Chapter 8 Life and Politics During The American Period - Group 6

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Group 6 - RPH

Mikaela Divina, Calvin Thomas Tan Lara, Denise Saure, Andrew Angelo
Sotto, Edzcelle Yamongan

Reinforcement Activities

 Figuring out, among the editorial caricatures, the issues and problems faced
by the Filipinos during the American period at a time when Filipinization was
being implemented

Fill out the table below.

Cartoon Identify the Describe of Identify the Overall Problem

major the major minor meaning of or issue presented
elements elements elements the cartoon
1. Wherever Uncle Sam taking Juan filipinos are being Juan is not happy Juan is being The Filipinos are being used
you go, We in hand fooled and used about going with manipulated and by American leadership to
by the americans Uncle Sam fooled by Uncle be of help in american war
will follow Sam issues against other nations
that the Philippines has no
part just for the sake of
freedom to colonizers.
2. Bribing The policeman is The policeman The cartoon was Policemen are Gambling policemen in
the accepting the money that is known to presented to be in a involved in Manila are increasing as
from gambling behind. be educated by cinema where gambling. criminals hiding from
policemen. laws and order is everyone was shadows, and no one is
being involved in watching but they willing to reveal their
illegal gambling only found it doings.
3. Lording it Every officials has The government the government Many the Philippine assembly is
Over us firearms and pointing has allowed allowed the government abusing its power and
it out everywhere officials to bear filipinos to live in officials are authority to create useless
firearms arrogance as others abusing its role to fear around them.
live in fear and the society
unfairness of the
leadership upon
4. Fifteen Juan is the leader from Filipinos had Juan was begging American As the US gave us and
Years of Before, but the voted Juan, but to his superior leadership has instructed us about elections,
American was his Juan was (american), as if the controlled the that doesn’t give the
Party leader After manipulated by american is the true Phillipine Filipinos the freedom to
Politics American leading person government create laws by themselves
(Juan) and for themselves, it has
always to be by the
Americans and for the
5. Moros vs. Two roosters are The leadership The big rooster In this fight The Imperialism that was
Christians having a fight and was under representing the Christianity will introduced by the american
led by the man Filipinization Christianity inside win for the US is making the nation divided
on the Issue standing as the created havoc and the country, and the has favor in it. as religion is a big matter to
of imperialism division to the left rooster every filipino, specifically to
Independenc filipinos representing the the islands of Mindanao.
e Moro of mindanao

6. the concejal (konsehal) Policemen are along the ride of The concejal are Eight years after the
riding in a horse used to enable the concejal were the making crimes implementation of
carriage, however the concejal make his crimes behind him, and unjustly Filipinization, leaders are
one running for the way to do crimes and the law and covered by police abusing their role and going
carriage is a policeman and be covered up order is just a authorities. too far as doing crimes.
by the police. shadow now. They are confident to do
crimes believing that
policemen (as their toy) will
help cover them. Many
Filipinos found it
unrighteous, but these
leaders are under the US
7 Colorum automobile The colorum of Officials moreover, Auto License As years pass by, Manila is
Express representing the Auto License is are ignoring the colorum is a getting more crowded,
Colorum of Auto being a threat to situation threat inside adding the estimated 300
License is being the society and as Manila colorum, automobiles are
reckless and killed a it become a trend, being a threat. It only brings
person the way accidents are death to people by accidents.
8 The Man holding the Bill, The man is trying the other box shows This US As independence was the
Politician behind him where to deliver the bill the plebiscite of the leadership made very goal of the Filipinos,
people from with his allies bill being carried by the Filipinos go this Hare-Hawes-Cutting
Against Legislatives from legislatures the man against each Act only applicable for 10
each other saying “on to other. years, thus other parties
washington!” could go against it more
9 Still a There are two men the brothers The other man is society, even the Even after gaining the
Divided raging for a fight (tenant and the holding a sickle, basic unit of the Independence Act, the years
showing that they are landlord) are which symbolizes society, the that the US had influenced
Nation brothers as the lady in having conflict, the working class of family is not in a us are still alive from then.
between them is shown instead of being communism, while good relationship. The influence of dividing
to be their mother there for each the landlord, his They are all the society from rish and
other as their brother, is holding a divided by class poor, from the asternd the
mother told them bull/horse rope. servant. This still takes place
that made the nation divided.
10 The two americans The two The two bags full of The Filipino The Americans are abusing
Americans carrying a bag full of Americans money that they worker was only the filipinos which is not
money and the carrying a bag full gained from the being used by the paid enough for the work
Getting exhausted Filipino of money and the overworked Americans to that they have done
More at Our who is being dragged Filipino that is Filipino which is gain fortune and
Expense along exhausted and tired and dragged they do not
being pulled along equally share the
the way. amount of money
that they get. In
fact the filipino
worker was the
one who did all
the work but he
was not paid
11 Filipino The Filipino teacher The Filipino The money bag as The Filipino Unfair treatment of the
vs. and the American teacher was given the salary and the teachers were system. Giving more favor
teacher. a low salary even credentials being treated unequally. or more pay to the American
American though they have carried by the Even though they teachers
Teachers nice credentials. teachers. had nice
(1915) While the credentials, they
American teacher still received a
receives a high low salary pay
salary even when they
though he was just deserved higher
a normal graduate. pay.

12 The The farmer that has The farmer is The load the Because of the Usury, the illegal practice of
Tenant- been carrying a lot of carrying a heavy farmer is carrying changing lending money at
load on his back while load. These heavy on his back while economic unreasonably high rates of
farmers’ farming. loads are the new he is doing his landscape, the interest. Takipan by which
Burden burdens the work. farmers were an advance of two cavans of
farmer would forced to carry palay is repaid in six months
carry because of this new burdens with an intereSt of two
the changing causing them to cavans. When the landlord
economic rebel. offer advances to the
landscape. peasants, not only because
he can enjoy high interests,
but also because he can, in
way, compel them to do
extra work for him and can
prevent them
from abandoning his land
and this practice is called
pasunod. These were the
burdens farmers experience.
13 Scarce Harrison clipping the Harrison is The bird represent Due to the surge This did little to no effect in
Houses and wings of a bird depicted as a hero the landlords or in the population alleviating the problem
Skyrocketing by passing a law homeowners housing was because it did not solve the
Rent fixing the rates on tough and causing problem in lack of housing
rent and housing rise on rent, the
response was
fixed rates in rent
14. The The farmers are Mismanagement Government leaders Government The Filipinization policy
Tenant- begging government of loans of the are depicted as leaders are while rosy for the Filipinos
leaders for credit and PNB established bystanders depicted to be just also brought serious
farmer financial aid by the americans watching the problems. Farmers needed
Burden caused bankruptcy farmers beg not capital which they could
making an action only secure as credit, but the
to resolve the banks were bankrupt
15. Have the An individual is The individual The individuals Landlords are The government just let’s
Title, I’ll have represented to be represent belly is big and exploiting the these landlords exploit the
looking at the farmers landlords who just written on it is hard work of the workers, they ignore and
the Land cultivate and work get rich by usurper or someone farmers and neglect the needs of
hard exploiting farmers who takes taking most of the homestead-farmers who
and living the easy something illegally profits while didn’t have a title
life doing the least of
work, it is really
the work of an
16 Too Juan dela cruz is on his Juan dela cruz While most The government The government is
many Taxes knees and crawling represents every countries pay little is levying exploiting the tax system to
because of the number filipino, and the taxes represented numerous taxes get rich and reward those
to Pay of the burdens he is burdens he carries by the foreigners, on the filipinos who are loyal to them
carrying are the numerous Filipinos are while the
taxes he has to burdened with the foreigners are
pay heaviest taxes enjoying little tax
17. Filipino Americans are There is huge Americans are Americans are The government favors the
vs. represented doing less difference in the dressed neatly and depicted to be foreigners and have no goal
work than filipinos but treatment of the filipinos poorly living easy doing of creating an equal society
American getting more pay filipino and depicting difference little work with with equal pay
Workers in american workers in class or social use of equipment
1928 treatment while filipinos are
doing heavier
work manually
exposed to the
harsh heat
18. A Priests are depicted to Manila is depicted People are The city of Most friar lands had already
Congesting be living alone in to be congesting congested in houses Manila is been appropriated at this
spacious buildings but the priests are while it is the congesting due to time but the priests refuse to
City enjoying their opposite in the rising relinquish the huge
spacious buildings churches with dust population but the buildings they live in
and cobwebs settlin priests are still
in enjoying the
spacious and
lavish life
19. It is represented that The politicians are The government Government The mismanagement of the
Deterioratin mosquitoes are king represented to be response is petroleo response was Filipino bureaucrats in the
over the politicians useless and which did little to inadequate which public health system
g Health represented to be no effect in driving caused the deaths especially in sanitation
under the surrendering out the swarms of in hundreds of caused the rise in number of
Filipinos mosquitoes Filipinos mosquitoes

20. “Akala A returning student is Filipinos who The student is Educated Arrogance, boastfulness, and
mo Kung dressed formally and have received shown to be very Filipinos feel they disunity reigns when in fact,
shown to be arrogantly education when different from what are superior to the these educated Filipinos
Sino” walking returning to their he originally was a uneducated and should be the hope of a
province act “probinsyano” their fellow better country
arrogant and countrymen
boastful of their
21. Manila It is depicted that most Neglect of Filipinos continue Expert engineers The government’s inaction
Underwater houses in manila are sanitation caused their lives even if it are relaxing when to the numerous problems of
flooded needing the flooding is flooded instead they society is causing the
use of boats should be country to sink
building a better
sanitation system
to prevent the

Determining how these problems and issues persist until today

From the previous table complete the succeeding table.

Cartoon Problem or issue Persisting In what way?

presented today?
(Yes or No)
1. Wherever you go, We Being controlled and dominated Yes In the present day the Philippines is being
will follow led by the country China in helping us to
improve, Which was also done by China in
the past.
2. Bribing the policemen. Gambling of the policemen Yes Gambling is illegal in the Philippines. The
policemen today may not be gambling
literally, they’re the one who sometimes do
things illegally today. For example,
extrajudicial killings, abuse of power, and
planting of evidence.
3. Lording it Over us Officials abusing their power Yes Nowadays some policemen and higher
officials tend to abuse their powers for their
own benefit especially to those people who
are poor
4. Fifteen Years of Party Broken promises of the Yes This problem would never leave the
Politics candidates Philippines. During their campaign,
candidates tell people about their plans and
programs to make our country great.
Making it seem that Filipinos are their
‘boss’. But after the election, people beg for
them to do or implement programs that
would help the people but they just won’t
5. Moros vs. Christians on The Imperialism that was Yes Muslims and Christian Filipinos still do not
the Issue of Independence introduced by the american is get along to this day fights breakout and
making the nation divided as attacks on Churches by muslims are still
religion is a big matter to every rampant
filipino, specifically to the islands
of Mindanao.
6. Eight years after the Yes Politicians, still abuse their political power
implementation of Filipinization, for their own interests and benefit
leaders are abusing their role and
going too far as doing crimes.
They are confident to do crimes
believing that policemen (as their
toy) will help cover them. Many
Filipinos found it unrighteous, but
these leaders are under the US
7 Colorum Express Careless Officials Yes Until now, colorum vehicles are being a
problem, this happens again and again
wherein traffic enforcers gets paid by the
violators and lets them go away that easily
8 The Politician Against The rivalry of the parties Yes For so many years, politicians are trying
each other for the supreme positions hard to win the hearts of the people, to gain
popularity after achieving works and
gaining their trust and votes for coming
9 Still a Divided Nation The division and separation No Our government have implemented laws
of societal class (rich & that protects and help give aid to our
unsheltered fellow filipino.
10 Americans Getting It is the americans who Yes Many international companies like call
More at Our Expense gain who get take our own centers that are owned by US where most
filipinos are under employe and the gain is
profit after using our not in philippines’ economy but to the US
talents, skills, and strength
11 Filipino vs. American Unfair treatment of the system. Yes Even though, there are no longer american
Teachers (1915) Giving more favor or more pay to teachers in the Philippines Teachers wages
the American teachers are low
12 The Tenant-farmers’ It shows the form of landlord yes In most provinces, farmers are still suffering
Burden usury used to strip tenant from debts and other financial aspects from
farmers from their rightful the wealthy people at their place.
13 Scarce Houses and This did little to no effect in YES Lack of housing is still a problem in major
Skyrocketing Rent alleviating the problem because it cities causing squatter settlements
did not solve the problem in lack
of housing
14. The Tenant-farmer It shows the form of landlord Yes Banks refuse on lending money to most
Burden usury used to strip tenant farmers farmers as they have no collateral
from their rightful owner.
15. Have the Title, I’ll have The government just let’s these Yes Exploitation of the worker today is still
the Land landlords exploit the workers, they rampant, landowners get rich while farmers
ignore and neglect the needs of work hard just to get by
homestead-farmers who didn’t have
a title
16 Too many Taxes to Pay The government is exploiting the Yes In recent years, taxes are on the rise taxes
tax system to get rich and reward on oil, daily necessities, and most goods but
those who are loyal to them there is little to no rise in wages
17. Filipino vs. American The government favors the Yes Foreigners in the country receive higher
Workers in 1928 foreigners and have no goal of positions of power and higher wages,
creating an equal society with because these foreigners own these
equal pay companies
18. A Congesting City Most friar lands had already been No Most churches today in the Philippines give
appropriated at this time but the shelter to the sick and needy
priests refuse to relinquish the
huge buildings they live in
19. Deteriorating Health The mismanagement of the Yes Dengue or mosquitoes are still a problem
Condition under the Filipino bureaucrats in the public which persist today due to mismanagement
health system especially in in the countries sanitation
Filipinos sanitation caused the rise in
number of mosquitoes
20. “Akala mo Kung Sino” Arrogance, boastfulness, and Yes Educated Filipinos still look down on the
disunity reigns when in fact, these uneducated instead of them creating a more
educated Filipinos should be the equal society
hope of a better country
21. Manila Underwater The government’s inaction to the Yes There is still no proper drainage and sewer
numerous problems of society is system in manila causing flash floods from
causing the country to sink little rain

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