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Multiple Choice

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.

Entrepreneurship is a key to national
development and the solution to many problems. The
process of Entrepreneurship is like planting a new
tree. An entrepreneur is like a tree. A tree provides
filtered air for humans, fruits for kids, grass for
animals, a home for birds, and wood for the farmer.
The followings are several reasons why
entrepreneurship is important in the modern world.
Entrepreneurs start a new business. We need
high-quality products and services at lower princess
due to the higher inflation rate. When new
entrepreneurs come, they bring new ideas to the
market. They create new solutions to old problems.
They create perfect competition in the market,
consumer gets high-quality products and services at lower prices.
In society, when entrepreneurs become successful, they inspire social development. They spend
part of their income on the development of the education of poor children. They invest in growing natural
resources. They inspire young people to become responsible for their duty toward the nation. They
participate in government initiatives in educational and national development directly or indirectly.
In economic development, entrepreneurship is a source of income for the government.
Entrepreneurs small and big all pay GST to the government. If there is no tax and then there is no
government. Moreover, entrepreneurship increases the demand for goods and services. When they start
they need infrastructure to run a business. Such as when a startup starts a business they need a computer,
an internet connection, a website for business, etc. In return, the government and other entrepreneurs get
Entrepreneurship is important for an individual to become rich in life. Entrepreneurship is
important for financial freedom and wealth. Today, you can see people working for companies and doing
their jobs. That’s great, but I don’t think all have the freedom to choose their working and family hours.
They have fix routine. They have fixed incomes, and most part of their income is invested in liabilities. If
they start their own business, then they can achieve more in less time, even if they do or run a part-time
online business, they can increase their income.
Entrepreneurship education is really important for graduates and senior secondary school
students. If they learn about marketing then in future they can market their skills and knowledge and will
get good jobs. If they learn about finance and money in college then they can spend wisely and save more.
If they learn entrepreneurship, they will learn how to take responsibility for their own success and
happiness in life. And they also learn how how to help others with their talent, skills, and products.
Above all, it is proved that entrepreneurship brings a positive atmosphere. Be good students who
have dreams and hopes, and are ready to explore innovation in the country.

1. What is the topic of the text above?

A. The description of entrepreneurship jobs.
B. The benefits of entrepreneurship.
C. The education of entrepreneurship.
D. The importance of entrepreneurship.
E. The development of entrepreneurship.
2. Why is entrepreneurship like planting a tree?
A. It is a solution to an economic problem.
B. It will be beneficial for many aspects of life.
C. It can increase people’s wealth step by step.
D. It can raise positive personality and attitudes.
E. It grows very well through education and habits.
3. What is the most important aspect of entrepreneurship education?
A. Curiosity.
B. Self-control
C. Responsibility
D. Success
E. Achievement
4. Why do entrepreneurs have more freedom?
A. They have many choices in their lives.
B. They are free to choose their work and time.
C. They have no relationships with other people.
D. They have more chances to do their hobbies.
E. They are free to maintain their relationships with others.
5. What does the writer hope by writing the text?
A. People create perfect competitions.
B. People find solutions to many problems.
C. People are interested to become entrepreneurs.
D. People will be responsible for their duties.
E. People start their own businesses at a young age.

The following text is for questions 6 to 8.

Too Much Technology
Have you ever walked down the street and noticed that almost every single person is walking
with their face down watching a screen? It seems that technology has completely taken over our lives
today! Kids aren’t getting outside and playing anymore so they don’t have any imagination and they
certainly aren’t getting any exercise. Too much technology in our lives means that we don’t have real
conversations and therefore we are becoming disconnected from each other. Technology makes us
stressed and frustrated so it is time that we take a break and drag our eyes away from the screens.
Children today lack imagination and aren't able to just go outside and play. They spend so much
time staring at a screen and playing games that they no longer have the skills needed to be creative and
have fun without technology. All this time spent sitting down using technology is definitely bad for the
health of the children in our country. Kids should be out in the fresh air, running around and having fun,
not shut in a dark, dreary room staring at a screen like a zombie.
Technology is also tearing families and friendships apart. Instead of having real conversations
with our family and friends, we are having disjointed and unrealistic conversations using social media.
This means that we aren’t really showing each other our true selves. We need to have face-to-face
conversations in order to truly connect with people. Is it really that hard to put down the phone and have a
proper conversation with someone?
It is also important to realize that technology can make us frustrated and angry. This is especially
true when things start to break down and not work. Staring down at a screen all day is not good for our
mental health and makes us tired and irritable. Everyone would be so much happier if they gave up the
technology and went outside for a lovely long walk or had a nice picnic. Technology is annoying,
irritating, and awful.
Overall, it is obvious that our lives would be so much better with less technology. Instead of
playing computer games and using social media, children could get outside in beautiful fresh air and
enjoy the sunlight. They would be healthier and fitter if it weren’t for technology. All this technology is
detaching people and preventing us from really connecting with each other. We would all be less grumpy
and irritable if we weren't spending our days staring at a screen. It’s time to rally together and get rid of all
this technology to create a happier, healthier society!

6. According to the passage above, what is the impact of children lacking outdoor activities?
A. They tend to be lazy in doing school assignments.
B. They are reluctant to communicate with others.
C. They are likely to be less imaginative.
D. They demand high-end gadgets.
E. They always feel frustrated.
7. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text above?
A. Convincing people to avoid excessive use of technology.
B. Persuading people to do more outdoor activities.
C. Describing people who get the impacts of technology.
D. Explaining the impacts of excessive use of technology.
E. Telling the people about the benefits of avoiding excessive use of technology.
8. The following sentence which contains modality is … .
A. “This is especially true when things start to break down and not work.”
B. “It seems that technology has completely taken over our lives today!”
C. “Children today lack imagination and aren't able to just go outside and play.”
D. “Technology is annoying, irritating, and awful.”
E. “We need to have face-to-face conversations in order to truly connect with people.”
The following text is for questions 9 to 12.
What is Empathy and Why is It Good for Us?
In today’s world of 24-hour news and social media, our
lives are exposed to other people, or to juxtapose, their lives are
exposed to us! The influence of media is such that it can mispresent a
person’s knowledge of specific events. Depending on the angle the
media is taking, we are so often influenced to a certain way of
thinking which can lead to being judgemental or biased without really
knowing the facts. Being emphatic can help us look at all angles and
understand another person’s perspective of the situation they are in
without judgment. Empathy in its simplest form is to have a sense and
awareness of the emotions of other people. It is the ability to
understand what others are feeling and imagine what they may be
experiencing. There are some benefits of being empathetic. Let’s check them out.
Empathy is an important and vital skill. Being able to understand the needs of those around you
and have a clear understanding of the perception you create with the way you are to others will enhance
your communication skills. This will enable you to better understand the needs of your colleagues, clients,
family, and friends and build social connections. Social connections are the relationships we have with
those around us. To feel connected to others is hugely important for our optimal well-being. It is the very
basis of human relationships and helps us to feel valued, loved, and cared for.
Empathy improves our capacity to communicate well with others, not just individually but as part
of a team. It will help you to effectively lead and inspire others, and develop more compassionate
relationships. Empathetic leaders inspire their teams to perform at their best. They pay attention. They are
aware of the needs and contributions of others. As a consequence of their commitment to their staff, they
build a common vision and loyalty.
Empathy can boost cultural awareness. Understanding and working well with individuals from
other cultures is a process that involves partnerships based on empathy, curiosity, and respect. According
to research, after being encouraged to explore the viewpoints of black males in images or films, white
people had more favorable interracial relationships. We may help people develop cultural competency by
fostering empathy and modeling it. Empathy, in turn, fosters empathy.
In conclusion, empathy gives us many benefits. We can build social connections when we have
empathy. Being empathetic can also lead someone to gain good leadership skills and cultural awareness.

9. Which of the following shows the point?

A. In today’s world of 24-hour news and social media, our lives are exposed to other people, or to
juxtapose, their lives are exposed to us!
B. Empathy improves our capacity to communicate well with others, not just individually but as part
of a team.
C. It will help you to effectively lead and inspire others, and develop more compassionate
D. It is the very basis of human relationships and helps us to feel valued, loved, and cared for.
E. The influence of media is such that it can mispresent a person’s knowledge of specific events.
10. According to the passage, which of the following traits are possessed by an empathetic leader?
A. Loyal, visionary, and disciplined
B. Inspiring, attentive, and loyal
C. Inspiring, loyal, and sincere
D. Honest, attentive, and loyal
E. Disciplined, visionary, and caring
11. How does empathy entail optimal well-being?
A. Empathy can make someone lead other persons which can make him/her gain optimal well-being.
B. Empathy lets someone release stress and build optimal well-being.
C. Empathy increases someone’s communication skills as an important aspect of optimal well-being
D. Empathy can build social connections that are important for optimal well-being.
E. Empathy can make someone inspire others which can develop one’s well-being.
12. “They are aware of the needs and contributions of others.”
The following word that has the least similar meaning to the italicized word above is … .
A. tenacious
B. apprehensive
C. attentive
D. cognizant
E. mindful

The following text is for questions 13 to 18.

"Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt
locking in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until mine is on
tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt is as simple as choosing between life and death. Which one do you
Think about it. When you're driving in a car, you may be going 60 MPH or faster. That car is
zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of you locks up his or her brakes. Your driver doesn't have
time to stop. The car that you are in crashes. Your car was going 60 miles per hour. Now it has suddenly
stopped. Your body, however, is still going 60 MPH. What's going to stop your body? Will it be the
windshield or your seat belt? Every time that you get into a car you make that choice. I choose the seat
Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts cramp their style, or that
seat belts are uncomfortable. To them, I say, what's more uncomfortable? Wearing a seat belt or flying
through a car windshield? What's more uncool? Being safely anchored to a car, or skidding across the
road in your jean shorts? Wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable than the alternatives.
Let's just take a closer look at your choices. If you are not wearing your seat belt, you can hop
around the car and slide in and out of your seat easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But, you are also
more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt, you have to stay in your seat.
That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accident. Hmmm... A
small pleasure for serious pain. That's a tough choice. I think that I’ll avoid the serious pain.
How about giving money away? Do you like to give your money away? Probably not. And when
you don't wear your seat belt, you are begging to give your money away. That's because kids are required
to wear seat belts in every state in America. If you're riding in a car, and you don't have a seat belt on, the
police can give you or your driver a ticket. Then you will have to give money to the city. I'd rather keep
my money, but you can spend yours how you want.
Wearing a seat belt does not make you invincible. You can still get hurt or killed while wearing
your seat belt. But wearing them has proven to be safer than driving without them. You are much less
likely to be killed in a car wreck if you are wearing a seat belt. You are much less likely to get seriously
injured if you are wearing one. So why not take the safer way? Why not go the way that has been proven
to result in fewer deaths? You do want to live, don't you?
13. Which title best expresses the main idea of this text?
A. Car Accidents: Ways That We Can Prevent Them
B. Slow Down: Save Lives By Driving Slower
C. Seat Belts: Wear Them to Survive Any Wreck
D. Why Not? Improve Your Odds with Seat Belts
E. The Benefits of Wearing Seat Belts
14. Which best expresses the main idea of the fifth paragraph?
A. Seat belts are a waste of money.
B. People don't like to give money away.
C. Not wearing a seat belt may cost you.
D. Seat belt laws save lives.
E. People who don’t wear seat belts must give money.
15. Which statement would the author most likely agree with?
A. Being safe is more important than being cool.
B. Moving freely around a car is worth the risks.
C. Seat belts will keep you safe in any car accident.
D. You should be most concerned with your comfort.
E. A windshield can be useful to avoid car accidents.
16. Do you believe that the author is more interested in being safe or comfortable? Refer to the text in
your response.
17. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
18. Identify the language features used in the text including simple present tense, material process, and
modality. (mention at least 2 for each)

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