Good evening! How are you?

Good evening! I’m fine and yourself?

Have a good night

You too

Happy holidays! (2)

Happy New Year my friend!

Thank you happy New Year to you!

Good night. I am leaving

Okay see you tomorrow

I’ve got to go good night

Good night Peter. I’m leaving too

Hey! Long time not seeing you!

Good to see you Maria

See you later

See you

Good evening! How is everybody?

Welcome! How are you?

Good-bye John

Good night Teresa

See you tomorrow



I am married and I have two children

He is my husband

I am his wife

I am a teacher

I feel very confident speaking English

Of course English is very important for my professional life

I need to practice English. It is very important for me

I understand ATC communications very well

I don’t understand ATC communications very well

I live in Caracas. Caribbean wings is based in Miami

Miami is the airport where the company has its center of operations.

The weather was good today

The weather was raining but still okay

We are getting the weather report

It is not and humid but still okay

Now the visibility is three miles

Wind is calm. Alaska is too cold for me

Is English important for your professional life?

Where do you live? How was the weather today?

The sky is clear. The visibility is two miles

I need more information please

Precision flight is a very good school

Precision flight is still in operation?

I don’t think so

That’s impossible

I don’t see him. I don’t want that

I prefer the other one

I don’t like that. No, I don’t

I never go there. I don’t know why

I always use the check list. It’s very good

I’d like it. I want to go back home as soon as possible

They are waiting for me, so I have to go

The officer is opening the gate

The officer was explaining the problem to him

You need a passport and visa to go there

Thank you very much. It was a pleasure you were very nice. See you later


Good evening! How are you?

Good evening! I’m fine and yourself?

Have a good night

You too

Happy holidays (2)

Happy New Year my friend

Thank you happy new year to you

Good night. I’m leaving

Okay see you tomorrow

I’ve got to go good night

Good night Peter. I’m leaving too

Hey! Long time not seeing you!

Good to see you Maria

See you later

See you

Good evening! How is everybody?

Welcome! How are you?

Good-bye John

Good night Teresa

See you tomorrow

How are you?

Not bad and you? Fine how is it going?

Fine thank you

How’s everything?

Everything is fine thank you

How about you?

Very well thanks

Good morning. How are you all?

We are all fine

Good afternoon. How are you guys?

We are all fine. How about you?

What’s going on?

Nothing new

Hey! Long time not seeing you

Good to see you Maria

See you tomorrow

Happy holidays

Nice talking to you

See you later (2)

Nice to see again

Have a nice day!

Happy New Year my friend!


I’m not a pilot (2)

I’m not a flight attendant (2)

Helen is not a check airwoman (2)

The airplane isn’t ready (2)

She is not at the airport (2)

You are not in the ramp (2)

They aren’t in Miami (2)

We are not in the flight center (2)

This is not a Cessna cardinal (2)

Is she at the airport? (2)

Yes, she is.

Isn’t she at the airport? (2)

No, she isn’t

Is the Charlie 172 in the runway? (2)

Yes, it is.

Are we in the flight center? (2)

No, we aren’t

Are Laura and Katie in the ramp? (2)

Yes, they are

Is he a pilot? (2)

No he isn’t

--- (Español/Ingles)

Hoy es un dia soleado

Today is a sunny day (2)

Si, si es, la temperatura esta alta

Yes, it is. The temperature is high (2)

Hace mucho calor!

It is very hot (2)

Oh si, es un dia calido

Oh yes, today is a warm day (2)

Ayer fue frio

Yesterday it was cold (2)

Seguro que si fue

It surely was (2)

Ayer estuvo frio

Yesterday it was chilly (2)

Y tambien estuvo lloviendo

And it was raining too (2)

Oh si, ayer fue un dia lluvioso

Oh yeah, yesterday was a rainy day (2)

Ayer todo se mojó

Yesterday everything got wet (2)

Habia rayos y truenos por todas partes

There was lightning and thunder everywhere (2)

Si habian nubes tormentosas

Yes, there were some thunderstorm clouds (2)

Mañana va a nevar

Tomorrow it is going to snow (2)

¿Tu crees eso? Va a estar frio

Do you think so? Is it going to be cold? (2)

Si mañana va a ser un dia frio

Yes tomorrow it is going to be a cold day? (2)

¿Verdad? Entonces mejor voy y tomo mi chaqueta

Really? So I’d better go get my jacket

¿Y que hay acerca del viento?

What about the wind? (2)

El viento esta calmado

The wind is calm (2)

¿Entonces no esta ventoso?

So it is not windy? (2)

No, no esta

No, it is not (2)

Es esa nube un CB, un Charlie Bravo, un cumulonimbus

Is that cloud a CB, a Charlie Bravo, a cumulonimbus? (2)

Oh si, es un Charlie Bravo

Yes, it is a Charlie Bravo (2)

Es un dia hermoso, ¿no es asi?

It is a beautiful day isn’t it? (2)

Si, es hermoso

Yes, it is beautiful (2)

Tiempo agradable no lo crees

Nice weather, don’t you think? (2)

Oh si es agradable

Oh yes, it is nice (2)

Mira que azul parece el cielo hoy

Look how blue the sky is today (2)

Va a ser un dia frio hoy ¿no es asi?

It’s going to be a cold day today, isn’t it? (2)

Si esta frio, hoy es un dia nublado, ¿no piensas tu?

Yes, it is chilly today is a cloudy day don’t you think? (2)

No, yo no creo eso

No, I don’t think so (2)

¿Esta lloviendo en Nueva York?

Is it raining in New York? (2)

No, no esta

No it is not (2)

¿Esta nevando en Detroit?

Is it snowing in Detroit?

Si, si esta

Yes, it is (2)

¿Esta soleado en las Bahamas?

Is it sunny in the Bahamas? (2)

Si, si esta

Yes, it is

¿Estaras volando en este tiempo?

Are you flying in this weather? (2)

No, yo no

No, I’m not (2)


Today is a sunny day

Yes it is. The temperature is high

It is very hot

Oh yeah today is a warm day

Yesterday is was cold

It surely was

Yesterday it was chilly and it was raining too

Oh yeah yesterday was a rainy day

Yesterday everything got wet

There was lightning and thunder everywhere

Yes there were some thunderstorm clouds

Tomorrow it is going to snow

Do you think so? Is it going to be cold?

Yes, tomorrow it is going to be a cold day

Really? So I’d better go get my jacket

What about the wind?

The wind is calm

So it is not windy?

No it is not

Is that cloud a CB, Charlie Brown AC

Yes it is a Charlie Bravo

It is a beautiful day isn’t it?

Yes, it is beautiful

Nice weather don’t you think

Oh yes, it is nice

Look how blue the sky is today

It is going to be a cold day today, isn’t it?

Yes, it is chilly. Today is a cloudy day

Don’t you think?

No, I don’t think so

Is it raining in New York?

No, it is not

Is it snowing in Detroit?

Yes, it is
Is it sunny in the Bahamas?

Yes, it is

Are you flying in this weather?

No, I’m not


Present simple Verb to be

I am a pilot

We are passengers

I am not a pilot

I am flight attendant

He is a check airman

She is a flight attendant

It is a Cessna cardinal

We are aviation students

They are aviators

Is John a pilot?

Yes, he is

Is Freddy an aviation student?

Yes, he is an aviation student?

Are you passengers?

No we are not passengers

Are they ATC controllers?

Yes, they are ATC controllers

The plane is not ready for take off

You are not in the ramp

I am in Chicago
Jim is in the restroom

We are close to Nassau

Is she at the airport?

They are not in Miami

No, she is not at the airport

Ana is in the tower

Is the Charlie 172 in the runway?

Yes, it is in the runway

The sky hawk is on the ramp

We are in an airplane

Are you in Canada?

Yes, I am

Are they in Florida?

No, they are not

Are we in the flight center?

No, we are not in the flight center

Are Laura and Katy at the airport?

Yes, they are at the airport

Where is your flight crew?

My flight crew is in New York

When is John’s check ride?

John’s check ride is on November 26th

What’s Mary like?

Mary is tall, with blond straight hair

What is the pilot uniform like?

It is a white shirt and black pants

Which are their luggage?

Which are their suitcases?

Their luggage are these

Their suitcases are these?

Why are we here?

We are here to take the English proficiency test


Who called?

Who is it?

Who answered the call?

Who needs money?

Who wants a ride?

Who likes Mary?

Who works on weekends?

Who lives here?

What part do you need?

What happened to the pilot?

What happened to the radio?

What part needs replacement?

What airport is closed?

What caused the problem?

How are you?

How are you doing?

How is everything?

Good morning! How is everybody?

Good afternoon! How are you guys?

What’s going on?

Is John a pilot?

Is Freddy an aviation student?

Are you passengers’

Are they ATC controllers?

Is she at the airport?

Is the Charlie 172 in the runway?

Are you in Canada?

Are they in Florida?

Are we in the flight center?

Are Laura and Katy at the airport?

Where is your flight crew?

When is John’s check ride?

Which are we here?


Who are you? (2)

I am Maria

Who is she? (2)

She is a passenger

Who are you? (2)

We are your friends?

What is your name? (2)

My name is Terry

What are their names? (2)

They are Bob and Paul

What is this? (2)

This is a GPS

What is that? (2)

That is a wind sock

What are these? (2)

They are

Whose tie is this? (2)

That tie is Jose’s

Whose is this? (2)

It is his

Whose glasses are those? (2)

Those are mine

How are you? (2)

I am fine

How is your brother? (2)

He is fine

How are your parents?

They are fine

Where are you from? (2)

I am from Madrid

Where are they from? (2)

They are from Italy

When is the test? (2)

The test is on Friday

What time is the flight? (2)

It’s at 10 O’clock tonight

Where is your license? (2)

Here is my license

Where are the forms? (2)

They are over there

How many passengers are there in the lobby?

There are four passengers in the lobby

How is the weather? (2)

The weather is fine

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