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Righth Semester B.E. Degree
Electrical Design Estimating andDec.2016/J an.2017
Time: 3 hrs. Costing
Note: l. Answer FIVE full Max. Marks:100
at least questions, selecting
2. Ass ume TWO questions from each part.
suitable data wherever
: a Define estimating and state its
h Describe the
important factors which an estimator should know for preparing
(06 Marks)
wiring estimation. an intermal
C Explain how is the quantity of materials required for internal wiring determined.
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
2 a. Mention any twelve generalrules required to be
b Estimate the quantity of materials required forfollowed
for internal wiring. (06 Marks)
a ncwly constructed residential
building, the plan of which is as shown in FigQ.2(b). Assume the
dimensions are in metres. details of load. AlI
(14 Marks)


D Hal

Fig Q2(b)
3 a. Explain how costing of electrical wiring installation is chosen for commercial buildings.
(04 Marks)
b. The plan of a ground loor ofa three storeyed hostel building in a polytechnic is shown in
Fig.Q.3(b). The number of lights and fans to be inslalled are also indicated. The first and
Second floors are similar in plan. In each room one n. 3A socket outlet has to be provided
cable size and also
Prepare an estimate for the quantity of materials only for deciding the
determine the number of sub-circuits in each floor. CoHHON RooH
(16 Marks)

kke 35 m



What arc the factors to bc checked while inspcction of intemal wiring installations? 10EEX
4 a.

cxcess recording of energy consunption by

(06 Man
C. Afarmerthe
Mention requires connect a 3-phase, 37 kW, 415V, 50Hz motor toencrgy
to for
reasons meter4-wire
a 3--phase, (06 Mar41k
$0Hz overhead line. The distance of the service line from the farmer structure having mot
is 1Sm. (08 Mart
explan ho
5 a. Mention any ten considerations regard ing motor installation wiring. Also
of fuses arc detemined. (08 Mart
rcquired tor an agricultural pump set of 50 kW 1nk
b. Estimate the quantity of materials Fig.Q.5(b).
shed is as shown in
415V motor. The layout ofpump (12 Mad

D~ DooY

Se -Sntteh
TM : Moto 3m




6 a Explain with a block diagram how electrical energy is conveyed in a typical AC (08
power supply system.
A pole for an overhead 1lkV, 3-phase. 50Hz line is required to be earthed and a staymateria
a list of
provided. Make a neat sketch showing how it should bc done. Prepare (12Marks
over head
What are the various types of insulators used in construction of distribution (08 Marks

erected along
b. Alkm long overhead distribution line of 415 volts, 3-phase, 50Hz is to be IStobela
straight route from 100kVA, I|/0.433 kV pole-mounting substation. The lineMake a list
with 6/1 x 3.00mm ACSR conductor on RCC polcs of a mctre length
material requircd for the line the span between adiacent poles is 50 metres
8 What are the advantages and disadvantages ofoutdoor substation over indoor (08Marks

b Estimate the quantity of material for erection of a 25OKVA Ppole-mounted


Eighth Semester B.E. Deoree Examination, JunelJuy

Time: 3 hrs.
Electrical Design, Estimnation and Costing
Max. Marks:I00
Note: Answer tFEfull questions,
at least THO auestions from euch part.
1 a. Definc estimating and state its PART-A which an estimator
should know for preparing an purposc State ihe mportant factors (08 Marks)
b. Explan; () Contingencies (i0 interal wiring cstimate (06 Marks)
Mention the different modes of Overhead charges and (a) P'rot
tendering and explain
(06 Marks)

2 a.pun the scquernce to be followed for

preparing ihe estimate of residential wiring(06 Marks)
b The
sketch shows the nlan 0f an oicer's quarter. Its to be wired up
installation. The
of 2kW in the bath. The heating load is two outlets of 1kW cach in the kitchen and one dscutlct
existing supply pole is 20 ntrs away from the house. Use conduit
wiring system for the caleulations.
i) Mention the type
ii) Show the wiring planservice
in the
nains proposed
ii) Caleulate the total load sketch supplied
iv) Caleulate the length of the consunption
V) Calculate the length of wire
conduit required (14 Marks)

25x2 eEDRDo M


ALL dinmerio in met 315X3

Fig Q2(b)
3 a. Wlhat is bus bar? Draw the dtagram show ing the arrangement of bus bar and switch fuse unit
in a bus bar chamber. (04 Marks)
b. An office hal) 30m x I5m 3m is to be illuminated bu 40 nos twin 40 was tube light
fiting Nunmber of lamp fitted along the width and length are4 and 10 respectively Single
phase 2 ON 50HZ ac supply is available at the centre of ont ot the 30m long wall
Assuming PVC conduit type of wirng caleulate (i Total connected loud ()Number of sub.
CIrcuits (ii) Sive of cable. iv Ratings of ss iteh bonrd and Dstbuion bourd(v) Alho show
{l6 Marks)
the wiring dagram oflsub-cienit
Fig. Q3(b)
4 a. Nane ihe arious tcsts roqiired to be periormed bcfore Connecting new Insta a
xplan how s the polarity tested.
b. supply.
What arcthe nethods of installat ion ef service ines? Mention the varIOUS Methods
the instaiation of overhcad lincs. (6 M.
A Smgle storeved house is to be provIded with service connection from nearby nob
20 meters away rom building recciving point The supply is given at io. 2398, &
Prenarc lisi of material with speeiticatio. Assume total load connected in the is
(9" M

$ a. Expian the deter1n1rat ion of input power, size of conduit. distributkon board. nan sa
and starter.
b Twoac, 3phase. 415V, S0Hz souirrel cage motors are to be installed in a workp
rated ourputs of the notorsand their locations are as shown in the Fig. Q5(b1 Js
supplicd with cach motor are to be installcd on the wall. The supply company 's me
be located at the position markes. Tie wiriny of the machine is to be carried nut x
to [:ries Make a neat sketchefthe wirng scheme with ihe help of usingle int
ndicatig on the wiring diagran the tumber and size of cables used. Prepare
material cuired for the wiring inclucung the necessary ecarthirgs.
Assunirg ctlicicncy 85% and pÉ 0,8.


6 a.
Detine freder, distributor and Fig. Q3ib)
service mnans.
, I i ethe quantity's ot materal requted aN cOst of lkm of anav
Usiig steel poke of llmeter height and
ACSR conductor of 6| x
2.59 IMmwtha 3e pon
san of 20).

7 a. Eaplan the proceduue tor the Ustualwn

b ot H nes for the dsta
o 3P sheds of SHp

8 d. WIhal is s pose ot povng the suhstatw

substatk catthings systems grd
Igmentation of 33k V

Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination,

June/July 2015
Electrical Design, Estimating & Costing
Time: 3hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: Answer FIVE full
questions, selecting
at least TWO questions
fromeach part.
1 a. What is estimating and what are the PART=A
importance of the estimating and costing?. (04 Marks)
Explain the followings: i) Electrical schedules ii) Catalogues ii) Purchase yystem.
iv) Market survey. (08 Marks)
C. List out guidelines for inviting tenders. (08 Marks)

2 a.
List the general rules guide lines for residential installation. (06 Marks)
b. Estimating the quantity of materials required for wiring anÇwly constructed building where
plan is as shown in Fig. Q2 (b). Assume the details of theload. All dimensions are in meters.
(14 Marks)



Fig. Q2 (b)
3 a. Explain the determination of load calculation selection of size of service connection and
nature of supply. (06 Maks)
b. Fig. Q3 (b) shows th¹ pBan of ground floor of school building. School building consists at
ground floor, 1 floorand 2^d floor having same plan that ofground floor.
Draw single line diagram for ground floor and calculate material required for three loors.
(14 Marks)

dass class STA

Aoo 3


Fig.Q3 (b)
4 a Write a short note on service lines. (06 Marks)
consumption by energy meter. (06 Marks)
Write the reasons for excess recording ofenergy ahouse located 10 meters away
yFind the material required for ]- overhead service lineS of
from pole, with following loads:
Lighting = 300watts, Heating = 2500 watts. (08 Marks)
Assume Safety factor =2.

|of 2
Explain detemination ofinput power, input current to motors and rating of
A10 H.P.(metric), 415 V, 36, 50 Hz squirel cage induction motor is to cablbe es.(06 Matksi
which is shown in Fig. Q5 (b). Show the
flour mill, the plan of instal ed in a
wiring diagram of the
and estimate the quantity of materials required and its cost.
0-5M 95M SM (14 Marks


Fig.Q5 (b)
6 a. What are the main requirements of the line supports? Desoribe factors goveming(08height of
.Estimate quantity of materials required for adding 132KV bay at 132 KV grid substations
(12 Marks)

(08 Marks)
7 a. List the points to be considered at the time ofere ction ofoverhead lines.
b. Apole for an overhead 11KV-3 phase, 50 Hz line is required to be carthed (pipe) and ast
is to be provided. Make a neat sketçi showing how it should be done. Prepare a Iis
(12 Marks)
materials required.
a Write short notes on indoor_ubstation? List advan tages and disadvantages ot(08ouMarks)
substation over indoor substátion. with maun
Estimae the quantity ofmalerial required for installation of 132/33 KV substation (12Mards
and transfer bus scheme h§ving 2x40 MVAtransformers.

Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination,
Design, Estimation and
June/July 2018
Tine:3 hrs.
Note: Ánswer any Max. Marks: 100
FIVEfull questions, selecting
at least TWO
questions from each part.
Exolain Indian Electricity»rule 29, 30, 50, 55, 77 and 79
b Explain the follovwing: (06 Marks)
à Electrical schedule ii) Contingencies
ii)Overhead charges iv)
c. List out guidelines for inviting tender. Catalogues. (08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
. Explain the sequence to be followed for
preparing the estimate of residential wiring.
Estimate the quantity of materials required for (06 Marks)
the plan is shown in a Fig wiring a newly constructed building where
Q2(b).Assume the details of load. All dimensions are in meters.


RooM-1 4

Fig Q2(b) (14 Marks)

Whát is bus bar?
in a bus bar Drawthe díagram showing the arrangement of bus bar and switch fuse unit
An chamber. (05 Marks)
and office
hall 25mx|5mx3m is to be illuminated by 40 nos twin 40
nos of fan of 60 watts along
watts tube light fitting
Assume PVC with 10 points of single phase 230V, a0Hz supplv
1) Total conduit wiring calculate:
) Numberconnected
of sub
ii) Size of cable circuit
iv) Rating of switch board and DB. Distribution board
V) Also show
the wiring of I sub circuit. (15 Marks)

4 Write a short notes on service lines.
b. Write the reasons for excess recording of energy consumption by energy meter (06 MMarks
c. Find the materials for single phase overhead service lines of house located 10 (06 Marks
from pole with following meter away
Load lighting = 300W
Heating = 2500W
Assume safety factor =2
(08 Marks
5 a. List important consideration regarding power installation. (05 Marks)
b. Explain the determination of input power, sizeof conductor, distribution board, main swtch
and starter. (05 Marksi
C. A 10 HP 415, 30. 50Hz induction motor is to be installed in a workshop the plan of which is
shown in Fig Q5(c) show the single line diagram and estimate the quantity of materials
AN required.

1 / 0 5 / 2

(10 Marks)
Fig Q5(c)
height of
6 a. What are the main requirement of the line support?Describe factors governing(08Marks)
pole? (12 Marks)
b. Estinmate the cost of adding 132kV bay at 132 kVgrid substations.
a. List the points to be considered at the time oferection of overhead lines?
b. A pole for an overhead I1kV 3¢, 50Hz lhe is required to be earthed and a stag
provided. Makea neat sketch how ishould be done. Prepare a list of materials requueu

Describe briefly the equipments that must be available in a substation. grid substationof
b. Estimate the quantity of material requied for the augmentation of 33kV (12Marks)
500KVA to 1000 KVA 33/1| KV grid substation.

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