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A connected, organized network of computers is referred to as a Network Topology.

Topologies are the

structures and designs used to connect computers to one another in networks. There are different kinds of
Topologies and here are some of them and examples of their applications.
First is Star Topology. A spoke-hub distribution model in computer networks is implemented by a star
network. Every host in a star network is linked to the main hub. In its most basic form, communications
are transmitted through a single central hub. One of the most often used computer network topologies is
the star network. Star topology is the most used and popular topology using LANs. Here are some of its
 They are used in small organizations
 They use LAN connections for high speed up to 100MBPS.
 Star topology is used in small networks.

How the star topology is being implemented

- With a star topology setup, each node (such as a computer) within your company or team
connects to one central network device (which could be a hub, a switch, or a computer) via a
cable. The central network is the server, and the other devices are clients
Why do we use star topology
- If one node or connection breaks, the rest of the network remains unaffected. Other computers
and their connections can continue working with zero downtime.
- It’s highly scalable. You can add or remove new computers/devices without disturbing the whole
- Heavy loading = no sweat. Star networks can accommodate many different machines, which
means it’s possible to create an extensive network.
- Star networks are safer in the event of a cyber-attack. Let’s say you run a bank with several
branches. If one branch or office comes under attack, the server will be notified and prevent a
second. One branch goes down, but the others continue running in complete safety.

Bus topologies, commonly referred to as "Line Topologies," are employed in local area networks. All
devices (computers, printers, etc.) in a bus topology network are connected using a single backbone line,
such as coaxial cable, RJ-45, STP, or UTP. Data flows with a bidirectional bus topology (both side). The
entire network will come to a standstill if the backbone wire is ever damaged. It is this topology's
fundamental flaw. Some of its applications are:

 Sharing a landline connection

Take a three-story building as an example. Each floor needs to have a landline connection. The
next step is to apply three landline connections, which is the first choice. However, because each
telephone connection requires a different configuration setting, this method is more expensive.
The second method is to employ a bus topology system, which involves connecting the
telephones on each floor to the main landline cable using telephone connectors.
 Ethernet Systems

The best alternative to LAN networks is the Ethernet network, which has higher data transmission
and reception speeds (10 million bits per second) than LAN networks (LAN).

 Exchange of Resources

With the help of a bus topology network, a variety of I/O devices, including printers, FAX
machines, scanners, etc., can be connected in the office.
How the bus topology is being implemented
- Computers and peripherals are called nodes and are each connected to a single cable on which
data can be sent. A bus network topology has a terminator on each end. These are needed to
ensure that the network functions correctly. The bus carries data along a central cable. As the data
arrives at each computer system, it checks the destination address to see if it matches. If the
address does not match, the node ignores the packet. If the address of the node matches that
contained in the data, it processes the data.
Why do we use bus topology
- it is easy to implement and to add more nodes to the network
- it is quick to set up
- it uses less cabling than some other network topologies and is therefore cost effective

A mesh network is a sort of local area network (LAN) topology in which several devices or nodes are
connected in a non-hierarchical way to enable them to coexist, function together, and offer thorough
network coverage to a larger area than is feasible with a single router. Examples of its applications:

 Communications for the public good

Mesh networks are excellent for off-grid communication systems because they quickly establish a
network that can span great distances. Mesh networks help satisfy the demands of clients in the
public sector. Numerous fire departments, military operations, local law enforcement, and search
and rescue teams used bulky, expensive, overly-engineered solutions that had not undergone
significant modification in many years.

 Environmental monitoring

Sensors are able to communicate in infrastructure and mesh modes because of the developed
procedures. It is possible to quickly examine and track the conditions in any location using a
variety of sensors. System increases system failure tolerance and scalability by allowing each
sensor node to function as a relay.

 Industrial monitoring and control

Mesh networking devices enable communication between sensors in challenging industrial IoT
environments. Sensors integrated into a mesh may provide data on any process or manufacturing
method. If each node reports data at a different rate, the network management will automatically
synchronize each pair of connections to efficiently route traffic.

How the mesh topology is being implemented

- In a mesh topology there is no central connection point. Instead, each node is connected to at least
one other node and usually to more than one. Each node is capable of sending messages to and
receiving messages from other nodes. The nodes act as relays, passing on a message towards its
final destination.
Why do we use mesh topology
- Failure during a single device won’t break the network.
- There is no traffic problem as there is a dedicated point to point links for every computer.
- Fault identification is straightforward.
- This topology provides multiple paths to succeed in the destination and tons of
- It provides high privacy and security.
- Data transmission is more consistent because failure doesn’t disrupt its processes.
- Adding new devices won’t disrupt data transmissions.
- This topology has robust features to beat any situation.
- A mesh doesn’t have a centralized authority.
A tree topology is a unique type of structure in which multiple connected elements, such as a tree's
branches, are controlled. All computers and terminals in the tree topology network are connected to the
central system in a hierarchical manner. The many star topologies that feature a number of single nodes
connected to a centralized node are made possible by tree topology.

 Multiple floors can be connected to one another at large university campuses and hospitals using
a mix of a central bus backbone and a star topology.

 B-trees function similarly to the tree network structure utilized by various computer languages,
including Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and file systems enabled by ext4 and NTFS.

 Additionally, a lot of databases and workstations are organized using this design. Any two
network topologies have the ability to form a single mutual connection to form a tree topology.
How the tree topology is being implemented
- a tree topology is sometimes known as a star bus topology because it combines features
of both star and bus topologies to create a tree-like structure. In this topology, every
branch contains Star Network, and its main structure is designed in the form of a bus
backbone cable. Therefore, the primary bus is attached to one or more buses and
switches, which further connects to one or more Network Devices and Network Nodes. It
is a very flexible computer networking method that allows you to add Network Devices
to this network by simply expanding the Star Network at each branch of a tree. However,
you may need to add or remove devices at certain times.
Why do we use tree topology
- It can support a large number of nodes.
- It can be easily expanded.
- Additionally, tree topologies are highly scalable and can be easily reconfigured.

A ring network is an architecture of a network where each node is connected to exactly two other nodes,
creating a ring-shaped continuous signal channel across each node. Data is transferred from node to node,
with each node handling a packet as it goes.

 Computers are linked together to form Local Area Network (LAN) networks, which use a ring
network to transmit data in a single direction.

 A single geographic area smaller than the WAN is where the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
network is located, however it is larger than a LAN. Multiple LANs are interconnected in MAN.

 Using fiber optics, a large-scale phone conversation and data transfer are made possible by the
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET). Unidirectional data flow is also used, such as in ring
How the ring topology is being implemented
- Ring topology is a kind of arrangement of the network in which every device is linked with two
other devices. This makes a circular ring of interconnected devices which gives it its name. Data
is usually transmitted in one direction along the ring, known as a unidirectional ring. The data is
delivered from one device to the next until it reaches the decided destination. In a bidirectional
ring, data can travel in either direction.
Why do we use ring topology

- because data passes around the network in one direction, there are no network collisions
- adding additional nodes has very little impact on bandwidth


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