Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) - Form

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Section/Unit: Performance improvement plan (PIP)

Staff Name: Director Name:

Duration of PIP (1- Review dates

month minimum)

The purpose of this Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is to define serious areas of concern, gaps in your work performance at our company, HMJ Biz Point Sdn Bhd, and
expectations, and allow you the opportunity to demonstrate improvement and commitment.

Areas of concern: Observations, Previous Improvement and Activity

Bullet point issues and how employees Discussions or Counseling: Were the requisite
Goals/Resources: Target
lack of performance and/or behaviour Recap dates/times you have addressed improvements Comments by Company Director
has affected his/her co-workers, the These are the goals related to areas date
the issues in the recent/relevant past. made?
company and customers. of concern to be improved and
Reference previous documents when
Yes No

Performance improvement plan 1

Areas of concern: Observations, Previous Improvement and Activity
Bullet point issues and how employees Discussions or Counseling: Were the requisite
Goals/Resources: Target
lack of performance and/or behaviour Recap dates/times you have addressed improvements Comments by Company Director
has affected his/her co-workers, the These are the goals related to areas date
the issues in the recent/relevant past. made?
company and customers. of concern to be improved and
Reference previous documents when

Yes No

Yes No

Timeline for Improvement, Consequences & Expectations:

Effective immediately, you are placed on a 14 days PIP. During this time, you will be expected to make regular progress on the planned outline above. Failure to meet or exceed
these expectations, or any display of gross misconduct will result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination

The above PIP plan has been discussed with the staff member, who is aware of their responsibilities and what is expected of them. If the staff member fails to achieve the
improvements expected of them, the appropriate consequences under the relevant company rules and regulations will apply.

We will meet again on as noted above to discuss your Performance Improvement Plan.Thank you.

Director sign
Staff member and date: HR Dept sign
sign and date: and date:

Performance improvement plan 2

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