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Part 3: I used to teach my grandmother some computer skills, do you any
experience like this?
- In my opinion, I think you will instruct her carefully, because older
people are not good at remembering information and in their
generation didn’t have technology as now. You can train her three
tims and then let her do it by herself. In addition, you can repeat that
every day for her.
B: It is said that in the future, traffic problems will be solved by using
modern technology and internet for types of transportation. Do you agree
with that?
Yes, I totally agree with that. Because before you want to go somewhere
you can open your phone and search and AI will tell you what roads are
crowded and have traffic jams, then it will show you alternative roads.
Besides, using technology in transportation is literally convenient. As
public transportation, you will know schedules, it helps you save time.
C: It is said technology is very important nowadays. DO you agree?
Yes, I agree a part of. nowadays, technology is more and more developed
and convenient. You can search anything on it such as, you can watch
many kinds of movies, and you don’t need to go to the cinema. It helps
you save money. In addition, technology can be useful in studying and
researching. You can consult foreign documents to have more ideas and
the answer for those issues you don’t know. It makes your life easier and
Part 4:
Dear members,
We are going to hold a talk show to talk about technology. However, we
still haven’t found a speaker to talk about the internet and computers yet.
What do you think about becoming the speaker in our upcoming talk
show? Give us your opinions.
1.Informal letter
Dear A,
I didn’t share with each other for along time. Are you doing well? I hope
you’re still fine. Have you read the notice that our club will hold a talk
show about technology? I feel deeply blue because the club still hasn't
found a speaker to talk about technology. According to what I know, your
major was Computer Science when you were in university. Do you know
anyone who has knowledge in this major? Drop me a line if you know.
2.Formal letter
Dear A,
My name is Ngoc Anh. I have been a member in the technology club for
two years. I have read the notice that our club will hold a talk show about
technology. I am writing this email to express my feelings and some
suggestions for this event. I found myself on the cloud nine. But we have a
problem that we have not yet found a speaker to talk about this content.
When I was a student in university, I knew a senior who had excellent
knowledge in this field. As I know, he is a talented inspirer. I strongly
believe that he will persuade the audience. This is my suggestion and I
hope that it is useful for you.
Best Regards,
Ngoc Anh.

-informal: feelings: +proud, opinions -> good presentation , speech

+nervous -> speak in public/ in front of lots of ppl, prepare carefully, have
never made a speech in a talk show before
-formal: +willing -> presenter, feelings
-requirements for the club: prepare the content, ideas , help me in
+ideas, opinions about the benefits, disadvantages….
+I will talk about……
-hesitate to become the presenter: don’t have experience-> alternative
plane: ask other members for help

speak part 4:
Tell me a time you visited an old building?

In my life, I have undergone many times that I have visited many places. Each of them have
a certain meaning to me. Now, I am going to talk about that time I visited an old building that
I had the strongest impression.

Last week, I had a trip to Hue on vacation, and I had a chance to visit one of the highlights
of Hue is the complex of palaces, temples, and tombs that make up the Hue Imperial
City. This UNESCO World Heritage Site served as the seat of the Nguyen dynasty,
the last royal family to rule Vietnam. Visitors can marvel at the intricate architecture
and learn about the customs and traditions of the royal court. After this visiting, I am
proud of my country and have many experiences about the history of Vietnam.

Looking back, I hope I can return to Hue again and explore more food in this city

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