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*Research design and methodology Divided into two sections, this demonstrates how the
discovery/inquiry approach and values clarification can be used to teach population education. Each part
presents a theoretical discussion of a teaching method including its definition, its relevance to
population education, some outstanding characteristics that make it suitable for teaching population
education, plus what research studies have discovered about its effectiveness

*Research Setting

The research took place in the vicinity of Purok 4, Tablon. Zone-1 Sambulawan, Purok 4, Tablon is located
in the Eastern part of Cagayan de Oro City and is one of the popular place listed under residence in
Cagayan de Oro City, Mis. Or. Mindanao, Philippines.

*Respondents of the study

In this study the data was collected at purok 4 Tablon cagayan de oro. The responded of this study is the
grade 10 student of Tablon national high school. Junior high school

Research tools this study is the process of constructing research tools/instruments that could be used
appropriately in gathering data on the study. The questionnaire, survey and observation are the most
commonly used

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked for a consent form from the subject teacher to conduct a survey followed
by the formulations of the questions, next is the researchers asked the participants permission to have a
survey on a certain time. Then, the researchers recorded the data collected from the survey. After
recording, the researchers will transfer the results by encoding it. The researchers then, systematized
the data collected by thematic organization to form part of the data that were connected to the
participant’s answer.

*Data analysis
Data analysis these interviews were held with five to ten informants and all are female. All names are
listed with the age. These are the factors Influencing Grade 10 students for their preferred academic
track in senior high school”

Research Instrument

The researchers will be using one instrument and that is survey, with this the researchers will
gather data from the participants

And those data are recorded on the phone.

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