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College of Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design

Main Campus, Tagbilaran City, Bohol


JULY 2022

Research Project Presentation for Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Main Campus, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Course

CPE 03 - Microprocessor Systems

JULY 2022

This work presents a simple heat detection with automatic cooling system
using Arduino Uno in which we can simulate it in tinker cad for simulation testing.
The purpose of this application is to maintain the desired ambient temperature of
the device components with the use of heat sensor and dc motor for cooling fan.
Automatic temperature control system is an important application used in all
modern gadgets and smartphones, because most gadgets and smartphones
nowadays easily get heated especially when used in a long period of time. The
system for controlling temperature automatically is achieved by using Arduino
Uno based microcontroller system. The researchers will develop the Software
and hardware in Developing the temperature-based cooling fan using Arduino
Uno. The software which kinds of advanced interactions that are possible with
programmable microcontrollers. In this paper, the hardware controlling process is
done by Tinker cad Simulator environment which runs the hardware circuitry in
real time interval. Over all the researchers can explore, connect, and code virtual
projects with a bottomless toolbox of simulated components with the workspace
in circuits that are two- dimensional.
Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

People nowadays live in an age of automation and increased competency.

The manufacturing industry is run by machines, electrical equipment, and

devices. When used for an extended period of time, electronic gadget

components quickly become hot. The heat it generated contributed to an

increase in ambient temperature, causing damage to other sections of the device

and polluting the air. As a result, it is critical to link the cooling system to the

ambient temperature monitoring in order to maximize the devices’ efficiency.

In this paper, an Arduino UNO system (microcontroller) was used for the

control signal. The DC motor is driven by a high frequency PWM signal using an

Arduino UNO microcontroller which controls the moto terminal voltage and adjust

the speed of the motor. This study has tended to focus on controlling a motor in

any system, a microcontroller is wanted to give input to the driver of the gate.

Furthermore, TMP36 temperature sensor monitors ambient temperature and

displays it on the LCD screen with the help of A1 pin hardware. When

temperatures rise above the average, it signals to increase the cooling fan speed

based on the device temperature. This work demonstrates the application of

control theory to ICT and hardware-based temperature control in electronic

device environmental monitoring. On an LCD screen, the test results are

displayed. Temperature in degrees Celsius can be shown using software created

using the Arduino IDE. Temperature measurements using sensors are supplied

to the fan and cooling system on/off, which is done automatically based on

various temperature levels.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Circuit systems within electronics work best at lower temperatures.

Allowing systems to run for prolonged periods of time results in high

temperatures that can decrease the longevity and reliability of devices. Solid-

state electronics actually begin to break down and fry at temperatures much

above 120 degrees. However, the hotter the temperature – the less functional the

machine will become. [1]

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The study sought to achieve the following objectives:

 Design and construct an automated heat detector and cooling sensor

using Tinkercad web app simulation.

 To develop heat detector using tmp36 sensor to sense ambient

temperature to be displayed on the LCD screen.

 To develop a DC Motor with an encoder with a potentiometer to control

the speed of the motor.

 Determine the significance of heat detector and cooler to maintain the

ambient temperature of the device.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The researchers deem that the results of this study would benefit the following:

To the students. The study helps the student especially in taking about

electronic and electrical student to use with their projects and application of their

work as they will use the instrument of heat detection with cooling system.

The industry. This heat detector and cooler technology can be installed in the

industry which will reduce energy consumption by more than 30% compared to

the older drives. While these variable-speed controllers add cost to a motor, the

forecasted energy savings and increased motor functionality should easily offset

those initial expenses within a few years.

The Researchers. The researchers are given the opportunity to creatively apply

their knowledge and develop their expertise in this study from their experience

and understanding of their chosen careers. The study can also help to the

researcher in sharpening their knowledge in using Tinkercad simulation which

can help in their future work as electrical engineers.

To the Future Researchers. Future researchers can use this study as a

reference for future projects pertaining to heat detection with automatic cooling

system as well as provide for them a detailed description of the results of the

study to aid them in creating or finding better solutions and innovations.

1.5 Scopes and Limitations

 The study's overall goal is to design and simulate using Tinker cad the DC

Motor Speed Control using a microcontroller.

 The research is to develop the component using the Tinker cad web


 The study is focused only in implementing and developing heat detector

and cooling system using Arduino software.

 The study does not cover background research on the power supply and

implementing Arduino hardware in developing the DC motor speed


1.6 Theoretical Background

1.6.1 Temperature Control System

The temperature control system is used widely in industries. The induction

heater whose temperature is to be controlled with respect to the reference input

and control. In temperature control system, there is the transfer of heat from the

heater coil to the material and the leakage of heat from the oven to the

atmosphere. There are three modes of heat transfer via, conduction, convection

and radiation. Heat transfer through radiation may be neglected in the present.

For conductive and convective heat transfer is given by equation.

θ= αΔT Eq. 1

Where, θ is the rate of heat flow in joule/sec

ΔT = temperature difference

α = constant
Under assumptions of linearity, the thermal resistance is defined as:

R= temperature difference/ rate of heat flow


This is analogous to electrical resistance defined by I=V/R. In the similar

pattern thermal capacitance of the mass is given by equation.

θ=C d(ΔT)/dt Eq. 2

Which is analogous to the V-I relationship of a capacitor, namely I=

CdV/dt. In the case of heat, C= rate of heat flow /rate of temperature change.

The equation may now be written by combining the above two equations,

implying that a part of the heat input is used in increasing the temperature and

the rest goes out of loss. Thus,

θ= C d(T)/dt+R-1T
1.7 Definition of Terms

Arduino uno. It is a low-cost, flexible, and easy-to-use programmable open-

source microcontroller board that can be integrated into a variety of electronic


Code. In computer programming, computer code refers to the set of

instructions, or a system of rules, written in a particular programming


Cooling system. Apparatus employed to keep the temperature of a structure

or device from exceeding limits imposed by needs of safety and efficiency.

Electrical circuit. An electrical circuit is a complete route that an electric

current can flow around.

Heat Detection. A process of which a heat sensor responds to a certain

environment temperature.

NPN Transistor. Are three-terminal, three-layer devices that can function as

either amplifiers or electronic switches.

op - am. An Operational Amplifier, or op-amp for short, is fundamentally a

voltage amplifying device designed to be used with external feedback

components such as resistors and capacitors between its output and input


Program. Is a set of ordered operations for a computer to perform.

dc motor. A DC motor is defined as a class of electrical motors that convert

direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy.

PWM. Pulse width modulation (PWM) provides a way of controlling certain

analog quantities, by varying the pulse width of a fixed frequency rectangular


Speed Control System. Allow you to easily set and adjust the speed of a

motor. The control system consists of a speed feedback system, a motor, a

driver (or a speed control pack) and a speed setting device.

Torque. Is the measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate of an


Tinkercad circuit. Tinkercad Circuits is the easiest way to get your students

started with learning electronics. Using our interactive circuit editor, students

can explore, connect, and code virtual projects with a bottomless toolbox of

simulated components.
Chapter 2


In the existing literature, there are many research papers that are temperature

control but very few of them have used Arduino for automatic control of

temperature, especially for monitoring applications. We studied several papers

and here few of important contributions are presented.

Temperature is defined as the average energy of microscopic motions of a

single particle in the system per degree of freedom. Temperature measurement

and control plays a key role in industries and home applications, such as, in

boilers [2], greenhouses [3], ovens, rooms [4], LEP2 SC RF cavities [5], turbo

gas units [6], geothermal power plants [7], weather monitoring [8] etc. it is widely

used. To sense temperature, sensors are used. A sensor is a device that

measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by

an observer or by an instrument, like; a mercury thermometer converts the

measured temperature into expansion and contraction of a liquid which can be

read on a calibrated glass tube [9]. Temperature monitoring is the process of

recording temperature over a defined period. In previous publications,

temperature was monitored with the help of data loggers. Earlier, development of

data logger was done through manual measurements from analog instruments.

Unfortunately, the data logger was not able to fulfil the requirements of the
present scenario in terms of time and accuracy. A further development in data

logging took place in the early 1990s, after which researchers began to design

PC based data logging systems [10]. In later stages of development, it was seen

that microcontrollers proved to be reliable and efficient controllers [11]. A

revolutionary change was seen using microcontrollers in embedded system

designs. But microcontrollers were difficult to program and cannot be used in

harsh environmental conditions. So, PLCs [12] were introduced to overcome the

problems of microcontrollers [13]. Temperature control is a process in which

change of temperature of a space (and objects collectively there within) is

measured or otherwise detected, and the passage of heat energy into or out of

the space is adjusted to achieve a desired average temperature [14]. The scope

of this review is to analyze various methods used in control and measurement of

temperature. The sensor LM 35 can be combined with microcontrollers like

PIC18F452, AT89S52 and PLCs. The use of LM 35 with PIC18F452 controller

[15] provides a system which is useful in measurement and control of hot

temperature applications like in boiled water temperature measurement [16] and

in industries to control hot temperatures. LM 35 can also be used with AT89S52

controller for water temperature control, control of room temperature and light

[17] by using ANFIS (adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system) and comparing

output of the system with PID controller, neural network controller [16]. LM 35

functions with PLC for usage in geothermal power plants [7]. LM35 is low cost,

highly effective and efficient in usage [7]. 89C51RD2 is interfaced with LM35

sensor to control the variation of ambient temperature [14].

2.2 Design of Heating System Controlled by Arduino

In [18], the authors presented a case study that the design of heating system

controlled by Arduino and has studied the technology, software, hardware used

in the heating system, which consists of isolated box, dry resistance, voltage

regulator, thermocouple, air fan, microcontroller, and computer. Proportional–

integral–derivative (PID), neural network, fuzzy logic is mainly used for the

temperature control of heating systems. The system uses PID controller and

exhibits satisfactory value of stability, good reliability, and sensitivity also.

Microcontroller-based temperature control was designed with comparing

theoretical values of temperature. However, Arduino control and implementation

were not done.

2.3 Design an Automatic Temperature Control System for Smart Tudung

Saji Using Arduino Microcontroller

For [19], the authors suggested a design of temperature control system and

implemented on Tudung Saji microcontroller. Hardware implementation, as well

as software simulation, was tested and obtained. The purpose of this work

includes protection against bacteria after certain value of temperature. The

application seems to be very good controlling and rather preventing from bacteria

since after certain temperature, the bacteria can be killed. This could be also

tested on Arduino IDE system.

2.4 Temperature Distribution Control for Baby Incubator System Using


In [20], the authors proposed the development and design of temperature

distribution control for baby incubator application. In this system, it is a very

important to maintain a certain temperature inside the room to take care of

proper health of a baby. Humidity was also included in the study of experiment

using microcontroller-based system for temperature measurement and control.

This proved to be very important application for baby care and health. And for [5],

they implemented speed control system based on change in temperature; for

changing temperature measurement, the temperature control system was used.

PWM and a simulation software were used to design the hardware and simulate

on computer.

2.5 Temperature Control using Fuzzy Logic

In [21], they presented a testing of temperature monitoring mechanism with the

help of Atmel Atmega 8385 system and LM35 temperature. They designed a PID

controller and implemented on virtual laboratory platform, LabVIEW of National

Instruments. It was suggested that Arduino-based hardware realization would

produce much relevant and appropriate results for temperature control. For [22],

the authors employed the concept of PWM and displayed the values of

temperature using LCD displays.

2.6 Temperature Alert Alarm System (TAAS)

In [23], they suggested a case study for alarm system based on sensing

temperature and humidity. Arduino controlled GSM/GPRS module was

suggested, but temperature measurement was not accurate in the system. In

[24], the authors suggested the development of temperature control system for

egg incubator system utilizing sensors, PID controllers, LCD displays, DC

motors, and fan control system and you can see an example of this block

diagram in figure 1. This is a very important type of incubator system because it

becomes essential to monitor embryo and its growth, and therefore, temperature

control and monitoring played an important role in this system. Christina et al.

presented a case study of light and humidity control including temperature control

also. Light sensor, temperature sensor, and Arduino hardware interfaced with

computer, and the work was implemented.

2.7 Prediction on the influence of ambient temperature and humidity to

measuring instrument of thermal conductivity based on BP neural network

In [25], the authors created corresponding 3D thermal transport model has

been built to correlate the surface temperature rise with the incident heat flux,

sample's thermal conductivity, and the location for temperature probing. The

surface temperature is monitored by an infrared camera, which is easily affected

by ambient temperature and humidity. BP neural network model is then

employed to predict the influence of ambient temperature and humidity on the

measuring instrument of thermal conductivity.

2.8 Powering wireless sensor nodes with ambient temperature changes

In [26], the authors offer a thermal power harvester that draws power from the

environment's naturally fluctuating ambient temperature. Our technique, unlike

classic thermoelectric power harvesters, does not require a spatial temperature

gradient; instead, it depends on temperature swings over time, allowing it to be

utilized freestanding in any environment where temperature fluctuates throughout

the day. The author also show that a sensor node can be powered, sensor data

can be transmitted wirelessly, and a stable E-ink display can be updated after a

0.25 °C change in ambient temperature.

2.9 Phone-based ambient temperature sensing using opportunistic

crowdsensing and machine learning

Furthermore in [27], the researchers used mobile phone sensing in conjunction

with a web-based crowdsensing system to collect detailed ambient temperature

estimates inside buildings, as fine-grain ambient temperature measurements are

required for energy-efficient operation of heating and cooling (HVAC) systems in

buildings. They offer a machine learning method based on a random forest

ensemble learning model that infers ambient air temperature from the phone

battery temperature sensor.

These studies have shown how ambient temperature triggers sensors. In our

study, we use tmp36 temperature sensor to sense ambient temperature. With the

use of Arduino microcontroller, it sends feedback to the LCD display to command

the cooling fan to speed up or low the rpm of the dc motor.

2.10 Fire Alarm System and Thermal Camera

Fire safety solutions have been widely researched for years. A fire alarm

system has several devices working together to detect fire and warn people

through visual and audio appliances when smoke, flame, carbon monoxide or

other emergencies occur. These alarms may be activated automatically from

smoke detectors and heat detectors or be activated via manual fire alarm

activation devices like manual call points. Siemens proposed [28] a solution of

fire detection in kitchens with fire detectors which consists of smoke, carbon

monoxide and flame detectors. However, this solution only works after a fire has

happened. Moreover, although Siemens claims that selectable parameter

settings make the detectors immune to deceptive phenomena, they are not well

adaptive to environmental changes. Cheng et al. proposed a fire safety device for

stove-top burner. It senses the temperature of the cooking utensil and

automatically shuts off the flow of electricity or gas to the burner when the

temperature of the cooking utensil exceeds threshold. However, the device does

not consider the presence of people, which may cause false alarms. There are

some other fire alarm solutions. Alarms are made after the fire happens, which

leads to delayed handling.

2.11 Person Detection and Deep Learning Inference Framework remote-

controlled temperature monitoring system

In kitchens, [29] cooking is like a fire accident when only monitoring heat,

flame, or smoke. Therefore, person detection is an essential task in an intelligent

fire alarm system to prevent false alarms. Compared with general object

detection, there are more challenges in person detection, such as various

clothing, appearance, poses and different viewpoints of the camera. With the

development of computer vision and deep learning, various object detection

algorithms are proposed such as Faster R-CNN, SSD and YOLO. Although new

algorithms are constantly proposed and better performances have been

achieved, they usually require lots of computing resources and long inference

time. In application scenarios, deep learning models should be economical and

efficient on mobile platforms with limited computing power.

2.12 Fuzzy-based temperature control system

Singhala et al. [30] studied a fuzzy-based temperature control system that

was completely simulation-based, and no hardware implementation was

achieved. The system suggested was amazingly simple and effective but

hardware implementation and realization remain as future scope of the work.

Summarizing all the literature, temperature control that too automatic way of

monitoring has not been attempted by the researchers mainly on temperature in

focus of research. We suggest an Arduino control and hardware-based

temperature control system, mainly highlighting temperature monitoring and

measurement of it assisted with an automatic a cooling fan to aid cooling system.

Chapter 3


This research is about Arduino Uno based temperature control system

emphasizing heat detection with automatic cooling system. This article discussed

about the specifications and designing the correct circuit connection of the power

supply, Arduino Uno, temperature sensor and dc motor that is essential in

Tinkercad simulation. It also highlights the importance of measuring temperature

and signaling to the dc motor the desired output speed to provide cooling to the

entire system. The theory analysis and simulation of controlling the DC motor of

its speed based on temperature has been referred to.

A few components will be used in this research in order for the product to

be completed. The components utilized, as well as an outline of the main pieces,

are listed below in Table 3.1. The block diagram, which depicts the process flow

can be seen in figure 3.7, and the circuit diagram in figure 3.9, which will be used

as a reference in manufacturing the product, apps used in the study, and the
code used by the Arduino to communicate both the temperature sensor and the

cooling fan are also included.

3.1 Hardware Overview

ARDUINO UNO: The Uno is a microcontroller board based on the

ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM

outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power

jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to

support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or

power it with AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. "Uno" means one in

Italian and was chosen to mark the release of Arduino Software (IDE) 1.0. The

Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were the reference

versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board is the first in

a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino

platform; for an extensive list of current, past or outdated boards see the Arduino

index of boards. Figure 3.1 shows actual presentation of Arduino Uno.

Fig 3.1. Arduino Uno

LCD 16 x 2: LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display

module and find a wide range of applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic
module and is very commonly used in various devices and circuits. These

modules are preferred over seven segments and other multi segment LEDs. The

reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have no limitation of

displaying special & even custom characters (unlike in seven segments),

animations and so on. A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line

and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel

matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely, Command and Data. The command

register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an

instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its

screen, setting the cursor position, controlling display etc. The data register

stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the

character to be displayed on the LCD in Figure 3.2. Click to learn more about

internal structure of LCD.

Fig 3.2. 16 X 2 LCD

Cooling Fan: A fan is a mechanism that uses electricity to move air. A fan

is made up of a spinning arrangement of vanes or blades that act on the air and

are usually constructed of wood, plastic, or metal. An impeller, rotor, or runner is

a rotating assembly of blades and hub. It is usually enclosed in some kind of

housing or case, which can guide airflow or boost safety by preventing things
from colliding with the fan blades. Electric motors power the majority of fans,

although they can also be powered by hydraulic motors, internal combustion


To assist the cooling system, a 12 V DC motor will be used to act as a fan.

Figure 3.3 shows the DC Motor for Fan to assist cooling system in the device


Fig 3.3. DC Motor for Fan (12 Volts)

TMP 36 Temperature Sensor: The TMP36 is a low voltage, precision

centigrade temperature sensor. It provides a voltage output that is linearly

proportional to the Celsius temperature. It also doesn't require any external

calibration to provide typical accuracies of ±1°C at +25°C and ±2°Cover −40°C

to +125°C temperature range.

In this research study, the component being used to sense ambient

temperature is the TM36 sensor as shown in the Figure 3.4 below. It is an

electronic device that measures the temperature of its environment and converts

the input data into electronic data to record, monitor, or signal temperature

Fig 3.4. TMP 36 Sensor

Potentiometer: Defined as a 3 terminal variable resistor in which the

resistance is manually varied to control the flow of electric current. A

potentiometer acts as an adjustable voltage divider. A potentiometer is a passive

electronic component. Potentiometers work by varying the position of a sliding

contact across a uniform resistance. In a potentiometer, the entire input voltage

is applied across the whole length of the resistor, and the output voltage is the

voltage drop between the fixed and sliding contact. A potentiometer in Figure 3.5

has the two terminals of the input source fixed to the end of the resistor. To

adjust the output voltage the sliding contact gets moved along the resistor on the

output side.

Fig 3.5. Potentiometer

H-bridge Motor Driver: L293D H-bridge driver is the most commonly

used driver for Bidirectional motor driving applications. This L293D IC allows DC
motor to drive on either direction. L293D is a 16-pin IC which can control a set of

two DC motors simultaneously in any direction. An H-bridge is an electronic

circuit that allows a voltage to be applied across a load in either direction. Speed

and of direction DC motor are controlled by switches in H-bridge. This circuit is

used to enable DC motor to run forward and backward. H- bridge drivers are

composed by connecting four switches. In fig.2, when switches “S1” and “S4”

closed, the motor will operate in a clockwise direction. The motor will operate in

counter clockwise direction when “S2” and “S3” are closed as seen in Figure 3.6

Fig.3.6. H-bridge Configuration

3.2 Block Diagram

Fig 3.7. Block Diagram for Arduino based heat detection and cooling system
Figure 3.7 depicts the block diagram above which highlights that when

temperature sensor detects a rise in temperature, the Arduino will instruct the

cooling fan to turn on and cool the system.

3.3 Design

The main objective of this study is to design a DC Motor Speed Control

based on temperature detected using Tinker cad simulation. The researcher will

gather information from past studies on dc motor speed control systems as a

reference guide to innovate and build the system. The researcher will also review

and expand their understanding of the principle on how to control DC Motor will

work with pulse width modulation, transistors and potentiometer. The researcher

will create a simulation of the product un Tinkercad to find out on how the product

will work. Tinkercad web application is accessible and free online through their

website address:

Fig 3.8 IDE Tinkercad Circuit Web Application Interface

Figure 3.8 shows Tinkercad Circuits Web Application interface as shown it

is the easiest way to get your students started with learning electronics. Using

our interactive circuit editor, students can explore, connect, and code virtual

projects with a bottomless toolbox of simulated components. User friendly just by

dragging the component on empty workspace.

3.4 Control System and Programming

Tinkercad Circuits is a popular digital and analog electronics simulator for

hobbyists, students, and makers. A previous article explored Tinkercad as well

as a few other alternative simulators worth trying.

Tinkercad Circuit is the workspace in Circuits is two-dimensional. Which

can move your components around by selecting and dragging them, or pan the

view around your design by clicking and dragging the empty space around it.
Fig 3.9 Schematic diagram for Arduino Uno & LCD Component

In the figure 3.9 above is the Schematic diagram for connection Arduino

Uno, 16X2 LCD components, 3 resistors. This will be shown after assembling

your circuit and wiring the components in Tinkercad Circuit. This will a guide for

wiring the components and connecting the slots from components to other


3.5 Algorithm (Process Specification)

3.5.1 Codes used in Control System (Arduino)

Heat Detection and Automatic Cooling System

The circuit:
* LCD RS pin to digital pin 12
* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
* LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
* LCD R/W pin to ground
* LCD VSS pin to ground
* LCD VCC pin to 5V
* 10K resistor:
* ends to +5V and ground
* wiper to LCD VO pin (pin 3)*/#include <LiquidCrystal.h>int
sensorPin = 0; // sensor pin A0
int level=0; // fan level
int speed=0; // speed of fan
int motor=6; // motor PWM pinLiquidCrystal lcd_1(12, 11, 5, 4, 3,
2);void setup()
lcd_1.begin(16, 2); // Set up the number of columns and rows on
the LCD.
pinMode(motor, OUTPUT); // motor pin set as output
// Print a message to the LCD.
lcd_1.print("degrees C");
lcd_1.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd_1.print("fan level");
}void loop()
int reading = analogRead(sensorPin);
// measure the 5v with a meter for an accurate value
//In particular if your Arduino is USB powered
float voltage = reading * 4.68;
voltage /= 1024.0;
// now print out the temperature

lcd_1.setCursor(10, 0);

if(temp <=25)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >25 && temp <40)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >40 && temp <55)

lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >55 && temp <70)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >70)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);

3.6 .1 Procedure

In designing the heat detector with automatic cooling, the researchers will

need the required tools to make the work efficient. The researchers will establish

a step-by- step assembly of components.

3.6.2 Tools Required

 Personal Computer or Laptop Internet

 Windows OS / MAC OS

 Browser (Chrome)

 Tinkercad Account

3.6.3 Materials

Table 3.1. List of Components being used in the study.

Temperature Sensor (Tmp36) LCD (16x2)

Arduino UNO Potentiometer

Battery (9V) H-bridge Motor Driver

DC Motor for Fan Jumper Wire

Table 3.1 Shows the list of electronic components need to assemble and

used in Tinkercad Circuit or use in actual making of the Arduino based heat

detector and cooling system. These components are available in Tinkercad

Circuit Web Application.

3.6.4 Wiring the Circuit / Connecting the Slots

Fig. 3.10 Placing and arranging the component in Arduino Circuit

Figure 3.10 Shown the components to be place in Tinkercad Circuit

Workspace to organize the wiring connection to build a heat detector and cooling
fan in Tinkercad Circuit.

Fig. 3.11 Schematic Diagram of heat detection with automatic cooling

Figure 3.11 Shown a final schematic diagram of the system after

assembling and wiring the connections of the components. This can be shown

automatically by clicking the schematic view menu in the upper corner of the

Tinkercad Circuit workspace.

Fig. 3.12 Actual Wiring of Components of heat detection and cooling system in Tinkercad

Figure 3.12 Shown the final or the finished product of wiring the

components and coding of Arduino Uno. This will be the actual presentation

before simulating the system. As shown above the researcher organize ways of

placing and connecting the components of Tinkercad Circuit.

Fig 3.13a Actual Simulation of heat detection with automatic cooling system in TinkerCad

Fig 3.13b Actual Simulation of heat detection with automatic cooling system in TinkerCad

Fig 3.13 In the figure is shown the simulation of circuit in Tinkercad.

Referring to Fig 3.13a, we can see that heat sensor detected temperature at

normal temperature and it signals the dc motor the desired level of speed. In

figure 3.13b, we can see that a high temperature is detected speeding up the dc

motor up to level 3.

3.7 Performance of DC Motor Speed Control

This is to evaluate the performance of DC Motor Speed Control.

Table 3.2 Performance of Temperature based cooling Fan

Power Supply Potentiometer Speed of DC Motor

Turn [ Low
Voltage Current detected in
1-2-3-4-5-6- Level Constant
(V) (Ma) degrees celsius
7-8 High]
25 0
30 1
45 2
50 2
70 3

Table 3.2 Shown for trial evaluation of Performance of Heat detection and

temperature-based fan motor for cooling system. We can see that heat

temperature is detected. The set normal temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.

When heat beyond than that is detected, a significant level of dc motor speed to

cool up the system is provided. For temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, the motor

starts at speed level1. In 45 and 50 degrees, the dc motor fan speeding up to

level 2. When the heat sensor detected 69.33 degrees Celsius, the motor
response in speed level 3.

3.8 Conclusion

Based on the simulations and the data gathered, the researchers conclude

that it’s possible to control the speed of the motor fan based on the detected

ambient temperature. It is important to provide heat detection and cooling to the

device components to avoid damage and to prolong its life.


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Appendix A

ACM: Author 1
Appendix B

ACM: Author 2
Appendix C

ACM: Author 3
Appendix D

ACM: Author 4
Appendix E

Tinkercad Simulation
Figure 14. Heat Detection with Automatic Cooling System Tinkercad Simulation via

Appendix F
Meister-Task & Researchers Work
Figure 15. Meistertask Contributions via

Appendix G
Git-hub Contribution/s (Group)

Figure 16. GitHub Repository contributions via (


Appendix H
Code for Arduino Uno

Heat Detection with Automatic Cooling System



The circuit:
* LCD RS pin to digital pin 12
* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
* LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
* LCD R/W pin to ground
* LCD VSS pin to ground
* LCD VCC pin to 5V
* 10K resistor:
* ends to +5V and ground
* wiper to LCD VO pin (pin 3)*/#include <LiquidCrystal.h>int
sensorPin = 0; // sensor pin A0
int level=0; // fan level
int speed=0; // speed of fan
int motor=6; // motor PWM pinLiquidCrystal lcd_1(12, 11, 5, 4, 3,
2);void setup()
lcd_1.begin(16, 2); // Set up the number of columns and rows on
the LCD.
pinMode(motor, OUTPUT); // motor pin set as output
// Print a message to the LCD.
lcd_1.print("degrees C");
lcd_1.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd_1.print("fan level");
}void loop()
int reading = analogRead(sensorPin);
// measure the 5v with a meter for an accurate value
//In particular if your Arduino is USB powered
float voltage = reading * 4.68;
voltage /= 1024.0;
// now print out the temperature

lcd_1.setCursor(10, 0);

if(temp <=25)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >25 && temp <40)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >40 && temp <55)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >55 && temp <70)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);
if(temp >70)
lcd_1.setCursor(10, 1);

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