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1. Engage: In this phase, students are introduced to the topic and motivated to learn about it.

This can include a hands-on activity, a real-world scenario, or a question that will be
answered through the lesson.
2. Explore: In this phase, students are given the opportunity to explore the topic further
through independent or group activities. They can use different ICT tools and resources to
gather information and make observations.
3. Explain: In this phase, students share their findings and explain their understanding of the
topic. The teacher may provide additional information or clarification as needed.
4. Elaborate: In this phase, students apply their knowledge and skills to complete a more
complex task related to the topic. This can include creating a project, solving a problem, or
designing a solution.
5. Evaluate: In this phase, students reflect on their learning and the effectiveness of the lesson.
The teacher can use formative assessments to evaluate student understanding and guide
future instruction.

An example of a lesson plan based on the 5E model of ICT could be a unit on digital
citizenship. The Engage phase could involve a discussion about a real-world scenario of
cyberbullying. In the Explore phase, students could research and gather information about
digital citizenship and cyberbullying. In the Explain phase, students could share their
findings and discuss the importance of digital citizenship. In the Elaborate phase, students
could create a public service announcement to educate their peers about digital citizenship.
Finally, in the Evaluate phase, students could reflect on what they have learned and discuss
ways to apply their knowledge in the future.
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