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References for Civil Law Review 1:

1. Civil Law Reviewer by Desiderio P. Jurado

2. Civil Law Reviewer, Volume 1 by Elmer T. Rabuya
3. Reviewer on Civil Law by Timoteo B. Aquino
4. Civil Law Reviewer by Judge Ed Vincent Albano, etc.
5. The Law on Persons and Family Relations by Elmer T. Rabuya
6. Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated – Persons and Family Relations (Articles
1 – 413) by Justice Edgardo L. Paras
7. Persons and Family Relations by Melencio S. Sta. Maria, Jr.
8. Persons and Human Relations by Dean Ernesto L. Pineda
9. Revisiting the Family Code by Judge Recaredo P. Barte
10. Property by Elmer T. Rabuya
11. Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated – Property (Articles 414 - 773) by Justice
Edgardo L. Paras
12. Obligation and Contracts Text and Cases by Melencio S. Sta. Maria, Jr. (only on
the topic of Prescription)
13. Notes and Reviewer in Property by Atty. Mauricio C. Ulep
14. Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated – Prescription; Obligations and Contracts
(Articles 1106 - 1457) by Justice Edgardo L. Paras
15. Property Registration Decree and Related Laws (Land Titles and Deeds) by
Justice Oswaldo D. Agcaoli
16. Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated – Wills and Succession (Articles 774 –
1105) by Justice Edgardo L. Paras
17. Comments and Cases on Succession by Hector S. De Leon, etc.
18. Answers to Bar Exam Questions

With additional reference from the foregoing which were previously given:
Jottings and Jurisprudence in Civil Law (Succession) – by Balane

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