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The line graph gives information about percentage of export to four different

countries namely, Japan, The US, China and India by Australia over a 22 years
period from 1990 to 2012. Units are measured in percentage.
Overall, Australia witnessed a drop in its export for to The US and Japan, while the figures for
India and China increased. Most of the time, Japan was the most popular means ??of country
which imported goods from Australia, whereas India was the last one. least

The percentage of goods which delivered to China started at around 25 which was followed by
this trend showed a fall with slight(not accurate) , reaching just under then(not accurate) 20% in
the final year. In contrast, Export for to India was seen(seen???) about 2% in 1990, Then after
improving slightly, this figure was at peak of nearly 10 percent. By the end of the period,
Australian export for to India has reached approximately 5%.

Turning to The US, The percent of Australian things that were exported to the US showed just
above than 10 in the first years and peaked at 10% in roughly 2006. Before finishing with about
7% in the last year, this trend had seen a slow decrease. Chine experienced by far increase in its
import from Australia, starting from nearly 4% in 1990 and ending with around 28%. An
increase of almost 22 percent in 22 years. Body 2 is well-written

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