Chapter 2 Barrientos Final Na Gyud

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Chapter 2


This chapter discusses the method used in the study. It also describes the

research methodology of the study, explains the sample selection, describes the

procedure used in designing the instrumental and collecting data, and provides

an explanation of the statistical procedures used to gather the data.

Research Design

This study used descriptive-evaluative research design. A descriptive

research design is one that tries to gather data in order to characterize a

phenomenon, situation, or population in a methodical manner. It mostly assists in

answering the what, when, where, and how questions about the research

challenge, rather than the way to explore the variables in question, the

descriptive technique of research might involve the use of a variety of research

methods. It generally utilizes quantitative data; however qualitative data is also

employed sometimes for descriptive purposes. It is vital to stress that, unlike

experimental research; the researcher does not control or influence any factors in

descriptive research. The variables are just recognized, observed, and measured

in this case.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges-IS

located at Beatiles st. General Santos City. Ramon Magsaysay Memorial

Colleges is one of the centers of excellence and an effective school that

envisions producing God-fearing, globally competitive and responsible citizens


nurtured by dignified, competent and committed mentors working with

cooperative and peace-loving stakeholders in a well-equipped learning

environment. RMMC shall provide relevant and responsive academic programs

through dignified, competent and committed mentors, in a well equip learning

environment in order to produce God fearing, globally competitive and

responsible citizens, with the cooperation of peace loving stakeholders.


Fig. 2 Map of the Location


Population and Sample

This study used a purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is used in this

investigation and is a term that refers to a variety of non-probability sampling

approaches. Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or

subjective sampling, relies on the researcher's judgment when picking the units

to be investigated (e.g., persons, cases/organizations, events, or pieces of data).

When compared to probability sampling approaches, the sample being analyzed

is usually fairly tiny. "A purposive selection denotes the method of selecting a

number of groups of units in such a way that the selected groups' together yield

as nearly as possible the same average or proportion as the totality with respect

to those characteristics which are already a matter of statistical knowledge,

according to Adolph Jenson.

The intent of this study was to know the level of readiness and motivation

of Grade 12 learners of RMMC towards College Education.

This study involved purposively selected Grade 12 learners of Ramon

Magsaysay Memorial Colleges and was conducted in the school year 2021-2022.

There were 50 respondents of Grade 12 Learners of Ramon Magsaysay

Memorial Colleges.

Research Instruments

In this study, the researcher made a survey questionnaire to achieve its

objective. It was used to determine the findings. It was validated and checked by

the experts. Respondents read a statement and answered it in the checklist

manner using the following rating scales.


Level of Readiness

Scale Description Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree Highly Ready

4 Agree Ready

3 Moderately Agree Moderately Ready

2 Disagree Not Ready

1 Strongly Disagree Highly Not Ready

Common Motivation of Grade 12 Learners

Scale Description Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree Highly Motivated

4 Agree Motivated

3 Moderately Agree Moderately Motivated

2 Disagree Not Motivated

1 Strongly Disagree Highly Not Motivated

Data Collections

The following were the steps followed by the researcher in conducting the


Ask permission from the College Dean and teachers to be able to conduct

a study, selected the respondents in the study specifically on the grade 12

learners, provided questionnaires and interviewed schedule, distributed


questionnaire to the chosen respondents, gathered data; and interpreted and

analyzed the gathered data.

Statistical Tools

After collecting the needed data, the researcher tabulated and analyzed

the data gathered with the help of statistical treatment. Both the SOP1 and SOP2

utilized an arithmetic weighted mean.

∑ 𝑤𝑥


∑= summation

w=the weighted mean variable

x= the value mean variable

Ethical Considerations

There is a significant ethical issue that has consequences for this

quantitative study. These flaws and concerns may stem mostly from the research

methods used in this study. The difficulties of proper study operation, secrecy,

and anonymity were the ethical challenges that were applicable in this research.

This study adhered to the RMMC Ethics and Review Committee's criteria for

ethical considerations, particularly when it came to the population and data,

including, but not limited to:

Voluntary Participation. The participants were given the choice of

participating without facing any consequences, reparations, or loss of benefits.

Following the presentation of the study's goal and advantages to the participant,

the participant's rights to contribute to the body of knowledge were carefully


assessed and anticipated. The participants in this study were not compelled to

participate. They have the right to withdraw their participation at any time during

the study if they are uncomfortable.

Privacy and confidentiality. Participants have a right to privacy that

should not be infringed upon without their knowledge in order to comply with the

Data Privacy Act of 2012, which protects the fundamental human right to privacy.

Giving respondents the option of not stating their name on the survey form is one

technique to maintain privacy and confidentiality in this quantitative study.

Furthermore, the informants' demographic data, such as age, gender,

occupation, employment, and, if applicable, sickness, were not published,

ensuring anonymity and privacy.

Informed consent process. Within the study's framework, prospective

research respondents were given as much information as possible regarding the

research's objectives, procedures, and benefits. The respondents' consent was

gained, showing that their involvement was requested voluntarily. This was done

in writing, outlining all of the pertinent information to be shared with the

participants as well as the manner in which the survey was conducted. The

inform consent form required respondents to sign to indicate that they willingly

agreed to participate in the survey. There was no need to obtain parental

approval because the responders were consenting adults.

Recruitment. The grounds for their inclusion in the study were explained

to the respondents. The researcher conveyed the goal of the study to the

respondents so that they may further infer from the researcher and also see the

essence of the investigation. Aside from the letter, the researcher explained the

study's logic and relevance.

Risks. Only if there is an appropriate positive benefit-risk ratio will

research be done. The necessity to protect the participants from serious injury is

equally vital in this investigation. The respondents' well-being was given first

priority in the study. Furthermore, the respondents were not harmed because

their identities were kept private. Their safety and security were of the utmost

importance to them. The researcher needed to make sure the participants were

physically, emotionally, and socially prepared. The researcher designed the

survey questions in such a way that the respondents did not feel uncomfortable

or uneasy.

Benefits. The outcomes of this study would benefit the respondents

because they would act as a wake-up call for CHED officials, school

administrators, and even college teachers in comprehending the experiences of

distance learning students during the pandemic. This research has a specific

purpose in mind: to help the study's internal and external stakeholders, especially

the students. Furthermore, in order to accomplish beneficence in research, the

researcher took all care to ensure that the respondents' lives were not

jeopardized, allowing them to profit from future study endeavors. Increased

important learning is the most crucial component in getting benefits.

Plagiarism. There was no hint of misinterpretation of someone else's

work in the study. Plagiarism detection tools such as Grammarly or Turnitin was

used on the study. As a researcher, you must possess positive character and

integrity, both of which are linked to moral virtues and principles. To write a

trustworthy research paper, the researcher must have a deeper understanding of

the plagiarism paradigm.

Fabrication. There was no indication or hint of a purposeful misreading of

what had been done in the study. There was no fabrication of data or results, nor

was there any deliberate presentation of false conclusions. The researcher used

and combined ideas that were connected to the data and other inferential


Falsification. There was no indication in the study of intentionally

misrepresenting the work to match a model or theoretical expectation, or of over

claiming or embellishment. Furthermore, this study did not adhere to data

manipulation, which included creating assertions or ignoring essential aspects,

as well as modifying materials, tools, or procedures to deceive others.

Conflict of Interest (COI). There was no evidence of a conflict of interest

in the study, such as the disclosure of COI, which is a set of circumstances in

which professional judgment about a primary interest, such as the welfare of

participants or the validity of the research, is influenced by a secondary interest,

such as financial or academic gains or recognitions. Furthermore, the researcher

had no control or influence over the participants, who were compelled to

participate in the study.

Deceit. There was no evidence in the study that the participants were

being misled about any potential harm. The rights of participants in any study,

especially those who have completed higher education, must be fully protected;

therefore, balanced and acceptable standards must be followed.

Authorship. The study's researcher is currently studying at Ramon

Magsaysay Memorial Colleges. His thesis had undergone several alterations as

a result of his adviser's remarks and suggestions, who had assisted the

researcher throughout the writing process. The manuscript has been improved

thanks to his adviser's help. The researcher also followed the RMMC Ethics

Review Committee’s guidelines.

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