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The Noli Me Tangere alsonown us Touch me not in english, is one of the great literature
wrote b filipino citezen which is Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado Y Alonzo Realonda or dR. Jose

One of the reason why Dr. Jose Rizal wroe this novel is to open the eyes and eaars of our
countryman,to let them truly see all the oppresion was going through and that was time o
fightback.The novel of Rizal showcase abuse power,sorrow and greed.It showed us how the
spaniards twisted and turned the truth into something that would benefit them.Rizal novels
exposed of corrupt
friars who have made the catholic religion an instrument for enriching and perpetuiting
themselves in power by seeking to coerce ignorant filipinos in fanatism and superstition.

Noli Me Tangere taught us that seeking justice should be placed on the hand of authorities
and not on the hand of one seeking it.

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