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An analytical study on patient’s satisfaction and

medical facilities provided by multispecialty hospital


Submitted By
<Student Name>

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction....................................................................................................................3
2. Statement of Problem.....................................................................................................4
3. Objectives of Study........................................................................................................4
4. Research Methodology...................................................................................................5
5. Project Analysis Plan:....................................................................................................6
6. Limitation of the study:..................................................................................................6
7. Chapter Design:..............................................................................................................7
8. Literature Review:..........................................................................................................8
9. References:.....................................................................................................................8

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1. Introduction
To satisfy the customer is the best business strategy of all businesses at all times. In many
countries, health care services are not considered as a business, but a "welfare'' service
offered by the public sector. Even though not a business, this sector needs extreme
concentration on improvement in customer needs. On the contrary, in many countries, the
health care services are provided by the private sector. Therefore, the service has become
highly competitive in many countries of the world, including India. Determining the factors
associated with patient satisfaction is a significant issue for health care providers. It is also
important to understand what is valued by patients to know where and how service changes
can be made.

The importance of customers' satisfaction is further delineated by established marketing

theories. According to social marketing theory, service organizations that deliver products
which maintain and improve consumer and societal wellbeing, successfully target their
consumers and better fulfill their consumers' needs, will have greater customer satisfaction
and organizational success. Brennan defines satisfaction as, "the appraisal, by an individual,
of the extent to which the care provided has met that individual's expectation and

The purpose of this research is to study the patients satisfaction and medical facilities
provided by multispecialty hospital with special reference to Kempegowda Institute of
Medical Science in Bangalore by collecting information through survey, using questionnaire,
and then statistically determining factors and elements of dissatisfaction. The main factors
were determined in the questionnaire are focusing on the following: quality, access, and
interpersonal issues. The findings of the study suggest that respondents are overall satisfied
with the services provided and they are getting during their visits to the hospital, however the
management can implement continuous improvements of quality and safely in the future to
improve its service as per private hospitals in the areas.

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2. Statement of Problem

Bangalore city has many private and public hospitals. The private hospitals have already
focused on the improvement of the service part of the patients and are therefore more popular
for health treatment. However they are not affordable and lack of medical facilities, so
patients are obliged to have their treatment at public hospitals.

The Kempegowda Institute of Medical Science in Bangalore has therefore already a

competitive advantage. But the hospital should not only gain its important position through
this channel but also through becoming more customer oriented, as patients should become
more willingly to enter the hospital.

We have done this study to identify whether 1) patient satisfaction depends on the service
provided and medical facilities at a reasonable cost. 2) satisfaction differs from a new patient
and a old or regular patient. 3) the recovery time is a earlier the recovery from the disease,
more satisfied the patient. 4) waiting time, perception about the performance of the staff, all
contributes to the patient satisfaction.

3. Objectives of Study

Primary Objective

 To assess satisfaction level of the overall satisfaction level of the patients in a public

Secondary Objective
 To study the overall satisfaction level of the patients admitted in the hospital
 To identify and described the conditions of patients at the hospital and treatment

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 To examine the existing problems of the hospital and the perception of patients
towards the facilities of the hospital and performance of staff

4. Research Methodology

A research design is a arrangement of conduction’s for collection for analysis of data in a

manner that aims to combine relevance to the success of the research purpose. There are 3
basic type of research design, Exploratory Research Design, Descriptive Research Design,
and Experimental Research Design. Out of the research design said above the research design
took for the study was Descriptive Research Design.

Methods of data collection:

The method of data collection to be used for the study contains two types of data called
Primary and Secondary data. The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for
the first time and thus happen to be original in character. The questionnaire so designed is
structured one. Keeping in view the objective of the study the questionnaire is designed. In
this study we have prepare questionnaire and conduct survey, personal interview with HR
processionals at requirement consultancy firm. The secondary data’s are collected regarding
the details of the effectiveness of search methods. It is collected from the existing database
which is maintained by the company. The tools used for the secondary data were collected
through company profile, organization website and other related library books. Due to the
nature of the research, which is based on conducting the research using qualitative research
approach, which needs to make a deep investigation the authors discovered and applied
interviews as the relevant data collection method. Therefore the authors used survey as the
main data collection method.

Sampling Plan:
Sample Unit : Outdoor patient of KIMS, Bangalore
Sampling Size : 150 patient
Sampling Method : Simple Random Sampling

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Statistical Tools Used
Microsoft excel tabular data, simple percentage and pie chart are used to present data

5. Project Analysis Plan:

The appropriate methods of data analysis are determined by the data types and variables of
interest, the actual distribution of the variables, and the number of cases. Once a plan has
been established, it could contain any combination of the following types of data analysis
• Exploratory: This type of data analysis often occurs when a program is new, and it is
unclear what to expect from the data.
• Descriptive: The most common type of data analysis, this approach will summarize
your findings and describe the sample.
In this project, we are planning to use percentage analysis test to get the results easier.

6. Limitation of the study:

The present study is subjected to the following limitations:

 The study is done based on outdoor patient survey of Kempegowda Institute of

Medical Science Hospital, Bangalore.
 The collected data may differ in the future because the patient’s opinion may change
in the future.
 This study is done on selected hospital and selected city, result may not applicable to
other parts of country
 Only 150 patients are contacted during this survey, which is very limited

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7. Chapter Design:

The following are the bird’s view of the details included in the chapters of the study
This chapter deals with the brief outline of the project rendering an introduction to the
topic, about the project and implications of the project.
This chapter deals with the review of literature relevant to the topic and company
Chapter -3
This chapter renders the methodology of the research, which includes objectives,
research design, data collection, sampling, analytical tools adopted in the study and the
limitations of the study.
This chapter deals with the analysis of the data collected with the help of various
statistical tools.
This chapter summarizes the entire process of the current research through a briefing
about the various findings and suggestions.
This chapter gives the conclusion drawn by the researcher on the study

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8. Literature Review:

The Concept of Service Quality

Service quality has been described as a form of attitude, which is related to but not equal to
satisfaction, that results from the assessment of expectations with performance, in other\
words, service quality can be described as “the differences between customer expectations
and perceptions of service” (Bolton and Drew, 1991; Parasuraman, et al., 1988). Service
quality is a measure of how thriving the service rendered meet customer expectations.
Rendering quality service means meeting the requirement of customer expectations on
regular basis (Lewis and Booms 1983).

Patients Satisfaction
Patient satisfaction could be described as the patient’s optimistic appraisal of the health care
service he/she experienced. This appraisal is dependent on the patient subjective comparison
of what he/she expects to receive as health care services and what is actually being rendered
by the health care service provider (Desai, 2011, p. 41). In addition, satisfaction is likely to
occur when the health care services rendered to the patient are perceived to be up to or more
than the patient expectation. In a situation where the patient perceived health care services
less than what he or she expects, dissatisfaction is likely to transpire (Desai, 2011, p. 41).

9. References:
 Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, New Delhi; New Age International Publication,
second edition.
 Bhat , R.(1993). The private/public mix in health care in India. Health Policy and
 HavvaÇaha (2010), 'Service Quality in Private Hospitals in Turkey'; Journal of
Economic and Social Research 9(1), 55-69.

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 International Institute of for Population sciences (IIPS) and Macro International 2007,
Report of National Family Health Survey (NFHS- 3) for Gujarat, India: Mumbai: IIPS

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