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Cebu Technical Vocational Training and Assessment Academy Inc.

BAI Center, Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines 6000
School ID: 409209

CORE04A Earth Science

PRE-Midterm Examination
1st Semester S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Strand and Section: _________________________________________ Score: ______________
TOPICS: 1) Universe and Solar System 2) Earth and Earth Systems


Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. The Philippines has three branches of government namely; executive, judiciary, and legislative. These three branches
are independent and have their respective mandates or functions. What are its similarities to the Earth’s
A. Subsystems cannot perform without the others since they are interrelated.
B. Earth is a set of not connected components that are interacting to form a unified whole.
C. Earth has a system of interconnected components that are interacting to form a unified whole.
D. Earth’s subsystems are dependent from each other that they cannot function without the others.
2. If hydrosphere is to lakes, then biosphere is to what?
A. Minerals B. Forest C. Mountains D. soil
3. Mountains, volcanoes, and impact craters are just some of the system features of geosphere. What system features
represent the atmosphere?
A. dust storms, clouds, and hurricanes C. lakes, erosion, and air
B. air, clouds, and glaciers D. hurricanes, dust storms and planktons
4. Which of the following options best represents Earth’s major subsystems?
A. lithosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere
B. geosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, atmosphere
C. hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, biosphere
D. atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, geosphere
5. El Niño is an irregularly occurring and complex series of climatic changes affecting the equatorial Pacific region
characterized by the appearance of unusually warm, nutrient-poor water. It is the result of the interaction of what
A. Hydrosphere and Atmosphere C. Geosphere and Biosphere
B. Hydrosphere and Geosphere D. Atmosphere and Geosphere
6. Tsunami is a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an
ocean. It involves the interaction of what different Earth spheres?
A. Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Geosphere C. Geosphere and Hydrosphere
B. Atmosphere and Geosphere D. Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
7. Tsunami is an example of which two (2) Subsystem interaction.
A. Atmosphere to Hydrosphere C. Geosphere to Hydrosphere
B. Biosphere to Hydrosphere D. Hydrosphere to Hydrosphere
8. A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.
A. Subsystem B. Ecosystem C. System D. Universe
9. Which is an example of Biosphere to Atmosphere interaction.
A. Landslide B. Photosynthesis C. Evaporation D. Typhoon
10. What theory states that the Earth is the center of the universe?
A. Heliocentric universe C. Paleo centric universe
B. Geocentric universe D. Cosmic universe
11. What theory states that the Sun is the center of the universe?
A. Heliocentric universe C. Paleo centric universe
B. Geocentric universe D. Cosmic universe

12. The planet earth is called a unique planet due to

A. neither too hot nor too cold B. presence of air and water
C. oxygen, light supporting gas D. all of these
13. What is absolutely necessary for living organisms to survive?
A. energy B. sunlight C. oxygen D. all of the above

14. An example of biosphere connecting to atmosphere
A. plants produce oxygen C. animals live in cave
B. animals eat plants D. animals drink water
15. This sphere includes the continents, the ocean floor, all the rocks on the surface, and all of the sand in the deserts. 
A. Hydrosphere B. Biosphere C. Atmosphere  D. Geosphere 
16. When Earth is seen from outer space, it looks mainly blue. This is because most of the earth is covered with
A. Ice B. Mountains C. Ocean D. Desert
17. The __________ is a mixture of gases that surrounds the planet.
A. troposphere B. lithosphere C. atmosphere D. exosphere
18. Water rushing down a mountain is an example of which two systems interacting
A. mesosphere and biosphere C. geosphere and atmosphere
B. biosphere and atmosphere D. geosphere and hydrosphere
19. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major geological subsystems of Earth?
A. Biosphere B. Hydrosphere C. water sphere D. geosphere
20. What would possibly happen if earth’s temperature reaches 15 0C
A. it causes the water to freeze
B. it would cause a quick evaporation of water
C. just the right temperature for an organism to survive
D. all choices are correct
21. Planet Earth and Venus have the right size to hold a sufficient-size atmosphere. What would happen for those small
planets having insufficient gravity to hold an atmosphere?
A. having no insulating blanket or a protective shield for these planets
B. It will still keep the amount of gases in the atmosphere that is needed by any organisms
C. It will still keep the planet warm and protects it from radiation.
D. None of the above
22. What would happen when there is too little sunlight or too few chemicals that provide energy to cells?
A. cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life
B. organism would eventually die
C. all organisms could still function normally
D. All options are correct
23. The following are factors that makes a planet habitable EXCEPT:
A. temperature B. energy C. Atmosphere D. color
24. It is a set of interconnected parts that are interacting to form a unified whole.
A. atmosphere B. system C. size D. metamorphism
25. The atmosphere is divided into four layers. Which layer of the atmosphere is responsible for shielding the Earth from
ultraviolet radiation?
A. mesosphere B. stratosphere C. troposphere D. thermosphere
26. Which of the following is true about the Earth’s subsystems?
A. Each subsystem works independently and does not depend on other subsystems.
B. Each subsystem did not change since the formation of the Earth.
C. Earth’s subsystems interact with each other making life possible on Earth.
D. Earth’s subsystems are similar to the subsystems of other planets.
27. What theory believed the creation of the universe?
A. Solar Nebula Theory C. Copernican Theory
B. Big Bang Theory D. Aristotelian Theory
28. What theory describes the formation of our solar system from a cloud made from a collection of dust and gas?
A. Solar Nebula Theory C. Copernican Theory
B. Big Bang Theory D. Aristotelian Theory
29. Who proposed the Continental Drift Theory?
A. Alfred Wegener C. Igor Shiklomanov
B. James Hutton D. Edmund Halley
30. Who is the scientist famous for “Halley’s Comet”?
A. Alfred Wegener C. Igor Shiklomanov
B. James Hutton D. Edmund Halley
31. Who is the Austrian geologist known for introducing the term “Biosphere”?
A. Ernst Heinrich Herkel C. Eduard Suess
B. Evangelista Torricelli D. Alexander Von Humboldt
32. Who is the Italian physicist inventing the Barometer?
A. Ernst Heinrich Herkel C. Eduard Suess
B. Evangelista Torricelli D. Alexander Von Humboldt
33. What is the Earth’s outermost layer?
A. Crust B. Mantle C. Outer core D. Inner core
34. What is the solid innermost layer of the Earth?
A. Crust B. Mantle C. Outer core D. Inner core
35. What is the fluid layer that contains iron and generates the Earth’s magnetic field?
A. Crust B. Mantle C. Outer core D. Inner core

Test ll. Answer the following questions concisely utilizing the space provided. Your work will be graded using
the following criteria: Content- 3 points; Clarity- 1 point and Neatness- 1 point. (5 points/item)
1. Using your wild imagination, what can you invent to space travel advancements?

2. How different are the layers of Earth from each other in terms of their composition, thickness, and
physical properties?

3. Why is Earth considered as a unique planet compared to other planets?

“Without commitment, you can never start. Without consistency, you can never finish.” – Denzel

Prepared by: Approved by:


Earth Science Teacher School Principal


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