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[Chapter 1]

Introduction to Communication
Nhap mon KHGT

- Communication is a process – an activity that serves to connect senders and
receivers of messages through space and time. The root of the word “communication” in
Latin is communicare, which means to share or to make common.
- The process of understanding and sharing meaning is defined as communication.
- Communication is the relationship that involves interaction between participants.
- Communication is much more than an understanding of the spoken or written
language. It is a composite of symbols, gestures, and illustrations that accompany either the
spoken or the written word.
- Communicate means to share. Communication is the process of exchanging
messages, ideas, facts, opinions or feelings. It is the mechanism of transferring meaningful
information from one person to another.
- The individuals spend nearly 70 percent of their waking hours
communicating—writing, reading, speaking, listening. It plays a vital role in any type of
organization. Perfect communication would occur when a thought or idea was transmitted so
the receiver perceived exactly the same mental picture as the sender.

● Sender: He is a person who initiates the communication process.
● Receiver: The listener who receives and encoded message and attempt to decode
the same in its true spirit.
● Message: it is an encoded idea transmitted by the sender.

[Functions of communication]
● Control: When employees communicate any job-related grievance to their
immediate boss, follow their job description, or comply with company policies,
communication is performing a control function.
● Motivation: Communication fosters motivation by clarifying to employees what they
must do, how well they are doing it, and how they can improve if performance is
subpar. The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress toward the goals, and
reward for desired behavior all stimulate motivation and require communication.
● Emotional Expression: Communication is a fundamental mechanism by which
members of group shows their satisfaction and frustrations. Communication,
therefore, provides for the emotional expression of feelings and fulfillment of social
● Information: Communication provides the information individuals and groups need
to make decisions by transmitting the data needed to identify and evaluate choices.
Thus communication helps to facilitate decision making.
- To understand others better. We do this through listening with sensitivity.
- To express our thoughts and feelings, whether this is love or anger; agreement or
opposition. Words express our inner feelings.
- To share ideas and plans. Basically to share Who we are, What we need and, Why
we should work together on mutually beneficial issues.
- To resolve differences. These are bound to happen since each of us is unique and
has different needs …desires and aspirations
- To lift people up and to get them to do more and be more. It can also enable
cooperation and build collaboration. Working in groups we can do more… when we
communicate effectively.
- To share Vision.. Mission… Values. This builds a common approach for teams
and companies. This is a skill that is essential for leaders.
- To drive change. Each of us has an innate desire to be better and to make the
world better. Persuading is another tool of the power communicator.
- To leave a legacy. Great leaders and mavericks built organization's and religions
that last for decades and some for centuries. If they could not communicate impactfully,
and inspire followers, their influence would have died with them.
- To live… To learn… To laugh… And to love.

[Importance of communication]
1. Prevents misunderstanding:
Many of our arguments and disagreements occur, simply because one of us did not
communicate clearly, when we communicate clearly, there will be no misunderstanding.
2. Strengthens relationships:
When we know more about someone that help to strengthen the relationship. The
more you communicate openly and frankly, the more the listeners will tend to build his levels
of comfort and confidence in you.
3. Relieves stress:
Talking about your problems and stresses actually helps to relieve the stress and
anxiety. You feel as if some of the burden has been lifted from you when a friend listens and
shows that he/she cares.
4. To make good impressions:
“It takes only seven seconds for us to judge another person when we first meet them”
(Linda Blair). So, first impressions are very important because they often determine the
outcome of a situation before the actual interaction begins. We’ve all heard the saying, “You
don’t get the second chance to make a first impression.” Most businesspeople determine if
they want to do business with you based on these first impressions. These give them every
opportunity to do business with you, hire you, and be loyal to you.
5. Increase confidence:
When you communicate well, people respond positively to you. And that helps to
increase your confidence.
6. For successful business:
It is not possible to have human relations without communication. However, good and
effective communication is required not only for good human relations but also for a good
and successful business.
7. For motivation and employee morale:
Communication is also a basic tool for motivation, which can improve the morale of
the employees in an organization. Inappropriate communication among employees or
between the managers and his subordinates is the major cause of conflict and low morale at
work. The manager should clarify to his employees about what is to be done, how well they
are doing and what can be done for better performance to improve their motivation.
8. For increase productivity:
With effective communication, you can maintain a good human relationship a good
human relation in the organization, and by encouraging ideas or suggestions from
employees or workers and implementing them whenever possible, you can also increase
production at a low cost.
9. For decision making:
Effective communication always leads to a positive result. On the basic of a matter
discussed in a meeting, employees reach a conclusion and make a decision.
10. To get a job/ opportunity:
Communication skills are very important for job seekers, and also sometimes in top
companies, it is crucial to have good communication skills if you are planning to have
flourishing career. If your interpersonal skills are polished, you can leave an impact of good

[Factors Affecting Communication/ Barriers]

(a) Status/Role
The sender and receiver of a message may be of equal status within a hierarchy
(e.g. managers in an organization) or they may be at different levels (e.g.
manager/employee, lecturer/student, business owner/clients). This difference in status
sometimes affects the effectiveness of the communication process.
(b) Cultural Differences
Cultural differences, both within or outside the organization (for example,
inter-departmental dealings and communication with outside organizations or ethnic
minorities) may impede the communication process.
(c) Choice of Communication Channels
Before you choose your communication channel, you should ask yourself whether
the channel is appropriate for a particular purpose and the person/receiver you have in mind.
Sending messages via inappropriate channels can send out wrong signals and end up
creating confusion.
(d) Length of Communication
The length of the message also affects the communication process. You need to be
sure that it serves the purpose and is appropriate for the receiver. Is the message too long or
too brief?
(e) Use of Language
Poor choice of words or weak sentence structure also hampers communication. The
same goes for inappropriate punctuation. The two sentences below illustrate clearly how
different placement of punctuation can change the entire meaning of a sentence:
Woman, without her, man is nothing.
Woman, without her man, is nothing.
(f) Disabilities
Disabilities such as impaired sight, dyslexia and poor mental health can also be
barriers to good communication, and should be taken into consideration when evaluating the
effectiveness of the communication process. You may need to use hearing aids, sign
language, magnifying systems, and symbols to alleviate problems caused by disabilities.
(g) Known or Unknown Receiver
Whether the receiver is known or unknown to you also plays a major role in
determining the effectiveness of your communication. A known receiver may be better able
to understand your message despite having insufficient information as both of you probably
have common experiences and a shared schemata. An unknown receiver, on the other
hand, may require more information and time to decode the message.
(h) Individual Perceptions/Attitudes/Personalities
Sometimes, the method of communication needs to take into consideration the
receiver’s personality traits, age and preferred style. The elderly and children, for example,
have different communication needs and preferences when compared to young adults. Is the
receiver of your message a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic sort of person? How do you think
they will react to your message? Can you adapt your communication style to suit theirs?
(i) Atmosphere/Noise/Distraction
Our surroundings can sometimes pose as barriers to effective communication. A
noisy place (a party , for instance) usually puts a strain on oral communication as both the
sender and the receiver need to put extra effort to get the message across and ensure that it
is understood clearly and correctly.
(j) Clarity of Message
Is the message conveyed in a clear or ambiguous manner?
(k) Lack of Feedback
Feedback is important as it enables confirmation of understanding to be made by
both parties. The lack of feedback can sometimes create problems as it can lead to
uncertainty and confusion.
Communication is the activity of establishing and operating relationships between
people (or with other social factors) to satisfy certain needs.

Communication is the activity of establishing and operating relationships between

people to satisfy certain needs. In other words, communication is the psychological contact
between people and people, exchanging information, emotions, perceptions, influencing
each other (maintaining and developing relationships). between the participants in the
communication process.

[Constituent elements]
● Sender: Người gửi thông điệp
● Message: Thông điệp
● Channel: Kênh truyền thông điệp
● Receiver: Người nhận thông điệp
● Feedback: Phản hồi
● Context: Bối cảnh

● Establish and maintain relationships.
● Pass the message to the object.
● Help the listener understand the message.
● Get response from object.
- Humans spend 70% of their time communicating
- The relationship between people and people, helping people understand each other

● It is a condition for social development and helps people join the community.
● Communication helps satisfy human needs.
● Perception happens in communication.
● Enhance mutual understanding in communication.
● Help people not only understand others but also understand themselves
+ It is a means of expressing personality.
+ Human personality is formed and developed in communication
● Good communication will create solidarity, create close and intimate relationships.
● Increase labor productivity
=> Good communication is one of the important factors to help you succeed.


- The message given is wrong.
- Using the wrong communication method.
- The message is not sent to the correct object.
- No message is transmitted.
- And a combination of the above factors.

[Means of communication]
- Content of the language
+ Spoken language
+ Written language
- Pronunciation, voice, and speed of speech
- Language style
+ Straight speech
+ Polite way of speaking
+ Hidden way of speaking
+ Sarcastic sarcasm
The K.I.S.S (Keep It Short & Simple) Principle
- Use words: words, sentences...
+ Simple/no fuss.
+ Show respect and dignity.
+ Witty but not vulgar.
- Voice:
+ Appropriate intensity and tempo
+ Express emotions: warm, friendly…
+ Contextual flexibility
+ Avoid: dry, sharp, even…
- The content of speech affects consciousness, and its intonation has a strong impact on
human emotions.
- Sukhomlinsky
+ A gentle, intelligent word that creates joy.
+ A foolish, thoughtless, impolite word brings disaster
Former UCLA professor of psychology is Albert Mehrabian with the 7% - 38% - 55% rule.
● Often conveys information in an ambiguous manner.
● Continuous and multi-channel evolution.
● Helps us to understand the emotional state of the communicator.
● Get to know different cultures around the world.
● Facial expressions
● Eye contact
● Voice (Vocal)
● Body posture
● Use of space (Proximity)
*Click - gesturing
- The sitting and standing posture is neat and balanced
- Lightly waved hands
- Use the whole hand
+ Sitting and standing, blocking the view, blocking the way
+ Sit on your side, lean back, turn your back
+ Support hips, shake thighs, beat feet, tap hands on the table.
+ Use your finger, pen, or stick to point.
+ Jaw-dropping
*Efficiently communicate
- Positioning skills
- Orientation skill
- Control skills.
*Personal ego
- Shape
- Temperament
- Character
- Capacity
- Opinion
=> Self-image
*Direction skill
- Determine the psychological portrait of the subject:
+ Who is the subject?
+ What kind of person is the subject?
+ What does the object require?
+ What's their mood?
*Control skill
- Control yourself
- Mastering emotions
- Mastering behavior
=> Behave properly
=> Situational control
=> Mastering time
=> Observe, listen
[Chapter 2]
[Basic principles of interpersonal communication]
ABC principle:
● Accuracy (chính xác)
● Brevity (ngắn gọn)
● Clarity (rõ ràng)

5C principle:
● Clear (Rõ ràng)
● Complete (Hoàn chỉnh)
● Concise (Ngắn gọn, súc tích)
● Correct (Chính xác)
● Courteous (Lịch sự)

[Principles of communication in life]

10 rules of social communication:
● Always care about others
● In communication, you must respect others
● Always know how to find the advantage of others to motivate, encourage people to
become better, create all good conditions for partners to assert themselves
● Put yourself in the position of partners to behave properly
● Should use tactful, rational speech, avoid using face-slapping, rude speech.
● Do not touch the pride of others, make people sad and miserable.
● Avoid using sarcastic, cynical expressions.
● Sometimes it is advisable to use philosophic expressions to alleviate the
unhappiness of others.
● Handling work must be understanding and reasonable.
● Always keep credibility in business, as well as in life.

[Social communication standard]

● Respect but must respect others
● Believe but not gullible.
● Know how to express yourself, but do not put others down to improve yourself.
● Be forthright, but not sloppy or indiscriminate.
● Be humble but don't lie.
● Be careful but not too picky or stereotypical
● Quick, but not where to say it, speaking without thinking makes other people hurt
● Be strict with yourself, but be generous with others.

[Some principles of business communication]

● Respect the personality of the partner you communicate with
● Listen to your partner
● Discuss democratically, rationally, without using oppressive power
● Know how to empathize with partners’ situation
● Know how to accept each other in communication. Acceptance is knowing how to
adapt to life, to objective circumstances.

[McCormack's 10 tips for business executives]

● Never underestimate the importance of money.
● Never overestimate money.
● •You can always have many friends in business, but you need to know how to
choose the best friend.
● Don't be afraid to say: “I don't know.”
● Speak less.
● Keeping promises, no matter how big or small.
● All transactions have their own characteristics, requiring administrators to be flexible,
flexible, to get appropriate handling measures.
● Get it right from the start
● Be nice to everyone.
● Know how to share with colleagues, never rob other people's work.

[How to sympathize with others]

● Be genuinely attentive to others
● Keep a smile on your face
● Remember the interlocutor's name
● Listen to what others have to say and encourage them to talk about you.
● Honestly make them see how important they are.

[How can others hear me?]

● Don't argue
● Respect other people's opinions, never say they are wrong.
● If you make a mistake, admit it right away.
● Be gentle, sweet, not sloppy.
● Let's start with an easy question.
● Let people talk to their heart's content.
● Let them act entirely on their own initiative.
● Honestly consider the other person's point of view.
● Show how much you sympathize with their aspirational ideas.
● Challenge them, provoke their aura.

[How to correct people without making them angry or resentful?]

● Before getting high, give them some compliments. (Remember that before shaving,
you need to apply a layer of soap to reduce burning)
● Before criticizing anyone, admit your own shortcomings.
● Do not give orders, but use questions to advise others.
● When criticizing, save face for others.
● Honestly acknowledge their progress, praise their progress.
● Give him or her a reputation and they'll work hard to be worthy of it.
[Chapter 3]
Business communication skills
[Daily communication skills]
● Handshake ceremony
● Handing over business cards
● Give a gift
● The art of thanking and apologizing.
● Party etiquette

[Telephone communication skills]

[1. How should the voice-over the phone be?]
- Speak clearly: How to tell the listeners only through your voice, but understand what you
- Normal voice: Normal voice, neither too loud nor too low.
- Speak at a moderate speed: This will make it easy for listeners to understand. However,
this speed also depends on the thoughts you want to exchange
- Choose the right words: Simply express your opinions with pictographic nouns to make it
easy for listeners to understand, avoiding too specialized nouns, strange words, or too long
- Speak in a low voice: When you lower your voice slightly. Your voice makes the listener
on the other end more comfortable to hear, that is also a polite way..
- Emphasize a few words: It will change the meaning of what you intend to say, so thinking
about which word for pressing will help a lot.
- Voice needs to have a tone: when you slightly raise your voice or lower your voice, it also
reflects your personality, making it interesting for listeners.
- Politeness: Smile while talking.

[2. Some rules when calling]

● Prepare content in advance
● Find the phone number quickly written down on paper
● Dial the phone number carefully
● Self-proclaimed
● Clearly state the purpose of the call
● End call

[3. Things to keep in mind of the secretary when using the phone]
- Do not use your work phone for personal purposes.
- Do not exchange confidential information over the phone.
- If you can't choose a number and don't know what you want to say, don't pick up the
- When holding the headset, you must have the habit of carrying a pen and message card
- Talk with a friendly voice, a voice with a tone.
- The secretary must know how to refuse the conversation that the leader does not want to

[Tips for using the phone]

1. Must train your voice
- Quick presentation
- Easy to understand
- Speak naturally
- Speak clearly
- Happy reaction
2. Remember, policy is awesome
- Cheerfully greet the interlocutor
- Ready to help with anything
- Listen attentively
- Call the interlocutor's name
- Sorry for the delay and mistake
3. Prepare before calling
- Arrange things to say
- Find the phone number, quickly write it down on paper
- Dial carefully
- Self-proclaimed
- Clearly state the purpose
- Happy ending the call
4. What to do when receiving the phone
- Reply now
- Self-proclaimed
- Respond politely
- Write down your contacts
- Check the important details
- Keep promise
5. When answering on behalf of others
- Respond quickly
- Self-proclaimed
- Indicate what to do if the called person is absent
- Ready to help or switch lines
- Enter the phone number and name of the interlocutor
- Write the instructions correctly

[Communication in the office]

[1. Some tips to help you be more successful in-office communication]
- "Immune" to stress
- Learn to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of others.
- Organize your thoughts before you speak
- Can use writing instead of speech
- Listen to people around
- Do not react immediately
- Let's build trust and respect

[2. Communicating with superiors]

- Bosses also have certain shortcomings; you should not try to change your boss, but learn
to reconcile seeing your boss as a customer.
- Start a relationship with the right steps
- Try to understand your boss
- Tell your boss what you need ( Briefly present your suggestions, requests, thoughts on the
- When you make a mistake, show your boss that you have the ability to overcome it, should
not be moody, disappointed, lose motivation to work ...
- Share non-work-related pleasures

[3. Communicating with colleagues]

- Respect colleagues through listening.
- Care about supporting colleagues
- Trust and build good relationships with colleagues.
Directly dialogue with colleagues to better understand each other and clear up any
misunderstandings (if any).
- Respond positively.
- Build trust in colleagues
- Not conceited, know how to help or refuse at the right time.
- Pay attention to the hobbies and successes of colleagues to praise.
- Sensitivity to not disturb colleagues.
- Do not gossip during working hours and do not speak ill of colleagues.
[Importance of customers]
- Customers are the only center to generate profits (Pruker)
- Customers are the most valuable asset of any company because, without
customers, there is no company.
- The survival of the business depends on the customer.

[Benefits of customer care]

- When product quality is the same, customer service is the competitive advantage in
the market.
- Improve customer satisfaction and company reputation.
- The foundation of a business going to success

[Importance Of Keeping Old Customers]

- The cost to attract and maintain a new customer is 5 times the cost to satisfy a
customer who has been coming to the company regularly.
- To get a profit from a new customer equal to the profit from an old customer who
once cut business with the company, we have to spend a cost equal to 16 times.

[How to retain customers?]

- Create a higher value package for the item on sale
- Use gifts to promote
- Penetrate into different communities
- Warranty Technical
- Give to receive
- Reward each customer
- Special Customers – Special Rewards
- Make it easy
- Come to customers
- Give customers what they want
- Be a champion in customer art
1. You need to know and understand what your customers expect from you.
2. You need to know what your competitors are offering
3. You need to meet and, when possible, exceed your customers' expectations.
4. You need to think like a customer.
5. You need to put customer service first
6. Your customer service standards need to be reviewed regularly.
7. You have to communicate with customers.
8. You have to focus on the details and the little things that will make your
business stand out.
9. You must deliver what you promise.
10. You must treat your customers with respect

[Five questions to help you harness the value pack effectively]

1. What services are closely related to your product? (Or vice versa)
2. When customers use your product or service, what process should they
follow? How does that become more efficient or more efficient?
3. What products or services do your customers usually use? (not related to the
product or service you provide)
4. What events are your customers most interested in during the year? In each
of those occasions, do you bring any benefits to your customers?
5. What products and services do your competitors offer/ Do you have a way to
connect with them to benefit both of you and your customers?

[Three Rules for Restoring Service by Leonard Berry]

1. Do it right the first time
2. Correction if there is a mistake
3. Remember: There is no 3rd chance


There are salespeople who consistently achieve high sales, and therefore
have an impressive income, but there are also employees who achieve much lower
sales despite being trained in the same program, selling with the same company.
same product, in the same period of time. To be successful, the difficulty of every
salesperson is to expand his or her customer network, constantly looking for new
[6 tips for finding new customers]
1. Don't forget to ask customers to become product recommenders
2. Improve product knowledge for customers
3. Take advantage of opportunities
4. Make time for phone calls
5. Know how to evaluate potential customers
6. Failure is mother's success


1. Plan
2. There is no single path to success
3. Look out for events that could create a potential market for you
4. Take advantage of local news sources
5. Look out for events that could create a potential market for you
6. Maintain contact after meetings
7. Give a little but get a lot in return
8. Take advantage of personal relationships
9. Studying your opponent
10. Use multiple small ads instead of one big one
11. Ask the reason when the customer refuses to buy

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