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May 16th, 2023

Yunseo Jung
1. A summary of your progress for that week
a. As I discussed with Ms. Lacroix how to get back on track with the capstone
project, I created budget planning, a survey, uploading photos on Instagram,
and market research.
2. Your needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts
a. I need the laptop to plan a budget for business with my shopping list. By using
google form I created a survey to figure out customers preferences. With the
Etsy website, I did market research to get the idea of how people are selling
the bracelets. I used cameras for taking photos of the product and uploaded
them on Instagram.
3. Any obstacles you anticipate
a. Obstacles that I anticipated were to finish many things within just a week. I
had a final copy of the capstone proposal, other course assignments and a
driving test as well. However, by using my time wisely, I was able to finish it
as I planned last week.
4. Any challenges you encountered and how you moved forward
a. Since I did not have any knowledge of doing market research, and budget
planning, it was hard to find an exact plan of what I needed to create.
However, I used some YouTube videos and figured out which format or way
to create market research and budget planning.
5. An explanation of what core skills you employed during your work and learning that
took place
a. I used my computer skills, and research skills for my work. I used my
computer skills for researching the market and how to do budget planning.
Also, I created a survey that could get me the idea of people’s preference.
Learning budget planning and how to do market research was an interesting
experience because without my capstone project, I would never know how to
create the budget planning for business and research for current markets.
6. What you plan to accomplish by the end of the week
a. I am planning to have a discussion with my mentor about marketing skills that
I could use in school or outside of school. Also, planning to research
marketing techniques that I could use more.
7. Include pictures and/or video of your progress

Budget Planning
Market Research (Survey)

Marketing on
Instagram (uploading photos)
Market Research (Research online

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