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Dear Diary,
Today was the first day of our CHN duty. I feel so excited that I walk up early to get ready and fix myself. I know
it would be a tiring day, so I eat breakfast and drink my milk to have energy the whole day, and I don't want to be so
matamlay on our first day of duty. I left at precisely 7:30 and waited at the diversion area.
When we arrived at Cabaroan Laud, I knew I had to observe the way of living here. I don't want to make or do
anything that isn't practiced in this barangay, especially since I live in a rural area and the way of living there is different. I
had to adjust if needed.
We first did the spot mapping before we did the interview or survey. It was so tiring, especially since the sun was
hot today. After hours of doing the spot mapping, we decided to try to survey some families. We meet a cheerful family,
and they joke a lot. I don't talk much because I'm not confident in my Ilocano accent and grammar. I do more of the
writing. I was ashamed at some point when I asked the mother if they do the "withdrawal method'. I overthought if they
were comfortable for me to ask that question. Luckily, the mother was very open.
Our half-day duty was tiring, walking back and forth to the place, but it was a great experience to meet new people
and be part of my journey toward a nursing career. #Padayon!

Dear Diary,
Hey! I woke up early! It's been a long day again! I have to talk all day and make Chika with great people!
Today I heard different stories of people's survival, struggles, and fights. It was nice to sit down and talk to the
families sharing our ideas and experiences. I don't believe in miracles, but when I heard the story of my uncle, I was
touched and inspired. He was comatose for 10 days because of an accident and barely survived. Because of that, he lost
his dream job. The doctor said there was no chance that he could walk again, but a miracle happened. He walks up, and
more importantly, he can walk now. The best part of this duty for me is how the families encouraged us to study hard and
gave advice that no matter how hard the journey, we should not give up.
Today is a tiring day again, walking, writing, and doing the survey form, but it was a lovely day living with the
people of barangay Cabaroan Laud.

Dear Diary,
Today is the last of our CHN duty, and I have a great time sharing my learnings and experience with you.
I began my day by eating breakfast, this is the last day, so I have to have total energy the whole day. We begin the
survey when we arrive. The first house that we surveyed has 2 families living there. We separately surveyed them as they
requested. They were so entertaining and friendly. They offered us a seat to comfortably talk and write. The next one is
we meet Lola na ang active at madaming Chika, we interviewed her apo, and she made fun of him, ang cute nilang
dalawa. She has a lot of chika's to us, so we spend most of our time with her. She even joke said ‘Okay lang walang asawa
basta importante adda anak na’ hihihi. Ayaw ko na sana maginterview kasi napagod ako kakalakad pero si lola pumunta
sa ibang bahay para sabihing punta daw kami iinterview isuna. But I gladly we are the ones who interviewed the last
family because here we met another Lola. She has been a stroke in the past 24 years. She is living in her house with her
Yaya. She tries to communicate well with us, and we listen to her carefully. She shares about her illness and how she is
fighting every day.
Today was the last day but a memorable day. Till next time, barangay Cabaroan Laud! IT WAS A NICE

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