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1. Monthly Activity Calendar
2. Organizational Chart
3. HSE Dept Chart
4. Firefighter Chart
5. Security Chart
6. Traffic and Site Layout
7. Welfare facilities Layout
8. Electrical Layout
9. Heat stress program implementation (maintain record of heat index, communication to site team, flagging
location and changing of flags per the plan)
10. Launching of safety campaigns, safety bulletin boards, safety banners
11. Subcon monthly or quarterly audit
12. Emergency mock drills, monthly activity calendar, monthly incentive program, traffic monitoring, Covid-19
control and preventive arrangements
1. Training daily schedule
2. Training record (soft for tracking and hard as record)
3. Safety passport
Site Clinic
1. Daily record of indoor and referred patients
2. Weekly and monthly record and tracking register of all patients
3. Inventory of medicine
4. Covid-19 plan
5. What are the procedures being done in the site clinic
6. Bio waste disposal (contract)
7. Contract with hospital for referral of critical patients
8. Who is covering in the night time
9. Emergency situation arrangements (rescue procedure and rescue equipment)
10. Kitchen and mess hall inspections for hygiene, health certificates of cooking staff
11. Medical health records of people working in the project
12. First Aider List and Certificate
1. PTW procedure
2. List of authorized permit issuers and permit receivers
3. Monthly PTW summary
4. PTW periodic audit
1. Record of riggers, operators working in the project
2. Daily inspection and monitoring of lifting operations
3. Frequency of inspection of lifting gear and hoisting devices
4. Tracking of critical lift
Equipment Inspectors (Mechanical, Plant and Electrical)
1. Procedure of equipment entrance and first inspection
2. Frequency of routine inspection (weekly for heavy equipment, monthly for all type of vehicles, plant and heavy
3. Checklist record
4. Maintenance record (Plant, heavy equipment and vehicles)
5. Tracking register
6. Inspection stickers
Office Document Controller
1. Filling system
2. Tracking register of incident/accidents, near miss, disciplinary action, incentive program, daily safety
3. What kind of reports sending to Client and company HQ
4. MOM of safety meeting with Subcon
5. Letters record and tracking
6. Client meetings data and PPT
7. MOM of safety and management meeting with Client
8. Internal communication method
9. Contract with Waste Disposal company, certificate of disposal from Authorities
10. Safety procedures and methods
11. Who develops risk assessment and approves JSA (Copies of approved RA and JSA
Environment Management
1. Weekly environmental inspections
2. Location and inventory of chemical storage areas
3. Disposal of hazardous material and waste (Manifest)
4. Monitoring of exhausts
5. Sewage water disposal contractor details, contract
6. Potable water Supplier contract, source of potable water, monthly water analysis report
7. Dust control, dewatering
Site HSE Team
1. Daily routine
2. Daily safety inspection, reporting and follow ups
3. Weekly management walkdowns, observations, corrective actions and follow ups
4. Safety observation and reporting, corrective actions and follow ups
5. Reporting procedure of reporting incident/accidents and investigations
6. Daily TBT and weekly mass TBT
7. Disciplinary actions
8. Monitoring of critical activities and supervision of Sub HSE team
9. Emergency arrangements (provision of rescue equipment and organization chart)
Firefighting and Site Security
1. Organization chart of site security
2. Firefighting arrangements and firefighting team organization
3. Protocol of dealing fighting, strikes and other security related issues
4. Map of fire points, inspection and maintenance
5. Gate pass procedure for personnel and vehicles
6. Project I. D
7. Restricted nationalities and professions by Govt to prevent work in the projects
HSE & Environmental Devices
1. Device register
2. Calibration Record/certificate

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