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The Dunning-Kruger effect revisited

The Dunning–Kruger effect describes a tendency for incompetent individuals to overestimate their ability. The
effect has both seeped into popular imagination and been the subject of scientific critique. Jansen et al. combine
computational modelling with a large-scale replication of the original findings to shed new light on the drivers of
the Dunning–Kruger effect.

Matan Mazor and Stephen M. Fleming

n one of the most highly replicable wrong, but be unsure about the remaining distribution and establish that the data
findings in social psychology, Kruger 3 questions. This participant can go on to are more consistent with the second,
and Dunning1 showed that participants accurately estimate that they got 7 out of performance-dependent model. In other
who performed worse in tests of humour, 10 questions right overall, which is both words, not only is the Dunning–Kruger
reasoning, and grammar were also more consistent with their prior belief as well as effect not merely a statistical artefact at
likely to overestimate their performance. with their internal ‘data’ (confidence signals) the group level, it also cannot be explained
In their original report, Kruger and about their performance. In contrast, a solely by Bayesian shrinkage in the rational
Dunning interpreted this overconfidence low-performing participant with only 4 estimations of individual participants.
in the self-reports of low performers as a correct responses may be confident that they Can we conclude that the Dunning–
metacognitive deficiency, such that poor got 2 questions right, 5 questions wrong, Kruger effect is metacognitive in nature?
performers suffer a ‘dual burden’: in addition and also be unsure about the remaining 3 The answer to this question depends
to their incompetence in the task, they are questions. For this participant, it would be on what we mean by ‘metacognitive’.
unable to identify their own errors. As the title rational to combine these confidence signals If we mean that participants with
of the original paper put it, poor performers with their prior belief to give an estimate low performance also have a noisier
are both “unskilled and unaware of it.” A new of 5 correct responses—an overestimation representation of their accuracy, the answer
study in Nature Human Behaviour now puts of their actual performance. In Bayesian is yes. Jansen and colleagues’ model fits
that explanation to the test2. reasoning, this is known as ‘shrinkage’: the make clear that the data are best captured
The classic metacognitive interpretation rational attraction of surprising samples by a performance-dependent change in
of the Dunning–Kruger effect has been to the prior mean. This suggests that one estimation noise. However, the reasons for
challenged by alternative explanations. explanation of the Dunning–Kruger effect this change in estimation noise remain to
Krueger and Mueller3 suggested that the is that it reflects rational Bayesian inference: be determined. Many process models of
observed overconfidence of poor performers low performers will appear to overestimate decision-making, including signal-detection
is an instance of regression to the mean: their performance because the noisy data is and evidence-accumulation models,
the statistical tendency of extreme samples not enough to override a prior expectation naturally predict that low performance
(here, poor performers) to move toward that they will perform well. should be accompanied by higher levels of
the group mean when resampled (here, To formalise this idea, Jansen and uncertainty about task accuracy without
in the form of retrospective performance colleagues built a computational model postulating additional metacognitive
evaluation). This interpretation identified in which rational subjects have access to a factors5. According to this interpretation, the
the origin of the Dunning–Kruger effect in noisy internal representation of response Dunning–Kruger effect is not necessarily
the statistical reasoning of scientists, rather accuracy4. Simulations of this rational the signature of a double burden, but may
than in the ratings of participants in the task. Bayesian model indeed gave rise to a instead be the signature of a single burden
In their paper, Jansen and colleagues Dunning–Kruger effect at the group level, that manifests itself in two ways: in task
point out that such regression to the mean with pronounced overestimation of task performance and in performance estimation.
can emerge not only as a statistical artefact performance in low performers. Notably, Alternatively, changes in estimation
of data analysis, but also due to the influence here the effect cannot reflect metacognitive accuracy may stem from a second-order
of prior beliefs within individual rational incompetence, as the model assumes process that is distinct from processes
observers2. To see this, imagine that all identical insight across performance driving task performance6. Disentangling
participants approach a quiz with a prior levels. An alternative model is that there these alternatives may be possible by
belief that they will be correct around 70% is a systematic correlation between collecting data on confidence in individual
of the time. After providing their answers, low performance and metacognitive trials, in addition to global performance
participants then estimate how well they incompetence. Jansen et al. simulated estimates, to ask whether metacognitive
thought they did. Since no feedback is different versions of this model as well. ‘efficiency’—metacognitive noise corrected
delivered during the quiz itself, they must Predictions of the two model families for task performance—is itself altered in the
rely on noisy confidence signals to evaluate mostly agreed, but diverged for participants tails of the distribution7,8.
their performance. A high-performing with either very poor or very high In addition to its important theoretical
participant who was objectively correct performance. By collecting a large sample contribution, this study is a beautiful
on 7 out of 10 questions may be certain of online participants, they were able to example of the progress made by the field
they got 5 questions right, 2 questions zoom in on these tails of the performance of cognitive science since the turn of the
Nature Human Behaviour |
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Finally, preregistration and open
data-sharing now make it possible for other Published: xx xx xxxx Competing interests
researchers to transparently interrogate the The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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