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unit One: The topic ... —{ RAM PUBLICATIONS LENGTH ; Js qa paragraph may vary in length. (2) Some paragraphs are quite short; others are extremely long. (3) Most paragraphs have more than three sentences 1n them and poually have between 100 and 200 words. ; i rn EE) an Oak a . cabs Sa THe Ge Se Yoneda ao) He bo Fa) Now Ask Yourself meet OI jG 1, What is a paragraph? It is the basic unit of composition and it is a group of sentences which develop one central idea. gre papier ne har Dank 32 32d i a ME SK-) 2. What is the proper “Punctuation” for a paragraph? Where is it located in the paragraph? Indentation- Leaving a blank space at the beginning of the paragraph taySage BSUS ls 99 He ag SAM Sle FE we Fas ¥ ay ary SISYY GLE! 2S Be SM Pe ota 3, How long should a paragraph be? More than three sentences and between 100 and 200 words eal Tee E Vee ga galert Nee task adh pay SEY Ih oT TOPIC VERSUS TOPIC SENTENCE lye alee fli le (1) The first sentence of a paragraph is usually called the topic sentence. (2) You may have noticed in your reading of ecrtain English texts that it is possible to place the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph (as a kind of conclusion), or even in the middle (as a kind of link between the two parts) It is even possible is implied or suggested. (4) Be aware of these possibilities when you read; otherwise, you might miss the point which the author is trying to make. (5) When you write, however, remember that a topic sentence placed at the beginning of a paragraph is the clearest kind of paragraph organization - simple, effective, casy for you to manage, and easy for your reader to understand. ed ell pl plage Sy 9 Sal Ghee (1 ape tte ole or Vyas GUSTY Se Spt alee (4 9 a bh obaal sly) SITY Oe Pb Cs pSene es alpen) Ll 2p ole Alar of ach U preg lye dee Leal ole cl tal EL lee thar OSA Mel St Soe ase de phe ON San caype gl pep Heth AT YL! Gye Sm salle pita (fog ge eee prekmeye SSI aad 59 oS gyse alae AF A Ab th LE 4s (lh 9 J (0 ep ti ae ge | ey WN Sp Ly JAS Hy he tal IST ale boxes NS ie (1) What makes a good topic sentence? (2) The most important thing to remember i this point is that in a topic sentence, always try 10 make a statement about your bi which limits it to a certain extent: SSM alae bis ay bel po Seb aS Sle Sa paee fob hse @ oe See der SO UG ate lye alee Tov; sil agare sagan Ul, GTS aaesSe lee aye 2 Sie S OTS ‘pic Sentence = TOPIC + LIMITING STATEMENT sauS aso See glyee glee alae

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