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Word Bank 1 Name:

Word Spanish Word Spanish

1 However Sin embargo 9 Stages Etapas

2 After words A continuación 10 Arrange Arreglar

3 Improving Mejorando 11 Guess Conjeturar

4 Monolingual Monolingüe 12 Plummer Plomero

5 Helpful Práctico 13 Gumble Gruñón

6 Self-Sufficient Autosuficiente 14 Deepen Profundizar

7 Opposite Opuesto 15 WHole Entero

8 Itself Si mismo 16 Commonly Comunmente

Word Spanish Use in a short English sentence.

1 Majority Mayoría The majority of my Friends work

2 Account Cuenta Do you have an account in the bank?

3 Damage Daño The damage has been done

4 Undearm Axila My underarms sweat

5 Cabinet Gabinete Put away all the food in those cabinets

6 Janitor Conserje The janitor is parto f the cleaning staff

7 Gern Germen Germs can cause many illnesses

8 backward Atrasado If you don´t study you´ll be backword

9 Raise Aumentar The mínimum wage should be raised

10 Obey Obedecer You need to obey the rules

11 Nearby Cercanao Nearby is the park

12 Typewrier Maquina de Few people use tyoewriters these days


13 Stapler Engrapadora The stapler is empety again

14 Packaing Empaque The are several kinds of packaging

15 staples Grapas The staples are in the desk.

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