HJ Brag Sheet-2

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Student Brag Sheet

Name : Hesha Jaranilla GPA : 3.8 UW / 4.0 W Class Rank : 27/372

Intended Career Goals

STEM, Software Engineering, Computer Science

AP Courses Taken

AP World History
- Grade : A
- Test Score : 2
AP Computer Science Principles
- Grade : A
- Test Score : 3
Ap English Language Composition
- Grade : A
- Test Score : 4
AP English Literature and Composition
- Planned
AP Calculus
- Planned
AP Human Geography
- Planned

College Courses Taken : Los Angeles Harbor College

Soc 001 - Intro to Sociology,

- Grade : B
Psych 0001 - General Psychology I
- Grade : A
Poli Sci 001 - Government of US
- Grade : A
Econ 002 - Prin of Economics 2
- Grade : A
Soc 021 - Human Sexuality
- Grade : A
Psych 002 - Biological Psych
- Grade : B
Astron 001 - Elementary Astronomy
- Grade : A
Philos 001 - Intro To Philos
- Grade : A
Bus 0001 - Intro to Business
- Grade : A
Counseling 20
- Grade : A
Survey of Art History
- In Progress
Communications 101
- Planned

Activities Participated

1. Name of Activity: Associated Student Body : Leadership

Dates Participated : April 2022 - Present

Brief description : Elected vice president by the student body. Responsible for curating
events on campus and creating a positive and engaging environment for the students.
Poses at the vessel for the student body voices and pushes for change on campus
according to students needs.

Leadership Role : Vice President

- Shares responsibilities with the President for class activities. Represents the
President upon his/her request or in his/her absence. Assumes the presidency
when the president is incapacitated or ineligible. It is the special duty of the
Vice-President to ensure that activity dates have been placed on the school
calendar and that facility clearances have been properly signed and obtained for
such activities.
- In charge of schools instagram account. Posts daily updates about events on
school and engages students to participate with interactive posts and story
highlights. Creates and designs digital posters to post on instagram.

2. Name of Activity : Port of LA Intern

Dates Participated : July 5, 2022 - July 28, 2022

Brief Description :
- Analyzed the blueprints/ drawings and logged data into computer, efficiently
scanned drawings and organized accordingly onto excel, learned about the
significance of each document in archive, learned about the importance of the
engineering process
- Presented a project of overall academic growth within the experience at the Port
of LA

3. Name of Activity: Hyues (small online business)

Dates Participated : June 2019 - Present

Brief description : Small business that sells aromatherapy candles

Leadership Roles : Founder and Curator

- Role consists of taking care of customer service and social media marketing,
sales, managing inventory, finance, advertisement while hand making and
designing all soy products. Continues to fulfill all possible roles. Marketing and
hand making aromatherapy candles

4. Name of Activity: FANHS (Filipino American National History Society)

Dates Participated : May 2020 - Present

Brief description : Organization that shines light on Filipino American Identity, works
with youth to education Filipino American History

Leadership Roles : Marketing Coordinator / Volunteer

- Creates social media posts that helps advertise events, post videos and updates on
important information regarding our organization
- Holds a position that requires speaking to customers about mission. displaying
clothing and arranging clothing, while keeping track of inventory and money

5. Name of Activity: The L.O.V.E Club (Let Our Voices Echo)

Dates Participated : September 2021 - Present

Brief description : Works to advocate, educate, listen, and help students improve their
mental health by directing them to resources on campus. Fundraise for those in need,
weekly meetings on Thursday
Leadership Roles : Co-Founder and President

6. Name of Activity: Filipino Martial Arts Stick Fighting (Garimot Arnis)

Dates Participated : September 2021 - Present

Brief description : Worked to personally educate myself on self-defense while also

taking part in cultural activity, building new relationships and further education on
community and heritage.

Leadership Roles : Trainee

7. Name of Activity: EXP, The Opportunity Engine - Participant

Dates Participated : September 2022 - Present

Brief description : Demonstrated commitment to attending monthly workshops, where

we worked on professional development. Prepared for rigorous application processes for
multiple internships that will include essays, a resume, a cover letter, interviews, and
more. Prepared for interviews during workshops. Obtained an understanding of
professional attire, attitude, and field. Setting students up to apply for summer

8. Name of Activity: UCLA EAOP

Dates Participated : September 2020 - Present

Brief description : Works to prepare students in professional developments. Attends

workshops to further knowledge on college and post high school prep.

9. Name of Activity: Student Engagement Club - Treasurer

Dates Participated : March 2022 - Present

Brief description : Promotes student engagement and attendance. Curates events within
the school to brighten up the community and uplift the energy of the student body. Hosts
fundraisers to create funds for student incentives. This club is still in the works.

10. Name of Activity: ETS - Educational Talent Search

Dates Participated : August 2022

Brief description : ETS is a federally funded program that enabled me to work

alongside my college advisor in academic counseling as a first generation student. I
actively sought out post-secondary exploration through ETS, allowing me not only to
gain access to knowledge about the pursuit to higher education, but also has helped me
guide my peers in college literacy.

11. Name of Activity: Senior Class Committee (President)

Dates Participated : August 2022

Brief description : In charge of curating events that were only for the senior class.
Brainstormed ideas for fundraisers with nearby restaurants and pitched a proposal for
educational enrichment field trips, along with asking for financial support from Council.
Advertised schoolwide trip on all medias. Partook in weekly meetings with admin
regarding student well fare.

12. Name of Activity: School Site Council (Chairwoman)

Dates Participated : August 2022

Brief description : Elected Chairperson. A governing body of faculty, parents and 2

more voting students, in addition to myself. Facilitate and navigate agenda during
meetings. Responsible for Title 1 funding and coordinates the location of funds and
where to invest in. Proposed a request for funding for Senior Class field trips regarding
academic enrichment.

13. Name of Activity: California Scholarship Federation (Vice President)

Dates Participated : September 2021

Brief description : Selected by CSF advisor based on previous background skills and GPA.
Facilitates monthly CSF meetings. Oversees CSF applications and double checks approvals. Collect
fees and advertises organization on campus. Curates list of volunteer opportunities for members.
Partakes in community service and supporting students in search for extracurriculars.

14. Name of Activity: Kode with Klossy

Dates Participated : July 2022

Brief description : A coding camp that creates learning experiences for young women who are
looking into expanding their interest in computer science. This program increased my confidence in
my ability to code. I was able to build my own app from the ground using the coding language Swift
to encourage sustainable shopping which can be developed to be used on app store

15. Name of Activity: America on Tech

Dates Participated : In Progress

Brief description : America on Tech is an out of school program that engages students in the
world of technology through professional developments and weekly technical sessions taught by
experts. Here, I learn the coding language CSS and HTML along with being exposed to career days.
We also have competitive demo days where we showcase our projects with other cohorts.
16. Name of Activity: Peer Counseling (Office Manager)

Dates Participated : August 2022

Brief description : Mentored students about colleges and financial aids. Responsible for assisting
a caseload of 20 or more seniors. Attended a college course to be considered for this role and a
rigouros interview process, was chosen out of 50 students. Organized and updated spreadsheets of info
about student college application.

17. Name of Activity: Ding Tea Carson (Barista)

Dates Participated : In progress

Brief description : Delivering quick and aesthetically pleasing drinks. Memorization of recipes
as well as handling cash during register. Providing excellent customer service and communicating
well with team and managers. During closing and opening, making sure all syrups are refilled and
kitchen is cleaned and organized.

18. Name of Activity: UCLA Blood Drive

Dates Participated :

Brief description : Facilitated planning of the event. Sent out summons and filled paperwork for
students and teachers who participated. Signed 50 plus students on my own. Curated advertisement
posters to display online and schoolwide. Assisted a team of nurses to care for students after
bloodwork. Organized the structure and order of student check in and check out.
Activities within Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS)) Los Angeles Chapter

2022 August Participant, FANHS Los Angeles Chapter

Vender Booth as part of Filipino Festival Event in Long Beach, CA

2021 June Participant, FANHS Los Angeles Chapter Vendor Booth as part of
Manila Sunrise Outdoor Pop-Up Event in Carson, CA

2021 May Participant, FANHS Los Angeles Chapter Vendor Booth as part of
Manila Sunrise Outdoor Pop-Up Event in Carson, CA

2021 May Participant, FANHS Community Dialogue Virtual Conference, Youth

Collaboration with Los Angeles Chapter and Stockton Chapter

2020 November Participant, FANHS Community Dialogue Virtual Conference, Los

Angeles Chapter

2020 October Participant, FANHS Community Dialogue Virtual Conference, Los

Angeles Chapter

2020 October Participant, FANHS NOW, No history, No self. Know History, Know Self
Zoom Community, Virtual Conference

2020 July – present Student Member, FANHS Los Angeles Chapter

2020 July 29-31 Participant, FANHS Community Dialogue Virtual Conference, Los
Angeles Chapter

2020 July 27 Participant, Thank God I’m Filipino Series

2020 July 14 Participant, Meet & Greet Zoom Session

2020 July 3 History of Whitney High School’s Club Kaibigan Zoom with Q&A

2020 July 1 Organizing Committee Member, FANHS NOW (twice per week)

2020 July Filipino American Book Club/Reader/Dialogue

2020 June 26-July Participant, Club Kaibigan on Filipino American History with Q&A

2018 May 19 Volunteer, Long Beach Filipino Festival, Fundraiser

2018 September 22 Educational Leadership Training, Downtown Los Angeles

Skills and Interests

Skills: Microsoft Word/Powerpoint, beginner level Java, Social Media Marketing, Website
Designer, Creative, Fast Learner, Teamplayer

Interests: Computer Science, Creative Director, Film/Photography, Fashion, Nursing

Languages : English, Tagalog & Ilonggo (dialect/variety of Tagalog)

Awards and Honors

Kode With Klossy : Certificate of Completion of Kode with Klossy Mobile App Development

EXP Internship : Certificate of Completion of EXP Internship

Carson High School : Semi-Finalist: Beverly Hills Literary Society Writing Contest, Honor
Roll 2020-2021

FANHS : Certificate of Participation, FANHS Los Angeles Chapter

Prologis : Certificate of Learning, Listening Skills, Certificate of Training, Communications in

the Workplace, Certificate of Training, Resume Writing Skills

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