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NOVEMBER 1, 2015

When I want to find hidden truths about particular topics I look to the
language and symbols. Language came to humanity in one complete
package. It is too well structured and the meanings too well connected to
be otherwise. It wasn’t created hodge podge as humanity stumbled
through the ages. As an infant we must learn a language. Therefore
language was given to us. If we look to John 1:1, (from the Wiki) we
find…”the first verse in the Gospel of John. The King James Version of
the verse reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God“. The phrase “the Word” (a translation of
the Greek word “Logos”) is widely interpreted as referring to Jesus, as
indicated in other verses later in the same c hapter. [1]” ”

So the “Word” was given to humanity.

Notice how similar the European Union building is to the Tower of Babel.
This is not a coincidence. And the pic below showing the inverted
pentagrams; the rule from below. The crane is showing that it is still a
work “in progress”.
Now in the Tower of Babel moment we have God protecting his creation.
He went from one language to many languages so that the Satanic
controllers would lose their hold over man. Through love he scattered
humanity across the planet giving them different languages, separating
them by culture, race, creed. We can see how the powers that be (TPTB)
are trying to create a Babel 2.0. Mixing all of humanity t ogether under
one language again, one race, one religion, one sex, all to better control
us. All to enslave us.
Here is Nimrod, the Egyptian leader that orchestrated the Tower of Babel.
Notice the sun and the moon at the top, showing he wanted to keep
building until he reached heaven. So he could be like God.
Here is a modern depiction of the Tower of Babel moment. Notice
Batman is portraying Nimrod, the Satanic leader. Superman is in the
forefront, representing the son of God or Christ, fallen.

The Tower of Babel is also shown in the Tarot cards. You can see the
tower hit by a lightning bolt from up high or the heavens. Again showing
divine intervention, knocking Nimrod from his attempted throne.

The brilliance of God doing this one act is of a profou nd significance. He

set back TPTB’s agenda by generations. To get to the same place they
did with the Tower of Babel moment would take hundred of years. That is
why it is called their GREAT WORK. He not only protected man by giving
him separate languages, but he ENCODED the language as well. For the
ones who can figure it out, all the truth of the world is right before their
eyes. Figure out the code, know the world.

So whose side was Albert Pike, 33rd degree Mason, and Steven Jobs
co-head of Apple (forbidden fruit tempted by Satan) on?

With this being said, the truth about our Earth is hidden in the code.
Let’s take a look.

First let’s start with the name for our home ~ Earth. Now if you scramble
the letters around it spells Heart. This is NOT a coincide nce. It is code
telling us the significance of our home. Our home is the HEART of our
world. Now where is the heart located in our body? In the center. So our
Earth is in the Center. And we know this because we know that man is a
microcosm to the macrocosm- our world. Put another way, As above, so
below. As without, so within So we know the Earth is in the center. So
the Sun can not possibly be in the center.
Notice that the CENTER chakra, called Anahata, is GREEN. Green is the
color for the Earth.

Now throughout history our brilliant minds DID place Earth in the center.
It was called the Geocentric system. W ith the sun revolving around the
Earth. It wasn’t until approximately 500 years ago that a Jesuit priest
named Nicolaus Copernicus (Nick Copper-NIck) told us otherwise. From
the Wiki, “The astronomical symbol for Venus is the same as that used in
biology for the female sex: a circle with a small cross bene ath. [172] The
Venus symbol also represents femininity, and in Western alchemy stood
for the metal copper. [172] Polished copper has been used for mirrors from
antiquity, and the symbol for Venus has sometimes been understood to
stand for the mirror of the goddess.”

and also… “The surface of Venus is often said to resemble traditional

accounts of Hell.” So Nick Copper Nick represents Nick, a nickname of
Satan and Venus the planet of the negative feminine aka Lucifer.
Coppernicus came up with the theory that the Sun was in the center. But
even he was reluctant to publish it. (Because he knew it wasn’t true
perhaps?) From the Wiki, “About 1532 Copernicus had basically
completed his work on the manuscript of Dē revolutionibus orbium
coelestium; but despite urging by his closest friends, he resisted openly
publishing his views, not wishing—as he confessed—to risk the scorn “to
which he would expose himself on account of the novelty and
incomprehensibility of his theses.”

Another way we can tell that Earth -Heart is in the center is by looking at
Norse Mythology. In Norse mythology there is a Tree of Life. (The tree of
life is also reflected in the Kabbalah). The tree consists of nine worlds;
three worlds each within three realms. The realm directly above Earth is
called Asgard (Heaven) and Earth is called Midgard. These are the only
two realms with the base of “gard”. Gard means garden. So Asgard is
the upper garden and Midgard is the MIDDLE garden or CENTER garden.

Here is one depiction of Yggdrasil- the Tree of Life and the Nine Worlds.
Notice how each world is flat and contained within a sphere. Notice the
Earth, with the Sun and the Moon in the CENTER.
Here is another. This one has the ice and fire realms next to Eart h on
the same realm. Earth was made from the GAP - ginnungaGAP- the place
in the middle. Like the Bible says, the waters above, the fires below.
From the wiki, “Ginnungagap appears as the primordial void in the Norse
creation account, the Gylfaginning states:

Ginnungagap, the Yawning Void … which faced toward the northern

quarter, became filled with heaviness, and masses of ice and rime, and
from within, drizzling rain and gusts; bu t the southern part of the
Yawning Void was lighted by those sparks and glowing masses which
flew out of Múspellheim [2]

In the northern part of Ginnungagap lay the intense cold of Niflheim, and
to the southern part lay the equally intense heat of Muspelheim. The
cosmogonic process began when the effulgence of the two met in
the MIDDLE of Ginnungagap.
They met in the CENTER!

The “Gap” is also encoded in the Greek word for Love - Agape. A- GAP-E
(A is for Heaven, Asgard and E is for Earth) So A -GAP-E shows the
heart which lies in the CENTER.

Now why would Copernicus want us to think the Sun was in the center
and not Earth? Because he and the rest of TPTB didn’t want us to know
how special Earth is and how special we are. That we are actually in the
CENTER of CREATION. This would prove God. They woul d rather us
believe that we are a minute speck in a sea of a billion planets. That we
are not significant in any way. They want us to follow the scientific path
and put MAN as God.

So the Heart is where Love comes from. The heart is the most powerful
chakra and the one they are trying to control. Cupid is the god of love
and is also known as Eros. Eros is an anagram for ROSE. The
Rosicrucians use the Red Rose in the CENTER of a cross as their
symbol. This rose represents love and the heart and we know the h eart
is Earth so their symbol shows Earth in the Center of the cross or our
world. They are hiding the truth in their symbolism.
Now if you don’t want to believe the coding that the Earth is in the center
you can directly observe for yourself. Lay down in a field on a clear night
and watch the stars. You will see that they are moving around a central
point. This central point is called the North Star. The North Star is the
only immoveable star. This is the CENTER POINT of our CENTER world.
The “Norse” people are the people of the “North”. Throne is almost a
perfect anagram for North. The North Star is the seat of Odin who looks
down on the world and can see all.
Otherwise known as the “All Seeing Eye”. It is all seeing because it
never closes. The star is always “alight”. The North pole is also known
as the magnetic north because all compasses are drawn to this location.
In the HBO series, Game of Thrones, we have Game of the North, the
one who will rule the Iron Throne. Game of Thrones is abbreviated as
GOT. GOT is short for GOTT, the Germanic word for GOD. Notice too
that they have a giant ice wall. This is the real wall that encircles our
world and is represented by the Ouroboros.

Notice too in Game of Thrones that they have giants. They come from
the land over the wall. Could this be the land of Jotunheim as in Norse
mythology? Giant remains have been discovered all over our world, even
in North America.

Giants even comes up in stories in the Bible, such as David and Goliath
and Hercules. And then we have the story of the Nephilim who slept with
the daughters of man and created giants.
This is Baalbek (Baal~ Nimrod), Lebanon with average sized people in
front of a crafted stone that couldn’t possibly be moved with equipment
we have in this day and age. Here is the Wiki link on it:

Could the giants have come from the land over the ice wall and visited
Midgard? Not only are there physical remains, but many stories in Norse
mythology of the interactions between the Gods and the Giants.

Now why might the Earth be FLAT? It is mentioned in the Bible….

1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”

Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm …”

Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable …”

Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never
can be shaken.”

Isaiah 45:18: “…who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed
it fast…”

and in the Creation story… from an article by Robert J. Schadewald

linked here:

“The Genesis creation story provides the first key to the Hebrew
cosmology. The order of creation makes no sense from a conventional
perspective but is perfectly logical from a flat -earth viewpoint. The earth
was created on the first day, and it was “without form and void (Genesis
1:2).” On the second day, a vault the “firmament” of the King James
version was created to divide the waters, some being above and some
below the vault. Only on the fourth da y were the sun, moon, and stars
created, and they were placed “in” (not “above”) the vault.”

And then we have the masonic question, “Are you on the level?” Being
level would imply being Flat. Notice the all seeing eye directly in the
center and above. One triangle up and another one connected and
pointed down, as above, so below.
In their symbol, the square represents the level earth and the compass
represents the circular shape of it. Notice the Ouroboros on the outer rim,
the white rim represents the ice wall, the G is in the center, where God
resides. The circle at the top of the compass represents the all seeing
eye, Odin’s throne and also represents “as above”, whereas the level
represents “as below”. We can see how the compass and square
represent triangles and if completed would make the Star of David. The
two also represent man and woman and the meeting of the two in the
generative act- another definition for the letter G. God, Generative,
Geometry. In numerology the letter G is equal to the number 7. Earth’s
number is 4 and Heaven’s number is 3 (which is also the trinity). So
when you combine Earth and Heaven 3 + 4 you get 7. Seven is the
divine number of God.

The square also represents the Four corners. One of the “corners” sunk.
This is where the ancient land of MU once was. Now only Hawaii
remains above the seas in that quarter.
Notice how this is also represented in the United Nations flag. It is
sectioned off into 32 with a 33rd section in the very center. Is it
coincidence that the Mason’s can only go to the 33rd degree by
invitation? Thirty-three is the melting point of water, where the ones in
the know reside. Do they also reside in the center? Notice that the image
is encircled with a Roman laurel wreath. This shows that the Roman
empire never died, it was just replaced by the Holy Roman Empire
represented by the Vatican and the Jesuits.
In ancient Asian cultures the center of the Earth was called Mount Meru
(short for Merovingian) and was a tall mountain where the “gods” resided.
Mount Meru was also called Sumeru. SUMER was the ancient land
before Egypt, the land of the first recorded civilization on Earth.
From the Wiki on Mount Meru, “Ancient Buddhists imagined the universe
as essentially flat, with Mount Meru at the center of all th ings.
Surrounding this universe was a vast expanse of water, and surrounding
the water was a vast expanse of wind.

This universe was made of thirty-one planes of existence, stacked in

layers, and three realms, or dhatus. The three realms were Ārūpyadhātu,
the formless realm; Rūpadhātu, the realm of form; and Kāmadhātu, the
realm of desire.

Each of these was further divided into multiple worlds that were
the homes of many sorts of beings. This cosmos was thought to
be one of a succession of universes coming into and going out of
existence through infinite time.
Our world was thought to be a wedge -shaped island continent in a vast
sea south of Mount Meru, called Jambudvipa, in the realm of Kāmadhātu.
The earth, then, was thought to be flat and surrounded by ocean.”

Notice how the Buddhist view on our World is very similar to the Norse
Here is the United Nations General Assembly room. It looks like a
depiction of our Flat Earth as well. Do you think they know something
that they are not telling us? T he center pillar reminds me of the mountain
in the center aka Mount Meru.
Isn’t it interesting that the G8 summits meets to discuss our world? Is it
because they sectioned off 8 areas, as depicted above, to better control

How about the fact that we are not allowed to fly over the North pole? Is
it because we would know the truth of our Earth if we did? We are not
allowed to fly over the South Pole either. I think this is because 1) there
is no “south” pole. The south is the ring of ice surrounding or Earth. So
we would see that it is actually a ring. And 2) they do not want us to
discover what is on the other side of the ring. I believe it is because we
are under a dome. DOME comes up in the code. (I’ll discuss this more
So here we have Prince Harry in red on the right and his cohort in blue
on the left. The “Earth” is sitting atop a Barber pole. From the Wiki, “The
origin of the red and white barber pole is associated with the service
of bloodletting and was historically a representation of bloody bandages
wrapped around a pole. [2] During medieval times, barbers performed
surgery on customers, as well as tooth extractions. The original pole had
a brass wash basin at the top (representing the vessel in
which leeches were kept) and bottom (representing the basin that
received the blood). The pole itself represents the staff that the patient
gripped during the procedure to encourage blood flow.” So the question
is, who is doing the bloodletting? Is it humanity being le eched off of by
the Satanic cabal running our world?

This picture is priceless. Here they are supposed to be in Antarctica, a

frozen wasteland where there is not one shred of vegetation. The
weather is so extreme that the only animal life are penguins an d seals,
which are both water animals, yet we have Harry and company trudging
along without gloves, hat or coats. But he does look stylish. I guess
that’s what counts.
And here we have Harry doing the “one eye” sign. Notice he is covering
his right eye. This means he is for the “left”, the left handers, the Satanic

Now there are people in the Flat Earth (FE) movement that would like us
to believe that the Earth is on an Infinite plane. Does this remind you of
anything? How about an infinite galaxy with billions of stars? If we were
on an infinite plane Earth would lose its special significance of being the
Heart. So no, I don’t believe we are on an infinite plane. The same
person promoting this is an ex NASA contractor. NASA is a masonic
organization, once a mason always a mason, once a NASA member
always a NASA member.
Then we have the opposite side with good info on the FE but promoting
“Hitler was a good guy meme”. The other side to the same coin -
Hegelian dialectic. Pick a team, red or blue, Re publican or Democrat,
Nazi or Zionist, as long as you pick a team TPTB will be happy to control
you. The truth again is in the code.

Look at the word Nazi. It is an anagram for Zian~ Zion.

one red….

the other blue…

They are on the SAME TEAM. Another proof is Ashkenazi Jews~

AshkeNAZI JEWS. There you have Nazi and Jew in the same name! So
the truth is, is that BOTH the Nazi’s and the Zionist’s are behind the
deception and are BOTH part of TPTB.

We know this too because the astronauts (astro -nots) wear Masonic
rings and said “the eagle has landed” a masonic phrase when they
“landed” on the moon. (Which they didn’t). But ALSO the Nazi’s came
over in Project Paperclip through the Vatican ratlines and formed the Jet
Propulsion Laboratories which are affiliated with NASA. They are one big
happy family. But they would like you to think it is only one or the other.

Now let’s look at some more words that carry the truth in plain sight, in

It is called that because it is FLAT.

AirPLANES fly over the PLANE.

This is also encoded in our Seas. Sea Level (SEE LEVEL). From the
Wiki, “Sea level is generally used to refer to mean sea level (MSL), an
average level for the surface of one or more of Earth’s oceans from
which heights such as elevations may be measured.”
and even the Horizon is HORIZONtal…..

So our Flat Earth is covered over with a dome because it is showing in

the code as well. We live in the kingDOME. The United KingDOME is
ruled over by a monARCHY ~ Moon Arch. Arch = Dome. In the
alternative community the ARCHONS are mentioned. ARChons mean
rulers of the ARC or DOME. Noah’s ARK (Arc) is Noah’s Dome. The
animals in Noah’s Arc are the animals of our world. The Zodiac is the
“Zoo of the Arc”… Noah’s Arc.. symbolized by the 12 signs of the zodiac
that encircle our sky.

Here is the Chinese Zodiac. Notice the animals encircling the Flat Earth
with the Yin Yang in the middle. The Yin Yang represents the Sun and
the Moon. Two stars, one for day and o ne for night.
Here is the Western version that coincides with the 12 months of the
year. Each symbol is tied into the four seasons and the energy pattern of
the sun.

Now the 12 is also depicted by Jesus and his disciples. Jesus is always
in the middle (he is number 7) and he has 6 on the left of him and 6 on
the right. That is why the Satanists like the number 13. They want to
replace the one in the CENTER and take over the rule - Tower of Babel
2.0. Notice the Last Supper has the apostles in sets of 3 to depict the
seasons and the zodiac. Christ’s robe is half red and half blue. The red
is on his right, the blue is on his left. (Didn’t we see that depicted above
with Harry and friend at the Barber’s pole?) Also notice the “arc” right
above Jesus’ head.
We also have the true site of Eden hidden in the code. Edinburgh,
Scotland is EDEN Berg- or Mountain. Eden is Odin. So Odin’s
Mountain. EDEN is also E-DEN. Earth Den. Earth home of Odin. In the
Golden Age, when civilization first began, Eden was a place of eternal
spring. This would coincide with the path of the Sun. The Sun’s path was
tighter and towards the center in the beginning and gradually widened
over the years. The continents were connected in this central point and
gradually broke off and drifted outwards with the path of the sun. So it
would make sense that the land closest to the center was Eden.

In present day, the path of the sun lies between the Tropic of Cancer
and the Tropic of Capricorn, so the center point does not get the full
effects of the sun’s rays. This now resides with the lands between the
belt of the Tropic’s. Hawaii receives and id eal amount of sun presently
and is known as the PARADISE Isles. Hawaii most likely has the
temperate climate equivalent of what it was during the Golden Age in

Notice how similar Edinburgh looks to Hawaii. Both are lush, green
environments. Now doesn’t this make more sense than Eden being in a
semi-desert area in the Middle East?

The Royals think Edinburgh is very special as well. The Stone of Scone,
which is thought to be the “pillow” that Jacob laid his head on when
talking to God, is used for their royal coronations. It was taken
by Edward the First, in 1296 but “stolen” back by a group of young
rebels in 1950.The Royals “allowed” it to stay in Scotland but borrowed
by them for future coronations. From the Wiki, “The Stone of
Scone (/ˈskuːn/; Scottish Gaelic: An Lia Fàil, Scots: Stane o Scuin)—
also known as the Stone of Destiny, and often referred to in England
as The Coronation Stone—is an oblong block of red sandstone that was
used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland, and
later the monarchs of England and the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Historically, the artefact was kept at the now -ruined Scone
Abbey in Scone, near Perth, Scotland. It is also known as Jacob’s Pillow
Stone and the Tanist Stone, and in Scottish Gaelic, clach-na-
cinneamhain. Its size is about 26 inches (660 mm) by 16.75 inches
(425 mm) by 10.5 inches (270 mm) and its weight is approximately 336
pounds (152 kg). A roughly incised cross exists on one surface, and an
iron ring at each end aids with transportation. [1] The Stone of Scone was
last used in 1953 for the coronation of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .”
Notice too that the Stone had two “iron” rings. Could this be the “iron”
throne mentioned in The Game of Thrones?

We also see the true nature of our world depicted in film. In The Giver
we have God sitting with Jonas (Jonas means Son of Truth) with what
appears to be a dome over them. Underneath them is the eight -pointed
star representing the Flat Earth sectioned into 8 (just like the G8).
The eight pointed star is a lso represented in the Tarot deck. This star
represents Polaris- the North Star. The immoveable star directly above
the CENTER of our world.
Another show that seems to have a lot of symbolism in it is The
Simpson’s. The name is similar to SIM’s. Sim’s is a life simulated video
game, manipulated beings- possibly like us? Look how flat their world

Here is an episode of the Simpson’s (Sim sons) called Under the Dome.

Notice in The Simpson’s though they make it seem like we are on an

infinite plane. Not so. And it is very similar to Stephen King’s series of
the same name.
And then we can’t forget The Truman show or the TRUE MAN show.

We have Christof (of Christ or God) monitoring from above with the
background very similar to the one we see i n The Giver.

We can see how Truman’s world is flat as well.

After braving the stormy seas Truman reaches the edge of the world at
the dome. (They have him literally run into it.) In actuality he would be
roughing the seas until he reached the rim of ic e. What is beyond is the

Reminds me of the Great Barrier Reef… symbolically connected?

Below is the great wall of ice that surrounds our world. Is the great wall
of China in some way connected symbolically as well?
The Great Wall of China….

and we see now who Truman really represents… Christ.

We can see that he is representing Christ because he has his arms held
out making the cross. The black door opening behind him represent the
black monolith. As seen here….in The Giver…

and here in 2001 A Space Oddysey….

and the black cube, Kaaba stone at Mecca…

and the United Nations building….

And one even in Antarctica at this NOAA site…
With Truman going through that door he is effectively breaking the hold
of the Satanic controllers freeing our world. He is unfolding the black
cube and turning it into the cross. The cross that holds the rose in the
CENTER. The rose being the heart. The heart being our earth. The place
where man is birthed (B-earthed).

So I hope you can see now how the truth about our Earth is hidden in
plain sight. It is in our language and in the symbolism. We just need to
open our eyes and look for the codes put there for us to find the answers
and empower ourselves.

With love, Rosette Delacroix (Rose of the cross).

P.S. YouTube Vid Attached Below.

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