Ejercico E de Inglés

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Universidad Francisco José de Caldas

Facultad de Ingeniería
Programa: Ingeniería Catastral y Geodesia
Materia: inglés II
Estudiante: Andres Segura Patiño
Profesor: Orley Cruz

1. What are you going to do after class?

2. Where are you going this weekend?
3. Do you have pets at home?
4. Are you already doing your degree work?
5. Have you seen the new film that Cristhoper Nolán is producing?
6. You know what, the other week, it's college week?
7. Did you do the teacher evaluation?
8. What transport do you use to go to the university?
9. Do you know how I can check out a book from the library?
10. Been to Guatape?
11. Did the teacher check the homework?
12. Do your grandparents live with you?
13. Do you know when we finish this semester?
14. What are your brothers studying?
15. Are you studying for next week's exams?
16. Do they have induction outlet?
17. Do you know the name of the author of the Divine Comedy?
18. Do you know how to play an instrument?
19. Do you review the calls that the IGAC has made to do the practices?
20. Do you donate blood frequently?

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