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Lucban, Quezon


Activity: Give your interpretation about the picture.


Learning Style process new idea and information. Learning

styles are the different ways people interpret, organize and represent
information. For example, some people learn best by having information
presented to them in in experience, such as in a classroom role playing.
Others need hands-on experience or real-world contexts to fully grasp a
new concept.
1. Based on the picture, which type of learner are you?

Based on the picture the type of learner I was is I’m the girl who
have dirt on her hand. I'm the kind of person who learns better through
experience and is more likely to learn when I'm doing what I see and
hear. Through experiential learning, I have the chance to apply ideas and
data in a real-world setting where I have an active role. As I can interact
with the information, it can become easier to learn. Learning by
experience is one of the best ways to learn creative problem-solving.
Through real-world experiences, I can discover multiple ways to solve a
challenge and receive encouragement to find a unique solution to tasks.

2. Why do you think learning styles exist?

Learning styles play a vital role in the learning process and

contribute to the overall educational environment. Learning styles can be
simply understood as the various techniques that students prefer to use to
perceive and process information and interact with the learning
environment. Identifying the various dimensions of learning styles
provides educators with a greater awareness of the unique characteristics
of learners. Educators can use this awareness to maximize student
learning and support effective education by developing teaching methods
that incorporate various learning styles
3. What do you think are the mode of assessment that should be
given with the diverse students?

Based on my understanding the mode of assessment that should

be given with the diverse students is formative assessment. This type
of assessment can be used with diverse learners, as it allows you to
identify areas where students need more support and help. A
formative assessment can be as simple as posing a question to a
student or listening to a group working on an investigation. Using
multiple, formative assessments can provide lenses into linguistically
diverse students as readers and writers.
Lucban, Quezon




Activity: We are now aware that multi-grade class happens in the remote
barangays. Give your thoughts about the picture.
Based on what I see in the picture, there are only a few students and their
classroom is not like a regular classroom and two grades are together in one
1. How can you integrate technology in the multi-grade class if it is located
in the remote areas?
While most of the attention, and pretty much all of the hype, around the
use of technologies in education focuses on the latest shiny gadgets, in many
places ‘old’ technologies like radio and television are still in widespread use –
although often with slight twists. So as a future educator I will integrate
technology in the multi-grade class even it is located on remote areas by using
Under Interactive Radio Instruction, radio broadcasts are used to prompt specific
actions by teachers and students in the classroom. Interactive Radio Instruction
(IRI) is a teaching methodology in which a radio broadcast guides a teacher and
learners through the activities of a lesson. While listening to the radio, learners
actively participate in the lesson by singing, reading, writing, answering
questions and solving problems in ways that ensure active learning. 
2. What are the seating plans that is applicable in the multi-grade class?
The seating plans that is applicable in the multi-grade class if you hold grade
3 and 4 you can place grade 3 on the right side and grade 4 on the left side. The 3rd
grade can also be on the left side and the grade 4 on the right side, it depends on you.

3. What are the displays that you can suggest in a multi-grade classroom?
Cut spiral binders off teachers’ books and place pages in a ring binder or file
folder. Pull out the pages needed for a week or a unit. Put these into the appropriate
grade’s ring binder (use a different color notebook for each grade). You do not have
to carry all of your teacher’s editions around/home each night. Don’t try to grade
everything. Have students check each other’s papers. Grade quizzes in class
(exchange papers) and record grades immediately. For an absent student record the
missing assignments (the teacher or a student can do this) as you go through the day
and accumulate any worksheets/handouts, etc. Put in folder or large envelope to send
home or to place on student’s desk.


1. Take a picture of your house or your room and discuss at least one
Elements and one Principles of Interior Design that shows.

The colors that I choose for light is green because of that is my favorite
color and I feel relax on this color.  For me green is vitality, freshness, growth,
wealth, balance, health, & youthfulness. What’s fascinating is that as positive
as most of our associations with green are, it carries particular potent negative
connotations as well. The space that I choose is tidy but long enough to fit on
my height.
2. Draw an Interior Design of your Dream House and Discuss the
Basic Interior Design you consider in your Design.
As you can see on my drawing the basic Interior design I always consider the space.
There should be ample room for movement. A room should have a clear passageway
to access the main focal points. Furniture should be placed in a usable manner. I
Considering the practical aspects of the room is of utmost priority when I plan space
utilization. Every room has a function. The interior space planning should be based
keeping in mind the principle purpose of the room. The interior design of a room
should suit its function.
3. In your own words explain the benefits of Basic Interior design in
the Industry.
A lot of thoughts goes into interior design that many of us overlook in our
everyday lives. With so much of our time spent going building to building and
house to house, the interior design is all around and has a big hold over us.
Interior designer know how to make the most certain spaces, from small
apartments or large homes. Without a good understanding or care of interior
design, we would end up with cluttered room and uncomfortably empty
spaces. And most of the workers would say that the design of their workplace
can have an impact on how they are.

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