History of Mills

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!"#$% &'("% )*+"$% ,-.."+/0%
1788 Saw/grlsL lrancls 1ufLs (sold Lo L.

1790 Lbenezer !ones boughL x
and soon afLer, !onaLhan
knowlLon boughL Lhe
oLher x.
1he !ones Mlll" was noL rebullL afLer Lhe 1820 fresheL.
c.1793 fulllng !onaLhan 8uss 8uss sold Lo !eremlah SLlnchfleld and Mr. SLanley.
(AlLhough Lhe Masonlc 8lo (1900) sLaLes LhaL !onaLhon
8uss's son, Penry operaLed for many years Lhe grlsL mlll
aL larmlngLon lalls).
1799 !eremlah SLlnchfleld
owns enLlre mlll
8orn ln new CloucesLer, Malne ln 1774, as a young boy,
!eremlah spenL several years ln Lhe fulllng buslness aL SL.
Albans. Pe seLLled ln larmlngLon lalls before 1797.
1800 cardlng 8lake and Morrlll bullL ln Lhe same space by 8lake and Morrlll." uavld
Morrlll was a carpenLer, [olner and brlck mason. Pls home
ls sLlll sLandlng on Lhe ChesLervllle slde of Lhe falls brldge
house on Lhe rlghL wlLh a fan over Lhe fronL door).
1820 Saw 1homas Chase ran Lhe
mlll for l. 8uLler
Saw mlll carrled away by fresheL.
CrlsL mlll desLroyed by flre. (Saw mlll bullL on Lhe slLe of
SLlnchfleld's fulllng mlll and Morrlll's cardlng machlne)
1821 Saw, grlsL, cardlng and fulllng mllls rebullL afLer fresheL.
ulp Leonard ALwood lranklln Mlll-waLer poser was lnsufflclenL for Lhe pulp mlll.
1he equlpmenL was sold Lo Pugh Chlsolm who sLarLed l ln
Llv. lalls.


!"#$% &'("% )*+"$% ,-.."+/0%
Saw/grlsL Lbenezer !ones bullL aL Lhe fooL of Lhe canal. 1he mllls were supplled
wlLh waLer by a canal from Lhe dam aL Lhe head of Lhe
falls." 8uLler p. 260
1814 CrlsL mlll carrled away ln fresheL.
1820 Saw mlll carrled away by fresheL. no furLher mllls on
Lhls slLe. 8uLler
1833 Clover !oseph Puse and Moses Cralg LaLer, machlnery moved Lo 1emple SLream near
Cralg's house

?ear 1ype Cwner CommenLs
1869 saw 1homas Wllllams owned a saw mlll [usL above Lhe brldge on Lhe
ChesLervllle slde."
./(0$-1&'-"./,,%4lra Morse had a large buslness maklng poLLery" ln Lhe lalls (?1830's). (Masonlc 8los-1900).
F3&C33-"./(0$-1&'-"./,,%"/-7"./(0$-1&'-- Larly 1800's, a Lannery approx. 1 mlle norLh of larmlngLon lalls (LasL slde),
near Lhe Cower farm," was boughL by !oseph knowlLon. ln 1886, !ohn 1. 1aylor, born ln uurham, nP. arrlved ln
larmlngLon, purchaslng Lhe Lannery from !. knowlLon, Lanned sheepsklns and laLer worked ln wool pulllng." Pe learned
Lhe Lrade when 16 yrs. old aL a Lannery ln uanvers, MA. Pe sLarLed wlLh sheepsklns. 8y 1899, Lhere was llLLle Lrace of
Lhe Lannery.

!"#$% &'("% )*+"$% ,-.."+/0%
1783 Lannery 1
Lannery, mosL llkely ln behlnd Macuonald's, 8lLe Ald
(was parL of lew Acres-now noLlfy Mu)
Saw SLerns
Lrasmus rescoLL LasL slde of CenLer brldge
Corn 8&M (8&M operaLed 3 facLorles-8uLler ln SesqulcenL.)
Corn ? rescoLLL LocaLed across from Lhe larmer's unlon
1871 grlsL Amos lleLcher near Lhe depoL" on lronL SL., a sLeam-mlll for
converLlng gypsum lnLo ferLlllzer, and for grlndlng
grlsLs as well. lL burned Aug. 1872
lranklln larm roduce
(operaLed by ercy and Lhen
8lchard Could (d. 2008) unLll
1969/Colllns larm roducLs
A cooperaLlve locaLed on Lhe slLe of 8lLe Alde-former
slLe of Lhe larmlngLon dlner, lrvlng gas sLaLlon,
!,,3-"F(''G4n.L. parL of Lown-1
fulllng mlll ? locaLlon-found reference Lo a !ohn Allen aL 8ackus corner-could be Lhe
brook by 8rlnkman's house (fuLure Lannery).

!"#$% &'("% )*+"$% ,-.."+/0%
1794 CrlsL !ason Cony and 8oberL

1797 Saw mlll

ParLson Cony-broLher Lo !.
sLarLed dlgglng Lhe canal upon upon whlch Lhe
presenL mllls sLand." 8uLler
1801 !ohn aLLerson Mllls burned soon afLer buylng

Saw/grlsL !oseph lalrbanks 8oughL Lhe remalns and compleLed Lhe canal. !oseph
!r., ran Lhe mlll for nearly 40 years.
1810 Cardlng/fulllng !ohn and Lben Shaw !usL below dam. Cardlng mlll ended ln 1840
Also boughL an lnLeresL ln Lhe flrsL fulllng mlll aL Lhe
lalls approx. 1804 whlch was owned by Lnoch Wood
and Luke erklns of WlnLhrop. 1hls mlll was parLlally
desLroyed by flre under Lhelr ownershlp. (Masonlc
8los-1900). unable Lo deLermlne lf Lhls ls a dlfferenL
mlll or one already named above.
1810 1annery
LuLher 1ownsend Cn Lhe slLe of former !ason Cony's grlsL mlll.
1annery Lll[ah 8uLler LaLer run by hls son WlnLhrop 8uLler. 1he Lannery was
dlsconLlnued ln 1833. LocaLed 360 lalrbanks 8d.
(across from Lhe old LlsworLh Crocker home)
1820 lresheL wlped ouL all mllls
c.1830 Clover Moses Cralg/!oseph Puse 1he machlnery was moved Lo 1emple SLream c. 1833.
1827 lresheL wlped ouL Lannery-rebullL.
1832 1annery !oshua Adams uesLroyed by flre and rebullL
c. 1834 1annery P. 8rooks/ A. Csgood Sold Lo C. PuLchlns(unknown daLe) and closed ln 1870.
LocaLed [usL norLh of aul (deceased)and !oan

8rlnkman's drlveway.
1843 Saw/shlngle Ceorge 8anger
Lnoch SLaples

Saw Plllman LocaLed aL Lhe end of 1wlgsnapper 8oad. 1hls road
connecLed Lhe 8amsdel 8oad and Polley 8oad, prlor Lo
8L. 27. 1he berms of Lhe dam are sLlll presenL (2008).
1871 Cheese Sandy 8lver Cheese Co. Malne's flrsL cheese facLory.
?ear 1ype of Mlll owner CommenLs
1781 saw 8euben Colburn/SLephen
ln 1782, a grlsL mlll was added. 1he sLones hauled
from WlnLhrop ln Lhe wlnLer of 1781. ln 1783, a
fresheL desLroyed Lhe mllls.
1790 LaLon and SLarllng 8ebullL mllls
? cardlng CapL. Abner uavls 8ebullL-posslbly afLer Lhe 1820 fresheL
1836 8uLLerfleld and WlLham 8ebullL. ln 1843, lL now has 4 run of sLones, one of
Lhem 8urr sLones wlLh a superlor cleanser." arker
1884 Craln
8ake maker
Amos Pobbs and Son LxLenslvely engaged ln maklng rakes and ln Lhe fall
Lhreshlng graln." 8uLler p. 260
1884 saw !oseph Could 230,000 feeL of lumber are sawed yearly." 8uLler

Corn L.W. Marble
Creamery 1he creamery house sLlll sLands (2008) along slde Lhe
rallroad bed. 1he Lraln would sLop Lo load Lhe mllk
cans and brlng Lhe cream Lo Lhe 1urner Creamery
oLLery norcross
8rlck 8rlckyard 8d." ls locaLed off of Cak SL.


?ear 1ype Cwner CommenLs
1823 Saw mlll naLhanlel 8ussell
1827 lssac 8ussell owned upon
naLhanlel's deaLh
naLhanlel sold Lo lssac 8uLLerfleld ln 1844. 1he mlll
was desLroyed ln a fresheL c. 1843. lL evldenLly was
rebullL as lL was sold Lo Charles 8ussell ln 1833.
Charles sold Lo !ames Llbby ln 1860. 1n 1870, Llbby
sold Lo Penry rlesL of LlberLy Malne. 1he mlll was
Lhen converLed lnLo a manufacLory of excelslor. ln
1892, Lhe mlll was purchased by Charles Polley.
Cf lnLeresL, ls Lhe covered brldge aL 8ussell's Mllls"
spannlng 1emple SLream (formerly SLarllng or uavls
Mlll SLream). A Lruck crashed Lhrough Lhe brldge ln
SepL. 1967. 1he flre depL. burned Lhe brldge ln Aprll
1968 and Lhe new brldge puL lnLo place.
c. 1833 Clover Moses Cralg/!oseph Puse ln producLlon for several years. (?Clover Mlll 8oad)

?ear 1ype Cwner CommenLs
" Corn, beans,
!.W. raLL
" Corn-golden
L.8. WeaLhern & Sons LocaLed on Lhe WhlLLler 8oad, [usL before Lhe hlgh
school on Lhe lefL. Colonlal house, now Lhe home of
Lhe lllsbury's.
1annery !.. 1hwlng LocaLed approx. beLween 192-204 erham SL., 8un
by sLeam power.
1874 !.. 1hwlng owned Lhe house on Lhe corner of
CourL and lounLaln, laLer Lhe home of Parold A.
1lLcomb Creen Acres." now Lhe home of !an and
Lllen 8oberLs.
8rlckyard 8elcher
uoor, sash
and bllnd
LocaLed near Lhe uMl amphlLheaLre
8ox , wooden
8ussel LsLes and Sons
8ox Co.
LocaLed where Lhe MargareL Chase SmlLh ApLs. Are
(2008). 1he Lraln Lracks crossed ln fronL of Lhe
bulldlng. Lmployed 130 people ln
Corn LocaLed [usL norLh of Ldgewood Manor nurslng home.
(!usL beyond ls Lhe former slLe of 1oy lacLory whlch
became Malne uowel Co. 1hls bulldlng came down ln
2003). 1he corn cannlng bulldlng ls ln poor repalr are
sLlll presenL close Lo Lhe road.

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