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All aspects of procurement require ethical behavior. Fairness and equity must be achieved in all aspects
of company interactions, especially between buyers and sellers. The company created this code of ethics
to prevent unethical behavior, which can negatively impact future revenues and profits and have a
significant impact on company operations. Procurement employees must be well aware of the rules of
ethics that apply to their particular roles and make sure that this knowledge is adequately disseminated
to everyone else as well as to the supplier network. Sustainable procurement must also be practiced to
minimize environmental impacts while also taking social considerations into account.

The established code of ethics that all procurement employees must abide by is listed below:

1. Conflict of Interest
Conflicts of interest can occur in the Procurement Department's operations in a variety of ways,
including the following:
 Employment relationships – an individual may have worked for (or with) a tenderer in the
 Financial interests – an individual may have a financial interest in a company that has
tendered for a contract
 Business relationships – an individual may have received a gift or hospitality from a potential
 Family or personal relationships – an individual may also have a conflict of interest through a
family member or friend.

While providing each end user with the goods they have requested, procurement staff members
must adhere to the company policies and procedures when carrying out daily responsibilities in
order to prevent conflicts of interest.

2. Treatment of Confidentiality Information

 Procurement staff members may have access to sensitive data that could influence a
contract bid or the business award process, such as selection strategies, the ranking of bids
and proposals, the involvement of competitors, and estimates of the competitive range.
 Procurement employees should take the necessary precautions to protect the private
information of the business when conducting a procurement and awarding a contract. This
entails abiding by legal duties, such as those established by the RA 10173, and statutory
confidentiality clauses.
3. Transparency and Accountability

 Procurement staff members are accountable for their actions, decisions, and results related
to the purchase of goods. Procurement employee must be able to explain how the
procurement achieved its objectives in providing the items that have been provided as well
as the goods that were not delivered on time as planned. Yet, the Procurement Department
was responsible for delivering all supplies on time.
 Procurement staff members ensures that the company as well as the qualified suppliers have
equitable access to all system elements, including procurement processes, legislation,
evaluation criteria, technical requirements, and supplier rights. The environment will alter
dramatically as a result of both parties being able to examine or check at any moment, or
even go back and review the procedure, orders, and spending.
4. Due Diligence Process
 Before making a decision or carrying out a transaction on the company's behalf,
procurement staff members must perform an initial background check, gather information,
and analyze it to make sure the suppliers are reliable, trustworthy companies that adhere to
local regulatory authorities.

5. Use of an Appropriately Competitive Process

 According to the needs of the business, the procurement department must ask multiple
vendors to submit bids for the same material, product, or service. Transparency, equality of
opportunity, and the capacity to prove that the results represent the best value are all made
possible by competitive bidding.
 Procurement staff must also regularly evaluate external providers to measure and track their
performance, cut costs, minimize risks, and promote progress.

6. Integrity

 Procurement Department must provide assurance that any information it disseminates,

whether formally or informally, can be relied upon by bidders and all other parties. Hence,
the procurement staff members must make sure the information is accurate and devoid of
bias or uncertainty.

7. Gifts and Gratitude

 Procurement Department are not permitted to accept gifts from suppliers that are being
presented on an individual basis. However, if it is unreasonably impossible or disrespectful to
refuse a present, it should be given to the Admin Officer as soon as possible so that they can
decide where to distribute it.

8. Compliance with Legislative Policies

 Procurement Department must follow established rules.

 Procurement Department must also adhere to the procurement process that has been put in
place in order to achieve those needs, including cost-cutting, supplier management, contract
compliance, risk management, and the implementation of internal technology, policies, and

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