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DNA is found principally in

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. nucleus. cytoplasm. nucleolus. cell membrane. a diffuse fashion throughou t the cell.


Th(' Iefi coronary artery arises from the 1. 2. 3. 4. ,1Or-ta. rulmonary artery. left subclavian artery. hrachiocephalic artery.
element of skeletal muscle is

The free gingival groove divides the 1. 2. 3. 4. free gingiva and the alveolar mucosa. free gingiva and the attached gingiva. attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa. in terden tal papillae and the marginal gingiva.

The contractile in the 1. 2. 3. 4. sarcolemma. sarcoplasm. myofibril. endomysium.

'f.~ ' ",,'~ ,'- ,


A node of Ranvier is
1. one of the supporting cells in brain tissue. 2. a nervous receptor for the sensation of pressure. 3. the point of junction between two neurolemma (Schwann) cells. 4. the point of ncar-contact between the processes of two neurons (a synapse).

The expected effect on the periodontal ligament following the loss of tooth function woldd be

2. formation of numerous cementicles.

3. .In increase in thickness and fiber density. 4. d reduction in width and loss of regular arrangemen t of principal fibers.

1. :lslightcdema.

10. 4.
Nerve cell bodies can be seen microscopically 1. near the sense organs of the skin. 2. in any cross section of a peripheral nerve. 3. in the central nervous system, the autonomic ganglia and the spinal ganglia. 4. only in the central nervous system.

An importan t cell organelle related to. biochemical breakdown and phagocytosis the oral region is the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lysosome. microtubule. mi tochondrion. Golgi apparatus. endoplasmic reticulum.


11. 5.
Variation of the size of thc lumen of the
bronchiole during inspiration is caused primarily by 1. 2. 3. 4. and expiration

In proceeding from the bronchus to the respiratory bronchiole, there is 1. J decrease in cartilage and an increase in clastic fibers. 2. a decrease in collagenous fibers and an increase in cilia. 3. a decrease in cilia and an increase in cartilage. 4. an increasein cilia and a decreasein clastic fibers.

striated muscle and cartilage. smooth muscle and elastic fibers. basemen t membrane and collagen fibers. areolar connective tissue and cartilage.



tissue is characterized



The bony floor of the nasal cavi ty is formed by the 1. palatine process of the maxilla and the vertical part of the pala tine. 2. palatine process of the temporal and the horizon tal part of the palatine. 3. vomer and the vertical part of the . palatine.

1. being derived from mesenchyme, and by containing more intercellular material than cel/s. 2. containing amorphous in tercellular substance, and by having little tissue fluid. 3. being calcified in some types, and by having sf"'sitivity as its main function. 4. having poor reparative ability, and by conraining few lymphatic channels.

4. palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal part of the palatine.

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