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5117123, 048 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies appl ne Understanding Mobile Application Penetration Tes Methodologies appknox Understanding Mobile PV eee Bem arred tre Cy Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodology as a security testing measure, analyses security perimeters within a mobile environment. Derived from the traditional concept of application security methodology, its main focus lies on client-side security and it broadly puts the end-user in control. By conducting penetration testing, companies can gain insights into the source code's vulnerabilities, bottlenecks, and attack vectors beforehand. This way, once all shortcomings are known, developers can put in fixes to plug these gaps and change the design to address the issues at hand. -nps:iiwww appknex comibleg/understanding-mobile-application-penetraor-testng-metnodelogies ona 51723, 9:48 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies app! start Free Trial | = owl Cree emt) Penetration Testing has become a valuable methodology for companies and organizations alike to generate valuable insights into their software/hardware systems. Through these tests, |nps:inwww appknex comibleglunderstanding-mobile-application-penetraor-testing-metnodelogies ana 5117123, 048 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies appknex [own] Here are some or tne various types oF penetration testing, wnicn are most commonty used py organizations these days: 1) Web Application Penetration Testing: As per Verizon's “2020 Data Breach Investigations Report", data breaches caused due to web application vulnerabilities reached up to double digits (43%) in 2019 itself. Web application penetration testing is used broadly to check for vulnerabilities or security gaps in web-based applications. Typically, web application penetration testing would include web- based applications such as browsers, along with their individual components like ActiveX, Silverlight, Plugins, Applets, and Scriptlets. Such tests are quite detailed and targeted toward specific components. 2) Network Service/Infrastructure Testing Penetration Testing Network penetration testing helps identify weaknesses within the network infrastructure, which can either be on-premises or in the cloud, This is a crucial test to ensure the safety and security of business-critical data, Network service penetration testing often includes the following checks: * Insecure configurations * Encryption vulnerabilities * Missing security patches The testing procedures are further divided into external and internal testing, which can be carried out depending on the need of the hour. 3) Client-side Penetration Testing: As the name suggests, client-side penetration testing procedures are solely carried out to discover vulnerabilities in client-side applications. Such applications include the likes of Putty, web browsers, email clients, and Macromedia Flash, amongst others. 4) Wireless Penetration Testing: Wireless penetration testing examines and tests the connections between the different devices connected to the corporate Wi-Fi network. Such devices can include laptops, smartphones, and tablets along with the internet of things devices. Such tests are performed onsite, as the pentester needs to be in the range of the Wii signal for testing purposes. 5) Social engineering Penetration Testin: tps: www. appknox conibloglunderstanding-mobile-applicaton-penelralior-esting- methodologies ana 5117123, 048 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies appknox [own] * Phishing * Vishing + Smishing + Imposters Pre-texting 6) Physical penetration testing: During this testing type, by stimulating a real-world threat, organizations can attempt to pre- empt the physical barriers around a business's infrastructure, system, employees, etc. If a hacker is able to gain physical access to a server room, it can have an adverse impact on the business, customers, and other working relationships Mobile Application Pen Testing Methodologies Stages tps: www. appknox conibloglunderstanding-mobile-applicaton-penelralior-esting- methodologies ana 5117123, 048 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies app! = "a a = ¥ & rc Broadly speaking, mobile application penetration testing methodologies stages include the following stages: 1) Discovery 2) Assessment and analysis 3) Exploitation 4) Reporting 1) Discovery The discovery process includes gathering information, which will further form the basis of the penetration testing phases. The data collected is used as a base in the process of checking for vulnerabilities, which can make or break the pentest. tps: www. appknox coniblog/understanding-mobile-applcaton-penelralior-esting-methodologies ona 5117123, 048 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies appknex [own] Tor information pertaining to tne appiication, Sucn inrormation can ne rouna on searcn engines, social networking sites, source code repositories, developer forums, and even the Dark Web. Understand the Architecture: It's important for the pentester to understand the architecture, and further develop a threat model to use in the application/platform. In an ideal test, the tester should take into consideration the company behind the application, their business case, along with the stakeholders. These can be complemented with internal structures and processes also. Client-side vs server-side scenarios: The pentester needs to identify the type of app, which could range from native, hybrid, or web while testing the cases. Some further considerations include the app’s network interfaces, session management, jailbreaking, and user data amongst others. 2) Analysis/Assessment The process of analysis and assessment is rather unique as it needs the pentester to analyze the application before and after installation. Some assessment techniques included are as below: Static Analysis: Static analysis is executed with the source code of the application only. Other times, it might use the decompiled source code and accompanying files, depending upon the availability. Archive Analysis: Android and iOS app installation packages are extracted and thoroughly examined, with the aim to review configuration files. Reverse Engineering: The compiled applications are all converted into readable code. The pentester further analyses the decompiled code with the aim to understand and decipher the application functionalities and hunt for vulnerabilities. Local File Analysis: As soon as the app is installed, it has its own directory within the filesystem. When the application is being used, it reads and writes from this directory. Such files are analyzed during the testing phase. Dynamic Analysis: This form of analysis is performed while the application is still running. It includes forensic analysis of the file systems while monitoring the traffic between the application and server. |nps:inwww appknex comibleglunderstanding-mobile-application-penetraor-testing-metnodelogies ena 5117123, 048 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies appknex [own] application and the server. Interprocess Endpoint Analysis: Android apps consist of the following IPC endpoints, which need to be analyzed: a) Intents: These refer to signals which are used to send and receive messages between different components within Android systems. b) Activities: These include the screens/pages within an application. ©) Content providers: These contain all accesses to a specific database d) Services: Services run in the background and continue to perform tasks, irrespective of the main application's status. e) Broadcast receivers: These are dependent on intents that are received from different applications within the Android systems. 3. Exploitation The exploitation stage is probably the most important step during the penetration test. The pentester needs to find hidden cues which can successfully shed light on different vulnerabilities, which become a determining factor between a successful and unsuccessful test. Here are some steps, which can make the Exploitation process a success: Open-source intelligence (OSINT): The first step refers to the process of reviewing publicly available information. A pentester needs to search for all possible information about the application, wherever possible. Important pieces of information can be found on search engines, social networks, the dark web, and developer boards. + Architecture understanding: What makes a good threat model? Understanding the application architecture plays an important role in designing a foolproof threat model, which can predict any external threats to an application. The pentester would need to track the external stakeholders, users, and followers, to get an idea about the intended usage. Client and server-side situations: A tester is well equipped to recognize the nature and type of application, which can range between native, hybrid, or web. An application network access includes network interfaces, methods of communication with third-party resources, user data, session management, and root detection 4. Reporting |nps:iwwww appknex comibleg/understanding-mobile-application-penetraor-tesng-meltnodelogies m4 5117123, @48 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies appknex [own] review. The technical report, unlike its counterpart, covers a list of vulnerabilities fixed individually, along with specifications to recreate the vulnerabilities, their risks, and recommended remediation procedures. Presentation: The final documents need to be presented to the end client. Any suggested recommendations, updates, and questions need to be addressed during this phase. The documentation is revised accordingly, and the final version is presented to the client for review. Once this step is completed, the pentester can validate the remediations and approve them for final review. Conclusion The Mobile App Penetration Testing Methodology is vendor-neutral since it helps drive transparency and facilitates repeatability. It's a holistic approach, as it provides flexibility toward the security of mobile applications. All the steps within the Mobile Application Pen Testing Methodology use intelligence gathering, assessment, exploitation, and clear reporting to enhance the process of penetration testing. pT Co Clot LTT c a Be Rea) CU cacy Your Web Apps With Appknox Published on Jun 17, 2021 Share 9 O GF Written by Abhinav Vasisth ~ Jb Security researcher at Appknox. 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Name Phone number* Email” Designation" tps: www. appknox coniblog/understanding-mobile-applcaton-penelralior-esting-methodologies ona 51723, 9:48 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies app Mobile apps are a relatively new phenomenon, and yet in a short span, this ecosystem has gone through several overhauls... @ Harshit Agarwal Nyy |nps:inwww appknex comibleglunderstanding-mobile-application-penetraor-testing-metnodelogies ron 51723, 9:48 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies app core] & @ Harshit Agarwal In this article, we take a look at how automated mobile app security testing help keep banks secure and also help them... @ Harshit Agarwal |nps:iwwww appknex comibleglunderstanding-mobile-application-penetraor-tesng-metnodelogies nina 51723, 9:48 AM Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies appknox = Switch to Appknox Get Started Now Subscribe to our newsletter Email ID Email Adcress SUBSCRIBE f vin GET STARTED |nps:iwwww appknex comibleglunderstanding-mobile-application-penetraor-testing-metnodelogies von 5117123, 948 AM appknox PRODUCT o ic applicat Dynamic application security API Security Testing PENETRATION TESTING TOOLS Manual Penetration Testing Remediation call RESOURCES Blog Security Research Guestpost Infographics Whitepapers Case stud Webinars, Reports COMPARE MobsF Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies Free Trial We are loved! 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