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Activity 1

1. Identify five things a HRIS can manage that might meet the information
requirements of users.
 Payroll
 Accounting activities
 Employee attendance
 Succession plans
 Employee attendance, such as incident based and regular time off, tracking accrual

2. What do you consider to be the main benefit of an HRIS system in relation to

information requirements? Why?
It is very easy to get the details and no need to wait. It is easy to track the
employee’s performance and all their activities. It can create reports and analyze
information quickly and accurately, in order to make the workforce easier to manage.

Activity 2

1. Identify 5 benefits of HRIS communication procedures.

 All the information’s are stored
 Easy to manage day to day communication
 Easy for staff members to access the details anytime that they needed
 Information are accurate
 Time will be saved without delays

2. What are five of the benefits of involving user and managers in the development
and implementation of a HRIS?
 They will feel like that they are part of the team and they will know what to do
 They will feel secure
 They will know the procedures
 They will be familiar in using the system
 What is required can be done

3. One manager suggests that a HRIS can replace the need for other forms of
communication with HR workers. What would you say to them?
When messaging options are available through HRIS, employees and managers may
communicate and collaborate using their own devices from wherever is convenient.
This opens new avenues for communication and allows employees to address
concerns that they may not have felt comfortable addressing at work or that they may
have rushed through. This can create an “open door policy” and ease some of the
tension surrounding communication.
Activity 3

1. What are 5 of the things that should be included in an information system

management plan?
Is it all accurate and reliable?
Make sure to remove unwanted informations.
Be update with protection and backup system.
All legitimate details are applied.

2. Someone suggests that if an effective management plan is created, there will be

no need for review mechanisms. What would you say to them?
You have to check them because there might be new updates, so they will know what
to do.

Activity 4

1. You are trying to collect the information requirements of users of the HRIS.
Some of them seem to be giving answers off the cuff without careful
consideration. What would you tell them about the need to spend time thinking
about those needs?
We have to tell them about the HRIS is designed to supply information required for
effective management of the organization i.e. for decision making relating to human
resource. Human resource departments hold the record of the employees of the
organization including personal history, skills and salary etc. The basic level of HRIS is
used to help to manage employment relationships within the organization and

2. Clearly and concisely specify the information needs of an organization in

relation to tax needs? What are the organizational objectives of collecting and
storing this information?
 Be aware of potential tax liabilities and their implications in the light of existing
 Collect the necessary data to make accurate estimates and calculations of tax payable
 Ensure that calculations and returns conform to current legal requirements
 Keep up to date with changing legal requirements

Activity 5

1. You have been asked to determine whether a HRIS can be introduced and
managed within budget parameters. You have decided to call for tenders in
order to determine this. What type of tender would you use? Explain the
difference between open tenders and closed tenders.

Closed Tender: The process of selling a product by inviting a select group of potential
buyers to provide their highest written offers by a specified date. A business might use
closed tender to distribute an excess amount of manufactured goods that it found
difficult to sell via its more traditional methods.

Open Tender: A bidding process that is open to all qualified bidders and where the
sealed bids are opened in public for scrutiny and are chosen on the basis of price and
quality. Also called competitive tender or public tender.

2. What seven pieces of information will potential suppliers need in order to

provide an accurate quote that will set out whether a HRIS can be introduced
within budget parameters?
 Details of the organization
 Detailed information about the system requirements/ functionality.
 The number of employees the system will support
 The timeline for system implementation
 How their quotation should be submitted
 How their quotation should be formatted
 The date by which their quotation should be received.

3. In what three areas do organizations need to identify costs in order to calculate

the overall cost of a HRIS?
 License cost for duration of term
 Hardware Requirement Costs
 Cost of maintenance, technical support and service as well as training costs

Activity 6

1. You have been asked to participate in a selection committee to decide what

information system will be chosen. What 16 areas would you suggest selection
criteria needs to relate to?
 Organizational needs
 Requirements from having a HRIS in the first place
 Customization and modification possibilities of core HRIS to fit business needs
 Self-Service capability
 Reporting needs and regulations
 Privacy and security requirements

2. Why is it beneficial for organizations to use project teams or selection

committees when planning for and selecting a HRIS?
 Payroll Administration
 Benefits Administration
 Recruiting
 Training Systems
 HR Metrics
 Record Keeping and Report Production
Activity 7

In safe hands insurance company has received a number of quotations for their
new HRIS. They want to determine which of the systems falls within budgets
parameters. Calculate how much each system will cost per year and determine
which of the quotes is most cost effective showing all you’re working.

1. Access HR company has provided a quote of $84000. The system will last for 7
years. They provide free services and maintenance. They offer technical support
for an additional cost of 6000 a year. All the required hardware has been
included in the cost of the quote
Total cost for all 7 years: 126000$ or 18000$ per year for duration of License.

2. Vision HR Technical Consultants have provided a quote of 105000. The system

will last for 10 years. Their quote includes technical support. The quote includes
all the required hardware; must be checked and serviced by them, twice a year
at a cost of 500 per service.
Total Cost for 10 Years: 115000$ or 11500$ per year for duration of License.

3. Total HR solutions have provided a quote of 65000. The system will last for 5
years. The cost of technical support, service and maintenance are included in
the price. The hardware required will cost an additional 22500.
Total Cost for 5 Years: 87500$ or 17500$ per year for duration of License.

Activity 8

1. You are evaluating a potential system against criteria. There is a disagreement

amongst the selection committee as to whether demonstrations of the
shortlisted systems are necessary. What would you say?
Yes, demonstrations of the shortlisted systems are necessary to evaluate and get the
accurate information.

Activity 9

1. Using the figures, calculate the overall costs and benefits and determine
whether an organization should be advised to invest in a HRIS.

Cost Amount $ Benefits Amounts $

Less Staff required to
Purchase cost $33,000 $56,000
carry out HR operations
Implementation cost $18,750 $7,200
Cost of software license $4,000 Reduced payroll costs $12,900
Cost of user technical Reduced record keeping
$2,500 $8,400
support costs
training costs $6,800 Less litigation $12,000
Maintenance costs $3,000 Fewer Errors $6,750
Reduced employee
stress leading to
Cost of supplies $5,600 $43,900
reduced employee
Cost of customization $6,500 Improved Reporting $4,400
Total $80,150 Total $151,550

Benefits are estimated to be 189% in relation to cost that is almost double the money in
benefits as opposed to cost

2. Carefully checking supplier’s reference is one form of risk management. What

are five of the risks that reference checking protects against?
Conducting reference checks can be one of the most important steps in the selection
process. Since past performance is often the best indicator of future performance,
references allow you to talk to past supervisors in order to determine if the applicant
being considered is suited for the role. Ensure that you are finding the most qualified
person who is also a good match for the position. By conducting reference checks,
you can avoid costs associated with failed probation periods and poor performance,
which can impact your guests or clients and damage your image or reputation

3. What is the purpose of risk management analysis?

The purpose of risk management is to identify potential problems before they occur so
that risk handling activities may be planned and invoked as needed across the life of
the product or project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives.

Activity 10

1. What is a report?
An account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of an official document,
after thorough investigation or consideration by an appointed person or body is called
as report.

2. What is the purpose of a selection report?

The selection report is the official record of the selection process. The main purpose of
the selection report is to convey the panel’s recommendation, and provide enough
information for the delegate to make an informed and fair recruitment decision. The
final decision to select an applicant or take other action rests with the delegate. The
selection report should also be used when providing feedback to individual candidates
who request post selection feedback. The selection report must demonstrate with rigor
how the selection panel used an evidenced base selection process to arrive at its
conclusion, and will be used in the case of a review.

3. Match the sections of a selection report to their correct description.

 Title page = this section provides the title of the report and names and contact
details of the selection committee /project team
 Table of contents = this section lists the topics covered in the report.
 Statement of objectives = this section lists and describes the objectives of
implementing a HRIS
 Executive summery = this section concisely describes the main results, conclusions
and recommendations.
 Background = this section explains why the recommended HRIS should be
 Requirements = this section identifies the information requirements of the
organization and explains how the HRIS will meet those requirements.
 Selection criteria = this section explains how HRIS were evaluated.
 Cost benefit analysis = this section shows whether the benefits or savings
associated with the implementation of a HRIS will outweigh the costs.
 Risk management analysis = this section identifies all the risks associated with
implementation of the HRIS and explains how these risks will be prevented or their
impact minimized.
 Action plan = this section provides a plan for the implementation of HRIS.

Activity 11

1. What is customization?
Customization or Custom Software is a computer program or Web site written specifically for your
company, according to your company's way of doing business. The opposite of
custom software is off-the-shelf software, also known as pre-packaged or pre-written
software. HSI comes in a "vanilla flavor", as an off the shelf software, it can be customized to
an extent by the company selling it to the organization. But it is up to the organization using
it to fully customize and populate it.

2. You have been asked to determine whether a preferred system is capable of

being customized to meet the organization’s and user’s needs. Identify 5 areas
of a HRIS that might require customization.
Database - HRIS core offering includes a database to store employee information. HR
professionals can input all personnel data into the system which can be accessed
from anywhere, round the clock. Types of data that HR professionals collect in the
database include compensation history, emergency contact information, and
performance review. The core database can also be viewed as an online backup for
paper files.

Time and Labour Management - Activities like time and labor management can highly
time consuming. HRIS package allows employees to input their own hours worked
and allows managers to immediately verify vacation requests, and the data is directly
fed to the payroll. Time and labor management also improves the HR department’s
ability to track punctuality and attendance.

Payroll Function - Payroll function is yet another major component of a HRIS model.
HR can easily download or unload employee hours, and issue cheque or payroll
deposits to employees. Salaried employees can also be paid with substantially
reduced risk of errors. The HRIS payroll software usually improve tax compliance for
locations with multiple tax levels.

Benefits - Some HRIS employers allow employers to establish and maintain medical
benefits and retirement investments through their software. Such applications allow
employers to have one-stop shopping experience for all their human resources data
management needs. Other HRIS packages facilitate medical benefits and retirement
investment deductions for payroll but not the establishment of those benefits.

Employee Interface - Most HRIS packages allow for an employee to have limited user
access. Employee users access a part of the database where they can update their
personal information, review pay scales, change retirement benefit programs, update
direct deposit information or download benefit election documents.

Activity 12

1. Develop a template for an implementation plan that includes the 12 required


Introduction: The introduction of your implementation plan explains the purpose,

vision, and mission statement of your project or initiative. You should identify the high-
level risk areas, include any assumptions, and describe how you will identify the value
stream in your proposed work. 

Management Overview: In this section, you describe how implementation will be

managed. This includes who is managing it, the underlying roles and responsibilities,
and key points of contact. You should identify the strategy director, who is the person
that develops and steers the strategy (this may or not be the same person who is
leading implementation). 

Major Tasks: This is where you list and describe the specific tasks, actions, and
targets in implementation. You should also note the status of any tasks that are
already in progress. 

Implementation Schedule: You do not need to create a detailed, inflexible task

schedule in your implementation plan — we’ll talk later on about how to create a
schedule in the execution plan. At this stage, it’s appropriate to simply list the task
order and predicted phase durations to roughly outline and allot for all the many
moving pieces.
Security and Privacy: Discuss the privacy features and considerations of the
software tools, processes, or information that you may use in implementation. Address
security issues and how to handle sensitive information (personal data, medical
history, financials, etc.). 

Implementation Support/Resources List: Describe the various tools, activities, and

departments that you require to support successful implementation. These might
include hardware or software tools, facilities, and additional external human resources
or services.
Documentation: In this section, you must attach any other documentation that
supports your implementation plan. This could include your strategic plan,
confirmation of adequate materials and resources, and a history of past successful

Monitoring Performance: Define the metrics by which you will measure success.
How and when will you review your progress? 

Acceptance Criteria: How will you define implementation “completion?” This differs
from performance monitoring because rather than defining metrics for milestones and
appropriate implementation, here, you describe how you will know when you have
buy-in from management on your implementation plan. 

Glossary: Define any key terms used in your implementation plan. 

References: Indicate where you received your information, or list people who support
your plan.

Project Approval: If you need management’s approval before moving into execution,
this section provides space for official signoff

Activity 13

True False

Executive managers are responsible for developing 

implementation plans.

HR managers are responsible for carrying out the technical 

aspects of HRIS implementation.

The project team is responsible for carrying out corrective actions 

when problems arise.

Executive managers are responsible for forming the project team/ 

steering committee.

HR managers should be actively involved in the implementation of 


HR analysts’ are responsible for defining the roles of people who 

are involved in the implementation.

The project team leader is responsible for managing relationships 

with suppliers.

The project team is responsible for identifying any inaccurate or 

incomplete data.
HR managers are responsible for setting the budget for the 
implementation of the HRIS.

The project team leader is responsible for ensuring that all 

members of the project team work collaboratively.

Activity 14

1. You are having trouble securing the resources needed to effectively implement
the chosen HRIS as management is keen to cut costs. What are ten of the
reasons you would give to management to make them see that it is important
for an implementation plan to be properly resourced?

1. HRIS system is cost effective. It saves you the expense of actually hiring someone
to take care of physical copies of data and records.

2. Apart from employee expenses, it’s also really cheap and doesn’t cause a huge
hole in your pocket whether you’re a big firm or a small one.

3. As this data is entered manually by the person with authority, you can trust it to be
accurate. It’s going to show exactly what was entered without any errors.

4. What’s more is that you only have to enter the data once, such as a salary slab or a
new policy, and it can be applied in multiple places. Any changes made are also
automatically updated wherever the policy has been assigned without having to
manually change it everywhere.

5. Obtaining information becomes a very speedy process as all you need to do is type
in what you’re searching for. The benefit of HRIS system is that it’s a one-stop
solution to all your queries.

6. It becomes easier to compare and analyze data in order to generate timely reports
for every employee. The quality of these reports is raised too with increased

7. Uses of HRIS software in organization also includes announcing any alterations or

additions of policies, notices, and any other new adjustments.

8. HRIS can also be used to announce upcoming events or deadlines to every

employee in one place. Employees can also respond with acknowledgements. This
saves both the manager’s and the employee’s time in tracking every email
response, confirming you responded, and so on.
9. Talking about tracking, benefits of HRIS also include tracking employee
applications for reimbursements and leaves and view past applications along with
their status as well. Employers can easily approve or reject requests based on their
leave balances or information submitted when applying for a reimbursement.

10. Another use of HRIS in an organization is managing performance reviews. Multiple

review cycles can be created for every unique employee based on their seniority or
tenure at the organization. Uses of HRIS in HRM can be made to conduct time
reviews and appraisals of every employee based on the review cycle assigned to

Activity 15

1. Provide one example of

a. A preventative plan/ measure - It refers to activities or measures, both individual
and communal that are directed at reducing the risk of exposure to a risk factor or
health determinant in an individual or the population. Measles immunization is an
example of a primary prevention measure.

b. An interim plan/ measure - An interim plan is a set of current project data that you
save after the project begins and that you can compare against the baseline to
assess project progress. An interim plan saves only two kinds of information: the
current start dates and finish dates for tasks.

2. What is contingency plan?

A contingency plan is a course of action designed to help an organization respond
effectively to a significant future event or situation that may or may not happen. 

Activity 16

1. Certain groups and individuals are reluctant to contribute to the implementation

of a HRIS. What are ten of the benefits of encouraging staff participation in the
implementation process?

It motivates the other person - With employee participation automatically comes

motivation. When you are participating with a group of others in an environment, you
will create an environment that is more positive. The employees may also have the
chances of showing more creativity as well as analytical ability. Such opportunities
shall make them all the more motivated.

Costs less and handles time - Another benefit of employee participation is that it
costs less time and much lesser money. In fact, it is one of the most simple and
effective ways to handle money without having to waste too much of time. After all,
that is what participatory decisions do. So you will have much lesser time in order to
implement them. And at the cost of such participation, you will be able to benefit the
case of entire success participation.
Makes you more creative - A third benefit of employee participation is that it makes
you more creative and innovative. In fact, these two happen to be some of the biggest
and most essential benefits that come with participative management. By simply
allowing a diverse group of people to have input into making decisions, the
organization benefits from the synergy comes with a much wider range of options as

Boosts influence and capacity - Employee participation also boost mutual faith,
cooperation and understanding. In that way the employees will hardly have any
disagreements with the decisions of the manager. It will indicate that the manager may
easily influence the employees so that various other decisions can be implemented.
When people are participating together and work, they are able to boost capacity
easily and influence each other in a much positive and better way.

Proper work environment - With effective management and employee participation

comes a proper working environment. Manager will listen more to their staff, ask some
of their friends for a few opinions and take them more seriously. Apart from that, the
employees will also consider getting themselves into a part of some organization. This
will result in a better and much more, positive environment at work place.

Makes more effective decision - Finally, we come to the topic of decision. With
effective employee participation, you will also be able to make better decisions which
helps in creating and selecting the best alternatives. For every single problem,
different people will give you different kinds of solutions. And that will benefit the work
place that you are in drastically.

Boosts productivity as well - The best part about employee participation is that it will
boost productivity in the working environment. An increased say in decision making
will always mean that there is a strong feeling of association now. There shall be
employees who will take responsibility of their actions and take charge of what they
have done. The working hours shall be stretched out easily on its own and the force
from the management shall also be handled easily. All of this shall easily lead to and
boost productivity.

To make use of human capital - Cooperative management will not restrict the
organizations to exploit the physical capital of such employees. Instead of making the
best use of human intellectual as well as emotional capital, it will also give all
employees a good opportunity to contribute all of these ideas as well as suggestions
which will improve the process of business and create an environment which is better.

Meeting the psychological needs of employees - When the employees have some
say in the decision making process, it will give them some sort of psychological
satisfaction. It will also give a simple force that will drive them towards boosting and
improving their performance, creating a good channel and communication and coming
up with practical and better solution that can design even better organizational
Retaining the best talents - Also another benefit of employee participation is that it
will become the most effective strategies to find talent inside the industry. It will also
give the employees a sense of pride to have some say in the process of decision
making. Others have been valued by the seniors. They will stick towards the
organization and become much better management partners in meeting a few goals
and achieve better success. Finally, it is the best when it comes to boosting
productivity inside the industry.

Activity 17

1. What are quality assurance standards against which information system

performance can be measured?
Quality assurance standards are predetermined statements relating to specifications
on how a service is presented to the user. In service agreements, quality standards
take the form of service levels, which are an agreed measure used to describe the
performance of a service delivery. Measures might include such things as quantity,
quality, timeliness and cost. Quality standards are measured using performance
indicators. Both service levels and performance indicators clearly set out the minimum
expected obligations of the service provider and can be used to access the
performance of service delivers.

2. You are training an employee and need to teach them about performance
reports. What would you tell them about the purpose of performance reports?
Set benchmarks for improved performance - One of the immediate benefits of
performance reporting in a business is that it sets out benchmarks from where the
entity can base its performance results. Benchmarking encourages a business to be
open to new ideals and methods that improve effectiveness and efficiency while
enhancing customer satisfaction. Through performance reporting, a company is able
to gather essential data that helps stimulate thought-provoking discussions and
identify new opportunities, which should be explored to enhance process optimization.
Through benchmarking it is able to identify specific problems and eliminate
guesswork. It is also able to prioritize its improvement opportunities.

Measure, control and monitor the workforce - Businesses need to use key
performance indicators KPIs in the top-down command and control method. This
helps in controlling workers behavior and their actions, which further defines their
performance. The management team is able to set goals and targets and then
objectively access the achievements of these goals. If there are any variances, a
feedback is provided. This helps improve conformity and eliminates variance in
performance. The employees are also able to know where they are failing and how
they can correct their mistakes. This not only improves performance and grows the
business process but also strengthens cohesion among subordinates, management
and the employer.

Demonstrate compliance and produces external reports - Within a business set up, it
is important for the entity to produce reports in order to comply with reporting
regulations and information requests by the respective authorities. This reporting could
be compulsory such as annual financial statements and accounts or it could be
voluntary where the company produces reports to help strengthen its corporate social
responsibility. If businesses do not produce their mandatory reports as required by the
law, this can result to fines and legal suits. However, when businesses use
performance reporting tools, they are able to get hands on information, which they
provide when it’s required.

Learn and enhance performance - In the day-to-day business process management,

there is need for continual learning process, which helps equip employees with key
information to make better and informed decisions. Performance reporting provides
real time information about the business performance. The reports are used to inform
management on key decisions and also challenge the strategic assumptions made.
This helps in setting realistic targets that are achievable and this further promotes
morale among the employees leading to increased productivity and profitability.

Improves communication among, investors, managers, subordinates and customers -

Performance reporting improves customer insights by focusing on the best sales
opportunities. It also develops a visibility of the business partner activities and the
purchasing behavior. With these reports, employees understand the needs of the
consumers. On the other hand, senior managers can understand the demands of the
employees thus reducing workplace conflicts. Investors are able to understand the
current status of the business performance and where it’s heading

Activity 18

You have been asked to obtain feedback from users about the system by way of
a survey. What are surveys? How are they useful?
Surveys are a research method used for collecting data from people to gain
information on various topics. Surveys have a variety of purposes and can be carried
out in many ways depending on the methodology chosen and the objectives to be
achieved. The purpose, the reason you are putting together your survey in the first
place, is the driving force behind each question. Like duct tape, it holds your survey
together. There should be only one main purpose for your survey, which should be
supported by up to three goals.

High Representativeness - Surveys provide a high level of general capability in

representing a large population. Due to the usual huge number of people who
answers survey, the data being gathered possess a better description of the relative
characteristics of the general population involved in the study. As compared to other
methods of data gathering, surveys are able to extract data that are near to the exact
attributes of the larger population.

Good Statistical Significance - Because of the high representativeness brought

about by the survey method, it is often easier to find statistically significant results than
other data gathering methods. Multiple variables can also be effectively analyzed
using surveys.
Little or No Observer Subjectivity - Surveys are ideal for scientific research studies
because they provide all the participants with a standardized stimulus. With such high
reliability obtained, the researcher’s own biases are eliminated.

Activity 19

1. Define the term continuous improvement.

Continuous improvement is an ongoing effort to improve products, services or
processes. These efforts can seek “incremental” improvement over time or
breakthrough improvement all at once.

2. Place the steps of the benchmarking process into their correct order by listing
them from a took
 Identify suitable benchmarking partners = d
 Gain management support for recommended improvements/ changes = i
 Collect data = f
 Create a benchmarking team made up of representatives from relevant groups/
departments= b
 Monitor progress = k
 Decide what data needs to be collected = e
 Make recommendations for improvement = h
 Decide what to benchmark/ where improvement is required = a
 Establish scope = c
 Implement recommendations =j
 Analyze results so that the benchmark gap and best practice can be identified = g

Activity 20

1. You have been asked to analyze the organization’s HRIS and introduce any
necessary improvements. When would improvements to the HRIS be required/
warranted? Provide at least 10 examples.

Integration with New Systems is Difficult or impossible - Being able to integrate

other systems with a HRIS can cause great improvements within an organization as it
becomes easier to cross-reference and spot patterns between HR data and
productivity, revenues, and other important  outcomes. When a HRIS is incompatible,
it stifles business growth. If your HRIS cannot communicate, it may be time to find a
more extroverted software solution.

The System Frequently “Crashes” - There is little that is more frustrating than
spending time working on something, only to have the system crash. If your data is
lost it is even worst, but it can still be frustrating to wait on the system to restart just to
get back to where you were. Frequent system crashes are a sign of an unstable and
outdated system that is not capable of handling the sheer amount of data that is run
through HRIS solutions today.
Mobile Access is Not Supported - Mobile access is no longer the wave of the future;
it is a norm that should be available. Not having mobile accessibility may impact
productivity, deter employee candidates from joining your team, and may negatively
impact the way that your employees view your company. You don’t want to be viewed
as an employer that does not believe in the company enough to invest in it, so you
should make sure that your system is representative of (and contributing to) a growing
and thriving company.

Onboarding overwhelms your new employees - Starting a new job is scary. The
last thing you want to do is bombard your new hire with paper forms on their first day.
With a robust HRIS you can send out all documents, retrieve the new employee’s
electronic signature, and collect them. All of this can be automated and accomplished
before your new employee sets foot in the door.

Your HR department is inundated with administrative requests - If your HR staff

spends most of their day fielding questions from employees and tracking PTOs, seek
out an HRIS that provides self-service features. With self-service, employees and
managers have 24/7 access to request, view, and approve time off, update personal
information, view pay history, manage benefits enrollment, communicate with each
other, and more.

You notice a surge in administrative errors - With a single database you enter
employee information only once. Doing so not only saves time, it also shrinks
opportunity for error.

You dread open enrollment - Your HRIS should simplify the benefits enrollment
process. With self-service, employees can easily compare plans and make elections
from anywhere. Smart systems can identify when a dependent ages out of a plan, and
can automatically remove them from eligibility.

You’re not confident that you’re in compliance - This is one crucial area where you
should not settle. Failure to adhere to labor laws can be costly and detrimental to
success. With a modern solution, you can build the reports you need to make critical
decisions, identify trends, recognize trouble spots, and gather the employee data you
need to analyze your organization’s compliance.

You are unable to control access to certain data - A sophisticated HRIS gives you
the ability to set administrative permission levels for all users. When logged in, they
can only see the information they have been granted access to.

Question 1

Describe three monitoring, measuring and evaluation techniques for a range of

human resources and management functions. Identify 5 things that can be
revealed by monitoring a HRIS

Compensation—compensation should rise alongside productivity in order to reap the

most benefit. Tracking compensation/productivity metrics should show that as
employees become more productive, corresponding increases in compensation will
reduce turnover while also keeping productivity strong. In addition, compensation
increases usually result in greater productivity increases.
Training—Track employee productivity in relation to the number of training hours they
complete. By demonstrating a positive correlation between training and productivity,
you can make a good case for the continuation of current and future training

Positive Management—Low-performing employees should show an increase in

productivity after interactions with employee relations. If these interactions do not
produce positive results, take a look at your program to determine where changes
need to be made. Positive management can make a huge difference in employee
morale, which in turn affects productivity.

Software Usability—if you are running an old or inefficient HRIS system, your
productivity will suffer. This metric can be an excellent way to convince management
that a new system is needed. After purchasing the new software, before and after
comparisons can demonstrate the effectiveness of the new system and provide the
support needed for training and future upgrades.

Revenue per Employee—Employee ROI may be the most convincing argument for
the effectiveness of your HR program. By tracking the amount spent on recruiting,
hiring, retention, employee relations, and HR costs and comparing that number to the
total revenue per employee, you can demonstrate an increase in revenue per
employee as processes become more efficient.

Question 2

Create a visual representation that outlines the procurement procedures of a

HRIS. Your representation should include at least 10 steps.

All organizations need to have a Human Resources Management Information System

(HRIS) to can manage the human resources department of the organization in an
efficient manner. This system will collect data in order to get information about:

● Career development

● Employee relations

● Employee support

● HR development (policies and procedures - dispute resolutions)

● Organizational development (Vision & mission statement)

● Performance development

● Recruitment and workforce planning

Question 3

Different HRIS systems are made up of different modules and functions. List
three various types of functions of HRIS available and their capabilities or
I. Operational HRIS

Operational HRIS is of immense help to the manager. It provides the manager with all
the required data to support routine and repetitive human resource decisions. Many
operational level human resource systems collect and report human resource data.
These systems usually include information about the organization’s employees and
position and also about governmental regulations. Two major sub-divisions under
operational HRIS comprise the following:

Employee Information Systems - Employee information systems is a major part of

operational HRIS. Organizations need to keep a track of an employee’s records and
details pertaining to all kinds of personal and professional details including name,
address, sex, minority status, citizenship, education, past professional experiences
and much more.

Position Control Systems - The concept of position control systems is introduced in

an organization in order to identify each position within the organization; the job title
within which the position is classified; and the employee currently assigned to the
position. Referring to the position control systems, a HR manager can identify the
details about and unfilled position.

Performance Management Information Systems - Performance Management

Information Systems include performance appraisal data and productivity information
data. This system is frequently used as an evidence in employee grievance matters.
Careful documentation of employee performance and of how the performance was
measured and reported in critical to acceptance of appraisal information in grievance
hearing. Performance management systems can lead to a number of decisions
beyond merely the decisions to retain, promote, transfer or terminate an employee.

II. Tactical HRIS

Tactical human resource information systems provide managers with support for
decisions that emphasize the allocation of resources. Within the domain of HR, these
include recruitment decisions, job analysis, and design decisions, training and
development and also employee compensation plans. Tactical HRIS also has a few
subparts that are explained below:

Job Analysis and Design Information System - The inputs to the job analysis and
design information system, include data form supervisors and workers and affirmative
action guidelines. Inputs also comprise information from external sources to the firm,
such as labor unions, competitors and government agencies.

Recruiting Information Systems - In order to direct the recruiting function, the

organization needs to develop a proper recruiting plan. The plan is designed in order
to address gaps such as vacant positions to be filled and skills required for the
employees for these positions. If this plan is to be executed, a proper recruiting
information system is pretty much required, so that everything is executed with proper

Compensation and Benefits Information Systems - This particular information

systems may support a variety of tactical HR decisions, especially when it comes to
compensation and benefits systems. Compensation and benefits plan an important
role in the overall productivity of the organization.

Employee Training and Development systems - Another major aspect where HRIS
is extensively implemented is the domain of employee training and development. The
training must be directed at those individuals who are not only interested but also
capable of benefiting from it.

 III. Strategic HRIS

Strategic HRIS focuses on supporting labor negotiations, workforce planning, and

certain specialized human resources software. The main purpose of this is to have an
overall good idea about labor resources and workforce planning. Major types of
strategic HRIS comprise the following:

Information Systems Supporting Workforce Planning - Organization that are

involved in long-term strategic planning, such as those planning to expand into new
market areas, construct factories or offices in new locations, or add new products, will
need information about the quantity and quality of the available workforce to achieve
their goals. Information systems that support workforce planning serve this purpose.

Specialized Human Resource Information Systems Software - There has been a

great deal of software that has been designed for the proper functioning of the human
resources. Software that is specifically designed for the human resource management
function can be divided into two basic categories: comprehensive human resource
information systems software and limited-function packages that support one or a few
human resource activities.

Question 4

Summaries why is it necessary for users to understand the processes

applicable to using and managing a HRIS. How can this be achieved?

The human resources department within any organization is considered to be highly

critical for the entire organization. Its many functions serve as a supportive
background for the company by providing everything from skilled and talented labor to
management training services, employee enrichment opportunities and more. Since
labor is the single largest expense for most organizations, human resources helps
companies derive the greatest value from this important asset. In order to function
optimally, however, human resources departments must have the right tools and
resources in place. A human resources information system, or HRIS, is a type of
software program that can be utilized within the department to help human resources
employees and managers improve their productivity and the results of their efforts.

While the HRIS features benefit the organization in many ways, one of the most
important of all HRIS benefits relates to the ability of the software program to improve
productivity of human resources employees. These systems are highly detailed, and
they are designed to enhance and speed up the efforts of HR employees in a number
of ways. For example, they can assist with recruitment by simplifying the process of
collecting resumes, reviewing candidate information and more. HRIS systems can
also be used to improve productivity related to financial management through payroll
processing tasks and benefits administration. These and other related tasks may
require numerous hours of manpower each week. However, the time and effort
required to complete them can be drastically reduced when some of the tasks are
automated through a HRIS system. Tasks that may have required many hours of labor
may possibly reach completion very quickly and easily or sometimes even done
automatically with the software program.

Many HR tasks are highly regulated, and because of this, even a minor error on the
part of a human resources employee could result in considerable legal issues and
even financial loss for the company. For example, when resumes are not reviewed in
a fair and just manner during the hiring process, a lawsuit may ensue. A HRIS can
provide guidance to avoid these types of issues before they escalate. When
considering HRIS benefits for your organization, the ability to reduce issues and other
related errors associated with human oversight or other factors can be considerable.
Furthermore, additional HRIS benefits relate to compliance issues. Some software
programs are designed to review compliance with specific rules and regulations this
makes it easier to ensure that your company is in compliance with these laws and
regulations. Ultimately, this can improve company reputation and help to avoid
penalties. Performing analyses and reviewing metrics related with various aspects of
the organization can assist with better decision making and also help with spotting
patterns. For example, the human resources department is responsible for analyzing
hiring costs and calculating the turnover rate in different departments. The results of
these calculations may be used to make important business decisions and to develop
strategies for moving the organization along a successful path. HRIS analytical tools
give HR employees the ability to perform many pertinent calculations with speed.
Employees can collect the data needed within a short period of time and then analyze
all of the data in a concise and effective manner. Some software programs are
designed to create professional reports on metrics and analysis that can help HR
professionals to spot issues at a glance. Companies can immediately enjoy many
HRIS benefits once the human resources information system has been implemented.
There are several different types of HRIS systems available for purchase, and each
may offer different features and functions. Companies should carefully review the
different systems, vendors, and features available in order to find the right program for
their needs and budget.

Project 2

Product Information Supplier 1 Supplier 2

What is supplier’s name? EMPLOYEMENT HERO PEOPLESHR
What is the supplier’s web
What is the supplier’s Level 2, 441 Kent Street, Sea bridge House 377 Kent
postal address? Sydney NSW 2000 Street, Sydney NSW 2000
What is supplier’s phone 1300 084 847 +61 2 8006 0531
What function does the Compliance with Onboarding - Taking in new
supplier’s product offer? Australian legislation - talent to your organization gets
Briefly describe each Record-keeping and faster and easier with the
function. regulatory compliance can onboarding
be time consuming and
prone to human error if Off boarding - Make your
you’re relying on organization’s exit procedure a
spreadsheets and manual smooth transition. Record and
processes. manage the movement of your
Onboarding tools -The
Society for Human Grievance Handling - To the
Resource Management issues or dissatisfaction that
(SHRM) estimates that as may arise within the
many as 1 in every 25 organization this becomes a
employees leave their jobs solution.
due to poor onboarding, so
it’s important yours leads to Disciplinary Management -
the employee’s long-term We create a platform that
success. helps you connect your
performance standards to your
Employee self-service - employees motivating them to
Self-service functionality stand by what is expected.
allows your employees to
perform routine HR tasks, Manpower Planning -
reducing their reliance on Planning and maintaining your
you to perform organizations talent pool just
administrative support got easier. All that planning,
tasks. analysis and forecasting that
came with lot of work.
Time and attendance
management - An Benefits Management - Take
automated time and your claims management
attendance tracking system process to the next level, by
makes scheduling painless. removing all those extra steps
When it’s configured to the needed, just to redeem a
right awards for your claim.
business, it’s easy to
manage multiple shift Talent Management - Get
patterns and calculate your high performers, go
wages, while flagging getters and rising stars and
penalty rates for overtime or build yourself a talent army
weekend work. with our HRIS.

Performance review Timesheets - With your

management - Recognizing organization growing and
performance is key to employees increasing, the
getting the best out of your pressure of getting it all done
people. But manual in time increases.
performance review
processes can be arduous Time and Attendance - What
and provide employees with was just another daily routine
little value. gets a bit more meaning with
our Time and Attendance

Rewards and Recognition -

We make sure that the ones
who deserver get their
moment under the bright
What benefit does the Employment Hero helps for It’s the simplest way to
supplier’s product provide? employers and employees structure all your HR
in Australia and beyond, By processes, engage employees
providing free, easy-to-use and boost your productivity,
HR software that employers without a hassle.
love to use, and access to
far greater benefits for all
Does the supplier offer Yes, through response Yes, through help center they
technical support? If yes answer the phones, online can contact them and take the
briefly describe the guidance and if needed they technical support
technical support offered. will visit and give their
Does the supplier offer yes, web trainings and class yes, all the trainings
training in their product? If room trainings conducted through online
yes, briefly describe the basis (e-Learning & e-
training offered Training)
How easy is it to improve or through one phone call we through online or phone call
upgrade the product can improve or upgrade the you can improve or upgrade
product the product

Project 3

 Advantages & Disadvantages of Employment Hero


 Really easy to use software and online platform. Nice layout that is great to
 The ability to track on-boarding and staff compliance is making the job substantially
 Getting notification for outstanding documents.


 When setting up multiple small business's have to enter the same information over
and over again, so set-up was a bit time consuming.
 Doesn’t have a time-in-lieu option for your days off.
 There are quite a lot of errors and minor features that make is quite hard to use

 Advantages & Disadvantages of PeoplesHR


 It will cover almost all aspects of HR requirements including timekeeping, holidays,

reviews, contracts.
 Although there is a mobile app, it does need some work.
 Easy to navigate and good team management features, org chart is really useful
company document management feature is a plus


 No integration with online calendar providers

Develop and Implementation plan for HRIS

Step 1: Inception of idea the first step of HRIS implementation is the inception of
the idea. The need of the organization to have HRIS software must be realized and
agreed by the top management. It is an investment and management needs to
keep it in mind.

Step 2: Feasibility study - As this is an investment the feasibility of HRIS must be

It covers the following areas:
 Scope of the software
 Future benefits after implementation
 Potential software developers’ assessment
 Cost estimate
 Value addition to business
 ROI calculation
A proper feasibility study will help the management to make the decision based on
facts and figures.

Step 3: Selecting a project team –

 Implementation of HRIS is a project as it requires ensuring budgeted cost,
specific timeline with quality delivery.
 Successful implementation largely depends on capability and effort of project
 Project team members should be taken from both HR and IT.
 Involvement of senior managers is required to get the top management buy in
on different issues.

Step 4: Defining the requirements-

 At this stage the scope needs to be defined.
 It will not be a detailed requirement specification but at least the processes
that will be incorporated in the software.
 Some organization may want to develop the payroll module while others may
want more modules to be developed.
 It all depends on the affordability and plan of the concerned organization. But it
is an essential step before communicating with the vendor or software
 Otherwise it will create complexity during discussion and negotiation with the
software developers.
 At this stage the company HR policies and processes must be analyzed and
defined rigorously.
 If there is any ambiguity in process, difficulty may arise to incorporate it in the

Step 5: Vendor analysis –

 Selecting the right software developer is another challenge.
 The capability, track record and good will of the developers must be taken
into consideration.
 The requirement of the organization must be shared with the developers
clearly without ambiguity.
 The existing processes can be clarified with them, if required. After getting
clear understanding about the requirement they will come up with their offer
that includes cost and specific timeline for project completion.
 The software requirement specification needs to be documented to avoid
ambiguity in future.

Step 6: Package contract negotiation –

 After getting the final offer from the vendors, the decision of work order will be
finalized based on cost and quality actors.
 Then the contract will be signed with the software developers.
 The development work will start then.
 But the company needs to monitor the development work time to time to
ensure on time quality delivery of the project.

Step 7: Training -
 Training usually begins as soon as possible after the contract has been
 First, the members of the project team are trained to use the Human Resource
Information System.
 Toward the end of the implementation, the human resource representation will
train managers from other departments in how to submit information to the
HRIS and how to request information from it.
Step 8: Tailoring the system - After finalizing the system requirement specification,
the design of the software will be initiated. The design should be shared with the
company to identify improvement areas

Step 9: Collecting data –

 At this stage required data to enter in the software will be collected.
 A team of HR needs to be deployed to collect data for the software. Data
validation is also required.
 This is a very critical part of the project.

Step 10: Testing the system –

 Once the system is developed with data the testing is required. Some
organizations call it User Acceptance Test.
 At this stage the users use it and try to check if there is any gap between
requirement and the delivery of the software.
 If the test is okay then the final delivery is given to the company.

Step 11: Starting up - After the User Acceptance the software will be installed in
user’s PC or web as per system configuration and requirement specification.

Step 12: Running in parallel –

 It is a safe stand to run the existing process whether it is manual or software
and the new software run in parallel.
 In case of any malfunction of the new software the process will not get
 At least one full cycle of the process needs to be run in parallel to avoid any
technical hitch.

Step 13: Maintenance –

 Once the software has been installed regular maintenance and performance
monitoring is essential.
 For effectiveness annual maintenance contract can be signed with the
software development company.

Step 14: Evaluation - After running the software for a certain period of time the
performance evaluation will be done. What value the software has added since its
inception needs to be evaluated.

Monitor and review of the HRIS

A human resources information system (HRIS) is an integrated system for managing

information used in HR decision-making. A complete HRIS links all human resources data
from the time professionals enter pre-service training to when they leave the workforce.
HRIS performance measures are benchmarks for evaluating how efficient and effective
HRIS investments are and how they can be improved to obtain better results to support
HRIS strengthening objectives.

Continuous monitoring and evaluation is vital in determining what an HRIS is

accomplishing, what needs to be improved and whether results are being achieved. This
document provides basic guidance in the systematic monitoring and evaluation of an
HRIS system. The goal of any performance monitoring plan (PMP) is not to focus on what
is wrong and condemn it; rather, it is to highlight the positive aspects of the system that
make it work, as well as to identify what went wrong as a basis for improving the system.

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