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Law & Kenneth Brief Format


Subject: Medical summit (name of the event to be suggested by the
agency) – Logo and PPT template

0. Marketing Objectives:

Medical tourism is growing in a big way in India and all the hospitals are focus on International markets
to get more and more Indians to come to India for their medical treatments. Hence we plan to do a
summit where in the best of the best Doctors in India who have specialized in different fields like –
Neurology, Cardiac, etc

1. Advertising Objectives: (What should advertising achieve?)

2. Target Consumer: (Write those details that give clarity on his behavior)

For sponsorship – to get hospitals and medical companies in India and Dubai
End consumer – for the NRI audience in ME to make them aware about the medical treatments
available in India

3. What is the brand or consumer barrier you want to overcome/opportunity


 Lack of awareness amongst the NRI’s regarding the hospitals and docs in India for their

4. Main Message: (One inspiring thing that you want to say to your TG)

TIMES NOW plans to do a medical summit in Dubai where we would be getting best of the best
docs from different medical fields to talk about the services and the benefits of doing treatment in

5. Reason-to-Believe: (Why will this message be believable/credible?)

 TIMES NOW presence in ME

6. Consumer Insight: (What is that trend or truth about the consumer that will make him
vulnerable or excited about your message/brand/category)

7. Brand Personality:

8. Desired Response:

To get sponsorship for this event

9. Creative Triggers:

10. Mandatory:


Medical summit look and feel

11. Deliverables:

Logo and template

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