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Aims of the lesson:

 Sing a song about good neighbours;

 Listen to people talking about their neighbourhoods and neighbours;
 Practice vocabulary and complete the tasks.
Learning objective:
 Understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general
and curricular topics
Task 1. Warmer.
The lesson starts with listening to the song as a warmer. The song is about good neighbours.
Students listen to it twice. Encourage them to sing it together. This song is also a great tool to
practice Present Simple Tense.

Our neighbors
Our neighbors are very kind.
They are Mr. and Mrs. Guss.
Mr. Guss says, "My dear friends,
Come and have lunch with us".
Let's buy a present for Mr. Guss.
What can we buy?
He likes pastries. He likes nuts.
Or let's buy a tie.
Let's buy a present for Mrs. Guss.
What can we take?
She likes chocolate. She likes fruit.
Or let's take a cake.
Our neighbors are very kind.
They are Mr. and Mrs. Guss.
Mr. Guss says, "My dear friends,
Come and have lunch with us.“
After listening students are offered to answer these questions.
What does Mrs. Guss like?
What does Mr. Guss like?
What present do the neighbours want to buy for Mrs. Guss?
What present do the neighbours want to buy for Mrs. Guss?
Do you have lunch with your neighbours?
Do you buy presents to your neighbours?
Task 2. Listening task.
Students listen to four people talking about their neighbours and neighbourhoods. They share
their experience about their relationships with the neighbours. They also express their gratitude
to the neighbours who were very helpful in hard times.
The task is used here in both visual and audio format. Differentiation by special learning
preferences can be implemented at this stage. The tasks originally were taken from texts
worksheets and converted into audio format.
Test_Good_Neighbours_804928/ (reading worksheet) (convert text into audio)

Back in 2005, when hurricane Katrina devastated most of New Orleans, our neighbourhood got
together and helped some families who were in need of specific pieces of furniture. We were
able to get them some used kitchen tables, chairs, beds, towels and dishes. There was one lady
who had nothing but her clothes with her, but luckily, she wore my mother’s size and the next
day she had a small suitcase full of clothes and a pair of shoes to start off with.
Marsha, from St. Louis, Illinois
We have a volunteer project in our neighbourhood. It all started when two years ago, Mrs
Carrera, an elderly lady that lives across from my house, needed a ride to go to the doctor.
Now,”Neighbours on wheels” gives a hand to our elderly neighbours, by taking them to regular
doctor’s appointments.
Burt and Trisha, from Austin, Texas
My neighbor is the best! I am amazed by her generosity. She has a back garden and she regularly
distributes fresh vegetables to her next door neighbours. She is there whenever you need her.
When my daughter was smaller, she gave her free weekly piano lessons because she knew they
were too expensive for us to pay. She looked after my children when school was over and was
like a second grandma to them.
Mrs. Gordon, from Provincetown, Massachusetts
I remember when me and my brothers were young and lived in a small neighbourhood with no
more than a dozen of houses, all with their little front and back gardens. I have the fondest
memories of my neighbours because we were like a family. Mrs. Donahue loved making
chocolate chip cookies and on Saturdays afternoons she had the habit of knocking on the door of
all neighbours that had children to distribute her cookies. However, to show appreciation, the
kids took out her trash in the evening. And on Neighbours’s Day, neighbours took turns and
organized the Annual Neighbours Barbecue. Everybody brought a dessert and one or two drinks
and the price for the chicken and sausages was divided among each adult. That was the day when
we also had our garage sales, from 4 to 7 p.m. People from other neighbourhoods came to see
the good deals because a week before the older children had already distributed small leaflets
announcing the event.
Jodi, Newport, Rhode Island

Task 3. Students read the statements and decide if they are FALSE or TRUE.
1. There was a big natural disaster a decade ago in the USA. ______
2. Marsha lived the same neighbourhood as the victims of the hurricane. _______
3. “Neighbours on wheels” walk elderly people to doctor’s appointments. _________
4. When Mrs. Gordon’s kids were students, they probably had their afternoon snacks at a
neigbour’s house. ________
5. The main characteristic of Jodi’s neighbourhood was the tall buildings. ________
6. Mrs. Donahues sometimes distributed cookies during the week. _________
1. true
2. impossible to know
3. false
4. true
5. false
6. impossible to know/ false
Task 4. Students complete these sentences with the words from the recordings. They should
stop the lesson and complete the task.
1. Some of the families affected by the hurricane lost their furniture and clothes.
2. It is evident that Mrs. Carrera can not drive anymore.
3. Mrs. Gordon’s neighbor is a very generous person.
4. In Jodi’s neighbourhood all the houses have front and back gardens.

Task 5. Students answer the following questions with full answers.

1. She gave her clothes and a pair of shoes.
2. It started 2 years ago
3. Why did Mrs. Gordon’s neighbour teach her daughter to play the piano? Because she
knew that piano lessons were expensive for Mrs. Gordon
4. No, she didn’t. they were free.
5. They took out her trash in the evenings.
6. No, it wasn’t.
Task 6. Students choose an adjective from the box that best describes each neighbour.
1. Noisy
2. Generous
3. Nosey
4. Polite
5. Bad-tempered
6. Helpful
Task 7. Students should complete the sentences with a verb from the box that best fits each
definition of a neighbor.

1. Helps you when you need it.

2. Invites you for a barbecue in his or her garden.
3. Waters your plants when you are not at home.
4. Picks the children up at school when parents are busy.
5. Is friendly to you.
6. Takes care of your pet when you are on the holiday.
7. Lives next door.
8. Looks after your house when you are not there.
Task 8. Students answer the following questions about their neighbours.
Are your neighbours kind people?
How do you think what makes a person a good neighbor?
Do you think it is important to live with good neighbours?
Do you have good neighbours in your neighbourhood?
What do you do together with you neighbours?
Final task. Students read what people from different cultures
think about neighbours. Choose the quotation you liked the best and learn it by heart.

Hometask. Students can create their own quotations about neighbours. From their perspective.

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