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SUBJECT F&A-002 Page 1 of 2

Effective Date : January 2021

Communicated To Prepared by: Approved By:

Head F&A GM


1. All cash disbursements from General Cashier are only issued with prior approval from
Department Head and Head of F&A.

2. Cash disbursements should be done as per the General Cashier opening hours as follows:

a. Working days (Monday to Friday) 14.00 – 16.00 WIB

3. All cash disbursements should be supported with the original documents (invoice, receipt,
approval memo from General Manager).

4. Responsibility of cash disbursement should be within 2 X 24 hours.

Purpose :

1. To prevent inefficient expenses occurred through better controlling.

2. To have a better maintenance on the General Cashier house bank.

3. To have an updated cash report due to procedures in returning of bills / invoices.

Procedure :

1. Staff who needs cash money for operational purposes from General Cashier should fill in
the “Money Request Form” and write down the type of request, name, department, date
of requirement, amount and reason, and then sign it.

2. This form should be approved by the Department Head and Head of F&A with the amount
not more than Rp. 500.000,-.

3. Submission of the form to General Cashier should be done properly as per the opening
hours of General Cashier as well as the report that is submitted one day in advance in
the purpose that General Cashier can prepare the cash money.

4. Upon receipt of the form, General Cashier should verify the validity and refer to Head of
F&A acknowledgment. After acknowledged by Head of F&A, General Cashier will
prepare the money to be picked up by the requester.

5. The requester should do clearance to General Cashier at the latest within 2 X 24 hours by
submitting the original invoices, receipts and the balance of money. General Cashier
should follow up and maintain all the outstanding of Money Request. In case the
requester can not give his responsibility of the within 3 X 24 hours without any clear
reason, General Cahier should report to Head of F&A.
SUBJECT F&A-002 Page 2 of 2

Effective Date : January 2021

Communicated To Prepared by: Approved By:

Head F&A GM

6. On weekly basis, General Cashier should prepare the outstanding Money Request and
submit it to Head of F&A.

7. The Petty Cash Voucher should be approved by Head of F&A.

8. On daily basis, General Cashier will make a summary signed by General Cashier and
approved by Head of F&A. This summary will be given to Head of F&A for reimbursement


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