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Did you call Daniel?

 Questions are made with did

Jennifer Ordoñez Valdivieso

To form the Simple Past of
You called Luca.
Regular verbs we add: ed

Negative forms are made

You did not call Daniel.
with did not
Use the simple past to
express the idea that an
action started and finished
I arrived at Jennifers' home. If a verbs ends in e, we add d at a specific time in the Simple Past

If a verbs ends in consonant

Last weekend I studied for my exams. + y, we eliminate the y and
add ied  To ask questions about experiences
Have you ever studied German?
in someone’s life.

If a one syllable vernb ends Ever

The present perfect is a tense
in consonant + vowel +
She stopped the car to check it out. consonant, we double the
Difference of that describes: a finished We use ever in negative sentences if
He doesn't ever take any exercise
action in an unfinished time, a we have not.
last consonant and then add
finished action at an
undefined time, an unfinished
action In negatives we use never combined He has never travelled outside
with an affirmative verb his country.
Present Perfect

I have worked as a nurse since 2013

The present perfect is formed
using Subject + have/has +
verb - ed
Julio has  studied architecture in Spain for three years

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