I, Pencil - Essay

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Name: Maria Victoria G.

Hibaya Date: March 5,2022 Program and Course: BA PoS 4

Course: Political Economy


I,Pencil essay written by Leonard Read was indeed one of the most extra-
ordinary masterpiece I have read. Truly, the statements made by Lawrence Reed
himself in the introduction is somewhat telling me that this essay will greatly help me
understand the concept behind an ordinary pencil. Though undeniably, I read it twice
because I didn’t quite get the connection of how a pencil is built and how it can address
the pressing issues in the society. But reading it the second time around, I was able to
integrate what I,pencil is all about.

It connotes on the importance of working together as a team to achieve an

amplified goal. It is true, No one has ever mastered or even is capable of making a
pencil alone. It needs various talents and expertise to successfully make one. I can
relate to this somehow, since I am aware that we are diverse in skills, attitude,
capabilities, and intellect. That is why we need each other the most especially during
trying times. One can have something the other doesn’t have. That is why teamwork is
essential to fill in the gaps by contemplating with each other.

I think the problem with society nowadays is the struggle to be perfect in many
ways. Like if you put a carabao together with a pack of monkeys to harvest banana, you
do not practically expect a carabao to climb as high the monkeys can. But you can make
use of its strength to travel the bananas to where it should be sent to. You see, the
various talents we can contribute to society can have a major impact on the outcome of
our aspirations.

Another point made by the essay is that a centralized knowledge is an exercise of

arrogance and inefficient. Thus, this concept limits a person to showcase its innate
capabilities and intellect where a master dictates someone what will they have to do. In
order to eradicate this concept, we should at least promote free market in a way that it
is managed to prevent abuse and overexploitation of manpower. Freedom itself is not
absolute I believe that everyone needs a leader not a boss.

This essay broadened my perception when it comes to the value of freedom. This
topic should be looked after by the government. They should at least loosen the grip on
local manufacturers offering products and services to cater the needs of the Filipinos.
They should prioritize more on appreciating local products that offers affordable
products that is at par with the quality and standard of other imports. This would
eventually make these items available to the majority.

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