1641 GCS200275 Assignment2

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Higher Nationals in Computing

Unit 14: Business Intelligence

Assignment 2

Learner’s name: Tran Duc Minh Nhat

Student ID: GCS200275

Class: GCS0905B

Subject code: 1641

Assessor name: Nguyen Xuan Sam

Assignment due: Assignment submitted:


Unit number and title 14: Business Intelligence

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Tran Duc Minh Nhat Student ID GCS200275

Class GCS0905B Assessor name Nguyen Xuan Sam

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I
understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Y

Grading grid

❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:

Assessment Brief
Student Name/ID Number

Unit Number and Title 14: Business Intelligence

Academic Year 2023

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Assignment 2: Apply BI tools & techniques and their impact

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission Format

Part I: Project submission. This should be a zip / rar folder of your project, including all necessary files
to run your project. There should be a link to your Tableau work on Tableau Public cloud.
Part II: The submission is in the form of a group written report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard
referencing system.
Part III: Team needs to present their point of view about how business intelligence tools can contribute
to effective decision-making as well as the legal issues involved in exploiting user data for business
intelligence. You may need to research for specific examples of organizations that use BI tools to
enhance or improve their business and evaluate how they can use BI tools for extend their target
audience and make them more competitive within the market.

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Unit Learning Outcomes

LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies

Assignment Brief

(Continued from previous scenario)

Your next task is to demonstrate to the board of directors about the ability of applying business
intelligence in the company's current business processes. To demonstrate BI, you need to prepare a
presentation about BI and related tools & techniques and a demonstration on real company dataset.
For the presentation, you need:
- Explain general concept of what is BI
- Introduction to some tools / techniques for BI and their application in general
For the demonstration, you need:
- A (some) data set(s) extracted from the company's business processes. Explain the dataset.
- Show how you pre-process data for later analysis, explain each step and it purpose
- Design dashboards to show your analysis on pre-processed data. Explain clearly purpose of
dashboards and charts. Suggestions should be made after analysis
During the demonstration, you need collect feed-back and comments from users to review how well your
dashboards design meet user or business requirement and what customization needed for future use.

Team needs to present their point of view about how business intelligence tools can contribute to effective
decision-making as well as the legal issues involved in exploiting user data for business intelligence. You
may need to research for specific examples of organizations that use BI tools to enhance or improve their
business and evaluate how they can use BI tools for extend their target audience and make them more
competitive within the market.

To summary, you need to submit a report in PDF includes 4 parts: your presentation, result of
demonstration and review of user feedback, point of view on BI contribution and legal issues.

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies

P3 Determine, with examples, what M3 Customise the design to ensure that it

business intelligence is and the tools is user friendly and has a D3 Provide a critical review of the
and techniques associated with it. functional interface. design in terms of how it meets a
specific user or business

P4 Design a business intelligence tool, requirement

application and identify what customisation

or interface that can perform a has been integrated into the

specific task to support problem- design.

solving or decision-making at an
advanced level.

LO4 Discuss the impact of business intelligence tools and technologies for effective D4 Evaluate how organisations
decision-making purposes and the legal/regulatory context in which they are used could use business intelligence to
extend their target audience

P5 Discuss how business intelligence M4 Conduct research to identify specific and make them more competitive

tools can contribute to effective examples of organisations that have used within the market, taking security

decision-making. business intelligence tools to enhance or legislation into consideration

improve operations.
P6 Explore the legal issues involved in
the secure exploitation of business
intelligence tools

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Table of Contents
Assessment Brief .................................................................................................................................................................3
1. Dashboard description .................................................................................................................................................8
2. Relationship .....................................................................................................................................................................8
3. Conclusion and future work .................................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 1 Dashboard ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Figure 2 City Map .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 Category chart .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 Sale chart .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5 Customer chart ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6 Evaluation board....................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 7 Profit Dashboard....................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8 Profit Dashboard ................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9 Filter table................................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 10 Filter table (entered information) ........................................................................................................... 12
Figure 11 Dashboard when filtered......................................................................................................................... 12

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Here is the dashboard after my analysis :

Figure 1 Dashboard

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1. Dashboard description
The above dashboard includes 4 components: City, Sale, Category, Customer.

Figure 2 City Map

The State graph depicts the category earnings in the provinces using the size ratio of the circle (the larger
the circle, the higher the profit). It's also the dashboard's focus chart.

Figure 3 Category chart

About Category, it shows the profit of Category, it is shown then the price of profit earned

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Figure 4 Sale chart
About Sale shows the revenue and profit of each Category over each month, it is shown in the chart above.

Figure 5 Customer chart

The last chart is Customer, which displays the amount and money generated by the number of
things sold. The beauty of the chart is to create two parallel charts to compare and comprehend the
output and profit.

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2. Relationship
The following examples demonstrate the link between the graphs:

Figure 6 Evaluation board

This is a table that displays the color and round scale of the Bang chart, which displays the total profit.

Figure 7 Profit Dashboard

When we choose the low profit region with light green hue and the little circle on the State chart
taking 4,425 profit, the remaining three charts will reveal the profit, total income, and producer of
the company's Category. specified region. Because it is a low return area, it displays three charts;
all categories are included in the data, but the graph is slanted toward low returns and low overall

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Figure 8 Profit Dashboard
When we choose the high profit region with dark green hue and the largest circle on the Bang chart,
which accounts for 65,449 profits, the next three charts will reveal the profit, total earnings, and
profit producer. The selected area's category. Because it is the most profitable region, it displays
three charts with data from all Categories.

Figure 9 Filter table

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To filter the information connected to the data source in this part, we simply need to filter the fields that
we want to display on the chart, such as display by date, area name, and product name. Products. We have
displayed it as follows:

Figure 10 Filter table (entered information)

I selected the Product Category of Electronics, the Area of Oceania, the Product of Keyboard, the City of
Brisbane, and the Date of 1/1/2015 - 31/12/2015. Finally, I received the console shown below.

Figure 11 Dashboard when filtered

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3. Conclusion and future work
Conclusion table containing detailed information regarding each product's Category, Profit, and
Revenue. When you wish to filter information by Category, Region, Month, or Year, for example,
the dashboard is simple to use. It displays all of the information you require. You may, for
example, opt to have the chart indicate how much profit and revenue each region has.

There are various areas that may be studied in the future to increase the dashboard's functionality and
usefulness. They include adding new data sources, implementing machine learning algorithms to
deliver predictive insights, incorporating user feedback to improve user experience, and creating
several versions of the overview page. We will make an effort to make the interface more mobile-
friendly. Moreover, experimenting with novel visualization approaches and data presentation ways
might assist increase dashboard efficiency.

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• JAKE FRANKENFIELD, What Is Business Intelligence (BI). Available at:

https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/business-intelligence-bi.asp [Accessed March 3, 2023].

• ABINAYA A, Business Intelligence Objectives. Available at: https://whataftercollege.com/business-

analytics/business-intelligence-objectives/ [Accessed March 3, 2023].

• Kissflow, What is a Business Process? Available at: https://kissflow.com/workflow/bpm/business-

process/#types [Accessed March 3, 2023]
• Mary K. Pratt, business process. Available at:
https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/business-process [Accessed March 3, 2023]
• Bernardita Calzon, Business Intelligence. Available at: https://www.datapine.com/blog/data-
warehousing-and-business-intelligence-architecture/#definition-bi-architecture [Accessed March 3,
• Toolshero, Business Intelligence Model (BIM). Available at:
https://www.toolshero.com/strategy/business-intelligence-model-bim/ [Accessed March 3, 2023]
• Madhura Gaikwad, What is a Business Process? Available at: https://blog.processology.net/what-is-
a-business-process [Accessed March 3, 2023]

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