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Basin Research (2006) 18, 51–84, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2006.00285.

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay

basins of Southeast Asia: a coupled model
incorporating lower-crustal flow in response to
post-rift sediment loading
Christopher K. Morley and Rob Westawaywz
Department of Petroleum Geoscience, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam,
wFaculty of Mathematics and Computing,The Open University, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
zSchool of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Two Early Cenozoic rifts in Southeast Asia (beneath the Pattani and Malay basins) experienced only
limited upper- crustal extension (b  1.5); yet very thick post-rift sequences are present, with 6^
12 km of Late Cenozoic terrestrial and shallow-marine sediment derived from adjacent sources.
Conventional post-rift backstripping requires depth-dependent lithospheric thinning by b 5 2^4 to
explain these tremendous thicknesses.We assess an alternative explanation for this post-rift
subsidence, involving lower- crustal £ow from beneath these basins in response to lateral pressure-
gradients induced by the sediment loads and the negative loads arising from the erosion of their
sediment sources.We calculate that increased rates of erosion in western Thailand in the Early
Miocene placed the crust in a non- steady thermal state, such that the depth (and thus, the pressure) at
the base of the brittle upper crust subsequently varied over time. Following such a perturbation,
thermal and mass- £ux steady- state conditions took millions of years to re- establish. In the
meantime, the lateral pressure-gradient caused net out£ow of lower crust, thinning the crust beneath
the depocentre by several kilometres (mimicking the isostatic e¡ect of greater crustal extension
having occurred beforehand) and thickening it beneath the sediment source region.The local
combination of hot crust and high rates of surface processes, causing lower-crustal £ow to be
particularly vigorous and thus making its e¡ects more readily identi¢able, means that the Pattani and
Malay basins represent a set of conditions di¡erent from basins in many other regions. However,
lower- crustal £ow induced by surface processes will also occur to some extent, but less recognisably,
in many other continental crustal provinces, but its e¡ects may be mistaken for those of other
processes, such as larger-magnitude stretching and/or depth-dependent stretching.

INTRODUCTION tectonic settings, including backarc, foredeep and post-

rift, are represented. Finally, most of the subsidence is not
Many deep, rapid- subsidence Cenozoic sedimentary ba-
associated with displacement on major normal or strike^
sins are found in Southeast Asia (see the review in Hall &
slip faults. These basins include the following (Figs 1 and
Morley, 2004; Fig. 1). They, ¢rst, contain Cenozoic sedi- 2): the Yinggenhai basin, Vietnam (which has up to 17 km
ment thicknesses up to 18 km (Pivnik et al., 1998; Metivier
of Cenozoic sediment; Clift & Sun, in press); the Kutai ba-
et al., 1999), with maximum subsidence rates in the main
sin, SW Borneo; the Central basin, Myanmar and the Pat-
depocentres of many tenths of 1mm a  1, and in some
tani and Malay basins in the Gulf of Thailand, which are
cases above 1mm a  1, sustained for many millions of
the subject of the present study. Located within the young
years. Second, present-day geothermal gradients are high
continental core of Southeast Asia (Sundaland), these ba-
to very high (30^75 1C km  1; Table 1). Third, a variety of
sins have developed during the Cenozoic on crust that
formed as a result of accretion of microplates during the
Correspondence: Christopher K. Morley, Department of Petro - Mesozoic (e.g. Packham, 1996). The combination of young
leum Geoscience, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Tunku Link continental lithosphere, complex and prolonged Cenozoic
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, Brunei. E-mail:
crustal deformation, hot crust, and tropical weathering has
Present address: PTT Exploration and Production, 555 Vibha- produced much thicker sedimentary sequences than are
vadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand. typical for basins worldwide (Hall & Nichols, 2002; Hall &

r 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 51

C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

Fig. 1. Location map of super-deep basins in Southeast Asia, modi¢ed from Morley (2002).

Table 1. Geothermal gradients in sedimentary basins of Southeast Asia

Basin c ( 1C km  1) Nature of underlying crust

Fang 75 Continental crust, northern Thailand

Central Sumatra 61 Continental crust in volcanic arc setting
Gulf of Thailand 50 Continental crust
South Sumatra 49 Continental crust in volcanic arc setting
North Sumatra 47 Continental crust in volcanic arc setting
Sunda 46 Continental crust
NW Java 46 Continental crust in volcanic arc setting
Malay 45 Continental crust, western South China Sea
Central Luconia 43 Thinned (?) continental crust of passive margin, western Borneo
Balingian 41 Thinned (?) continental crust of passive margin, western Borneo
West Natuna 38 Continental crust, western South China Sea
Penyu 38 Continental crust, western South China Sea
Barito 36 Southern Borneo, continental crust
South Andaman 33 Continental - thinned continental (passive margin) crust

c denotes the average geothermal gradient measured within each basin, from Hutchison (1996a). See Fig. 1 for locations of these basins.

52 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

Fig. 2. Cross- sections across the Pattani and Malay basins, modi¢ed from (a) Achalabhuti & Udom-Agsorn (1978); (b) and (c),
Watcharanantakul & Morley (2000); and (d), Madon et al. (1999). In (b), arrows mark the approximate stratigraphic position of the onset
of post-rift subsidence, as suggested by Wheeler & White (2000) (arrow 1) and Watcharanantakul & Morley (2000) (arrow 2).The actual
base of the post-rift section is now placed in the Late Oligocene (arrow 3). Note that none of these arrows marks a signi¢cant change in
basin geometry or unconformity, unlike the clear syn-rift to post-rift transition shown in Fig. 4.

Morley, 2004). This paper focuses on two such basins, Madon & Watts, 1998; Wheeler & White, 2000).Although
which both originated as rifts: the Pattani and Malay ba- results ¢tting the McKenzie model have been obtained,
sins in the Gulf of Thailand (Fig. 1). they require large amounts of lithospheric thinning
Conventional passive rifting backstripping and basin by factors (b) of 2, and sometimes as high as 4 (e.g.
modelling (after McKenzie, 1978) has been applied to the Bustin & Chonchawalit, 1995; Madon & Watts, 1998;
Pattani and Malay basins (e.g. Hellinger & Sclater, 1983; Wheeler & White, 2000). The upper- crustal extension
Pigott & Sattayarak, 1993; Bustin & Chonchawalit, 1995; measured from oil industry seismic re£ection data

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

typically indicates b  1.5 and more typically b 5 1.2^1.3; for upper- crustal extension as underestimates that
hence, an appeal has been made to non-uniform (depth- require correction for the cumulative e¡ect of normal
dependent) thinning of the lithosphere (e.g. Hellinger & faults that are below the resolution of seismic sections
Sclater, 1983; Madon & Watts, 1998; Watcharanantakul & (e.g. Marrett & Allmendinger, 1992; cf. Westaway, 1994b).
Morley, 2000). Several papers (e.g. White & McKenzie, 1989; Driscoll &
Modelling of the lithospheric response to rift and post- Karner, 1998; Baxter et al., 2001; Davis & Kusznir, 2002,
rift basin formation using the conventional method estab- 2004; Karner et al., 2003; Kusznir et al., 2004) have
lished by McKenzie (1978) often encounters the problem suggested that depth-dependent stretching on passive
that estimates of the extension in the upper crust are less margins can be explained as a consequence of initial
than b-factors derived by backstripping the post-rift basin rift deformation style, propagating oceanic spreading cen-
(see the review by Allen & Allen, 2005, pp. 63^115). Solu- tres or mantle plume activity. However, the Pattani and
tions to this problem typically require either depth-de- Malay basins formed initially by extension of continental
pendent extension and thinning (e.g. Hellinger & Sclater, crust; they are located in a continental interior setting
1983; Baxter et al., 2001; Davis & Kusznir, 2002, 2004; and are ¢lled by terrestrial to marginal marine sediments.
Kusznir et al., 2004), or require treating calculated values Hence, the potential explanation of depth-dependent

54 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

stretching relating to a spreading centre is not applicable, quires explanation is the magnitude of their Miocene to
and there is no associated basaltic volcanism, nor any Recent post-rift, synformal subsidence, which ^ at 6^
identi¢ed regional domal uplift (cf. White & McKenzie, 12 km ^ exceeds any plausible prediction of the McKenzie
1989) that would indicate a mantle plume. Seismic model (in its original form), given the limited extension
tomography studies (e.g. Lebedev & Nolet, 2003) indicate indicated by seismic-re£ection evidence of normal fault-
that at depths of up to 200 km, the mantle has above- ing (see below, and also Madon & Watts, 1998). In
average temperatures beneath the Pattani and Malay ba- principle, this subsidence could be explained in other
sins. However, these anomalies do not persist deeper into ways, for instance by arguing for non-uniform (depth-
the mantle, making it likely that, rather than being caused dependent) extension or for a massive contribution to local
by a mantle plume, they are caused by the overlying extension from sub- seismic faulting.The main aim of this
continental crust being hot because of high radioactive study is to show instead that an alternative modelling tech-
heat production (cf. Westaway, 2006a). Figure 3 shows a nique, by Westaway (2002a), can explain this dramatic
highly schematic summary of the sequence of events that post-rift subsidence as a consequence of outward £ow
we regard as having occurred in this study region, for of lower crust, driven by the sediment loading, which has
comparison with the detailed evidence and modelling pre- dynamically created accommodation space for further
sented later. sediment.
Because of the di⁄culties, noted above, in using heaves
of normal faults, estimation of extension by backstripping
of sediment thicknesses, using the McKenzie model, has
been widely regarded as a more de¢nitive approach. How-
ever, because McKenzie backstripping does not incorpo -
rate post-rift lower- crustal £ow, it overestimates the The numerical method, developed by Westaway (2002a)
amount of extension that has occurred across any basin if, and subsequently modi¢ed by Westaway et al. (2006b), al-
in reality, there has been net outward £ow of lower crust lows sedimentary basins and the adjacent eroding sedi-
from beneath the basin (or underestimate it if there has ment- source regions that provide the sedimentary ¢ll to
been net inward lower- crustal £ow) (e.g. Westaway, 1994a). be treated as coupled systems.This technique incorporates
The main aspect of the Pattani and Malay basins that re- a variant of the general ‘jelly sandwich’ model for the

Fig. 3. Schematic summary of our interpretation of the evolution, from syn-rift to post rift conditions, of the sedimentary basins in the
study region. Inferred senses of lower-crustal £ow are indicated at each stage.The numerical modelling presented later covers the
transition from stage (c) to stage (d). (a) Late syn-rift stage (? Early Oligocene). Extension (b 1.3) was accompanied by sedimentation at
a low rate (estimated as typically 1km in 10 million years, or 0.1mm a  1). During this stage, the extension can be estimated to
have thinned the brittle upper crust by 3.5 km, from say 15 to 15 km/ 1.3 or 11.5 km. In contrast, the e¡ect of such a low rate of
sedimentation (in a steady state, in the absence of extension) would be to displace the base of the brittle layer downward by only a few
hundred metres (cf.Westaway, 2002a). It can thus be expected that for these particular basins, the base of the brittle layer was shallower
beneath the basin than beneath its surroundings (i), causing lower- crust to £ow inward, as illustrated (ii). However, with less extension
and/or faster sedimentation, the £ow could have been in the opposite sense.The contemporaneous sediment is thought to have been
mainly of local provenance (iii).The highlands (iv), which later became the main source of sediment, are thought to have not been a
signi¢cant sediment source for this syn-rift stage. (b) Erosional stage at the syn-rift to post-rift transition (? Late Oligocene).When
extension ended, leaving a subaerial depocentre, local erosion of footwall topography began to supplement the other local sediment
sources (i). At the same time, the underlying lithosphere began to adjust back to its pre-rift thermal state. As the lithosphere cooled, the
base of the brittle layer thus adjusted to progressively deeper levels (ii).The sense of any contemporaneous lower- crustal £ow was
probably still inward, but due to the reduced lateral pressure gradient it can be expected to have been weaker than before (iii).The net
inward lower- crustal £ow caused a component of local crustal thickening, increasing the local Moho depth (iv) and thus partly cancelling
the syn-rift crustal thinning. (c) Early post-rift stage (? Early Miocene). Material from the highlands source area (i) starts to make a
signi¢cant contribution to the basin sediment supply.The thermal blanketing e¡ect caused by the increased sediment load applied to
the basin, and the deepening of the base of the brittle layer as the lithosphere continued to adjust back to its pre-rift thermal state,
combine to make the base of the brittle layer deeper beneath the basin than beneath the surrounding region (ii). Return lower- crustal
£ow from under the basin towards the sediment source area began (iii), as a result of both sediment loading in the basin and the erosion
from the sediment source area.The variation in Moho depth beneath the basin (iv) is determined by the balance between in£ux of
sediment and out£ow of lower crust. If these two rates balance, the Moho depth beneath the basin and also beneath the sediment source
(v) will remain constant. (d) Main post-rift stage (post- (?) Early Miocene). Following a change of climate, erosion in the sediment source
area greatly increased (i) and resulted in much faster sedimentation rates in the basin.The thermal state of the crust is thus perturbed
away from the (? near-) steady- state situation in (c).The faster sedimentation causes the base of the brittle upper crust to advect
downwards beneath the basin (ii), and the faster erosion causes it to advect upwards beneath the sediment source (iii).These changes
increase the lateral pressure gradient that acts to drive lower crust from beneath the basin to beneath the sediment source, causing the
rate of this £ow to increase signi¢cantly (iv).The net loss of crustal material beneath the basin results in progressive crustal thinning,
causing the Moho depth to decrease (v) and the sediment surface to subside (vi).The net gain of crustal material beneath the sediment
source results in progressive crustal thickening, causing the Moho depth to increase (vii) and the mean altitude of the land surface to
increase (viii).

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continental lithosphere (e.g. Chen & Molnar, 1983), with its own accommodation space. As linear rheologies are
relatively strong layers representing the brittle upper crust being assumed, such a situation can develop for any basin
and mantle lithosphere con¢ning the middle layer that re- irrespective of its sedimentation rate. Such a situation re-
presents the relatively mobile lower crust.The lower crust quires rates of erosion, sediment transport and sedimen-
beneath both the sediment source and the depocentre is tation to have remained constant over many millions of
characterised by its e¡ective viscosity Ze , which is deter- years, such that the base of the brittle upper crust main-
mined by the Moho temperature. It is assumed that the tains a constant depth relative to the succession of instan-
boundary between the brittle upper continental crust taneous positions of the Earth’s surface in both the basin
and the mobile lower crust occurs at the depth zb where a and the sediment source. The lateral pressure gradient is
temperature threshold (Tb ; 350 1C) is reached, given the constant; thus, the £ux of lower- crust from beneath the
geothermal gradient in the crust.The lower crust beneath basin to beneath the sediment source is constant, so it
this level is treated as a con¢ned £uid, which can £ow lat- can balance the £ux of material transported by surface
erally in response to horizontal gradients in the con¢ning processes in the opposite direction. However, under such
pressure, which is taken as the pressure at the base of the steady- state situations, no measurable change occurs that
overlying brittle layer. The depth zb beneath each part of permits a test for whether lower-crustal £ow ^ or some
the model depends primarily on the crustal thickness Hc other isostatic compensation mechanism ^ is occurring.
and the Moho temperature Tm ; in the absence of radioac- It is an investigation of the non- steady- state situation
tive heating and surface processes, the geothermal gradi- following a change in sedimentation rate that permits an
ent in the crust will be uniform, such that zb 5 Hc  Tb/ observational test to be made (Westaway, 2002a). A step in-
Tm. However, zb will also be a¡ected by surface processes; crease in the sedimentation rate a¡ects the geotherm
‘thermal blanketing’ of the crust by sedimentation will in- within the crust; the temperature-de¢ned base of the brit-
crease zb, whereas erosion will reduce it. It follows that, if tle upper crust advects upwards relative to the rock column
the crust has roughly the same thickness beneath a depo - (but downwards relative to the succession of instantaneous
centre and an adjacent sediment source, then zb will be levels of the sediment surface). As a result, the local pres-
greater beneath the former than the latter, creating a hori- sure will increase, and the opposite e¡ect will cause a cor-
zontal pressure gradient that will act to drive lower crust responding decrease in the pressure at the base of the
from beneath the depocentre to beneath the sediment brittle layer beneath the eroding sediment source region.
source. Flow in this sense will cause the crust to thicken The resulting increase in the lateral pressure gradient will
beneath the sediment source and to thin beneath the de- act to drive lower- crustal £ow at an increased rate from be-
pocentre. Over time, the thermal state of the crust will neath the depocentre to beneath the sediment source. In-
thus adjust, in response to these crustal thickness changes, itially, the outward mass £ux of lower crust from beneath a
so that any tendency for further crustal thickness changes model depocentre will exceed the model in£ux caused by
will be progressively countered. However, as will become the increased sedimentation rate. Thus, basin develop-
clear later, the typical overall e¡ect when such a model is ment results in the dynamic creation of an excess of ac-
run is the net transfer of lower- crustal material, from be- commodation space over sediment in£ux, leading to net
neath the depocentre to beneath the sediment source, bal- crustal thinning. The coupled sediment source region ex-
ancing the transport of sediment in the opposite direction. periences analogous net crustal thickening, leading to
The parameter Ze, mentioned above, is de¢ned as the surface uplift. Evidence for lower- crustal £ow under non-
viscosity that an isoviscous lower- crustal layer of a given steady- state conditions is thus provided by paired in-
thickness would need to have in order to maintain the stances of excess subsidence over sediment supply for
same £ow rate, in response to a given pressure gradient, depocentres and regional uplift rates that exceed spatially
as occurs in a real lower-crustal layer with temperature- averaged erosion rates for sediment sources (e.g.Westaway,
and thus depth-dependent viscosity (Westaway, 1998). If 2004c).
(in the absence of perturbation by surface processes) the The numerical technique used separately calculates, for
geothermal gradient is assumed to be uniform in the lower the depocentre and sediment source, the perturbation to
crust, then the downward decrease in viscosity will cause the geotherm caused by the assumed changes in rates of
the £ow velocity to peak roughly 9/10 of the way down be- erosion and sedimentation. It then uses these resulting
tween zb and the Moho depth zm (Westaway, 1998). The calculated lateral variations in pressure at the base of the
viscosity^temperature calibration used by Westaway brittle layer to determine the horizontal mass £ux for the
(1998) relates Z e to the Moho viscosity Z m (the viscosity lower- crustal £ow between these model regions. From
of the lower crust immediately above the Moho) and to this, it calculates the change in crustal thickness beneath
Tm, enabling Ze to be estimated as 60  Zm. the model depocentre and the source region during each
In a steady- state situation, the in£ux of sediment into a time step. These values are used to recalculate observable
basin will balance the resulting out£ow of lower crust from quantities such as the crustal thickness and altitude of the
beneath the basin (e.g. Westaway, 1994a). The loading by land surface (the sediment surface in the depocentre and
each layer of sediment thus displaces an equivalent the mean altitude of the eroding land surface in the sedi-
amount of lower crust to maintain a mass balance; in such ment source region) in both model regions.The latter cal-
a situation, each layer of sediment thus dynamically creates culation assumes Airy isostasy with compensation in the

56 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

asthenosphere. If the land surface in the depocentre falls previously considered ‘anomalous’ can thus be explained
below sea level, the option exists to incorporate water load- as natural consequences of lower-crustal £ow induced by
ing, which adds to the lateral pressure gradient relative to surface processes (erosion of onshore areas and associated
the subaerial sediment source and thus enhances the ex- sedimentation in depocentres) at rates that increase over
tent to which the system is thrown out of steady state by time as a result of Quaternary climate change. Thus, this
the imposed changes in rates of surface processes. Full de- new modelling has provided an alternative and uni¢ed
tails of the method are provided by Westaway (2002a), sub- driving mechanism to supersede previous ad hoc explana-
sequent modi¢cations being documented by Westaway tions (such as the isostatic consequences of subduction of
et al. (2006b). An important limitation is that in its present sediment, of heating of the crust because of volcanism or
form, the method can only deal with a single step change in of hypothetical localised phases of crustal shortening in-
rates of surface processes, not a succession of step changes terspersed with the regional extension; cf. Westaway,
or a continuous variation. Testing against observational 2002a). The success of such studies indicates that the ap-
evidence thus necessitates the identi¢cation of study re- plication of equivalent techniques to longer-timescale in-
gions where, to a ¢rst approximation, some independent stances of ‘anomalous’ post-rift subsidence in
process such as climate change has caused rates of surface sedimentary basins, in response to changes in sedimenta-
processes to vary in the required, simple, manner. tion rates, should be attempted.
During basin evolution, the computer program thus dy- In order to model lower- crustal £ow in response to se-
namically recalculates the depth of the base of the brittle diment loading in the context of the Pattani and Malay ba-
layer. Such calculations can result in signi¢cant di¡erences sins, it is necessary to review their geological history and
compared with simpler solutions that ¢x the base of the brit- tectonic setting, the erosion history of the adjacent re-
tle layer relative to the rock column, irrespective of surface gions, and the nature of the underlying lithosphere.These
processes (e.g. Mitchell & Westaway, 1999; Westaway 2002a). elements are discussed below, and then the modelling of
In general, such dynamic calculation predicts that the low- the basins is presented.
er-crust will £ow from beneath a depocentre to beneath the
adjacent sediment source. Other computer programs, which
¢x the base of the brittle layer (discussed for instance by
Mitchell & Westaway,1999; Westaway, 2002a), predict the op-
posite sense of £ow. Critics (Allen etal., 2004) have suggested
that its prediction of this sense of lower-crustal £ow means Figure 2b illustrates the central Pattani basin, revealing a
that there is a fundamental error in this computer program. synformal geometry to the base of seismic penetration.
However, this sense of £ow can be seen to follow naturally This seismic section does not show a classic rift geometry,
from ¢rst principles, given the underlying physics (see although normal faults display o¡sets that increase with
above). As a result of this criticism, the solutions presented depth. However, none of these can be described as classic
in this paper will include details of calculated lateral varia- half-graben boundary faults. Attempts to determine the
tions in the depth of the base of the brittle layer, from which location of a syn-rift to post-rift transition within this Oli-
it can be seen that the predicted sense of lower-crustal £ow gocene^Miocene sequence have proven problematic (e.g.
is consistent with the predicted sense of the lateral pressure Jardine, 1997; Watcharanantakul & Morley, 2000; Wheeler
gradient that drives it, as indeed it should be. & White, 2000). Conversely, where the post-rift sequence
Modelling of the isostatic response to surface processes is thinner, as in the northern Pattani basin and North Malay
incorporating lower- crustal £ow has provided a physical basin (i.e. the northern part of the Malay basin; Fig. 1), the
explanation for the ‘epeirogenic’ Quaternary surface uplift syn-rift sequence is locally well developed and classic syn-
in regions that are distant from plate boundaries, such as rift and post-rift interpretations can be made (Figs 4 and 5).
Britain and adjoining parts of NW Europe (e.g.Westaway, Generally, the Gulf of Thailand is divided into ¢ve major
2001, 2002b, c, 2004a, 2005a, 2006b; Westaway et al., 2002, sequences following the stratigraphic scheme of Unocal
2006a). Often when studying the Pleistocene, there is good (Jardine,1997; Fig. 5).These sequences are thought to re£ect
control over dating, and thus over rates of processes, that is Neogene low-order relative sea-level changes. Two periods
so much better than is typical for the earlier geological re- of non-deposition occurred: one in the Late Oligocene (the
cord. A related series of investigations has concerned the Mid Tertiary Unconformity, or MTU), and the other around
investigation of Quaternary vertical crustal motions in re- 10 Ma (the Mid Miocene Unconformity, or MMU).
gions of active crustal extension, such as the Gulf of Cor- The relationship of the oldest sediment, known as Se-
inth in central Greece (Westaway, 2002a), and the interiors quence1, with the timing of crustal extension is problema-
of western Turkey (Westaway et al., 2004, 2006b) and SW tical, as a result of the diachronous onset of rifting in the
Bulgaria (Westaway, 2006b).There is indeed an abundance Gulf of Thailand. Sequence 1 was originally de¢ned (by
of evidence for regional uplift across Turkey in general, Jardine, 1997) as comprising Oligocene to Early Miocene
which appears to be explicable only as a consequence of syn-rift sediment. However, in the northern Pattani basin,
lower-crustal £ow induced by surface processes (e.g. Arger the main syn-rift section is now thought instead to prob-
et al., 2000; Demir et al., 2004; Westaway, 2004c). In each of ably span the Eocene to Early Oligocene (Rigo de Rhigi
these studied regions, patterns of surface uplift that were et al., 2003). The Late Oligocene to Early Miocene

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

Location of subsidence curve

SW Figure 6b NE

500 Miocene

1000 Miocene
~ 3km
1500 Miocene
TWTT (ms.)

accoustic basement


Late Oligocene

~ 4km

Eocene (?)- Oligocene Syn rift


Fig. 4. Seismic line (from PTTEP) across the North Malay basin illustrating a well-de¢ned syn-rift half graben (of Eocene? to
Oligocene age) unconformably overlain by post-rift Late Oligocene to earliest Miocene lacustrine shales.The Miocene post-rift
sequence onlaps the basement high to the east.

succession overlies eroded tilted fault blocks and seals a didtan & Dook, 1992; Morley et al., 2001; Fig. 7). Hence,
highly irregular rift topography with a much more spa- the lacustrine event may in part mark the onset of a broad
tially extensive sequence that shows much reduced expan- post-rift depression and in part mark diversion of sedi-
sion into normal faults (with maximum throws of tens to ments into the newly forming rift basins.
hundreds of metres) compared with the Eocene^Early Oli- The overlying Early Miocene to Pliocene £oodplain,
gocene section (Rigo de Rhigi et al., 2003; Fig. 5). To the swamp, delta, and marginal marine deposits in the Pattani
south of the Pattani basin, the North Malay basin displays basin mark the establishment of a throughgoing £uvial
similar characteristics (Fig. 4). It thus seems likely that the system, which linked the sediment source (in the highlands
oldest sediment in the deeper parts of the central Pattani to the north) to the Pattani basin (Jardine, 1997; Leo, 1997;
basin has a similar age (i.e. it is Eocene to Early Oligocene), Lockhart et al., 1997; Fig. 7). Previously, this £uvial system
but the Late Oligocene to Recent sequence is locally too had supplied the newly opened, younger rift basins farther
thick for wells to have penetrated the underlying syn-rift north. The dominance of coarse clastic ¢ll through much
sequence. of the Late Oligocene to Miocene history of the Ayutthaya
The Late Oligocene to Earliest Miocene sequence is and Hua Hin basins (O’Leary & Hill, 1989; Pradidtan &
characterised by high-amplitude re£ections from a lacus- Dook, 1992; Figs 7 and 8) indicates the likely path of this
trine shale sequence that occurs extensively within the Pat- drainage into the Pattani basin.
tani and North Malay basins (Figs 2b, 4 and 5).This shale- Accurate dating of terrestrial sequences in the rift ba-
dominated sequence overlies the main syn-rift topography sins of Thailand, particularly de¢ning the Oligocene^
and has a regional synformal geometry. It marks a period Miocene boundary using palynomorphs, is di⁄cult (e.g.
of relatively slow sedimentation with low clastic input Watanasak, 1990; Ratanasthien, 2002). Palynology from
(apart from regions adjacent to eroding basement highs), o¡shore wells indicates that the clastic sequence overlying
before the onset of extensive £ood plain deposition in the the lacustrine shales is Early Miocene, but whether this se-
Early Miocene (Fig. 6). It may have post-dated the rifting, quence dates back to the very base of the Miocene, or is
or, alternatively may have been accompanied by low strain even in part latest Oligocenee, is uncertain. The base of
rate extension. The Late Oligocene is the period when ex- the Miocene is presently dated at 23.03 Ma (Steininger et
tensive rift basins opened west of the Pattani basin, both al., 1997). Many of the apatite ¢ssion-track central ages
within the Gulf of Thailand (the Kra, Western and Hua for the western highlands fall in the 22^18 Ma range (Up-
Hin basins) and further north in onshore Thailand (e.g. ton, 1999), but denudation as old as 25^23 Ma is indicated
the Suphan Buri, Ayutthaya and Phitsanulok basins; Pra- in places (Lacassin et al., 1997; Upton, 1999), whereas

58 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

(a) North Pattani schematic cross-section on western basin margin Towards main basin depocentre
Post-rift minor conjugate fault
W swarm trends E
0 Marine

Early Miocene-Recent
4 Ko Kra Ridge Late rift/

Depth (km)
early post-rift
Late Oligocene-Early Miocene

r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Alluvial fan deposits Lacustrine shales, some with Fluivio-deltaic deposits with Early Miocene-Recent, Fluvial sandstones
source potential, and interbedded thin interbedded lacustrine post-rift, predominantly Coals
sands and thin limestones deposits flood plain to marginal Floodplain fine
marine mudstones and grained sediments
sandston Fluivio-deltaic deposits
Lacustrine deposits

(b) Western Gulf of Thailand schematic cross-section

Pre-Tertiary ridge
draped by post-rift
W Western Basin -type half graben Chao Phraya Group Kra Basin -type half graben E
Late Miocene-Recent

Depth (km)
4 Late Oliogocene-
Middle Miocene
2 km
Chao Praya Group (Late Miocene- Syn-rift Late Oligocene-Middle Syn-rift lacustrine Ratburi Limestone
Recent, post-rift, predominantly Miocene lacustrine shales with limestone (karstified in places)
flood plain to marginal marine thin sandstones and limestones-
mudstones and sandstones contains main source rocks
Syn-rift Late Oligocene- Middle Miocene Syn-rift Late Oligocene-Middle Mesozoic red beds Cretaceous/Triassic granite
fluvio-deltaic sandstones Miocene coarse alluvial fan (Khorat Group)
and mudstones, lacustrine shale deposits

Fig. 5. Representative schematic cross- sections based on published well and seismic re£ection data illustrating the structural style and stratigraphy of the Gulf of Thailand, in (a) the northern part of
the Pattani Basin and (b) the western Gulf of Thailand. Based on data from Wollands & Haw (1976), Achalabhuti & Udom-Agsorn, (1978), Pradidtan & Dook (1992), Jardine (1997), Heward et al. (2000)
and Rigo de Rhigi et al. (2003).

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia
C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

(a) Time (my.) kilometres of throw. They are small faults, generally with
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 tens of metres of throw, which developed over a 20^25 mil-
0 lion-year time span (Fig 2b and c). Hence, these normal
Late Oligocene-Early Miocene
low subsidence rate faults cannot reasonably be regarded as evidence of a major
(deposition ~0.1 mm/a)
Maximum extensional episode (cf. Kornsawan & Morley, 2002; Rigo
2 thickness of Early-Middle Miocene de Rhigi et al., 2003), and so the stratigraphic level where
~ 22 Ma
syn-rift high subsidence rate
3 section (deposition ~0.5 mm/a) they die out is no indicator of the start of post-rift subsi-
Depth (km)

uncertain dence. Based on the prevailing oil industry terminology

4 at the time (by Jardine, 1997), Watcharanantakul & Morley
Episode of erosion
and removal of
(2000) also incorrectly placed the onset of post-rift subsi-
syn-rift topography dence within the Early Miocene (Fig. 2b, arrow 2). This
prior to onset of
6 post-rift subsidence
estimate has been superseded now that the Eocene^Oli-
gocene and Late Oligocene^Early Miocene sequences are
resolved in more recent stratigraphic schemes, as dis-
Central Pattani Basin cussed above. By placing the base of the post-rift section
later in the stratigraphic succession than now seems rea-
(b) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
sonable from the regional context, the analysis by Wheeler
& White (2000) overestimated the thickness of sediment
1 interpreted as ‘syn-rift’ and underestimated that inter-
preted as ‘post-rift’; hence, the latter did not appear anom-
2 ~ 22 Ma
alously thick in their interpretation.
3 In summary, three factors have contributed to the confu-
North Malay Basin sion over de¢ning the onsets of rifting and of post-rift sub-
sidence: (1) minor extension continuing into the post-rift
Fig. 6. Subsidence curves for the depocentres of the Pattani and phase; (2) the great thickness of the post-rift sequence in
North Malay basins based on wells and seismic re£ection data the central Pattani basin, making it inaccessible to direct
(Watcharanantakul & Morley 2000). See Figs 2b and 4 for study and (3) the view that rifting across the Gulf of Thai-
locations of curves (a) and (b), respectively. Over much of the land has been synchronous, when it is now clear that it has
North Malay Basin, the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene been diachronous.Typically, this rifting was Eocene^Oligo-
sequence exhibits a synformal geometry, typical of post-rift cene in the east, but Late Oligocene^Middle Miocene in the
deposits. However, in some localities expansion into minor
west. However, a few basins (e.g. Chumphon and Songkla ba-
normal faults causes greater thicknesses of the sequence and
small (5^10-km wide) half-graben geometries.
sins; Heward et al., 2000; Lawwongngnam & Philp, 1993)
show evidence of extensional activity during all these stages.
younger (Middle Miocene) denudation is important in The Malay basin covers an area of 83 000 km2; it is
NW Thailand. Based on the oldest part of the clastic 500-km long and up to 200 -km wide. The maximum
sequence most likely being earliest Miocene, and the apa- thickness of its Cenozoic sedimentary sequence is uncer-
tite ¢ssion-track ages that indicate the initiation of in- tain, but has been estimated at 12 km, with the Eocene^
creased erosion of the western highlands, 22 Ma seems a Oligocene syn-rift succession being more than 4 -km thick
reasonable timing for the regional increase in the rates of and the Early Miocene to Recent post-rift succession
surface processes in the modelling (see below). Nonethe- being more than 8-km thick in some places (Tjia, 1994;
less, there is clearly scope for re¢ning this age estimate, Ngah et al., 1996; Madon et al., 1999). This thickness esti-
and the model is necessarily a simpli¢cation of the natural mate may in fact underestimate the total amount of sedi-
processes. ment deposited, because the thick basin centre was
The timing of events a¡ecting the Pattani basin has episodically inverted and eroded during the Middle and
been discussed in detail above because the onset and ter- Late Miocene (Ng, 1987; Hutchison, 1996a, b; Ngah et al.,
mination of rifting and onset of post-rift sedimentation 1996; Madon, 1997; Madon et al., 1997, 1999); Cooper et al.
have been interpreted in di¡erent ways. For example, the (1989) estimated that up to 1200 m of the Miocene succes-
onset of post-rift subsidence in the Pattani basin was dated sion has been eroded in some places. However, Ngah
as Late Miocene by Wheeler & White (2000), who also as- (1997) stated that the absence of an identi¢able top base-
serted that the subsequent subsidence in this basin has not ment re£ection (in the deepest parts of this basin) has led
been anomalous. However, they placed the base of the to speculation that its maximum depth exceeds 15 km.
post-rift section very shallow (maximum depth 2 km; i.e. Ngah (1997) also showed a low-resolution regional seismic
in the Late Miocene; Fig. 2b, arrow 1). This stratigraphic line that displays a remarkably thick, synformal geometry
position was established by placing the base of the post- to this basin ¢ll.
rift section near the tops of extensive sets of conjugate nor- The change in sedimentation rates seen in the Pattani
mal faults that a¡ect this basin. However, these normal basin in the Early Miocene (Fig. 6) warrants discussion.
faults are not classic syn-rift boundary faults or large tilted One potentially important factor that may have caused this
fault block bounding faults with hundreds of metres or change is the e¡ect of climate change on erosion rates.The

60 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

(a) Eocene- (b) Late Oligocene Key

Marine conditions

Fluival-alluvial fans,
coarse clastic component
Fluvio-delatic deposits
(higher energy)

Lacustrine depositional

Largely low-energy
Region of uplift/non-

Rift boundary fault

(c) Early Miocene (d) Middle Miocene Synclines in

Mesozoic rocks

Geometry and
Size of lacustrine
NP systems uncertain


H = Hua Hin
K = Kra
S W = Western
C = Chumphon
NP = North Pattani
CP = Central Pattani
SP = South Pattani
S = Songkhla
NM = North Malay
(e) Late Miocene (f) Pliocene

PCPRS = Palaeo
Chao Phraya River

50 km

Fig. 7. Palaeogeographic evolution of the Gulf of Thailand and North Malay basins, illustrating the change in basin type (rift or post-rift
basin) and sediment ¢ll with time. Sediment source areas are also indicated. Based on the same sources as Fig. 5, plus, Lawwongngnam
& Philp (1993), Lockhart et al. (1997), Leo (1997) and Watcharanantakul & Morley (2000).

r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84 61

C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

Fig. 8. Apatite ¢ssion-track central ages (Upton et al., 1997; Upton, 1999) and other isotopic ages (Lacassin et al., 1997; Barr et al., 2002;
Rhodes et al., 2002) showing evidence for a N^S-trending belt of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene denudation that extended from
northern Thailand to theThai peninsula south of theThree Pagodas fault. Slower earlier Cenozoic denudation of the Khorat plateau is
indicated from apatite ¢ssion track data (Upton, 1999). In general, during cooling, closure temperatures for argon retention (McDougall
& Harrison, 1999) and limiting temperatures for ¢ssion-track annealing (Carter, 1999) are complex functions of cooling rates and grain
sizes.The following temperature ranges indicate an approximate guide to the stability of these systems: argon retention in muscovite,
350^250 1C, and for biotite, 300^200 1C; ¢ssion track annealing in zircon, 320^200 1C, and in apatite, 110^60 1C. Modi¢ed from
Morley (2004).

syn-rift basins of northern Thailand show a switch from progressive rise of theTibetan Plateau. Uddin & Lundberg
palynomorphs associated with a temperate climate to tro - (1998) have shown that rates of sedimentation in the Ben-
pical forms in the Early Miocene (Songtham, 2000; Rata- gal basin also typically increased around the Oligocene^
nasthien, 2002); this change is also seen in peninsular Miocene boundary. Before this change, these sands were
Malaysia (Morley, 1998). Clift et al. (2004) (see also Clift, quartz-dominated, indicating removal of less stable
2004) have inferred from increased rates of o¡shore sedi- minerals by prolonged weathering, whereas after it they
mentation (notably in the Bengal Fan, o¡shore of the sub- contain signi¢cant clast concentrations of feldspar and of
aerial Bengal basin in Fig.1, where thicknesses of Cenozoic other diverse sedimentary, metamorphic and volcanic
sediment exceed 20 km) that the Southeast Asian monsoon rocks, suggesting signi¢cantly faster erosion within the
began to strengthen between 22 and 15 Ma, linked to the eastern Himalaya and Indo -Burman ranges, followed by

62 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

CM = Chiang Mai basin

Salween River
P = Phitsanulok basin
MS = Mae Sot basin
L = Lampang basin


L Mekong River

Border of

Rift basin
Rift basin
with known
long lived
Chao Phraya

Edge of Khorat
Buri Basin
Andaman Sea
Ayutthaya Basin



50 km Gulf of Thailand

Fig. 9. Map of the principal drainage systems into the northern Gulf of Thailand, illustrating the relationship between rift basin location
and the Chao Phraya River system.Well-established lacustrine systems, which existed during the Miocene, probably meant that at this time
the Chao Phraya did not form a throughgoing drainage system all the way from the north.The River Khwae (Kwai) £ows SE from the
extreme west of Thailand, joining the south- £owing Maeklaeng 100 km NWof Bangkok. Modi¢ed from Hall & Morley (2004).

re-deposition. By analogy, the increased rates of sedimen- of 160 000 km2 and transports 11 million tonnes of sedi-
tation observed inThailand, starting at 22 Ma (Fig. 6), may ment to the coastline annually. Assuming a sediment den-
likewise re£ect increased rates of erosion caused by mon- sity of 2000 kg m  3, these data indicate a spatial average
soon strengthening. erosion rate across this catchment of 0.034 mm a  1.
However, at present, much of this sediment load is depos-
ited in a £ood plain around and inland of Bangkok (the
Central Plains basin; Fig. 8), and thus does not reach the
SEDIMENT SOURCE AREAS coastline.The spatial average erosion rate within the upper
At present, the principal sediment in£ux into the Gulf of reaches of this river system is thus probably many times
Thailand is provided by the Chao Phraya River (Fig.9). Ac- the ¢gure calculated above. During glacio - eustatic falls
cording to Milliman & Syvitski (1992), this drains an area in sea level, the coastline retreated many hundreds of

r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84 63

C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

kilometres to the south, subaerially exposing the present the basins (O’Leary & Hill, 1989). For example, the Oligo -
£oor of the Gulf of Thailand (which, at present, has a cene^Middle Miocene ¢ll of the Ayutthaya basin (Fig. 8) is
mean water depth of 45 m and a maximum water depth predominantly £uvial and alluvial fan-derived, with large
of 80 m) and causing the length of the Chao Phraya river volumes of arkose locally derived from granites immedi-
to increase downstream by a corresponding distance. It is ately north and northwest of the basin, and volcanic and
presumed that during such stages, much of the earlier clastic lithic grains derived from the Khorat Plateau to
highstand deltaic deposits inland of the modern coastline the east (O’Leary & Hill, 1989). Within the Pattani basin,
are reworked downstream and re-deposited, along with local sediment sources can be identi¢ed for some areas
material transported directly from the upper reaches of (e.g. the southern Pattani basin, Lockhart et al., 1997; and
the river system, thus sustaining the high time-averaged the western £ank of the Pattani basin, Rigo de Rhigi et al.,
deposition rates in what are now o¡shore basins (as in 2003) and time periods (Late Oligocene^Early Miocene,
Fig. 6a). Rigo de Rhigi et al., 2003; Fig. 7). However, much of the se-
The second most important river system, which enters diment input to this basin was derived from the north
the present Gulf of Thailand 70 km west of the Chao through the palaeo -Chao Phraya river system (Leo, 1997;
Phraya, is the Maeklaeng/Khwae (Kwai), which drains Rigo de Rhigi et al., 2003; Fig. 7).
an 20 000 km2 area of western Thailand (Fig. 9). During Regarding thermochronology, modelling of ¢ssion
Pleistocene marine lowstands, this has formed a left-bank tracks in apatite from the eastern Khorat Plateau by Upton
tributary of the extended Chao Phraya system. As indi- (1999) showed that the Mesozoic stratigraphic succession
cated in Fig. 7, for much of the Late Cenozoic, the basins (including the Khorat Group, comprising continental
now o¡shore in the Gulf of Thailand were supplied with clastic deposits) reached maximum burial between 74 and
sediment from the north by an ancestral, river system, 39 Ma, with the samples exiting the partial-annealing
known as the ‘palaeo -Chao Phraya’ (e.g. Leo, 1997). As de- zone (temperature 60 1C) between 49 and 11 Ma (Fig. 8).
picted in this ¢gure, this palaeo -Chao Phraya river system The subsequent cooling rate, as a result of denudation, was
seems to have coincided roughly with the modern Maek- calculated at 1.5  0.5 1C Ma  1 by Upton (1999), indicat-
laeng/Kwai and its former downstream continuation, now ing an erosion rate of 0.05 mm a  1, assuming a steady
submerged. In contrast, as indicated in Fig. 9, much of the geothermal gradient of 30 1C km  1. In much of north-
modern onshore Chao Phraya catchment instead con- ern Thailand and the extreme west of Thailand, denuda-
sisted, for much of the Late Cenozoic, of a series of lake ba- tion has been occurring slowly since the Late Cretaceous
sins. The main area of the Miocene ‘palaeo -Chao Phraya’ (Upton et al., 1997). Between the Mae Ping fault zone and
catchment would have thus been located south of the pre- Chiang Mai (Fig. 8), apatite and zircon from gneiss and
sent catchment in north Thailand. Its main sediment granite show rapid cooling through the partial-annealing
source areas in the Miocene would have therefore been zone (110^60 1C) during the Late Oligocene^Middle
the Mae Ping fault zone area in the western highlands, the Miocene, with typical cooling rates between 8.5 and
Chainat Ridge and the now almost peneplaned area of pre- 25 1C Ma  1 (Upton, 1999; Rhodes, 2002) indicating denu-
Tertiary rocks (unconformably overlain by 300^500 m of dation rates of 0.3 to 0.8 mm a  1. South of the Mae
Pliocene to Recent sediments of the Central Plains basin) Ping fault, the data are more limited, but apatite central
between the Suphan Buri and Ayutthaya basins (Figs 8 ages typically lie between 23 and 18 Ma (Upton, 1999).
and 9). These ages mark cooling through 110 1C (e.g. Carter,
Sediment source areas for the Pattani basin have been 1999), indicating a subsequent time-averaged cooling rate
identi¢ed from: (1) provenance studies of the basin ¢ll, of 4.8 to 6.1 1C Ma  1 and an associated denudation
from surface and well data (Trevena & Clark, 1986; O’Leary rate of 0.2 mm a  1.
& Hill, 1989; Pradidtan & Dook, 1992; Leo, 1997; Lockhart These data support the reconstruction of the palaeo -
etal.,1997; Uttamo etal.,1999; Rigo de Rhigi etal., 2003); (2) geography in Fig. 7, indicating that most of the sediment
the timing of denudation of pre-Tertiary highland areas in the Pattani basin has been derived from the north, ori-
using Ar^Ar and ¢ssion-track thermochronology (Upton ginating from the high areas between the onshore rift ba-
et al., 1997; Upton, 1999; Fig. 8) and (3) the onlap of pre-Ter- sins and from the western ranges of Thailand. More
tiary basement areas by Late Cenozoic sediments as seen easterly sources, in and around the Khorat Plateau, have
on seismic re£ection pro¢les (e.g. Jardine, 1997; Leo, 1997; been less important as a sediment source. The mineral
Lockhart et al., 1997; Watcharanantakul & Morley, 2000; composition of the sediments, isopach trends and orien-
Rigo de Rhigi et al., 2003). These data indicate, ¢rst, that tation of channels from seismic re£ection data indicate
onlap of topographic highs that acted as local sediment that the in£ux of material derived from the north via the
sources adjacent to the Pattani and Malay basins began in palaeo -Chao Phraya river system reached as far south as
the Late Oligocene and that these highs were mostly cov- the North Malay basin (Leo, 1997). According to Leo
ered by the end of the Early Miocene. Second, provenance (1997), this sediment formed a large delta complex in the
studies indicate that these basins were supplied by sedi- vicinity of the North Malay basin (Fig. 7).The very shallow
ment eroded from the western highlands (in the Thai- marine conditions evident in this palaeo -delta are docu-
land^Myanmar border region) and the western margin of mented by extensive tidal deposits that alternate with coals
the Khorat Plateau, as well as from local highs adjacent to and coaly shales (Jardine, 1997; Leo, 1997). Even as far

64 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

south as the Malay basin, episodic exposure to erosion oc- Time (Ma)
curred during Pliocene and Pleistocene sea-level low- 225 200 150 100 50 0
stands, when £uvial channels were incised into the upper 0
part of this stacked sequence (Tjia, 1994).
Less published information is available for the Malay 1 North Sea
basin. However, it is elongated NW^SE and oriented par-
allel to the coasts of peninsular Malaysia (to the SW) and 2
Vietnam (to the NE), suggesting that its principal sedi-
ment sources were from the SW and/or the NE. As men- 3
tioned above, the North Malay basin also seems to have
been partially sourced from the north via the palaeo -Chao
Phraya river system (Leo, 1997; Fig. 7).

Depth (km)
6 Anza Graben
7 Pattani basin
The Pattani basin has up to 7.5 km thickness of Late Oli- 8
Malay basin
gocene and younger sediment (Fig. 2b, c), its Early Mio -
cene to Recent post-rift sequence reaching a maximum 9 Syn-rift to
thickness of 6^7 km. The upper-crustal extension, from post-rift
summing heaves on syn-rift normal faults visible on seis- 10 transition
mic sections across this basin, typically indicates b 1.3
(Watcharanantakul & Morley, 2000). Flexural backstrip-
ping and Airy backstripping of the Pattani basin post-rift 12
sequence indicate b 5 2^2.5 (Hellinger & Sclater, 1983; Pi-
gott & Sattayarak, 1993; Bustin & Chonchawalit, 1995; 13
Watcharanantakul & Morley, 2000) when this basin is ana-
lysed, conventionally, as a consequence of thermal subsi- Fig. 10. Comparison of maximum subsidence rates from
depocentres in the Viking Graben of the North Sea (Allen &
dence following earlier crustal extension. Similarly, for
Allen, 2005), the Malay basin (Madon et al., 1999), the Pattani
the Malay basin, the upper- crustal extension is estimated basin (Fig. 2b), and the Anza Graben of Kenya (Morley et al.,
to be low, with b 5 1.5 (e.g. Madon et al., 1999), whereas 1999).
backstripping of the post-rift sequence suggests litho -
sphere thinning by up to b 5 4 (Madon & Watts, 1998). amount and rate of post-rift thermal subsidence in a basin
Hence, there is a signi¢cant discrepancy for both the Pat- depend primarily on the value of b for the syn-rift phase.
tani and Malay basins between estimates of extension from The role of sediment loading is considered, but its e¡ect is
heaves on normal faults and from subsidence analysis. limited by the nature of the Airy isostasy equation used.
Figure 10 compares the post-rift basin histories of dif- The comparison in Fig. 10 suggests strongly that amounts
ferent rifts with similar upper- crustal extension factors and rates of sediment accumulating in the post-rift phase
(bo1.5). This comparison illustrates that di¡erent are independent of b, indicating that an additional pro -
amounts of post-rift sedimentation can occur following cess, not considered in the McKenzie (1978) analysis, may
similar amounts of extension. In the 140 million years have a signi¢cant role in the evolution of sedimentary ba-
since the Late Jurassic rifting, sedimentation in the North sins. We later suggest that this process is outward lower-
Sea has attained a maximum thickness of 3^4 km (e.g. crustal £ow from beneath a basin, driven by the basin’s
Roberts et al., 1993; White & Latin, 1993; Allen & Allen, own sediment loading.
2005). Conversely, the Anza Graben in Kenya had a similar The sediment in these Gulf of Thailand basins is al-
(i.e. Oligocene) timing of cessation of rifting to the Pattani most entirely terrestrial (Fig. 5). In the Pattani basin, mar-
and Malay basins, and has a considerably thicker syn-rift ine conditions only developed from the Late Pliocene
sequence than these basins; yet, the maximum post-rift onwards (e.g.Wollands & Haw, 1976; Jardine, 1997; Rigo de
subsidence (Miocene^Recent) is only 500 m (Morley Rhigi et al., 2003). For most of the Late Cenozoic, sedi-
et al., 1999). The Anza Graben is in a semi-arid setting mentation thus kept pace with subsidence to a good ap-
where Late Cenozoic sediment supply has been limited. proximation, such that deposition persisted just above
These comparisons illustrate how much post-rift sedi- sea level. The Malay basin, located closer to the open sea
mentation has occurred in the Pattani and Malay basins (Fig. 1), contains non-marine rocks from the Oligocene to
compared with other basins. the Early Miocene, with marine in£uence beginning in the
The McKenzie (1978) stretching model holds that (ex- latest Early Miocene, the subsequent sequence being
cluding the e¡ects of parameter values such as di¡erent dominated by £oodplain to marginal marine and tidal de-
densities and crust and lithosphere thicknesses) the posits (Ngah et al., 1996; McCa¡rey et al.,1998; Madon et al.,

r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84 65

C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

1999).The di¡erence in timing of the onset of marine con- review in Morley et al., 2001). Geothermal gradients be-
ditions between these two basins re£ects an overall north- neath the Pattani and Malay basins could well thus have
westward increase in marine in£uence during the Miocene been similar to their present-day values in the Early
and Pliocene (e.g. Wollands & Haw, 1976; Leo, 1997; Lock- Miocene, before the bulk of the present thickness of sedi-
hart et al., 1997; Hall & Morley, 2004), as the Gulf of Thai- ment accumulated.
land has progressively grown to its present dimensions by The granites that form much of the upper crust in the
inundating what had previously been subaerial land (Fig. basin £anks can be expected to have greater concentrations
7). Hence, the e¡ect of sediment loading by in¢lling pre- of radioactive heat-producing elements than the sedi-
existing accommodation space between an initial, deep, ments in the basin that laterally lie at equivalent depths.
sea £oor and sea level is not applicable to the Pattani basin, Yet, the geothermal gradient on the rift £anks is half that
and only shallow marine conditions are appropriate for the of the basinal areas, from which it follows that key factor
Malay basin. controlling high geothermal gradients in the basins is the
low thermal conductivity of the sediments in the basin in-
teriors (i.e. these shale-dominated sequences in the basins
Thermal state of the crust
have lower thermal conductivity than the more sand-
Geothermal gradients associated with basins in the conti- dominated sediments and basement rocks on the basin
nental crust of Sundaland are typically high (36^ £anks).
75 1C km  1; Table 1).This crust includes pervasive granite As in other modelling studies (e.g. Westaway, 2002a;
intrusions (mostly,Triassic and Late Cretaceous to Palaeo - Westaway et al., 2004), it is important to estimate the Moho
gene; cf. Hutchison, 1996b); consequently, part of the ob- temperature in the present study region, because this de-
served high surface heat £ow can be attributed to termines the e¡ective viscosity Ze for the lower crust and
radiogenic heat production, which can be assumed to oc- thus governs how readily this layer can £ow in response to
cur in the upper 10^15 km of the crust (e.g. Lachen- loads of a given magnitude (cf. Westaway, 1998). The sim-
bruch 1968, 1970; Roy et al., 1972). Worldwide heat £ow plest possible calculation assumes that the temperature
from the mantle is typically 20^30 mWm  2 and may distribution in the crust is that appropriate for a steady-
exceptionally approach 40 mWm  2 (e.g. Artemieva & state situation with radiogenic heating at shallow depths;
Mooney, 1999; Wang et al., 2000). Seismic tomography perturbations to the geotherm caused by the sedimenta-
shows that the uppermost mantle at 60 km depth be- tion and associated erosion for the time being are ne-
neath the Gulf of Thailand has low (up to 5% below glected. In many regions, the surface heat £ow varies
average) seismic velocities (e.g. Lebedev & Nolet, 2003), in- linearly with the radioactive heat production Y(z 5
dicating relatively high temperatures. The high surface 0) 5 Yo in surface rocks (e.g. Lachenbruch, 1970). The
heat £ow seen regionally across Sundaland, and the gener- most satisfactory explanation of this relation requiresY(z)
ally low upper-mantle velocities observed using seismic to decrease exponentially with depth, as
tomography, suggest that mantle heat £ow is also high in
this region (Hall, 2002; Lebedev & Nolet, 2003; Hall & YðzÞ ¼ Yo exp ðz=DÞ: ð1Þ
Morley, 2004).
Exploration wells, which reach depths of 4 km in the D quanti¢es the depth scale of this decrease and is typi-
Pattani and Malay basins, show typical geothermal gradi- cally 10^15 km (e.g. Lachenbruch, 1968, 1970). A possible
ents of 30 1C km  1 and heat £ows of 78 mWm  2 explanation for the exponential decay inY(z), suggested by
on basin margins, increasing to 60 1C km  1 and Lachenbruch (1970) and others, is that hydrothermal cir-
100 mWm  2 in basin centres (Bustin & Chonchawalit, culation concentrates radioactive elements towards the
1995; Madon et al., 1999; see also Hall, 2002). These high upper part of the crust.
temperatures result at least in part from a signi¢cant insu- If radioactive heat production varies as in Eqn (1), then
lating e¡ect by shale within the sedimentary sequences the temperature satis¢es
and/or a high concentration of radiogenic minerals within
the sediment (Waples, 2001, 2002). Although sedimentary qo z D2 Yo
rocks typically have thermal conductivities of 2.3^ TðzÞ ¼ þ ð1  exp ðz=DÞÞ ð2Þ
k k
2.6 Wm  1 1C  1, coals and organic-rich shales can have
much lower values, o2.0 Wm  1 1C  1 , and in extreme where k is the thermal conductivity of the crust (e.g. La-
cases between 0.2 and 1.0 Wm  1 1C  1 (Nunn & Lin, chenbruch, 1970). The ¢rst term on the right-hand side is
2002). However, the basin sediments also have high radio - the contribution to the temperature caused by conduction
genic heat production, which Waples (2002) estimated as through the lithosphere, as a result of the basal heat £ow
1.8 mWm  3; this will also a¡ect the thermal state of the component qo, the second term being the e¡ect of radioac-
crust. Nonetheless, other parts of Sundaland with much tive heating. In addition to the limitations noted above,
thinner sedimentary sequences also display high tempera- this equation assumes that heat £ow only occurs in the ver-
tures; for example, the onshore rift basins of Thailand, tical direction; in other words, it neglects lateral compo -
where extension ended around the beginning of the Plio - nents such as will be induced between adjacent regions
cene, have geothermal gradients of 30^70 1C km  1 (see that have di¡erent crustal properties.

66 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

If, for the time being, we neglect the reduction in k in (a) Gravity profile
the sediments (see above), then takingYo as 2 mWm  3, Calculated
qo 5 40 mWm  2, k as 2.5 Wm  1 1C  1 and D as Observed

10 km would give a temperature of 560 1C at 30 km
depth. Increasing D to 15 km would increase this esti-
mate to 660 1C. Alternatively, if k is assumed to be lower, −30
say 2 Wm  1 1C  1, throughout the radiogenic layer (i.e.
the sedimentary column) for which D is adjusted back (b) 0
to 10 km, then the temperature at 30 km depth would basin
be 620 1C, and if k for this layer is reduced further
to 1.5 Wm  1 1C  1 then the temperature at this depth

would increase to 720 1C. On the basis of this brief ana-
lysis, we infer that the Moho temperature beneath the se-
dimentary basins in the present study region is probably in Mantle
the range of 600^700 1C; values of Ze used in our mod- 40
elling will be selected on this basis. 0 100 200 300

Fig. 11. (a) Gravity signature and (b) calculated crustal pro¢le
Crustal thickness variations across the Malay basin, redrawn from Madon & Watts (1998, Fig.
Madon & Watts (1998) presented crustal- scale gravity pro - 13a).The Moho depth is 32 km beneath the rift £anks and
¢les across the Malay basin (Fig. 11). This basin typically 27 km beneath the rift; the maximum thickness of the
shows a small amount of upper- crustal extension (bo1.5 Cenozoic sediment is 12 km, of which 8 km is Early Miocene
and probablyo1.3; Fig. 2d), the crust on its £anks (and and younger.The heaves on the normal faults in the upper crust
beneath this basin (Fig. 2d) indicate b 1.3.Taking 32 km as the
those of the adjacent Pattani basin) being 32 km thick.
crustal thickness before extension, for upper- crustal extension
Gravity modelling indicates that the Moho is 27 km with b 5 1.3 the minimum thickness of crustal basement
deep beneath the centre of the Malay basin (Madon et al., predicted at the end of rifting is 32 km/1.3 or 25 km; with b 5 1.5
1999; Fig. 11); the Moho is thus 5 km shallower across (after a generous correction for possible ‘small’ normal faults that
an 200 km wide zone beneath this basin than beneath are not resolved in Fig. 2d), it would be 21km.With conventional
its surroundings. Airy isostatic compensation of sediment loading, 12 km of
From earlier discussion, a 12 km deep basin, such as the sediment deposited on crustal basement ranging in thickness
Malay basin, with at least the upper 8 km of sediment de- between 21km (b 5 1.5) and 25 km (b 5 1.3) would result in a
posited without the development of major normal faults, Moho depth of 33^37 km, indicating the development of a Moho
presents a space problem if isostatic compensation has ‘keel’ (Fig. 12), which is not in fact observed. In contrast, the
been either Airy or £exural with no lateral displacement observed geometry, with the Moho now 27 km deep beneath
12 km of sediment, indicates only 15 km of crustal basement
of crustal material. If the underlying crust was simply dis-
beneath the sediment. As a result b calculated from the thinning
placed vertically, then a keel of lower crust will underlie the of crustal basement, would be 32/15 km or 2.1, much
basin, causing the Moho depth to be greater beneath the greater than any value estimated from the normal faulting in the
basin than beneath its surroundings, as in Fig. 12b. Alter- brittle upper crust.These simple calculations indicate the
natively, if lower crust has £owed out from beneath the ba- systematic di¡erence between the estimates of b, which
sin in response to the sediment loading, then no such keel characterises many sedimentary basins, and which we suggest is
will be expected; the Moho depth may be the same be- caused by failure to take outward lower- crustal £ow from beneath
neath the basin as beneath its surroundings, or may even the depocentre into account.
be less beneath the basin than beneath its surroundings,
depending on whether or not the out£ow of lower crust oc- MODELLING OF COUPLING BETWEEN
curred under steady- state conditions or not. SEDIMENTATION AND LOWER-
As illustrated in Fig.11, the crust beneath the Malay ba- CRUSTAL FLOW
sin has no lower- crustal keel; in contrast, the Moho is lo -
cally shallower (27 km) than beneath the surroundings to Numerical modelling of lower- crustal £ow undertaken
this basin (32 km). As discussed above, the continental previously (Westaway, 2002a, Westaway et al., 2004) indi-
crust of Southeast Asia is anomalously hot today, and also cates that a signi¢cant increase in sedimentation rates will
shows evidence for having been anomalously hot in the cause the development of a non- steady thermal and mass-
past. Hence, the crust underlying the Malay basin (and, £ux state in the underlying crust, such that the out£ow of
by analogy, other basins in the region, such as the Pattani lower crust exceeds the sediment in£ux, causing crustal
basin) can be expected to have had the potential to £ow sig- thinning and enabling the Moho depth to become shal-
ni¢cantly during the late Cenozoic. The absence of a low- lower beneath the basin than beneath its surroundings, as
er- crustal keel suggests that a signi¢cant out£ow of lower- in Fig.12a. It is expected that ultimately a new thermal and
crust has occurred from beneath this basin, presumably as mass- £ux steady state will develop in which the crust has
a result of the loading e¡ect of the basin’s own sediment. adjusted to the new sedimentation rate, although because

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

histories of the Malay and Pattani basins have been mod-

elled using the technique of Westaway (2002a). As illu-
strated in Fig. 10, the Malay basin experienced an 50%
increase in sedimentation rate in the Early Miocene
(24 Ma): from 0.2 to 0.3 mm a  1. The gravity mod-
elling constrains the crustal thickness beneath this basin
and its surroundings, as already noted (Fig. 11). As illu-
strated in Fig. 6a, the Pattani basin experienced a much
more dramatic increase in sedimentation rate around the
same time, from 0.1 to 0.5 mm a  1. Both basins will
be modelled; this modelling will be followed by a sensitiv-
ity analysis that will consider the robustness of the indivi-
dual model solutions.
Cartoons illustrating the geometry of this model have
been published previously, notably as Fig. 10 of Westaway
(2002a) and Fig. 22 of Westaway et al. (2004), and so are not
repeated here. Each basin is represented by a depocentre
of width Ls, separated from an eroding sediment source re-
gion of width Le by a ‘hinge zone’of length Lh.The direction
of sediment transport from the model sediment source re-
gion to the model depocentre is southward, as discussed for
the palaeo-Chao Phraya River system (cf. Leo, 1997; Fig. 7).
Starting values of 300 km each are assumed for Le, Ls ,and
Lh, re£ecting the overall dimensions of the study region
(Fig. 1). These values are later adjusted to investigate the
sensitivity of the model solutions to these initial choices
(see below). However, for all solutions considered, Le 5 Ls ;
thus, the model conserves crustal mass (i.e. no lower crust
or sediment £ows into or out of any boundary of the model).
Fig. 12. Schematic illustrations of the geometrical A corollary to this constraint is that the spatial average ero -
consequences of crustal thickness assumptions on crustal- scale sion rate in the sediment source, Ue, equals Us, the spatial
cross- sections for (a) sediment loading compensated by outward average sedimentation rate in the depocentre. As the model
lower- crustal £ow under non- steady- state conditions and (b) the is two dimensional, any components of sediment transport
standard McKenzie model for the evolution of extensional and lower-crustal £ow in the perpendicular direction have
sedimentary basins. Dot shading in (a) indicates material that is also been neglected.
initially in the upper crust but becomes heated above the The model lithosphere has been assigned a nominal
temperature threshold for the brittle^ductile transition as a thickness of 100 km, with the crust initially 30-km thick
result of burial by sediment. Assuming option (b), in many rifts
and the mantle lithosphere 70-km thick. Densities of
the lower-crustal keel e¡ect is not strongly evident because the
rc 5 2700 kg m  3, rm 5 3300 kg m  3, ra 5 3100 kg m  3
sediment deposited during thermal subsidence is relatively thin.
Its thickness is thus less than the uplift of the Moho, beneath the and rw 5 1000 kg m  3 are assumed for the continental
basin, that has been caused by the earlier crustal thinning (panel crust, mantle lithosphere, asthenosphere and for any sea-
bii); any keel e¡ect is thus masked. It is only with very thick post- water load over the depocentre. The case of a subaerial,
rift sequences that this keel e¡ect is predicted to become rather than submarine, depocentre is investigated sepa-
signi¢cant (panel biii). In this case, when the assumption of no rately by setting the nominal density of the water load to
change in (basement) crustal thickness during thermal zero. The sediment deposited in the depocentre is as-
subsidence is made (the assumption underlying the simpli¢ed sumed to compact to the same density as the underlying
isostasy equation used in the McKenzie model), then the continental crust; thus, any density di¡erence that may ex-
predicted geometrical consequence is a keel of thicker crust, ist in a real basin between the sediment and the underlying
reaching deeper beneath a super-deep basin than beneath its
continental crustal basement is neglected. Likewise, verti-
cal variations in density caused by thermal expansion of
the crust and mantle lithosphere are also neglected. Ac-
the previous modelling studies (Westaway, 2002a, West- cording to Metivier et al. (1999), the typical mean density
away et al., 2004) have only concerned timescales within of the clasts forming the sediments in Southeast Asia is
the Quaternary they have only investigated the initial 2780 kg m  3 and at 3-km depth the average porosity in
non- steady- state situation and not the subsequent adjust- sediment is reduced to 5%; the approximate density of
ment to the new steady state. sedimentary rock at 3-km depth should thus be
To assess the feasibility of isostatic compensation of se- 2640 kg m  3. Most of the density contrast with the ori-
diment loading by lower- crustal £ow, the Late Cenozoic ginal upper crust in a super-deep sedimentary basin is

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Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

therefore likely to be con¢ned to the uppermost few kilo - transport balanced lower-crustal £ow in the opposite di-
metres of each sedimentary sequence. This means that in rection and the geotherm in both regions re£ected stea-
any sediment loading model, the impact of density con- dy- state conditions. Earlier discussion established that,
trast between basement and the sedimentary basin is likely in reality, at this time the basin was probably still cooling
to be a minor, second- order e¡ect. from its earlier rift phase; thus, its thermal state may well
Overall, the weight of the crust and mantle lithosphere, have been more complex than has been assumed in this
and of any overlying water load, is assumed to be sup- model calculation and may not have been steady. However,
ported by Airy isostatic compensation in the underlying the subsequent non- steady- state perturbation to the ther-
asthenosphere. The mantle lithosphere (and brittle upper mal state of the crust caused by the ensuing dramatic
crust) are thus assumed to be thin enough that their £exur- changes imposed in rates of sedimentation or erosion are
al wavelengths are small compared with the horizontal likely to overwhelm any variations that occurred before-
length scales of the model; thus, this use of Airy isostatic hand. Hence, this approximation is unlikely to have a sig-
compensation is justi¢ed. As the thickness of model man- ni¢cant e¡ect on the accuracy of the calculations. For each
tle lithosphere remains constant, it has no net di¡erential time step, the computer program calculates the di¡erence
e¡ect on any isostatic calculation; thus, neither this thick- in depth, and thus pressure, at the base of the brittle upper
ness nor the value chosen for r m has any e¡ect on any solu- crust between the depocentre and sediment source.The re-
tion. The overall isostatic con¢guration of the model at sulting out£ow of lower crust from beneath the depocentre
each time step thus depends on the thickness of the crust to beneath the sediment source area is then calculated.The
in the model sediment source and depocentre and the calculation depends on this pressure di¡erence, on the
thickness of any water load over the depocentre.The thick- length scales of the model, on the thickness of the lower-
ness of the crust in both the sediment source and depo - crustal layer in the sediment source and depocentre, and
centre will vary over time. This e¡ect occurs as a result of on the e¡ective viscosity Ze assumed for the lower- crustal
the non- steady- state conditions that are considered. Con- layer. After calculating the resulting transfer of lower crust
sequently, during each time step for which the response of from beneath the depocentre to beneath the sediment
the model is calculated, the transfer of mass at the surface source, the computer program adjusts the crustal thickness
from the sediment source to the depocentre does not ne- in both model regions, and thus calculates the appropriate
cessarily balance the transfer of mass by lower- crustal £ow isostatic adjustments to these crustal-thickness changes.
in the opposite direction. Under the non-steady-state conditions that develop dur-
In order to represent the observed increase in sedimen- ing model runs, the out£ow of lower crust will exceed the
tation rates in the Early Miocene, the sedimentation rate is in£ux of sediment and lead to net crustal thinning (and
assumed to undergo a step change between nominal rates thus subsidence) beneath the depocentre. Corresponding
of Uso and Us, at a nominal time of 22 Ma. Starting values net crustal thickening (and thus, uplift of the eroding land
were assumed of Uso 5 0.2 mm a  1 and Us 5 0.3 mm a  1 surface) occurs in the sediment source area.
for the Malay basin, and Uso 5 0.1mm a  1 and All solutions indicate that the initial non-steady-state
Us 5 0.5 mm a  1 for the Pattani basin, consistent with ear- conditions created at the start of each model run gradually
lier discussion (Figs 6a and10).The sensitivity of the mod- decay as the model region adjusts towards a new steady state
els to other rates of sedimentation was also investigated appropriate for the new rates of erosion and deposition.The
(see below). The assumption of conservation of mass re- characteristic time-scale required for this adjustment de-
quires a corresponding step change in erosion rates from pends on the imposed change in sedimentation rate, on
the sediment source. Numerical limitations to the techni- the length scale of the model, and on the e¡ective viscosity
que in its present form mean that only a single step change assumed for the model lower crust. In all cases, net transfer
can yet be considered, rather than a succession of step of crust initially occurs from beneath the depocentre to be-
changes or more complex variations. neath the sediment source. However, a characteristic of this
Within the model, it is necessary to calculate the depth type of model is that a near-constant (subaerial) level of the
to the brittle-ductile transition, which is assumed to cor- depositional surface can be maintained, broadly consistent
respond to a temperature threshold of 350 1C. This calcu- with the observational record from the study region. Each
lation is carried out using the theory developed in layer of sediment in e¡ect dynamically creates the accom-
Appendix B of Westaway (2002a), which solves, at each modation space for the next layer of sediment, plus a slight
time step, the advective di¡usion equation for heat trans- excess that gives rise to the net changes in crustal thickness
port within the crust in order to determine the 350 1C iso - and surface altitude that are predicted.
therm. To obtain such solutions, the Moho temperature is
assumed to maintain a nominal, constant value of 700 1C;
Modelling the Malay basin
the thermal di¡usivity of the crust is set to 1mm2 s  1 (cf.
Parsons & Sclater, 1977). We begin by modelling the Malay basin, as the available
At the start of each model run, it is assumed that the in- data provide clear indications of overall sedimentation
itial rates of sedimentation and erosion had persisted for rates (Fig. 10) and crustal thickness variations (Fig. 11),
long enough that the model was in a thermal and mass £ux even though other details are less well constrained than
steady state consistent with these values. Hence, sediment for the Pattani basin. Figure13 illustrates an initial solution

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

Fig. 13. First set of solutions for the history of the Malay basin, using the initial set of parameter values discussed in the text. Rates of
erosion and sedimentation are assumed to have changed from 0.2 to 0.3 mm a  1 at 22 Ma. Solutions also assume no water loading, with
e¡ective viscosity of the lower crust Ze 8 (M1), 4 (M2), 2 (M3) and1 (M4)  1018 Pa s. (a) Predicted rate of change of altitude of the eroding
land surface that supplies the basin’s sediment. (b) Predicted change in altitude, consistent with (a). (c) Predicted rate of decrease in
altitude of the sediment surface in the depocentre. (d) Predicted decrease in altitude, consistent with (c). (e) Predicted rate of subsidence
of the Moho beneath the depocentre (negative values indicate Moho uplift). (f) Predicted subsidence of the Moho beneath the
depocentre (negative values indicate Moho uplift), consistent with (e). (g) Predicted variation in crustal thickness beneath the depocentre
(including the thickness of sediment deposited as part of the crust). (h) Predicted variation in the parameter Dp/Ze, where Dp is the
di¡erence between the pressure at the base of the brittle layer beneath the depocentre and beneath the sediment source (positive values
meaning greater pressure beneath the depocentre).

70 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

Fig. 14. Second set of solutions for the history of the Malay basin, using the same notation and parameter values as for Fig. 13, except
that water loading is now imposed.

for the Malay basin, in which the model sedimentation rate away (1998). During the course of each model run, a total
increases from Uo 5 0.2 mm a  1 to U 5 0.3 mm a  1 at thickness of 0.3 mm a  1  22 Ma or 6.6 km of sediment is
22 Ma, with no water loading. The model depocentre, deposited in the model depocentre, balancing the erosion
hinge zone and eroding sediment source each have nom- of an equivalent mass of material from the sediment source.
inal dimensions of 300 km. Four values of Ze for the lower It can be seen that the resulting isostatic adjustment, taking
crust are considered, 8 (M1), 4 (M2), 2 (M3) and 1 account of the net £ow of lower crust from beneath the de-
(M4)  1018 Pa s, which correspond to Moho temperatures pocentre to beneath the sediment source, involves net
of 611, 634, 658 and 684 1C, using the parameterisation of crustal thinning by 2.2 km beneath the depocentre and
temperature-dependent lower-crustal viscosity by West- an equivalent net crustal thickening beneath the sediment

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

source. The results thus roughly match the observed pre- 296 m compared with 275 m, because of the additional ef-
sent-day di¡erence in crustal thickness between the Malay fect of the water load over the depocentre ‘squeezing out’
basin and its surroundings (Fig. 11). The assumption of more lower crust than before.
overall Airy isostatic compensation and the choice of den-
sities, speci¢ed earlier, means that the calculated crustal Modelling the Pattani basin
thinning beneath the depocentre has been accommodated
by 1.9 km of Moho uplift and 0.3 km of overall decrease Figure15 illustrates an initial solution for the Pattani basin,
in the level of the sediment surface at the top of the rock for which the model sedimentation rate is set to increase
column. The assumption of volume balance means that from Uo 5 0.1mm a  1 to U 5 0.5 mm a  1 at 22 Ma, with
the eroding land surface in the sediment source is pre- no water loading. The model depocentre, hinge zone and
dicted to have uplifted on the same timescale by 0.3 km. eroding sediment source are each 300 km wide, as before.
Taking account of the in£ux of sediment as well as the out- However, the four values of Ze considered for the lower
£ow of lower- crust, the pre- existing crustal column crust are adjusted to 4 (M1), 2 (M2), 1 (M3) and 0.5
is predicted to have thinned beneath this model depocentre (M4)  1018 Pa s, the latter corresponding to a Moho tem-
from 30 to 21.2 km, an e¡ect that (if the existence perature of 711 1C (Westaway, 1998). During the course of
of lower- crustal £ow were not recognised) could be mista- each model run, a total thickness of 0.5 mm a  1  22 Ma
ken for a consequence of extension with b 30/21.2 or 11km of sediment is thus deposited in the model depo -
or 1.4. centre, balancing the erosion of an equivalent mass of
Inspection of the four curves in each part of Fig.13 indi- material from the sediment source.The resulting isostatic
cates that the extent to which this coupled isostatic-ad- adjustment, taking account of the net £ow of lower crust
justment process has approached completion, and the from beneath the depocentre to beneath the sediment
resulting extent to which a new steady- state situation has source, now involves net crustal thinning by 3.6 km be-
developed consistent with the imposed rates of surface neath the depocentre and an equivalent net crustal thick-
processes, varies quite strongly with the choice of Ze. For ening beneath the sediment source. This calculated
the smallest value investigated, 1018 Pa s (curve M4), the crustal thinning beneath the depocentre has been accom-
process reached 90% completion around 5 million years modated by 3.1km of Moho uplift and 0.5 km of over-
after it started, by 17 Ma, whereas for the largest, all decrease in level of the sediment surface at the top of
8  1018 Pa s (curve M1), the process is predicted to have the rock column. Taking account of the in£ux of sediment
barely reached 90% completion at the present day, 22 mil- as well as the out£ow of lower- crust, the pre- existing crus-
lion years after it started. These calculated time-lags sup- tal column is predicted to have thinned beneath this model
port earlier deductions from studies on shorter timescales depocentre from 30 to 15.4 km, an e¡ect that (if the exis-
(e.g. Westaway, 2004b; Westaway et al., 2004, 2006b) tence of lower-crustal £ow were not recognised) could be
that once Late Cenozoic climate change began to a¡ect mistaken for a consequence of extension with b 30/15.4
rates of erosion (and, thus, sedimentation) signi¢cantly, or 1.9.
around 3 Ma, subsequent landscape evolution and the Inspection of the four curves in each part of Fig.15 indi-
associated development of topographic relief has typically cates that, as before, the extent to which this coupled iso -
not involved steady- state conditions, in contrast to what static-adjustment process has approached completion,
have been traditionally assumed in the bulk of the geomor- and the resulting extent to which a new steady state situa-
phological literature. tion has developed consistent with the imposed rates of
Figure 14 illustrates a second solution for the Malay ba- surface processes, varies signi¢cantly with the choice of
sin, for which the model parameters are all the same Ze. For the smallest values investigated, 5  1017 Pa s (curve
as before, except that water loading is now imposed, it M4) and 1018 Pa s (curve M3), the process reached 90%
being assumed that at the start of the model run the completion around 7 million years after it started,
depocentre was at sea level and so any subsequent decrease by 15 Ma; as before, if Ze was set to 8  1018 Pa s (not
in the level of the sediment surface has been covered shown), the process would be predicted to have barely
by an equivalent layer of water, which loads the under- reached 90% completion at the present day, 22 million
lying crust. Post-Early Miocene £uctuations in global years after it started. The greater time lag for the lowest-
sea level are thus neglected. The overall response of viscosity models re£ects the fact that the much greater im-
the model is now more complex, as the presence of posed change in sedimentation rate placed the coupled sys-
water-loading means that the predicted responses of the tem farther out of steady state, and the required response to
depocentre and sediment source are no longer mirror regain a steady state thus involves the £ow of much greater
images of each other. The net crustal thinning be- volumes of lower crust than before, which takes longer.The
neath the depocentre is now 2.3 km, accommodated maximum predicted pressure di¡erences (and thus rates of
by 1.9 km of Moho uplift and 0.4 km of overall de- lower- crustal £ow) between the bases of the brittle layer be-
crease in the level of the sediment surface at the top of neath the depocentre and beneath the sediment source do
the rock column. Although the same ( 0.3 km) to ¢rst or- not scale in any simple way between the models; for Ze
der, the mean altitude of the land surface is predicted to 4  1018 Pa s, for instance, it is only marginally greater in
have uplifted by a slightly greater distance than before, Fig. 15 than in Fig. 13 (43 MPa instead of 38 MPa).

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Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

Figure16 illustrates a second model for the Pattani basin, beneath the depocentre and increase beneath the sedi-
with the same parameters as before, except that water load- ment source, so, even if Ze is considered constant through-
ing is imposed over the model depocentre, as for Fig. 14. out the model region at the start of each model run, as time
The predicted overall isostatic adjustment now involves progresses, lateral variations will develop as a consequence
net crustal thinning by 3.8 km beneath the depocentre, of the lower- crustal £ow that is being modelled. For in-
accommodated by 3.1km of Moho uplift and 0.7 km stance, given the values assumed for other model
of overall decrease in level of the sediment surface at the parameters, the 3.6 km of thinning predicted since
top of the rock column. Although the same (0.5 km) to 22 Ma for the crust beneath the Pattani basin (Fig. 15)
¢rst order, the mean altitude of the land surface is predicted would imply a decrease in Moho temperature of no more
to have uplifted by a slightly greater distance than than 25 1C on this timescale. Given the viscosity^
before, 490 m compared with 455 m, because of the addi- temperature calibration that is being used, this would cor-
tional e¡ect of the water load over the depocentre. respond to an approximate doubling in Ze. As the main
For Ze 4  1018 Pa s, the maximum predicted pressure constraint used to derive Z e for this basin (see above) has
di¡erences between the bases of the brittle layer beneath been the increase in water depth since the Late Pliocene
the depocentre and beneath the sediment source are mar- (i.e. a constraint relating to the basin’s most recent evolu-
ginally smaller in Fig.16 than in Fig.14 ( 40 MPa instead of tion), it is probable that Ze was somewhat less, say
43 MPa). 2  1018 Pa s, in the Late Early Miocene, indicating an
estimated Moho temperature at the start of the model
run of 660 1C. Similar-magnitude corrections apply to
Sensitivity analysis
the crust beneath the sediment source in this solution
To assess sensitivity to assumed values of Ze, we note that and to the crust beneath both parts of each of the other
the geological evidence (discussed earlier) requires the on- solutions.
set of marine conditions around the Early to Middle Mio - As already noted, another limitation of the present ana-
cene boundary (18 Ma) in the Malay basin and around lysis is that it does not incorporate lateral variations, or
the start of the Late Pliocene (3 Ma) in the Pattani basin. variations over time (other than the initial step changes
Neglecting complications due to glacio - eustatic sea-level that are imposed), in rates of erosion or sedimentation.
variations (caused, for instance, by the growth of the Ant- There is thus no possibility, given the present form of
arctic ice sheet since the Early Miocene), the present-day the technique, of investigating the consequences of (for
bathymetry indicates no more than a few tens of metres instance) an increase in sedimentation rates in the Early
of lowering in the level of the sediment surface in each ba- Miocene being followed by a decrease in the Late Mio -
sin since each of these points in time. As the Malay basin cene, as is indicated in Fig. 6 and may also be expected gi-
has been seawater loaded for most of the modelled time- ven the conclusions of Clift et al. (2002) regarding the e¡ect
scale, we regard Fig. 14 as our preferred set of runs for it. on erosion rates of climate change.
Models M1 and M2 seem to require too much increase in Regarding sensitivity to sedimentation rates, Fig. 17
the water depth covering the basin surface since the Early illustrates a third model for the Pattani basin, de¢ned
Miocene and model M4 too little; thus, our preferred so - with the same parameters as Fig. 15, except the
lution for the Malay basin is model M3, for which Ze is model change in sedimentation rate is from 0.1mm a  1
2  1018 Pa s, indicating an estimated Moho temperature before 22 Ma to 0.3 mm a  1, instead of to 0.5 mm a  1. The
of 658 1C (cf.Westaway, 1998). Conversely, as the Pattani ba- predicted overall isostatic adjustment now involves net
sin has not been seawater loaded for most of the modelled crustal thinning by 2.2 km beneath the depocentre, ac-
timescale, we regard Fig.15 as our preferred set of runs for commodated by 1.9 km of Moho uplift and 0.3 km of
it. Models M2^M4 seem to require insu⁄cient increase in overall decrease in level of the sediment surface at the top
the water depth covering the basin surface since the Late of the rock column. In all observable respects, this overall
Pliocene; thus, our preferred solution for the Pattani basin isostatic response is indeed very similar to that observed
is model M1, for which Ze is 4  1018 Pa s, indicating an es- for the solution for the Malay basin in Fig. 13, although
timated Moho temperature of 634 1C (cf. Westaway, 1998). the latter involved an increase in model sedimentation
These Moho temperature estimates are in good agree- rates from 0.2 to 0.3 mm a  1. Although the curves in Fig.
ment with what was expected from earlier analysis of 17 are tending to essentially the same limiting values as
the heat £ow. those in Fig. 13, the detailed shapes of the two sets of
However, in detail, the idea that each model region is curves are di¡erent. For instance, for Ze 1018 Pa s it takes
characterised by a single value of Ze, which does not vary 6 million years to reach 90% of the ultimate steady- state
spatially or over time, is of course oversimplistic. As the response involving a 275 m reduction in surface altitude of
technique predicts post-rift thinning of the crust beneath the sedimentary column in Fig.17, compared with 5 mil-
the depocentre, keeping the mantle lithosphere thickness lion years in Fig. 13.The slower adjustment towards the ¢ -
constant, it will result in a progressive decrease in the local nal steady state evident in Fig. 17 presumably results from
Moho temperature; the corresponding crustal thickening the fact that the larger-magnitude change in sedimenta-
beneath the sediment source will likewise result in a local tion rates imposed in Fig. 17 threw the system farther out
Moho temperature rise. Thus, over time, Ze will decrease of its initial steady state, so it takes longer to recover. This

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

Fig. 15. First set of solutions for the history of the Pattani basin, using the same notation and parameter values as for Fig.13, except that
rates of erosion and sedimentation are assumed to have changed from 0.1 to 0.5 mm a  1 at 22 Ma.

result, that the ultimate response of such coupled models Figure 18 shows a ¢nal solution, with the same model
depends on the imposed new sedimentation rate (plus parameters as for Fig.17, except that water loading has been
other parameters, such as the chosen densities used in imposed. As before, the overall response of this model is
the model) and not the initial sedimentation rate, was un- very similar to that in Fig. 14, for instance the ultimate re-
expected. As discussed in detail by Westaway (2002a), the sponse involves a 437 m reduction in surface altitude of the
initial rate of response of such coupled models is in pro - sedimentary column, although the timescale required for
portion to the imposed change in sedimentation rates this response (for a given value of Ze) is slightly longer.
and does not depend directly on the rate either before or To facilitate comparison, all solutions discussed so far
after this change. have assumed Le 5 300 km, Lh 5 300 km and Ls 5 300 km.

74 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

Fig. 16. Second set of solutions for the history of the Pattani basin, using the same notation and parameter values as for Fig. 15, except
that water loading is now imposed.

However, we have also investigated the dependence of our the time required for 90% completion to 6.4 million
results on model length scales. For instance, increasing Le years. It is thus concluded that the results of this model-
and Ls to 400 km in a model that is otherwise the same as ling exercise for overall amounts of vertical crustal motion
that in Fig. 15 would maintain the same overall response are relatively insensitive to changes in scale of this order. In
(including, for instance, a decrease in altitude of the sedi- contrast, predicted initial rates of vertical crustal motion
ment surface by 456 m), but its recovery to its new steady are quite sensitive to choices of length scale, as previously
state would reach 90% completion (for Ze 5  1017 Pa s) noted (Westaway, 2002a; Westaway et al., 2004). For in-
after 7.0 million years rather than 6.7 million years; stance, increasing Le and Ls from 200 to 300 to 400 km in
conversely, decreasing Le and Ls to 200 km would reduce this manner would cause the predicted initial subsidence

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

Fig. 17. Third set of solutions for the history of the Pattani basin, using the same notation and parameter values as for Fig.13, except that
rates of erosion and sedimentation are assumed to have changed from 0.1 to 0.3 mm a  1 at 22 Ma.

rate for the depocentre (for Ze 5  1017 Pa s) to decrease values estimated, but the demonstration of the extent to
from 0.27 to 0.16 and 0.11mm a  1. As the main aim of the which lower-crustal £ow is expected to have occurred in
present exercise is to assess whether the observed total this study region and the magnitude of the di¡erence made
thicknesses of sediment can be regarded as consequences by it relative to conventional modelling solutions.
of outward lower- crustal £ow, we thus do not devote
further consideration to e¡ects of length scale.
It is thus evident that the present study merely repre-
sents a ¢rst- order analysis of this problem. The key out- The idea that out£ow of crust or mantle from beneath a se-
come at this stage is not the particular set of parameter dimentary basin can accommodate sediment loading has

76 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

Fig. 18. Fourth set of solutions for the history of the Pattani basin, using the same notation and parameter values as for Fig. 17, except
that water loading is now imposed.

been around in one form or another for over a century (e.g. ing in many suggestions regarding how to account for
Herschel, 1837; Bott, 1971, 1979; Strobach, 1979; Westaway, these di¡erences, some of which have been incorporated
1994a). However, the McKenzie (1978) model and its subse- into new variants of the technique, for instance: time-de-
quent variants have been viewed as adequately explaining pendent stretching (e.g. Jarvis & McKenzie, 1980); non-
intracontinental rift and passive margin subsidence; out- uniform stretching (e.g. Hellinger & Sclater, 1983); £exural
£ow models have thus been considered unnecessary or isostasy (e.g. Kusznir et al., 1991; Roberts et al., 1993); inac-
mechanically unfeasible. Previous modelling has high- curate palaeowater depths (e.g. Bertram & Milton, 1989) or
lighted discrepancies between predictions of the simple density changes (possibly related to metamorphism or
McKenzie model and evidence from many basins, result- mineral phase changes) within the crust or mantle litho -

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

sphere (e.g. Cloetingh & Kooi,1992; Petrini et al., 2001).Yet, explained instead, along with the contemporaneous uplift
the fundamentals of the model remain intact (e.g. White, of adjoining land areas, as a consequence of lower- crustal
1990).The strong belief in the robustness of the McKenzie £ow induced under the non- steady-state conditions that
model and its variants has resulted in estimates of upper- have followed increases in rates of surface processes caused
crustal extension (from heaves of large normal faults) being by long-timescale climate change (e.g. Westaway, 2001,
doubted when they di¡er from estimates derived from 2002b, c, 2005a; Westaway et al., 2002, 2006a).
backstripping of sediment thicknesses, assuming that the It is understandable that the assumptions of the
latter are explicable using the McKenzie model. This view McKenzie model can produce variations between ob-
is manifest, for instance, in arguments that small normal served and calculated estimates of amounts of extension.
faults (below the resolution of seismic sections) can ac- However, what is troubling is that the lithospheric
count for a large percentage of crustal extension (e.g. Mar- thinning calculated from backstripping is, in almost all
rett & Allmendinger, 1992), bringing it into line with cases, greater than the observed upper- crustal thinning.
estimates derived from sediment thicknesses assuming This is not a random, but a systemic, variation.We suggest
the McKenzie model. Such arguments may well be appro - that this systemic variation is at least partly explicable as a
priate for explaining discrepancies in some sedimentary consequence of sediment loading driving £ow of the lower
basins. Conversely, the latitude available in these solutions crust out from beneath depocentres, and that the problem
may instead mask systematic errors that arise because thus lies in rigid adherence in the McKenzie model to the
some other process, such as lower- crustal £ow, has not use of simpli¢ed equations for calculating isostatic equili-
been considered. The key question is whether all these brium. These equations incorporate the incorrect as-
variants represent genuine improvements in technique, sumption of no change in thickness of crustal basement
or merely re£ect the tendency (noted by Thomas Kuhn during post-rift subsidence.
in ‘The Structure of Scienti¢c Revolutions’ [Kuhn, 1962, The aim of this paper is thus to re- open the debate re-
pp. 80^81]) for supporters of any ageing scienti¢c garding subsidence mechanisms in sedimentary basins.
concept to introduce ad hoc modi¢cations to try to The Pattani and Malay basins are examples of extreme, ra-
eliminate any of its apparent inability to account for pid subsidence in a post-rift setting. They thus expose
evidence. problems with some assumptions in the McKenzie model
In some regions, local factors have been identi¢ed that that are much more apparent than in many other rifts.The
can readily explain anomalies relative to the McKenzie keel e¡ect (Fig. 12) suggests that the assumption of con-
model. An example is the change in the environment of stant thickness of crustal basement during post-rift subsi-
the central North Sea from subaerial deposition in the Pa- dence can be incorrect. One way of explaining this problem
laeocene to turbidite deposition in the Eocene, this change would be to require large amounts of lower- crustal thin-
marking an increase in both sedimentation rate and bathy- ning during the syn-rift stage, which are considerably in
metry. It has been suggested (e.g. Joy, 1992; Nadin & Kusz- excess of the amount of observed upper- crustal extension
nir, 1995) that uplift of Scotland by the Iceland mantle (e.g. Driscoll & Karner, 1998; Madon & Watts, 1998; Clift
plume resulted in faster erosion, leading to the more rapid et al., 2002). As an alternative, we propose instead that low-
sedimentation in the North Sea. If this had not happened, er- crustal £ow driven by sediment loading during the post-
this post-rift sequence would be thinner than it now is, rift stage is the solution to the keel problem. The calcula-
and the discrepancy relative to the Southeast Asian basins tions presented in this study indicate that such £ow can oc-
in Fig.10 even greater.The increase in bathymetry that ac- cur from beneath a basin following extension, at the same
companied this increase in sedimentation rate is as ex- time as conventional thermal subsidence may be expected,
pected if isostatic compensation of this sediment load and can greatly enhance the post-rift subsidence. This
was accompanied by out£ow of lower- crust under non- means that the beta factor derived from backstripping of
steady- state conditions, thus mimicking the behaviour of post-rift sediment is not necessarily an indicator of the
the models presented in this study.This e¡ect should thus amount of crustal thinning that occurred during extension,
arguably be considered in future modelling of this set of unlike for a McKenzie (1978) type model.
coupled processes; any component of out£ow of lower- There are two potential di⁄culties with this interpreta-
crust from beneath the North Sea to beneath Scotland tion. First, as already noted, previous studies (e.g. Hellin-
would have helped to maintain dynamically the relief and ger & Sclater, 1983; White & McKenzie, 1989; Driscoll &
thus the sediment supply. Another well-known anomaly Karner, 1998; Baxter et al., 2001; Davis & Kusznir, 2002,
is the Quaternary subsidence of the North Sea and other 2004; Karner et al., 2003; Kusznir et al., 2004) have noted
basins on the European continental shelf, such as those this systematic error between estimates of extension and
beneath the Baltic Sea and Celtic Sea. Van Wees & Cloe- have suggested that the explanation involves depth-de-
tingh (1996) explained this e¡ect as a consequence of an in- pendent extension, for instance with more extension in
crease in the compressive stress in the Quaternary, for some the lower crust than in the upper crust. However, there is
independent reason, increasing the tendency of the litho - no obvious reason why the crust should behave in this way
sphere to buckle; any locality that became warped down- (unless, of course, the lower-crust is allowed to £ow during
ward by this process would subsequently act as a sediment the syn-rift stage as well as during the post-rift stage), and
trap. More recently, this increased sedimentation has been there is also a fundamental problem balancing crustal

78 r 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Basin Research, 18, 51^84

Subsidence in the super-deep Pattani and Malay basins of Southeast Asia

extension across extensional provinces if itvaries with depth. act as a mechanism for isostatic compensation (e.g. West-
Second, during the syn-rift stage, it has been argued that away, 1994a). However, most of the analysis expressed by
if regional lower- crustal £ow occurs, then it should be McKenzie et al. (2000) used relative values of the lower-
from the thicker rift £anks towards the rift, not away from crustal and asthenospheric viscosities, and was unspeci¢c
it (e.g. Artyushkov, 1973; Knott 2001). By neglecting the ef- as to what actual viscosity is likely in either layer.They jus-
fects of surface processes on the depth of the base of the ti¢ed this approach on the grounds that there is such great
brittle layer then senses of lower- crustal £ow will ob- uncertainty as to what values to use that making any such
viously be from thicker crust to thinner crust. However, if estimate seemed futile. However, at one stage they indi-
one considers these e¡ects, then the sense of lower- crustal cated that an appropriate value for the viscosity in the low-
£ow will be determined by the relative importance of rates er continental crust was 3  1020 Pa s. An alternative
of extension and of sediment loading (e.g. Westaway, 1998, approach to this problem of uncertainty in rheological
1999). If extension is very fast and/or rates of surface pro - laws was the reanalysis by Westaway (1998) of existing
cesses are minimal, then lower crust will be expected to rock-mechanical data, subject to the constraint of ¢tting a
£ow into crust that has extended, from its surroundings temperature-dependent linear rheological law in the limit
(Fig. 3a). This e¡ect is indeed the basis for modern expla- of low strain rate. This analysis gave rise to the procedure
nations of how low-angle normal faulting can be mechani- for calibrating viscosity against temperature and, thus, for
cally feasible (e.g. Westaway, 1998, 1999, 2005b; McKenzie de¢ning Ze, that has been used in our present study. A ma-
etal., 2000; see also below). However, if rates of surface pro - jor aim of subsequent software system development for
cesses are signi¢cant and extension is slow (or if one is in- modelling coupling between surface processes and lower-
vestigating a sag basin that formed without any extension), crustal £ow has been to test whether the viscosity estimates
then (as noted above) lateral variations, induced by the sur- derived from this procedure are appropriate; in particular,
face processes, in pressure at the base of the brittle layer to test whether Ze is typically as low as 1018 Pa s in re-
will predominate over any direct e¡ect of extension. The gions of relatively hot continental crust (Moho tempera-
pressure will thus be greater at the base of the brittle layer ture 650 1C). The consistency between observations
beneath the basin than beneath its surroundings and the and model predictions suggests strongly that this is so
resulting pressure gradient will drive lower- crustal £ow (e.g. Klein et al., 1997; Westaway et al., 2004). We thus see
out from beneath the basin. Recent numerical modelling no point in displaying results in any of our Figures for Ze
studies (e.g. Westaway, 2002a; Westaway et al., 2004) indi- as high as 3  1020 Pa s, for comparison with McKenzie
cate that, even in the rapidly extending Aegean extensional et al. (2000). However, it is clear that if Ze within the conti-
province, loading e¡ects of surface processes are more im- nental crust was typically as high as this, then lower crustal
portant than the direct consequences of crustal thinning £ow in response to surface processes would be a marginal
in determining senses of lower-crustal £ow and thus in process at most and could not possibly sustain the forma-
establishing the overall isostatic balance. tion of the super-deep basins that have developed in
Southeast Asia during the Late Cenozoic. Both the West-
away (1998) viscosity calibration and our own modelling
Comparison with previous work
suggest that such a high value is inappropriate for hot crust
We now compare and contrast the details of our numerical like that in the present study region. Conversely,
modelling with those reported in previous investigations Ze4 1020 Pa s would be reasonable for a relatively cold
of lower- crustal £ow. We select for this comparison the crust, such as that beneath the London Platform of South-
views expressed in recent papers by McKenzie et al. east England, with a surface heat £ow o 50 mWm  2
(2000), Maggi et al. (2000) and McKenzie & Jackson (2002). and a Moho temperature of o 500 1C (cf. Westaway
This sequence of publications has indeed led to the general et al., 2002, 2006a). A ¢nal di¡erence between the present
validity of the ‘jelly sandwich’ model for the continental approach and that of McKenzie et al. (2000) concerns the
lithosphere being questioned (e.g. Jackson, 2002). horizontal scale of lower- crustal £ow. They inferred that
The McKenzie et al. (2000) study was primarily con- its scale is determined by the thickness of the lower-crus-
cerned with the conditions that can permit normal faults tal layer, and that it operates most e¡ectively over distances
to develop with low-angle (o 301) initial dips. They of the order of 10 times this layer thickness, or 100^
showed that a key aspect of this mechanical explanation is 200 km. In the situations that we analyse, the scale of the
the likely presence of lower- crustal £ow, directed from the lower- crustal £ow is instead determined by the scale of
footwall to the hanging-wall of such structures.This result the surface processes that are inducing it.
is in accordance with other analyses of the same problem, The report by Maggi et al. (2000) compared depth dis-
such as those by Westaway (1998, 1999). McKenzie et al. tributions of seismicity and e¡ective elastic thickness (Te)
(2000) argued that for lower- crustal £ow to be important, estimates derived from global topography to argue that
the viscosity of the lower crust (which they represented as the strength of continental lithosphere predominantly re-
an isoviscous layer) must be signi¢cantly less than that of sides in the upper crust, with the mantle lithosphere being
the asthenosphere.This also seems reasonable, and corre- relatively weak.This model contrasts with the view held in
sponds with a point that had been made previously: that almost all other Earth Science literature from the previous
deformation of the weakest layer present in any region will two decades ^ that most strength resides in the mantle

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C. K. Morley and R.Westaway

lithosphere. McKenzie & Jackson (2002) suggested on this basin formation or any of its derivatives, ignore lower-
basis that the mantle lithosphere typically has a lower visc- crustal £ow and treat the Late Cenozoic sedimentation in
osity than does the lower crust, from which they deduced these basins as purely a consequence of thermal subsi-
that lower- crustal £ow does not occur in most regions of dence. If out£ow of lower- crust has been signi¢cant, as
continental crust. In their view, lower- crustal £ow is only we suggest, such calculations will overestimate the
possible in anomalous regions such as low-angle normal amounts of Early Cenozoic extension if set to match the
fault zones (cf. McKenzie et al., 2000), where some local Late Cenozoic sediment thicknesses. This systematic er-
process such as magmatism or metasomatism has reduced ror has previously been inferred from analysis of other
the viscosity of the lower crust. However, other potential sedimentary basins (e.g. Westaway, 1994a), and is particu-
explanations exist for why Te is typically much less than larly clear for these ‘super-deep’ basins, due to the local
the thickness of the seismogenic layer (e.g. Kusznir et al., combination of hot lower- crust, which thus £ows very
1991; Westaway, 1992, 2002b). Furthermore, the method of readily, and high sediment £uxes related to the climate of
using length scales of topography to estimate Te has also Southeast Asia (see also Hall & Nichols, 2002; Hall & Mor-
been criticised (e.g. Westaway, 2002b). This criticism ar- ley, 2004). Our results indicate that lower-crustal £ow is a
gues that if topography within the continental lithosphere widespread process within the continental crust, and will
is typically dynamically supported by coupling between thus also a¡ect the formation of other sedimentary basins
surface processes and lower- crustal £ow, then the asso - and other geological structures worldwide.
ciated stress ¢eld is very di¡erent from that predicted by
conventional elastic analysis. In this case, the spatial scale
and magnitude of topography are determined by the spa-
tial scale and rate of surface processes and not by the
strength of the underlying crust. Thus, in e¡ect, Maggi This study contributes to IGCP 518 ‘Fluvial sequences as
et al. (2000) assumed as a starting point for their analysis evidence for landscape and climatic evolution in the Late
that lower- crustal £ow played no part in the development Cenozoic’. PTTEP, Unocal, and ChevronTexaco are grate-
of the topography that they analysed, whereas McKenzie & fully acknowledged for providing subsurface data on the
Jackson (2002) deduced from this analysis of topography onshore and o¡shore basins of Thailand over many years.
that lower-crustal £ow typically does not occur within We thank the University of Brunei Darussalam for provid-
the continents. Overall, these two publications thus form ing funding for some of the research.We also thank Robert
a circular argument, although this is only apparent Hall and Mike Sandiford for thoughtful and constructive
when both are considered together; individually, each reviews.
seems to lead from a clear starting point to a well-de¢ned
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