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On the Measurement of Ram-Pump Power by Changing in Water

Hammer Pressure Wave Energy

Corresponding Author : Babak Lashkar-Ara

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jundi-Shapur
University of Technology, Dezful, Iran, P.O.Box : 64615-334
E-mail :

Second Author: Reza Fatahi-Alkouhi

Msc Student in Civil Engineering, Jundi-Shapur University of
Technology, Dezful, Iran
E-mail address :

© 2019 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
1 On the Measurement of Ram-Pump Power by Changing in Water Hammer
2 Pressure Wave Energy
6 The renewable energy protocol in the world pushed most countries to extensive use of renewable
7 energy sources, in exchange for a reduction of energy from conventional sources. In this article,
8 the possibilities of exchange the water hammer energy to a column of water pressure evaluated
9 experimentally. For this purpose, a ram pump made by two-inch internal diameter. Results
10 indicated that ram pump power such as relative useful power (Pd/PT) and relative waste power
11 (Pw/PT) were depended to length to diameter ratio of drive pipe (L/D), the relative energy due to
12 steady flow velocity and impulse valve features (Ea/Ei), and the ratio of required pumping
13 energy to maximum energy of water hammer (Ep/Em). The results showed that the mountainous
14 area has potential to generate energy from water hammer as renewable energy, for a water
15 system in highland that continuously needs to pumping water.
17 Keywords: Ram pump, Power, Renewable energy, Water hammer, Impulse valve.
19 1 Introduction
21 Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower
22 environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. In most cases, renewable energy
23 will not run out ever. Other sources of energy are finite and will some day be depleted. Most
24 renewable energy investments are spent on materials and workmanship to build and maintain the
25 facilities, rather than on costly energy imports. In this study, renewable energy from the pressure
26 surge is investigated. The pressure energy of water hammer has been identified as a destructive
27 energy that is capable of destroying the pipelines and pumping station. Creation of destructive
28 energy due to water hammer was caused that researchers tried to apply this energy to pump
29 water in water transfer system. To provide the efficiency of energy conversion facilities is one of
30 the purposes of this study. For this purpose, based on pre-designed maps, the ram pump was
31 built. In general, ram pump is a device which operates without any external energy such as
32 electric energy or fossil fuels and pumps a portion of total input discharge of supply source
33 (spring, river and natural streams) using water hammer energy after occurring alternative cycle.
34 In each cycle, the ram pumps create water hammer phenomenon and management its energy to
35 pump water.
37 1.1 The working cycle of ram pumps
39 The cycle of ram pump has divided into the three phases: (a) acceleration, (b) pumping, and (c)
40 recoil. At the start of acceleration phase, the flow in the drive pipe is at rest. Impulse valve is
41 open, and the delivery valve is closed. The flow accelerates under the action of the supply head
42 until the dynamic force this flow exerts on the impulse valve is sufficient to cause it to begin
43 closing. Flow velocity in drive pipe continues to increase, and the impulse valve starts to close at
44 a certain critical velocity. At the end of acceleration phase, the impulse valve is closed rapidly,
45 and water hammer phenomenon occurs. Pumping now takes place as shock waves induced by
46 water hammer passing up and down the drive pipe at the velocity of the pressure wave and the
47 delivery valve is opened in response to each pressure pulse and flow is pumped toward the
48 storage tank. Recoil, the reversal of flow in the drive pipe, occurs at the end of the pumping
49 phase after becoming closed the delivery valve. The suction resulting from the recoil causes the
50 impulse valve to open, and the cycle is ready to begin again. Components of a ram pump system
51 show in figure 1.

Figure 1 Components of hydraulic ram pump system

1 1.2 Review of the previous studies
3 The ram pump was invented by Whitehurst in 1797 to supply water to a brewery factory. After
4 the invention of the hydraulic ram pump, there were unsuccessful attempts to provide a rational
5 theory to explain the ram pump performance until the end of the ninetieth century, until it
6 became clear, the water hammer plays main application on the ram pump performance [2]. After
7 identifying effective factor on the ram pump performance, the first rational theory presented to
8 describe ram pump performance by dividing cycle of ram pump into the four time zones. In this
9 theory, pumping phase is occurring when the impulse valve is closed, and the propagation of
10 pressure waves occurs in the drive pipe after water hammer [3]. Sometimes later, the first
11 rational model modified by considering elasticity of drive pipe. Therefore, the cycle of ram
12 pump divided into the six time zones, and governing equations on each phase were presented
13 [4]. Also, a complex theory was presented to design ram pumps with any size after dividing
14 cycle of ram pump into the seven time zones. In this theory, loss values of the ram pump system
15 were considered [5]. An analysis of ram pump performance was presented based on Rankine’s
16 equations. In this theory, the average time-dependent values were used in a one-dimensional
17 unsteady state. The results of this model presented in the form of curves to determine relative
18 pumping discharge versus parameters of efficiency and head ratio for various ratios of velocity
19 [6]. After developing analytical models, experimental studies expanded on different components
20 of ram pump system. Studies showed that increasing of length stroke of impulse valve caused to
21 increase efficiency and decrease the frequency of impulse valve exponentially [7]. Numerical
22 study of ram pump performance showed that the exact theories for predicting the performance of
23 ram pumps were complex. In this numerical model, an increase or a decrease in speed during
24 acceleration, and the duration of impulse valve closure were linear. The outputs of this model
25 were the delivered quantity, pump efficiency and cycle time [8]. A simplified model was
26 presented based on Newton's equations of motion and taking into account loss factors and
27 boundary conditions. The results of this model compared with the measurements of Plexiglas’
28 model of a hydraulic ram pump. In particular, the time dependence of the flow velocity in the
29 drive pipe, the water volume delivered per work cycle and the efficiency determined
30 experimentally as the functions of various parameters [9]. In addition to analytical and numerical
31 methods, a graphical approach presented in order to design ram pumps. This method was
32 evaluated using the experimental results [10]. A simple mathematical model was used to
33 describe the operation of the ram pump. In this model, the fluid-structure interaction
34 mechanisms were not included for the sake of simplicity [11]. Two design equations (H=Bqh and
35 nL=Aqh) were presented as a simple method to design a ram pump system. These equations
36 contained some empirical factors (A and B) which depended upon ram size, delivery head,
37 material, the wall thickness of the drive pipe and the configuration of the impulse valve [12]. A
38 simplified analysis presented under ideal condition (Recoil is zero) for ram pump action. Under
39 this condition, four equations offered to design the ram pump. The relations (1) to (4) can use for
40 designing ram pumps in sizes of 19 to 102 mm [13].
nLD 2 = 20qh (1)
HD 2 = 4.6qh (2)
QT = 0.7D (3)
L max = 110HD (4)
41 Also, under the ideal condition and by using experimental results of previous researchers, design
42 ranges of dimensionless parameters were introduced [14]. A numerical model developed for the
43 analysis of water hammer pressure waves in the drive pipe, and the impact of the waves on the
44 ram pump components was examined [15]. A study performed to the technical feasibility of
45 wave power for seawater desalination using the ram pump. In this study after evaluating the
46 change of velocity in time cycle on the velocity-time diagram, a relationship presented between
47 quantities delivered and drive pipe diameter [16]. A mathematical model presented by using the
48 method of characteristic. In this model, the mathematical modeling of particular components
49 such as drive and delivery pipes, supply and storage tanks and ram pump device explained in
50 detail. Then by using boundary conditions, 11 equations with 11 dependent variables were
1 solved by an iterative procedure for each time step of the computational run. The outputs of
2 model presented in the form of pressure and velocity versus time graphs [17]. Effect of air
3 chamber on the ram pumps performance examined by the experimental method. Evaluation of
4 results showed that the efficiency of the ram pump without air chamber was about 1 percent and
5 the efficiency of the ram pump with air chamber was about 20 percent [18]. Experimental
6 evaluation showed that the adding a short cambered diffuser between the elbow and the impulse
7 valve in the ram pump caused to increase the ram pump efficiency to 53 percent [19]. Also, by
8 adding an off-the-shelf clap check valve on the ram pump, the efficiency of pump increased over
9 30 percent. As well, the results of the field observations showed that this ram pump supplied the
10 irrigation of lands for North area of Thailand with the efficiency of 44 percent in the range of six
11 weeks [20]. An empirical equation was presented to determine the efficiency of hydraulic ram
12 pumps by using experimental data and nonlinear regression. This equation can be used for ram
13 pumps with diameter of 19 to 102 mm [21]. A study was conducted on the size of an air pocket
14 within an air vessel and tried to describe how it affects important parameters of the system, i.e.,
15 the pressure in the pipe, stored pressure, flow velocity, displaced volume of water and water
16 level in the compressed air vessel. Results present a specific range of air pockets based on a
17 dimensionless parameter extractable for other real systems [22].
19 1.3 Objectives of present study
21 The laboratory observations during evaluation of hydraulic ram pump performance in the
22 Laboratory of Hydraulic and River Engineering of the Jundi-Shapur University of Technology
23 showed that the adjustment of a pumping system equipped a ram pump requires more knowledge
24 of variation of flow energy in this category of systems to design a pumping system for producing
25 maximum useful power and finally pumping more discharge toward savory height. Analysis of
26 the rate of energy changes in drive pipe has not reported in the other papers. Therefore, this
27 article is provided to assess energy variation of ram pump during work cycle of it using the
28 experimental and analytical method. Since the performance of ram pump has high complexity,
29 thus, simplify and logic assumptions were applied during of attains the governing equations.
30 Evaluation of pressure signal measured in previous studies and analysis of hydraulic flow in the
31 ram pumps redounded to present an energy variation diagram of flow in the drive pipe
32 concerning the time, and governing relations on the three phases of ram cycle offered.
33 Identifying the operative parameters on ram pump power and evaluating each of these in various
34 laboratory conditions led to the use of dimensional analysis and experimental model. A
35 sensitivity analysis of effects of dependent parameters on independent parameters was carried
36 out. The design method of ram pump used in the study is provided by introducing empirical
37 relations and design graphs. Finally, a case study is presented to calibrate and compare the
38 performance of ram pump used in this study and its design method with Wilcox's ram pump.
40 2 Methodology
42 2.1 Analytical model
44 The rate of energy changes in drive pipe evaluates concerning the time. Therefore, figure 2 is
45 presented to show details of energy changes in drive pipe for three phases of the cycle and
46 governing equations present in each phase separately. Each analytical model requires
47 simplifying assumptions to offer. In this article, six fundamental assumptions have used. They
48 can classify in several parts. (1) pressure pulses due to water hammer can ignore due to
49 complexity, (2) water levels in supply source and storage tank or points 1 and 4 in figure 1
50 consider constant and their velocities assume zero, (3) portion of input discharge that perishes
51 throughout impulse valve during acceleration phase is in contact with free air before closing the
52 impulse valve, (4) flow velocity during closure of impulse valve is constant and is equal to uc,
53 (5) loss values in delivery pipe have not significant influence on the ram pump performance and
54 can be ignored of them, and (6) flow velocity in drive pipe at the moment of closing impulse
55 valve at the end of pumping phase is zero.

Figure 2 Details of energy-time diagram for three main phases of ram pump
2 Unsteady flow of liquids through a drive pipe with the circular cross-section has governed by the
3 equations of continuity and momentum. One of the perfect methods for solving these equations
4 in the water hammer problems is the method of characteristics (MOC method). Tacke (1988)
5 provided a complete analysis of ram pump performance. In this article, a simplified model has
6 presented by constituting previous models and energy equation.
7 According to the hydraulic flow and by figures 1 and 2, at the beginning of the flow acceleration
8 and in point 1, the primary energy of flow is E1. Using the energy equation at this point, the
9 primary energy of flow is equal to Hs or supply head. In the first phase of the cycle, water flow
10 accelerates, and exiting of loss values (j) in pumping system caused to create energy loss (ΔE) in
11 drive pipe. At the moment of movement threshold of impulse valve to close (t=Ta-tc), the flow
12 energy is equal to Hs-ΔE. Assuming that the required velocity for closing impulse valve at
13 closing period is constant, the amount of energy loss is equal to juc2/2g, where uc is critical
14 velocity required to close impulse valve. In the period of closing the impulse valve (tc), flow
15 energy of Ei creates due to features of impulse valve, and at the end of acceleration phase and
16 before the complete closing of impulse valve, energy flow in point 2 is determined using
17 equation (5).
u c2
E2 = H s − j + Ei (5)
18 Where E2 is flow energy in point 2 at the end of acceleration phase and before the closing of
19 impulse valve completely. Loss values of the pumping system and critical velocity of flow in it
20 determine using equations (6) and (7).
j =ξ +f +c (6)
uc = (7)
K d ρAv
21 Where ξ is sum of loss values caused by the bends and traps that used in drive pipe, f is loss
22 coefficient of Darcy-Weisbach, L is the length of drive pipe, D is drive pipe diameter, c is
23 friction coefficient of impulse valve, W is weight of impulse valve, Av is disc area of impulse
24 valve, ρ is fluid density, and Kd is drag coefficient. To complete analytical model, knowledge of
25 impulse valve coefficients is essential. Factors of Kd and c can express as a function of the ratio
26 of impulse valve diameter ( Dv ) to length strokes of it ( S 0 ). According to law of drag force, the
27 values of drag coefficient are such that Wg/ρAvuc2. By measuring critical velocity
28 experimentally, Kd can determine for specific ratios of S0/Dv. Also, friction coefficient can
29 determine experimentally. Flow velocity in drive pipe established lower than critical velocity
30 ( u 0 < u c ), and using water monometer difference of energy line between sides of impulse valve
31 was measured for various ratios of S0/Dv. Laboratory measurements of impulse valve factors
32 show in figures 3 and 4.

Figure 3 Results of drag coefficient in versus ratio Figure 4 Results of friction coefficient in versus
of S0/Dv ratio of S0/Dv
34 The continuous curves passing through the experimental points in figures 3 and 4 can express by
35 empirical equations of (8) and (9).
S 
K d = 0.0453 ×  0  (8)
 Dv 
S 
c = 0.7312 ×  0  (9)
 Dv 
36 Therefore, flow energy due to impulse valve features before the complete closing of impulse
37 valve is determined using equation (10).
Ei = (10)
1 As well, flow energy in steady state contains energy loss values of the pumping system is
2 determined using equation (11).
u 02
Ea = (11)
3 Where Ea is flow energy due to flow velocity in steady state or u0 ( 2 gH / j ) . According to the
4 previous theory, the general relation of velocity in drive pipe has presented as equation (12).
∂u g  u2 
= H s − j  (12)
∂t L  2g 
5 By integrating of relation (12) in the time range of [0,Ta] and velocity range of [0,uc], duration of
6 acceleration phase (Ta) is expressed using equation (13).
L u + uc
Ta = ln 0 (13)
ju 0 u0 − uc
7 In pumping phase after occurring water hammer, pressure increases suddenly and flow energy
8 equals to Em or maximum energy production due to water hammer by assuming that flow
9 velocity at moment of closing impulse valve is zero ( u = 0 ). At the moment of water hammer
10 occurrence, water pressure in the ram pump system equals to Cuc/g theoretically (Tacke, 1988).
11 Thus using the energy equation, flow energy in point 2 or maximum energy of the water hammer
12 after closing impulse valve is determined using equation (14).
Cu c
Em = (14)
ρg 2
13 Where Em is the maximum energy of water hammer and C is pressure wave velocity that is
14 determined using equation (15).
ρ ρD (15)
K Ee
15 Where, K is the bulk modulus of fluid, E is the modulus of elasticity and e is the thickness of
16 drive pipe. Experimental observations showed that maximum pressure of water hammer in ram
17 pump system is lower than theoretical value ( Cu c / g ), and it is necessary to determine it for
18 each ram pump especially. For the ram pump used in this study, equation (16) is related to state
19 the maximum energy of water hammer.
−0.3069 0.7274
Em E  L
= 0.2391×  a  ×  (16)
E1  Ei  D
20 Maximum pressure of water hammer in the ram pump system remains in the duration of t' that is
21 a time required for opening delivery valve after closing impulse valve. Lansford and Dugan
22 (1941) proposed equation (17) as an analytical relation to calculate time duration of t'.
C u
t′= ln( c ) (17)
AgY u1
23 Where A is cross-section area of drive pipe, Y is ratio of pressure changes to volume changes of
24 pump body, and u1 is velocity of flow which enters to air chamber due to first pulses of water
25 hammer that determines by using relation of uc- Δu, where Δu is velocity loss of flow due to
26 pressure pulses and is equal to (C/g)hd. According to the figure 2 and laboratory measurements
27 of pressure signals using the transducer, flow energy in pumping phase is constant and is equal
28 to energy stored in the air chamber. By writing energy relationship between points 3 and 4 in
29 Figure 1, the energy stored in the air chamber is equivalent to flow energy in point 4 with
30 ignoring of loss values in delivery pipe. The flow energy in point 4 is equivalent to delivery head
31 (hd). Consequently, the energy stored in air chamber ( E p ) is equivalent to delivery head ( hd ).
32 Numbers of N pressure pulses occur in pumping phase and time duration of each pulse is
33 equivalent to 2L / C . Time needed to change the pressure pulse is considered t'. Therefore,
34 pumping phase occurs in Tp that is following:
2 NL
Tp = (18)
1 The number of pressure pulse depends on kind of ram pump, supply head, and delivery head,
2 and usually gives between 1 to 12 pulses in each cycle. Increasing delivery head leads to
3 decrease pressure pulses. With assuming that the general equation of velocity ( u i ) for pressure
4 pulses of ith is equivalent to uc-Δu-2(i-1) Δu*, and loss of velocity or Δu*is determined using the
5 relation of (g/C)(hd-Hs), the numbers of the pressure pulse is determined using equation (19).
u c + ∆u
N < 1+ (19)
2∆u *
6 At the end of pumping phase, delivery valve closes and flow energy is equal to zero (see figure
7 2). Reversal flow creates in recoil phase and flow velocity and flow energy are –ur and -Er,
8 respectively. At moment of opening impulse valve, the potential term in energy equation is zero
9 and pressure term is assumed to atmospheric pressure, therefore, flow energy at the end of recoil
10 phase is determined using equation (20).
− ur2
Er = (20)
11 In general, there are two cases for analysing recoil phase. First, if the flow velocity in last
12 pressure pulse ( u N ) is less than Δu*, then, the flow velocity follows of the relationship uc-Δu-
13 2(N-1) Δu*. In the second case, if the flow velocity of the last pressure pulse ( u N ) is more than
14 Δu*, then the flow velocity determines using the relation of Δu+2(N-1)Δu*-uc. Recognizing of
15 recoil case requires controlling a clause (Tacke, 1988). In case of uN<2 Δu*, variable of N is
16 determined using equation (21).
uc − ∆u + ∆u *
N> (21)
2∆u *
17 If the result of equation (21) is more than the result of equation (19), the first case of recoil
18 occurs; otherwise the second case is established. In the first case of the recoil, the time duration
19 of recoil phase ( Tr ) stated by equation (22). If the second case of recoil occurs, duration of
20 2 L / C adds to equation (22).
ur L
Tr = − (22)
gH s
22 2.2 Dimensional analysis
24 The output power of pumps can express as ρgqh in Watt. In the hydraulic ram pumps, it is
25 logically that the power of pump divides into two parts: (a) useful power due to pumping
26 discharge, and (b) waste power due to wasting discharge. Power of ram pump depends on
27 various parameters, and it is necessary to evaluate effects of them on it. Thus, according to the
28 work cycle of ram pump and governing theory on it, dependent and independent variables that
29 are related to the power of ram pump can be listed in equation (23).
f ( Pd , Pw , PT , E a , Ei , E p , E m , E r , E1 , L, D) = 0 (23)
30 Where Pd is the useful power of ram pump, Pw and PT are waste power and total power of ram
31 pump, respectively. Variables of E1 and Er ignore due to the effect of E1 on Em and consideration
32 of ideal condition (Young, 1997), respectively. Using π-Buckingham theory, all dimensionless
33 parameters that are affected on the ram pump system can be shown using equation (23).
Pd Pw E a E p E m L D
f( , , , , , , )=0 (23)
PT PT E i Ei Ei E i Ei
34 One of the aims of this article is evaluating of effective parameters on the power of ram pump.
35 Therefore, parameters of relative useful power ( Pd / PT ) and relative waste power ( Pw / PT ) take
36 into consideration as the dependent parameters. On the other hand, by simplifying equation (23),
37 relationships between the dependent and independent parameters can be rewritten in equations
38 (24) and (25).
Pd E E L
= f1 ( a , d , ) (24)
PT Ei E m D
Pw E E L
= f2 ( a , d , ) (25)
PT Ei E m D
1 Effects of dependent and independent parameters on the power of ram pump are accessed
2 experimentally. Therefore, an experimental facility developed in the laboratory of the Jundi-
3 Shapur University of Technology.
5 2.3 Experimental facility
7 The experimental facility that used in study consists four main parts. They are supply control
8 board that used to adjust supply head in various heights, drive pipe with specific dimensions, a
9 ram pump set with 0.051 m of inner diameter in the body that designed in the Jundi-Shapur
10 University of Technology, and delivery control board that used to adjust delivery head in various
11 heights. Figure 5 shows experimental facility and its component in details.

Figure 5 Schematic view of experimental facility used in study

13 To conduct tests input discharge connected to the test facility. Supply head adjusted by opening
14 control valve on its board. Furthermore, the delivery head regulated in specific height with the
15 opening control valve on its board. After installing drive pipe in the specific dimension, test
16 process starts, and automatic opening and closing of impulse valve caused to occur periodic
17 cycles and pumped portion of input discharge to the delivery head and wasted surplus discharge
18 through impulse valve. The time duration of each test was selected 20 minutes and during each
19 test pumping and wasting discharge and pump frequency, the number of cycles per minute, were
20 recorded. Table 1 shows governing scenarios on tests in the present study.
21 Table 1 Condition of accomplishing tests in study
23 2.4 Statistical functions
25 After recording experimental values and evaluating independent parameters on the hydraulic
26 power of ram pump, empirical equations presented to determine relative useful power and
27 relative waste power using nonlinear regression for ram pump used in the study. Then by
28 conducting statistical analysis, the proposed equations are evaluated. Statistical error functions
29 include mean percentage error (MPE), correlation coefficient (R2), root mean square error
30 (RMSE), the standard estimate error (SEE), modeling efficiency (EF) and the gradient
31 coefficient of the regression line between results of calculations and observations (m).
33 3 Results and discussion
35 3.1 Experimental data
37 The experimental results that recorded during tests summarized in table 2. These results are
38 laboratory measures of non-dimensional parameters that presented in equations (24) and (25).
40 Table 2 The range of experimental results used in study
42 To evaluate the effects of independent parameters on ram pump performance, conducting tests
43 in specific conditions were essential. So, series of experiments were carried out in laboratory
44 and tries were made to record performance changing of ram pump in versus ranges of each
45 independent variable. Results such as quantities of pumping discharge (liter/min) and wasting
46 discharge (liter/min), the frequency of impulse valve (beat per minute) and efficiency (%) are
47 present in next sub-section.
49 3.2 Sensitivity analysis
1 Experimental observations showed that all independent parameters in equations (24) and (25)
2 had significant influences on ram pump performance. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to find
3 the effect of each independent parameter on it. To conduct sensitivity analysis, identical
4 laboratory condition provided. The result of changes in length to diameter ratio ( L / D ) under
5 the specific condition such as constant energies of E p (about 4 m), Ei (about 0.017
6 m), E1 (about 1.5 m) and E a (about 0.52 m) on the ram pump performance shows in figure 6.
7 Increasing ratio of L / D decreases frequency of ram pump, wasting discharge and increases
8 pump efficiency and pumping discharge.

Figure 6 Sensitivity analysis of changes in L/D ratio on the ram pump performance
10 There is a logical discussion about effect of L / D ratio on the E p / E m ratio. In most previous
11 studies, researchers pointed out to the relation of hm (= Cu c / g ) to determine maximum delivery
12 head of ram pump (Lansford and Dugan, 1941, Tacke, 1988 and Young, 1995) and this relation
13 has used in commercial ram pumps. According to experimental observations, authors founded
14 that each ram pump can pump water to specify maximum delivery head and with increasing
15 L / D ratio, the maximum delivery head can increase. About ram pump used in this study,
16 maximum energy due to the maximum delivery head was presented using equation (15). As a
17 result under constant E p (that is depended to delivery head directly), increasing L / D ratio
18 caused to decrease energy ratio of E p / E m . Another effective parameter on ram pump
19 performance is E p / E m . On the other hand, for constant energies of Em (about 16 m), E1 (about
20 2.5m) and constant ratio of L / D (about 300), increasing energy stored in air chamber ( E p )
21 decreases the useful power of ram pump. E p depended on delivery head directly, and
22 increasing it caused to decrease pumping discharge, therefore, useful power decreases. Figure 7
23 shows the effect of changes in ratio of E p / E m on ram pump performance. Increasing ratio of
24 E p / E m leads to decrease efficiency and pumping discharge and increase wasting discharge.
25 Changes in E p / E m have not significant influence on pump frequency.
26 The third important parameter of hydraulic ram pump system is the ratio of E a / Ei that
27 represents the ratio of u / u c in this category of pumps. Figure 8 shows sensitivity analysis of
28 changes in E a / Ei on ram pump performance. Increasing E a / Ei in conditions of constant
29 energies of E p (about 4) and Ei (about 0.017), and the constant L / D ratio (about 300), leads to
30 increasing all hydraulic characteristics of ram pump such as q , Q , η and n .

Figure 7 Sensitivity analysis of changes in Ep/Em ratio on the ram pump performance

Figure 8 Sensitivity analysis of changes in Ea/Ei ratio on the ram pump performance
33 Finally, sensitivity analysis of changes in parameters of E p / E m and E a / Ei for different ratio
34 of L / D on ram pump powers is carried out according to scenarios in the present study. So, all
35 experimental data are applied, and results show in figures 9 to 12.
36 The parameter of Pw / PT has a direct relation to the ratio of E p / E m , so that, increasing the
37 E p / E m leads to increase Pw / PT . It causes to decrease the Pd / PT . Also, increasing critical
38 velocity in cases that steady flow in drive pipe is constant due to fixed supply head or
39 stationary head loss values ( j ) causes to decrease the useful power of ram pump. Therefore,
40 carefulness in choosing the impulse valve feature or creation high supply head can be improved
41 ram pump performance.

Figure 9 Evaluation of ratio changes of Figure 10 Evaluation of ratio changes of Ep/Em

Ep/Em on the ratio of Pd/PT for different on the ratio of Pd/PT for different values of
values of L/D L/D

Figure 11 Evaluation of ratio changes of Ea/Ei on Figure 12 Evaluation of ratio changes of Ea/Ei on
the ratio of Pw/PT for different values of L/D the ratio of Pd/PT for different values of L/D
3 3.3 Statistical analysis
5 Nonlinear regression and statistical functions were used to determine empirical equations of
6 useful and waste powers of ram pump used in this study. According to statistical analysis, all
7 independent parameters had a significant influence on the power of ram pump. The mapping
8 between dependent parameters of L / D , E a / Ei and E p / E m in versus dependent parameters of
9 Pd / PT and Pw / PT are shown in the form of equations (26) and (27).
0.0016 ×   0.5024
Pd D E 
= × a
13.1211 

 , R 2 = 0.83 (26)
PT  Ep   Ei 
0.2529 +  
 Em 
−0.1896 0.0943 −0.2256
Pw L  Ep  E 
= 4.1156 ×   ×  
 ×  a 
 , R 2 = 0.92 (27)
PT D  Em   Ei 
10 It is necessary to the point that equation (27) was provided to complete statistical analysis and
11 can not use in practice because it is simple to use the relation of 1 − Pd / PT instead it for
12 estimating relative wasting power ( Pw / PT ). Statistical functions that mentioned in the section of
13 the methodology are used to evaluate equations (26) and (27). The brief results of them based on
14 the prediction parameters Pd/PT and Pw/PT provide in table 3.
16 Table 3 The brief results of error functions based on the proposed equations
18 Statistical analysis of error functions due to the prediction of experimental values by introduced
19 equations showed that the equation (26) predicted the relative useful power values by root mean
20 square error of 0.0291. Also, the evaluation of the gradient of regression line between the
21 calculated results and experimental observations showed that this equation predicted relative
22 useful power 0.74 percent less than the experimental observation. On the other hand, the
23 proposed equation had the root mean square error of 0.0335 to estimate the relative waste power.
24 The evaluation of the gradient of regression line between calculated results and experimental
25 observations showed that the equation (27) predicted the relative waste power 0.26 percent less
26 than the experimental observations. The other error functions in table 3 showed that the
27 proposed equations could be predicted the values of ram pump power in height accuracy.
28 Figures 13 and 14 show the gradient of regression line based on the predicted values by the
29 proposed equations versus experimental observations.

Figure 13 The predicted values of Pw/PT by Figure 14 The predicted values of Pd/PT by equation
equation (27) versus experimental observation (26) versus experimental observation
31 3.4 Practical applications of ram pump used in study
33 Ram pump used in this study as a device which operates with high efficiency can be designed
34 using characteristic curves that presented here. Evaluation of experimental measures of relative
35 useful power ( Pd / PT ) and relative wasting power ( Pw / PT ) in versus independent parameters
36 caused to present three design graphs for predicting hydraulic characteristics of ram pump such
37 as relative pumping discharge ( q / QT ), relative wasting discharge ( Q / QT ) and frequency of
1 impulse valve ( n ). A design parameter defines as a function of useful power ( Pd ) and waste
2 power ( Pw ). Design parameter (ψ) can express to the ratio of useful power to waste power as
3 equation (28).
ψ= (28)
4 Three design graphs of ram pump hydraulic characteristics present as a function of design
5 parameter for the different length to diameter ratio of drive pipe. These graphs provide in figures
6 15, 16 and 17. To use design graphs for predicting ram pump performance, selection of
7 independent parameters is the first step. The set of operation before the use of figures 15 to 17
8 are determining the suitable supply source with enough capacity that has a good head, finding an
9 appropriate location to install ram pump device, choosing an optimal dimension for length to
10 diameter ratio of drive pipe with considering economic condition of project and delivery head,
11 and finally, adjusting impulse valve features such as weight, diameter and length strokes.
12 Second, relative useful power and relative wasting power can be calculated using analytical
13 model and equations (26) and (27). Finally, using equation (28) and design graphs, hydraulic
14 performance of ram pump used in the study will be estimated.

Figure 15 Design graph to determine q/QT as a function of ψ for different L/D


Figure 16 Design graph to determine Q/QT as a function of ψ for different L/D


Figure 17 Design graph to determine frequency of impulse valve as a function of ψ for different L/D
17 4 Calibration
19 In this study, a water supply project reported that equipped with ram pump device and
20 implemented in one of the villages in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province in Iran. In this
21 project, hydraulic ram pump system was designed according to ram pump used in this study. The
22 pumping system of ram pump was applied in five various locations at different times in this
23 village to transfer natural stream water to the gardens and husbandry lands that are higher than
24 this natural stream. Proposed method in the study was used to design each system. Table 4 show
25 the characteristics of ram pump systems and locations of them.
27 Table 4 Specifications of ram pump systems in case study
29 Designing one of these ram pump systems is provided here as a practical application to
30 understanding how to use the proposed design method. For example in the fourth location,
31 supply head was 1.85 m, the delivery head was 15.10 m, distance between the supply source and
32 install location of ram pump was 8.92 m and diameter of drive pipe and pump body was selected
33 0.0255 m. Other features of ram pump system provide in table 5.
35 Table 5 Selection of ram pump features and independent variables to design a pumping system
37 Steps of design a ram pump system in the fourth location show in table 6. The hydraulic
38 performance of ram pump predicted using proposed analytical model and design graphs. To
39 compare ram pump used in the case study, the performance of Wilcox's ram pump considers as a
40 criterion. Therefore, equations (1) to (4) are used to predict its performance. Table 7 shows the
41 results of designing Wilcox's ram pump for location 4.
43 Table 6 Steps of design a pumping system using ram pump used in present study and proposed method
45 Table 7 Steps of design a Wilcox ram pump using Young's method (1996)
47 In the fourth location, the performance of ram pump designed in this study is similar to Wilcox's
1 ram pump; however, Wilcox ram as a commercial pump operates better than ram pump used in
2 the study in other locations. Figure 18 shows a comparison between calculated values with field
3 measured data and operation of Wilcox's ram pump in the variable pumping discharge.

Figure 18 Comparison of calculated values of pumping discharge in versus field measured data of it and
Wilcox's performance in five locations.
6 5 Conclusion
8 In this article energy and power changes of hydraulic ram pumps were evaluated using the
9 combination of analytical model and experimental results. Dimensional analysis and sensitivity
10 analysis showed that length to diameter ratio of drive pipe ( L / D ), energy ratio of pumping
11 energy to maximum energy due to water hammer ( E p / E m ), and energy ratio of steady flow
12 energy to energy of impulse valve features ( E a / Ei ) had significant influence on ram pump
13 performance. Increasing L / D caused to increase pumping discharge and pump efficiency in ram
14 pumps. Also, experimental results showed that increasing pumping energy ( E p ) in constant
15 water hammer energy ( E m ) caused to decrease the useful power of pump and decrease pumping
16 discharge. Increasing energy ratio of E a / Ei that demonstrated the effects of flow velocity in
17 steady state and features of impulse valve caused to increase the useful power and decrease the
18 waste power of ram pumps. After evaluating effects of independent parameters on pump
19 performance, two empirical equations were provided to evaluate relative useful power ( Pd / PT )
20 and relative waste power ( Pw / PT ). Statistical analysis was confirmed the accuracy of these
21 equations. To evaluate ram pump performance that used in this study and its design method, a
22 case study was reported that used ram pump system to transfer water of natural stream for
23 agriculture purposes. This ram pump was similar to ram pump used in study and was designed
24 by authors. Filed measurements and calculated values of these systems showed that there is good
25 agreement between results of design method and its case study. Comparison between
26 performance of ram pump used in study and Wilcox's performance that was predicted using
27 Young's method (1996) showed that ram pump used in study has good executive capabilities for
28 use in field applications, and in compared with commercial pumps such as Wilcox's ram, it has a
29 simpler and cheaper structure.
31 6 Acknowledgment
33 The authors would like to special thanks to the Jundi-Shapur University of Technology for the
34 supports that made the experimental programmer possible in the Hydraulic and River
35 Engineering Laboratories of Jundi-Shapur University and Technology.
37 Nomenclature
A Drive pipe area n Frequency of impulse valve
Av Disc area of impulse valve Pd Useful power of ram pump
c Friction coefficient of impulse valve Pw Waste power of ram pump
C Pressure wave velocity PT Total power of ram pump
D Diameter of drive pipe q Pumping discharge
Dv Disc diameter of impulse valve Q Wasting discharge
e Thickness of drive pipe QT Total input discharge
E Modulus of elasticity S0 Length stroke of impulse valve
E1 primary energy of flow t time
E2 Flow energy in point (2) Ta Acceleration time
Ea Flow energy in steady state tc Time of impulse valve closure
Ei Flow energy of impulse valve features Tr Time duration of recoil
Em Maximum energy of water hammer t’ Time period in pumping stage
Er Flow energy in recoil phase Tp Time duration of pumping phase
Ep Energy stored in air chamber u0 Flow velocity in steady state
f Friction coefficient uc Critical velocity
g Acceleration due to gravity ur Flow velocity in recoil phase
Hs supply head W Weight of impulse valve
hd Delivery head Y Volume changes of pump body
j Sum of energy loss values ΔE Loss of energy
K Bulk modulus of fluid ρ Fluid density
Kd Drag coefficient Δu Loss of velocity
L Length of drive pipe Δu * Loss of velocity
N Number of pressure pulse ψ Design parameter

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8 List of Figures
10 Figure 1 Components of hydraulic ram pump system
11 Figure 2 Details of energy-time diagram for three main phases of ram pump
12 Figure 3 Results of drag coefficient in versus ratio of S0/Dv
13 Figure 4 Results of friction coefficient in versus ratio of S0/Dv
14 Figure 5 Schematic view of experimental facility used in study
15 Figure 6 Sensitivity analysis of changes in L/D ratio on the ram pump performance
16 Figure 7 Sensitivity analysis of changes in Ep/Em ratio on the ram pump performance
17 Figure 8 Sensitivity analysis of changes in Ea/Ei ratio on the ram pump performance
18 Figure 9 Evaluation of ratio changes of Ep/Em on the ratio of Pw/PT for different values of L/D
19 Figure 10 Evaluation of ratio changes of Ep/Em on the ratio of Pd/PT for different values of L/D
20 Figure 11 Evaluation of ratio changes of Ea/Ei on the ratio of Pw/PT for different values of L/D
21 Figure 12 Evaluation of ratio changes of Ea/Ei on the ratio of Pd/PT for different values of L/D
22 Figure 13 The predicted values of Pw/PT by equation (27) versus experimental observation
23 Figure 14 The predicted values of Pd/PT by equation (26) versus experimental observation
24 Figure 15 Design graph to determine q/QT as a function of ψ for different L/D
25 Figure 16 Design graph to determine Q/QT as a function of ψ for different L/D
26 Figure 17 Design graph to determine frequency of impulse valve as a function of ψ for different L/D
27 Figure 18 Comparison of calculated values of pumping discharge in versus field measured data of it and
28 Wilcox's performance in five locations.
R = 0.996




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
R = 0.9966





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

15 200
q (Litre/min) Q (Litre/min)
η (%) n (beat per min)
12 160

9 120

6 80

3 40

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
20 100
16 Q 80
Q (L/min)

η (%)

12 60
n (beat/min)

q (L/min)

8 40
4 20
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
20 125
16 Q 100


η (%)
12 η 75

n (beat/min)
q (L/min)

8 50

4 25

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50


0.6 00

E p / Em
D 200
L/ 0
0.4 500


0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pw / PT

0.8 0
0.6 0

E p / Em


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Pd / PT

= 10


Pw / PT

0.6 500


0 10 20 30 40 50
Ea / Ei


0.36 400

Pd / PT

0.24 200

= 100
L/ D


0 10 20 30 40 50
Ea / Ei
y = 0.9974x


Predict Pw/PT
0.6 -8%


Observed vs Propsed Equation

0.2 Line 1 : 1

90% Confidence Band

Observed vs. Predicted

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Observed Pw/PT
y = 0.9926x


Predicted Pd/PT
0.36 -10%


Observed vs Propsed Equation

0.12 Line 1 : 1

90% Confidence Band

Observed vs. Predicted

0 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.6

Observed Pd/PT

L/ D=




0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.4
q/ QT

L / D = 500

0.6 300

0.4 100


0.6 0.68 0.76 0.84 0.92 1
Q / QT





0.2 0
= 10

0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
number of cycle / 100 beat
Calculated data
Field data
Wilcox ram pump

q (L/min)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. Variable Unit Range of changes
1 Supply head m 1.00 to 2.50
2 Delivery head m 2.00 to 15.00
3 Drive pipe length m 5.10 to 12.75
4 Drive pipe diameter m 0.0255 and 0.051
5 Weight of impulse valve Kg 0.135
6 Length stroke of impulse valve m 0.0127
7 Disc diameter of impulse valve m 0.035
Table1. Condition of perform tests in study

No. Dimensionless Parameter Maximum Minimum Average Standard Deviation

1 Pd / PT 0.4549 0.0517 0.2912 0.1140
2 Pw / PT 0.9482 0.5451 0.7120 0.1149
3 L/D 500 100 300 158.11
4 E P / Em 0.9 0.15 0.4726 0.188
6 E a / Ei 12.079 7.64 9.80 1.66
Table2. The range of experimental results used in study

Parameter Equations No. RMSE MPE SEE EF m

Pd PT (21) 0.0291 0.5707 0.0284 0.9319 0.9926
Pw PT (22) 0.0335 0.3129 0.0313 0.8605 0.9974
Table3. The brief results of error functions based on the proposed equations

Location Supply head Delivery head Drive pipe length Diameter of drive pipe
1 2.5 10.00 7.65 0.0255
2 2.05 13.50 10.20 0.0255
3 2.38 11.25 12.75 0.0255
4 1.85 15.10 8.92 0.0255
5 3.25 8.00 10.20 0.0255
Table4. Specifications of ram pump systems in case study
No. Independent variables Symbol Value Dimension
1 Total input discharge QT 27 Liter/min
2 Length stroke of impulse valve S0 0.013 m
3 Disc diameter of impulse valve Dv 0.035 m
4 Supply head Hs 1.85 m
5 Delivery head hd 15.10 m
6 Length of drive pipe L 8.92 m
7 Diameter of drive pipe D 0.0255 m
8 Dead weight of impulse valve W 0.085 Kg
9 Acceleration due to gravity g 9.81 m/s2
10 Flow density ρ 981 Kg/m3
Table5. Selection of ram pump features and independent variables to design a pumping system

Step number Determine dependent variables Equation number Parameter value Dimension
1 Drag Coefficient (Kd) Eq. (8) 0.357 No dimension
2 Friction coefficient (c) Eq. (9) 3.06 No dimension
3 Flow velocity in steady state (u0) (2gH/c)0.5 4 m/s
4 Critical velocity (uc) Eq. (7) 1.57 m/s
5 Length to diameter ratio (L/D) - 350 No dimension
6 Energy stored in air chamber (Ep) - 15.10 m
7 Flow energy in steady state (Ea) Eq. (11) 0.603 m
Flow energy due to impulse valve
8 Eq. (10) 0.125 m
features (Ei)
9 Primary energy flow (E1) - 1.85 m
10 Ratio of Ea/Ei - 4.78 No dimension
11 Ratio of Em/E1 Eq. (15) 10.31 No dimension
Maximum energy of water
12 - 19.07 m
13 Ratio of Pd/PT Eq. (26) 0.143 No dimension
14 Ratio of Pw/PT 1-Pd/PT 0.856 No dimension
15 Design parameter (ψ) Eq. (28) 0.168 No dimension
Relative pumping discharge
16 Fig. 13 0.036 No dimension
Relative wasting discharge
17 Fig. 14 0.964 No dimension
18 Number of cycle per 100 beats Fig. 15 0.25 No dimension
19 Pumping discharge (q) - 0.972 Liter/min
20 Wasting discharge (Q) - 26.028 Liter/min
21 Number of cycle per minute (n) - 25 Beats/min
Table6. Steps of design a pumping system using ram pump used in present study and proposed

Step Parameter design Equation number Parameter value Dimension

1 D Eq. (3) 0.0255 m
2 L - 8.92 m
3 q Eq. (2) 1.03 Litre/min
4 Q Q=QT-q 25.97 Litre/min
5 n Eq. (1) 1.55 min-1
6 Number of cycle per min - 93 beat/min
Table7. Steps of design a Wilcox ram pump using Young's method (1996)

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