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Chapter 1



Global climate change causes consequences, and its damage to earth. The urge

to act and avoid things that causes the greenhouse effect by government, private sector

and individuals is a help in health to this huge problem. This problem resulted that

temperature and energy consumption negatively and significantly affect rice and

vegetable production, while the negative effect of rainfall, temperature, fossil fuel

consumption, and humidity on cereal production is insignificant (Akhtar & Masud, 2022).

Climate change is a threat not only to widely acknowledged basic rights but also to all

other rights, the protection of which depends on fulfillment of basic rights (Shue, 2020).

The Philippines is one of the world's most disaster-prone countries, frequently

ranking among the top three countries in terms of disaster impact. Located in the Pacific

Ring of Fire, the Philippines is subject to routine seismic and volcanic activity, and its

location in the Pacific puts it in the direct path of multiple typhoons each year. Global

climate change is expected to have an impact on the Philippines in the form of shifting

weather patterns and, more dangerously, rising sea levels, which will affect coastal

communities and low-lying urban areas. Although most Filipinos believe that natural

disasters pose a risk to them, only one-third of Filipinos take precautionary measures.

Filipinos who believe climate change is directly affecting their households are taking

more precautions to prepare for disasters. Filipinos who believe they have been directly

impacted by climate-related changes are more likely to prepare for disasters, take

precautionary measures, and undertake material preparations such as home

improvements. Other factors related to disaster preparedness include gender,

association membership, wealth, risk perception, and prior exposure to and losses from

disasters (Bollettino et al., 2020).

For several reasons, it is important to investigate public awareness of climate

change (Monirul et al., 2017). First, it can be compared to observed climate data to

determine whether or not people are directly perceiving or experiencing changes in their

environment. Second, it may aid in explaining people's actions or inactions, such as

support for climate change adaptation policies. Third, when viewed as a trend, it may be

associated with other factors such as media attention or political ideology (Shao & Hao,

2020). Despite the efforts in investing to disaster preparedness, the level of awareness

towards climate change and its relation to bringing disasters are less explored

particularly in local communities. It is therefore necessary to conduct a study to abridge

this gap of knowledge.

Conducting this study would help gather data necessary in tailoring strategies

that will help raise awareness even to the very far-flung areas. It is also hoped that with

this study, the local government unit will be able to craft policies and programs that will

help Cortesanons heed to the warnings about climate change. In addition, adaptation

strategies can be constructed in.

Theoretical Framework

The researchers claim that local communities are more responsible of doing

things that will make a nature a better health. The following are the theories that

supported the claim of the study:

The first theory of which this study was anchored with is the Climate Change

Conspiracy Theories. An overwhelming percentage of climate scientists agree that

human activity is causing the global climate to change in ways that will have deleterious

consequences both for the environment and for humankind. While scientists have

alerted both the public and policy makers to the dangers of continuing or increasing the

current rate of carbon emission, policy proposals intended to curb carbon emission and

thereby mitigate climate change have been resisted by a notable segment of the public.

Some of this resistance comes from those not wanting to incur costs or change energy

sources (i.e., the carbon-based energy industry). Others oppose policies intended to

address climate change for ideological reasons (i.e., they are opposed to the collectivist

nature of the solutions usually proposed). But perhaps the most alarming and visible are

those who oppose solutions to climate change because they believe, or at least claim to

believe, that anthropogenic climate change is not really happening and that climate

scientists are lying and their data is fake.

In addition, the Skeptic rhetoric theory, on one hand, may suggest that climate

skepticism is psychological and the product of underlying conspiratorial thinking, rather

than cognitive and the product of a careful weighing of scientific evidence. On the other

hand, it may be that skeptics do not harbor underlying conspiratorial thinking, but rather

express their opposition to policy solutions in conspiratorial terms because that is the

only available strategy when arguing against an accepted scientific consensus. This

tactic of calling into question the integrity of science has been used in other scientific

debates (e.g., the link between cigarette smoking and cancer).

Opinion surveys, however, support the view that climate change denialism is

driven at least partially by underlying conspiratorial thinking. Belief in climate change

conspiracy theories also appears to drive behaviors in ways consistent with the

behaviors of people who think in conspiratorial terms: Climate change conspiracy

theorists are less likely to participate politically or take actions that could alleviate their

carbon footprint. Furthermore, some climate skeptics reject studies showing that their

skepticism is partially a product of conspiratorial thinking: They believe such studies are

themselves part of the conspiracy.

Conceptual Framework

The flow of the study has been illustrated in the schematic diagram, the three

rectangular boxes show an independent and dependent variable of the study. The first

box refers to the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,

educational attainment, and family monthly income. These variables are critical to

comprehend because they will have an impact or influence on their responses.

The second box indicates level of awareness of local communities on global

warming in which the researchers will evaluate respondents' knowledge and awareness

on climate change. In addition, the researchers have also evaluated the significant

relationship between demographic profile and the level of awareness on global

Lastly, the third box shows the Proposed Intervention Program. The researchers

have utilized the findings and conclusions to formulate recommendations appropriate for

utilization and improving the implementation policies.

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the awareness of local communities on global warming.

More specifically, it sought to provide answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. Educational attainment

1.4. Occupation

2. What is the level of awareness of local communities on climate change?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and

their level of awareness on climate change?

4. What intervention plan can be proposed based on the findings of the study?


This study is guided with the hypothesis:

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents

and their level of awareness on climate change

Scope and Limitation of the Study

As to the limitations of this research which will eventually suggests avenues for

future research investigations relevant to the topic, this study have only focused on the

awareness of the residents about climate change. This did not tackle on the attitude of

the residents towards the adaptation strategies made by the local government in

battling climate change. The current study is focused specifically on a limited number of

people and on a specific barangay, Mabahin. This study was conducted in early

November but the pilot-testing of the questionnaire was done on the last week of


Significance of the Study

The study will be evaluating the awareness of the respondents on global

warming. Thus, this will be significant to following group of individuals:

Local Government Unit. This study will help the government to determine how

aware the residents are on the climate change. Having located to a danger-prone area,

they will be able to device plans regarding disasters brought by climate change. And

this will only be possible with the cooperation of the residents. And so, the data that will

be gathered by this research will really be helpful.

Barangay Officials. They will be able to create policies in protecting the

ecosystem. They can help the LGU to spread awareness regarding the impact of

climate change if not given attention.

Residents. The study will give them more knowledge about the effect of climate

change. In addition, with awareness comes with the positive attitude towards the policy
and programs crafted by the LGU as solutions to the different crisis brought by climate


Future Researchers. This study could be the catalyst for future environmental

researches. This study also adds to the body of knowledge on the subject.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and understanding of the study, the following terms are

defined conceptually and operationally.

Awareness. This is the condition of being aware of something. It is more

specifically the ability to directly know and perceive, feel, or be aware of events.

Climate Change. It refers to long-term temperature and weather pattern

changes. These changes could be natural, such as variations in the solar cycle.

Level of Awareness. This is a term used to describe a person's awareness and

comprehension of what is going on around him or her. In this study, the person’s

awareness will be measured through a scale and research instrument.

Local Communities. This refers to a group of people who interact and share an

environment. In human communities, intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs,

risks, and a variety of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the

participants' identity and degree of cohesiveness.

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